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The Journey: The Ultimate Power Book 1

Page 13

by Shadahyah Elizabeth

  Suddenly the girls let out a loud scream. It was so loud and so sharp that the winds began to howl and the trees were uprooted. Everyone stopped fighting and looked at them. Never in their lives had they ever witnessed something so terrifying. It was as if God himself was angry and had unleashed his wrath through these three girls.

  The moment the screams stopped, all of the soldiers in that vicinity fell over dead. There was so much blood oozing out of their nose, eyes, mouth and ears that the ground looked as if it had been painted red. The girls stood still staring at the scene. Their eyes had gone completely black as they looked from soldier to solider. The ones near them were too afraid to say or do anything, each one waiting to see what the girls would do next.

  Seconds later, the dead bodies began to boil and finally catch on fire, leaving no trace of their existence anywhere. The girls then looked at their companions, smiled, then fainted. With their collapse the sky cleared, the lightening cleared, and the red-stained ground had been washed clean. For a second, no one spoke. Instead, they all made their way towards the girls and knelt beside them.

  “What the hell was that?” Ethan finally asked. Out of everyone, Cara and Caroline could tell that he was shocked the most, because he truly did not know.

  “You remember the prophecy you guys were talking about earlier?” Rico asked, staring at Elizabeth, who looked like an angel sleeping.

  “Don’t tell me.” Ethan looked from girl to girl. “They are the three? But they’re not related,” Ethan said in disbelief.

  “Of course they are,” Cara said, smiling at her daughter and rubbing her fingers over Renee’s face, like she used to do when she was a child. “We were only taking care of them until the time came to return them,” she added.

  “Naturally, we hoped it would never come, but as you can see, they are so much more powerful than we would have ever imagined,” Caroline said, finishing Cara’s sentence.

  “But that power?” Ethan said, looking from the girls to his mother, “I thought they were supposed to lead you to the ultimate power.”

  Rico shook his head. “That’s where everyone has it wrong. They don’t lead you anywhere.” Rico paused, then looked Ethan right in the eye. He could tell that he wasn’t ready to hear it, but after everything that they had just witnessed, he knew there was no choice. “They are the ultimate power,” Rico explained.

  Ethan fell backwards and looked at them. His mind was racing with so many questions, yet deep down, he knew. There was always something different about them, something that he could never explain. He had actually witnessed them heal a bird whose wing was broken when they were little girls. But he thought nothing of it at the time—just wrote it off as some kind of trick, like the wing was never broken. However, after seeing them in action and on a whole other scale than before, he knew it was true, but he wasn’t afraid. This just made him want to protect them even more from greedy people who would try to steal their powers or use them for their own selfish reasons.

  “Are you okay Ethan?” his mother asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

  “I’m fine. Are they okay?” Ethan asked, calmer than before.

  “They’ll be fine. They won’t remember anything,” Cara explained.

  “They won’t?” Rico and Ethan asked, shocked.

  “But they were fully conscious,” Ethan said, as he and Rico exchanged glances.

  “Maybe, but Elizabeth doesn’t remember setting Jenny’s finger on fire and that was on a smaller scale. There is no way they’ll remember this, and you cannot tell them,” Caroline warned.

  “Wait. Lizzy did that?” Ethan said, impressed.

  “Yes, she’s a fire starter, just like her mother,” Rico replied, though Ethan could tell from the way he said it, that Rico wasn’t sure until just then if it ran in the genes.

  “Her mother?” Ethan asked.

  “We’ll explain later. Right now we have to get them back to the camp, I’m sure everyone is freaking out right now, if not on their way here,” Cara said.

  “Okay. So why can’t we tell them?” Ethan asked.

  “It’s not our place.” Caroline explained. “Besides, we are not strong enough to help them control their powers, so telling them would be a waste of time.”

  “What if we’re attacked again?” Ethan asked. More than anything he was worried about the girls’ safety. If they were discovered by someone who wanted to use them and had a way of doing it that left them completely vulnerable, how could they protect themselves if they didn’t know or understand their powers?

  “Then we will just have to handle it. Our job is to protect them, from danger both internal and external,” Rico ordered. His voice was full of authority and it was clear that he was serious.

  Everyone looked at him. “Internal,” they replied.

  “There is a spy among us.” Rico informed them.

  “You mean besides Jenny?” Cara asked spitefully. Unlike the rest of them, she had always hated Jenny. She didn’t know why at the time, but there was just something about Jenny that had always rubbed her the wrong way—now Ethan knew why.

  Rico shook his head. “She’s not a spy. Money hungry and someone to be very wary of, yes, but not a spy. The real spy is someone else, “Rico explained.

  “Who?” They asked.

  “Not sure. Just be careful and remember—say nothing to no one about what just happened,” Rico warned. He then turned his attention back towards Elizabeth who was still sleeping like a baby next to her friends and he smiled. “For now, let’s get them back to the campsite, I’m sure everyone is worried.” Everyone agreed. Placing his hands under Elizabeth, he swooped her into his arms and draped her arms around his neck.

  “I can carry her,” Ethan insisted. He was trying so hard not to sound like a jealous ex-boyfriend, but he couldn’t help it. For years he had had a little crush on her and though at first he had tried to play it off as nothing more than innocent, the older they got and the closer they became, he realized that it was more than just an infatuation.

  Rico politely shook his head. “It’s fine. I promised her father I’d take care of her,” he explained, but Ethan knew better. It was more than just a promise made between men. Rico genuinely liked her too and Ethan could tell by the way he held her and that stupid smile on his face, which made Ethan want to punch him.

  “Are you sure?” Ethan asked, trying to sound polite.

  “I’m sure. Thanks anyway,” Rico said, through a genuine smile, a smile that only irritated Ethan the longer Rico held it. “She’s not really that heavy.”

  “Well if you insist on helping. Take your sister,” Caroline said, handing Jasmine to Ethan, who then sighed and accepted her.

  When they returned to the camp, they saw the men standing by the horses and carriages, with their swords drawn as if they were ready to fight and leave at any moment. The fire had been put out, the food and bags had already been packed and the children had been placed inside the carriage.

  “What happened?” Everyone asked when they saw the girls lying unconscious in Cara, Ethan and Rico’s arms.

  “It’s fine, they were knocked out by the soldiers.” Ethan explained. It was the only explanation that they could think of on their way back to the camp.

  “Yeah, luckily we made it there in time,” Rico added.

  “Yes, I heard.” Mark walked up to Rico and held out his hand, which Rico gratefully accepted. “Thank you so much. TaKayla told us everything. If it wasn’t for you, I would have lost her.” His handshake was firm and Rico could feel the sincerity in it.

  “You’re welcome,” Rico replied.

  Mark released his grip then walked over towards his wife who was struggling with Renee and he took her himself.

  “Thanks baby. She’s heavy,” Cara complained.

  “We should go. I’m sure there are more soldiers where those came from,” Rico ordered as he made his way towards his horse.

  “How many were there?” one of the men in robes aske

  “25, 30, I don’t know. I lost count. But we have to go now, before their backup gets here,” Rico ordered as he placed Elizabeth on the horse. She, like her friends, was still unconscious.

  “Shouldn’t you place her in the carriage with the rest of the women and children?” Ethan asked, appalled at the way Rico was treating Elizabeth.

  Rico shook his head. “We should leave the carriages. The horses are faster,” he explained.

  “You heard the man. Everyone on a horse,” Will ordered.

  Without a second thought, Justin and Mark untied the horses, then placed their bags on the side of the horse’s saddle. Everyone else got out the carriage and was either put on a horse or mounted one themselves.

  “Let’s go,” Rico ordered once everyone was on their horses. And with that, they took off, riding as fast as they could, going deeper into the forest.


  “NOOOOO!!” Lenilla screamed as she shot up out in her bed, her heart racing a mile a minute. Her clothes and the entire bed were drenched in her sweat. It was the same nightmare that she had been having since James left, all those years ago—his body was lying on the ground and his head was in the hands on some unknown girl, who then looked at Lenilla with a huge smile on her face, while Hugo stood there proud as if he had accomplished something great.

  The moment she screamed, a short chubby lady with long gray hair ran into her room with a panicked look on her face. “My Lady, are you alright?” she asked as she approached Lenilla’s bed. On the day that Lenilla and Amira moved into the castle, Amira had appointed four servants to attend to her. In the beginning the castle servants were angry about having to work for the queen’s servant, or whatever she was to Amira. However, after meeting her and spending time with her, all of the servants had grown to love her. They even began to fight over who took care of her.

  Lenilla said nothing, only staring blankly at the wall in front of her, trying to figure out why, after all that time, the dream would have come back. Still dazed, she felt something in her hand. It was cold and wet. She looked down and saw a glass of cold water in her hand; her servant had placed it in her hands in the hope of it helping with the shakes. Lenilla smiled at the woman, then lifted the glass and downed it. The cool feel of the water was just what she needed to calm her nerves.

  “Better?” the servant asked with a soft smile.

  Lenilla smiled back and nodded. “Thank you Ariell. This really helped,” she assured her.

  Ariell’s smile brightened. “Glad I could help, My Lady,” she said cheerfully.

  “What time is it?” Lenilla asked, noticing the sun peeking out from behind the clouds. It was still dim so the light wasn’t shining as brightly into her bedroom window.

  “Daybreak. You should get some more rest. I’ll have one of the other servants attend to the Queen,” Ariell said, so sweetly.

  Lenilla shook her head. “If I don’t get up, she will come in here. She’s done it before,” she reminded her.

  Ariell nodded in agreement.

  “Is my bath ready?” she asked politely.

  “Yes, My Lady, and your clothes are laid out for you.”

  “Thank you Ariell, that will be all.”

  Ariell stood up and bowed. “As you wish,” she replied. Then taking one last look at her friend, she exited the room, leaving Lenilla alone with her knees to her chest, rocking back and forward.

  “I need to see James,” she said to no one. Then after a few more minutes of sulking, Lenilla finally got up and proceeded to get ready for the day. She had made up her mind that regardless of Ramos’ decision, she would go see James, to convince him to give the King what he wanted, if not for himself, but for his son, who really needed him—despite what he claimed.

  After getting dressed, Lenilla made her way down the long hallway. The servants were going about their normal day and the two young princes had just come out of their rooms.

  “Good morning, gorgeous.” Joshua said, with a huge grin on his face. She could tell he was still hung up on what had happened the night before.

  “Good morning, Your Highness,” she said with a curtsey.

  “Where are you headed? The queen’s quarters are the other way, and she’s never up this early,” Caleb asked, skeptical.

  “I know, I just—” Lenilla began.

  “I know, you wanted my face to be the first thing you saw this morning,” Joshua said, interrupting her and stroking his chin. “I understand; I get that a lot.”

  Caleb shook his head and rolled his eyes, while Lenilla just laughed. The two things she loved about the Crown Prince were, his sense of humor and his conceitedness, which always helped her feel better after a bad night. “As nice as that sounds, Your Highness, you are not the reason I came this way,” she assured him.

  Joshua placed his hand over his chest and fell backwards into the wall behind him, like he had been shot by an arrow. He then put his chin to his chest and pretended to sulk.

  Lenilla and Caleb just laughed. This was typical of Joshua; whenever she’d turn him down, he’d do this. “One of these days, you’re going to do that and nothing will be behind you,” Caleb warned.

  “Nope, I’m too graceful for that; my instincts won’t let me,” Joshua assured him, with his conceited smile.

  “As much as I enjoy listening to you talk about yourself Joshua, I have to be going,” Lenilla said, trying to get away from them. Not because they were aggravating her—if anything she loved the entertainment their conversations brought—but because she had to see the King.

  “Why are you in such a hurry today, my lady?” Caleb asked.

  “I told you yesterday. I need to—”

  Caleb raised one hand up as if to stop her from speaking. “I get it. You can go.”

  Lenilla curtseyed then continued on her way towards the throne room.

  “Where is she going?” she heard Joshua ask Caleb.

  “To see my dad,” Caleb replied, his voice was bitter and she could tell he was hurt. Lenilla then lowered her head a bit, as if to silently apologize to Caleb for her actions, then picked up her speed.

  The moment she entered the throne room, all eyes fell on her. This wasn’t unusual and over the years she had grown accustomed to it. Ever since she was a little girl, she had had to deal with people staring at her and her sisters. Some even went so far as trying to kidnap them, which was why when Lenilla came to the kingdom with Amira, she was forced to wear a veil. However, that only made the men even more interested.

  “Lady Lenilla, what brings you here this early?” Ramos asked. His voice was more aggravated than anything. He was sitting on his throne with a few soldiers bowing before him. One of the soldiers was holding a small gray box, while three girls stood behind him.

  The girls looked a lot alike, almost like they could be sisters or cousins. They had soft pale skin with long luscious hair: one blonde, one brown, and one red head. Their sizes ranged from skinny to chubby and their beautiful blue eyes were dark, as if they had lost their will.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you Your Majesty. I’ll come back later.” Lenilla bowed then proceeded to leave. She had an idea of what was going on in the room, and wanted no part of it

  “Wait,” Ramos ordered.

  Lenilla stopped in her tracks. As she turned around, a look of nervousness and aggravation brushed across her face; however, no one saw it.

  “Amira has already told me what you wanted, and you have my permission to see him,” Ramos informed her. His voice was almost polite; it was as if he were happy that she was going to visit his brother. However, she didn’t care. She had finally gotten the opportunity that she had been waiting for, and there was no way she was going to waste it.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” she said, not even trying to hide the excitement she felt.

  “But first, come here,” he ordered.

  Lenilla stopped smiling. The last time he told her to come to him, he had held a sword to her throat, and she had no interes
t in becoming a hostage again; however, before she could protest, he spoke.

  “It’s okay, I won’t point a sword at your throat,” he assured her.

  Lenilla took a deep breath, then slowly made her way towards the King. When she reached him, he made her turn around and face the soldiers and the blank-faced girls.

  “Continue, Zach,” he ordered.

  “We have found what you have been looking for.” Zach replied. He was tall, with skin as dark as the night sky and eyes as yellow as a feline. He was average height and built and just as arrogant as Hugo. His goal in life was to become the King’s second, in place of Hugo, and considering how bad Hugo had screwed up, this was the perfect time to take his place.

  Ramos looked from Zach to Lenilla. “If this is true, soldier, you shall indeed get the award you desire, and I must say, many men have already asked for her as their prize,” Ramos said. His smile was devious and meant for Lenilla only. She knew exactly what he had asked for, as it was what every man she had met asked for, and she had grown tired of the same ole request. She wasn’t a prize and she was tired of them treating her like she was.

  “Sire,” she began. Her voice was cold, as if she were his mother and he had disobeyed her. The coldness was not on purpose—the last thing she wanted was for the King to see how disgusted she was by his actions—but it showed. Her eyes were too narrow and her fist was balled up like she wanted to hit him, but was restraining herself. This was the reason you brought me here? To sell me to this asshole? I’d rather set this entire castle on fire than marry any one of these bastards, she wanted to say. However, all she could get out was “Sire.”

  Ramos lifted his hand, as if he already knew what she was about to say. “Now, now my lady, if these are indeed the girls as this soldier claims, I’d have to honor my agreement. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be a man of my word.” His voice was condescending. It was almost like he knew something that she didn’t. “That being said, solider, what is that box you’re holding?”


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