The Journey: The Ultimate Power Book 1

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The Journey: The Ultimate Power Book 1 Page 14

by Shadahyah Elizabeth

  Zach lifted his head up and smiled. The excitement was so clear on his face, he looked like he had just been knighted. “This,” Zach said proudly, “this is the ultimate power.”

  Lenilla and Ramos looked at each other, then back at Zach. After a second of silence, both the King and Lenilla started to laugh.

  Puzzled, Zach looked at them. “Sire?”

  “That is not the ultimate power,” Ramos declared. He placed his elbow on his chair, then his head on his hand.

  “But Sire, these three are from the prophecy, they led us to this.” Zach tried to explain, but his words were falling on deaf ears as Lenilla and Ramos continued to laugh.

  “Are they really from the prophecy, or did you hire them?” Zach heard a voice call out accusingly.

  Lenilla knew that voice from anywhere. That arrogant tone, that holier-than-thou attitude, there was no doubt in her mind who it was: Hugo and all his obnoxiousness. Just the thought of him made her skin crawl.

  “Why are you here? I thought I told you to train the new recruits,” Ramos asked. His full-blown irritation could be seen all over his face.

  “I was, Your Highness, but then I received word from my spy who informed me that they were with the real girls of the prophecy.

  Zach laughed. “Impossible,” he then pulled his arms back towards the girls. “These are the girls from the prophecy, and this,” he paused, then held up the box and showed it to them, then continued “is the ultimate power.” With that he opened the box and a blinding light came out. At first the King and the rest of the people were astonished. But after only a minute the light went out, and an irritating voice came out of the box.

  “Looks like you got the wrong one,” the voice said. It was laughing, an annoying laugh that made the King extremely angry.

  Ramos hit his throne hard, causing everyone to jump. “Is this a joke to you, soldier?” His voice had raised an octave and he was only seconds away from hopping out of his chair.

  “No, Sire.” Zach said, horrified. He lowered his head towards the floor, begging the King for forgiveness. “I was tricked, Sire. I’m sorry, please give me another chance. I’m sure these girls were just confused,” he assured him.

  Hugo laughed then joined the King and Lenilla by the thrones. “I already told you, those girls are fake. Of course they couldn’t lead you to the ultimate power,” he said, kicking him while he was down.

  “Enough,” Ramos ordered. “Guards.” A group of about ten soldiers came into the room and stood behind Zach and his men. “Feed him to the hyenas,” Ramos ordered, pointing at Zach.

  Zach looked at the King pale and desperate, trying to save himself. “NO, please give me another chance. Please,” he begged as the soldiers dragged him away.

  “What about the girls, Sire?” Lenilla asked, hoping that the King might show some kind of mercy towards the unconscious girls. But she knew he wouldn’t; that wasn’t in his character.

  “Throw them in the dungeon,” he ordered. The guards that remained bowed, then left with the girls in tow.

  “Well,” Lenilla said, “I shall take my leave.”

  “Please do,” Ramos said, and Lenilla bowed, then started towards the door. “Oh, Lenilla.”

  Lenilla stopped then faced the King.

  “Tell my brother I said hello,” Ramos said, with a stupid grin on his face, which—Lenilla believed—was just to aggravate Hugo.

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” With that she walked out the room, but she didn’t go far. As much as she wanted to see James, she couldn’t help but be curious about what Ramos and Hugo were talking about. If it was another marriage proposal for her, she was going to kill them both.

  “Why are you still here, Hugo? You’re supposed to be training the recruits,” Ramos repeated. His voice had grown more agitated since Hugo’s initial arrival.

  “I will, Sire, but I needed to tell you what the message said,” Hugo informed him.

  “Go ahead,” Ramos ordered dryly.

  “My spy says that the prophecy is wrong. The girls will not lead you to the ultimate power; they are the ultimate power, and if you can control them, you control the world,” Hugo explained.

  Lenilla gasped as her heart began to race a mile a minute. This was bad. Knowing this would only send the King on a rampage, ending in the deaths of many. She had to talk to James immediately, but before she could leave, she heard Ramos say, “I know. I already have plans for them.”

  “How did you know?” Hugo began.

  “Ask no questions,” Ramos snapped. His voice was sharp like an arrow, causing Hugo to shut up. “For now, you do as I ordered. Train the recruits. I need them ready by the end of the week,” Ramos ordered.

  “And Prince Caleb?” Hugo asked. His voice was small and unrecognizable.

  “Is not going with you. I am sending him and Joshua to train in the forest for a while. This war Duke, rests on your shoulders. Do you think you can handle it, or should I change Caleb’s plans?” Ramos asked sarcastically.

  “Of course, Sire,” Hugo replied.

  “Good, now go get the two young princes.” Ramos ordered.

  Lenilla walked away from the door as fast as she could. What was he planning and would the people be okay? she thought, as she sped down the hallway towards the dungeon. Only getting to James was on her mind.


  The stairway leading towards the dungeon was dark, with the only light coming from the torches on the wall and even those weren’t enough to brighten up the place. The dungeon itself was cold, dark and had a foul smell of rotten corps lingering in the air. Voices could be heard throughout the dungeon, some screaming from torture and others crying because they wanted to go home. Those were the innocent girls who were taken captive by the king for being in James’s village. A feeling of remorse swept over Lenilla as she slowly made her way through the dungeon; however, she couldn’t relax. From the moment she entered the dungeon, she was aware of being watched, through the looking glass that his sorcerers had created, so she had to be careful not to draw too much attention to herself.

  “My Lady,” a guard said upon seeing her. “What brings you down here?” Four other soldiers besides him kept watch over the prisoners and they changed guards every three hours, and from the looks of these soldiers, Lenilla could tell it was almost time to change shift. He was small in comparison to other soldiers and young as well. No more than seventeen Lenilla assumed because he still had that look in his eyes that he was actually doing something important by keeping an eye on the so-called prisoners, man if he only knew.

  “I’ve come to see the prince,” she informed him.

  He shook his head no, “I’m sorry my lady, we are under strict orders to…”

  She lifted her hand towards him. “The king has given me permission to see him. If you don’t believe me, ask him.” Her tone was cold, too much had happened for her not to see him, and there was no way she was going to let a rookie guard stop her.

  The guard bowed as if to admit defeat, “I believe you. Just be warned that he had gone through the chamber all day yesterday, and is scheduled for another session in an hour.” He warned.

  “I will keep that in mind.” Lenilla replied as the young soldier lead her towards James’ cell.

  He was being kept further away from everyone else. It was another way for the king to torture him.

  “We’re here.” The soldier informed her once they approached James’ cell. His cell was small, and dirty, with barely enough light, to see into the cell.

  James was sitting with his back against the wall, his head was down, and his skin was bloody and covered in bruises. His arms and legs were bound and chained, but he didn’t look like he was defeated. In fact, he looked as if he were the one in control.

  Seeing him like that made her heartache and eyes water. This was not in no way how she pictured their reunion would be; however, at that moment, she would take what she could get, “Open it,” she ordered.

  Upon hearing her voice, J
ames’ head shot up like a firework. His eyes looked both sad and happy to see her like he had been only holding on for that moment to come.

  “But my lady, I’m not allowed…” The soldier stuttered.

  She gave him this look that screamed, “open it or else.” She could tell that he was a good guy, but at that moment, she wasn’t interested in anything that he had to say. She then walked in the cell and stood by the opening; her eyes glued on James’ who was looking back at her smiling.

  Afraid, for what wrath he might encounter for ignoring her demands, the young soldier reached hurriedly for the keys on his side. “Yes, ma’am.” He stuttered, as he fidgeted with them to find the right one.

  James shook his head and laughed. “I see you still have that effect on people.” He said, in a familiarly sarcastic tone.

  Lenilla only smiled at him, thrilled that he was okay enough to laugh at her bullying the poor young guard.

  “After you My Lady.” The guard said once he opened the gate.

  Lenilla walked in, but stayed as close to the entrance as possible, like she was afraid that if she got too close, he would bite her. “You can go now.” She ordered.

  The soldier bowed, “would you like me to close the cell door, My Lady?” He asked unsure of what to do.

  “Yes, and lock it behind me,” she ordered.

  The soldier gave her this look that screamed ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea.’

  Lenilla placed her hand on the soldier’s shoulder then looked him in the eye. “I’ll be fine.” She assured him. “I’ll call for you when I’m ready.”

  The soldier’s face turned bright red with embarrassment and he began to grin from ear to ear. “Yes ma’am,” with that he closed and locked the cell door then walked away still grinning from ear to ear, as if he had just been rewarded a fortune in gold.

  The moment he was out of sight, James spoke, “I think you do that on purpose, just for attention.”

  Lenilla shook her head, “Not on purpose, I just naturally have that effect on people, as you have stated.” She assured him. “Why are you jealous?” She teased. The conversation felt so natural like nothing had happened. He was not being held in solitary confinement, and she was not there to convince him to save himself; it was just the two of them, and that was all that matters.

  James shook his head, “Of course not, he’s not even a real competitor.” He joked, which made her laugh even harder. Then they both grew silent, neither ready to speak nor say what was on their mind, out of fear of opening up a can of worms that they couldn’t put back up.

  “How have you been Nilla?” James asked, finally getting up the courage to say something. His voice was calm and warm, just like she remembered, nothing like someone who had been tortured for a full day.

  “Better than you, I suppose.” She retorted, her guard was still up. It had been years since she had been alone with him, and it took everything in her to restrain herself, from throwing her arms around him and kissing him.

  He laughed, “True, but these wounds are nothing.” He assured her; however, she could tell he was in more pain than he let on.

  “Liar,” She said, as she slowly approached him.

  He smiled, then reached out his hand towards her, “I forget I can’t lie to you.” She accepted his hand then sat down in front of him. He then took off her veil and placed his hand on her cheek and she closed her eyes. The sensation of his hand on her skin after all those years overwhelmed her, and before she knew it, his mouth was on hers while his tongue danced around the insides of her mouth like a beautiful melody that she never wanted to end. “God I’ve missed you.” He said, through kisses.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” she admitted.

  He then pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her, holding her as tightly as he could. His embrace was so strong and so warm that she didn’t want it to end, but they both knew it had to. Still, it was nice to be with him, in that way again, after so many years. “I thought I’d never see you again.” She said, softly.

  “I didn’t.” He said, meaning it.

  “You didn’t?” She asked sounding like a baby.

  “Yes. Well maybe not like this, but I knew we’d see each other again.” He admitted. “And as you can see I’m perfectly fine.”

  Lenilla pulled back and looked at him as if she had just realized what it was that she came down there for. “You’re not fine. Look at yourself,” she said, as she gently touched his wounds. “How are you even alive?”

  James gently placed his hand on her shoulder, “I’m okay. This was all part of my plan.” He joked.

  “What plan; to get shot and tortured to death?” Lenilla asked both hurt and annoyed. He always had a way of getting under her skin, and this was one of those times.

  He laughed, then pulled her close, “No, to see you again.”

  “You’re only saying that because you’re isolated.” She said, with a soft smile.

  He shook his head no, “It’s true, for the past 18 years, all I thought about was you, and how things could have been if I had done things differently.”

  Lenilla looked down, then back up at him. Her eyes were full of sorrow, as a tear suddenly escaped from the corner of her eye. He then reached his hand up to her face and wiped away the tear, all the while looking at her with regret.

  “If things would have been different, Caleb wouldn’t be here.” She reminded him.

  “He could’ve been ours.”

  She let out a laugh that told him it was impossible.

  “I’m serious,” He said, feeling insulted.

  “I know,” she admitted, “but this is not the time to talk about what ifs,” she said, trying to get the topic back to the subject at hand: his life.

  James shook his head, “I know what you came down here for.” He said, softly, “I just hoped we’d have a little more intimate time, before you brought that up.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Would you be serious,” she said, desperate. His annoying habit was really driving her crazy.

  “I am serious. You ruined the mood.” He said, sulking.

  “James,” she, called.

  James sighed, “No.” He said, firmly.

  Lenilla felt shattered. She knew it wouldn’t be easy to convince him, but actually hearing him say no, made her feel as if she was the one going through torture. Still she had to try, “But James, if you just tell him what he wants to know, you won’t have to suffer,” she argued.

  He shook his head no. “Those girls are too important; you should know that better than anyone.” James said. His voice was full of disappointment, as if he was mad at her for even suggesting it.

  “I know how important they are; all Ramos does is talk about the power he could obtain if he had them and today...” she paused. Was she saying too much? And even if he knew, would he even listen to her.

  James, brushed a lock of her hair back behind her ear, then spoke, “What happened today?” His voice was calm and even. It was like he was preparing himself for the worst.

  “Hugo told him that the ultimate power isn’t an object, but the girls,” she said, teary-eyed.

  “How did he know?” James asked frightfully. His eyes had grown to panic, and she could tell that this was not news that he was ready for.

  “How do you think?” She asked as if he should have already known. This was Hugo they were talking about, he may have been an arrogant jerk and a sadistic asshole, but he was also extremely resourceful.

  “What did my brother say?” James asked dryly as if his brain was trying to comprehend what she had just told him.

  Lenilla laughed. “Well, first he told me to tell you hi.”

  James shook his head, “Figures.” He said, with a smirk.

  “Then he said that he already knew, and he had already planned for it.” She sobbed, as tears continued to fall uncontrollably from her eyes.

  Again he wiped away her tears, and she placed her hand on his.

  “You don�
�t have much time if he gets to them first…” she looked down then back up to him.

  “He won’t get them.” He said, interrupting her.

  She shook her head then continued, “If he gets to them first, he might use them, to kill you, and I think it might be Elizabeth.” She said, recounting her dream. “I can’t lose you again.”

  He pulled her close and held her trying to comfort her, but it wasn’t working. The only thing that would help her would be him giving his brother what he wanted, and she knew it was a long shot, but she had to try. “Nilla, if it’s my time to die, then it’s my time.”

  She looked at him in a complete and utter shock, in all her life, no words had cut so deep into her. “No,” she said, shaking her head vigorously and rubbing her hands up and down his shirt like she was searching for some rope to pull him up with. “Just tell them what they want to know and you’ll be okay,” she assured him. Her eyes were wild and watery like she had been thrown into an ocean and couldn’t swim.

  “You know my brother’s personality just as well as I do. I am a traitor, and you know how he treats traitors.” James said.

  “But you’re his brother,” she exclaimed.

  He shook his head, “Means nothing. My death was insured the moment I got caught.” He said calmly.

  “Then why did you get caught.” Her voice was sharp as a nail, but her eyes were sad and hurt.

  “I told you, I had to see you again.” He murmured.

  She shook her head, “Don’t lie to me, you were never good at it.” She reminded him.

  He sighed, “Fine, I’ll tell you.” James took in a deep breath then looked at her. “I did it because, I felt like I owed Caleb. He was really young at the time I left, and his mom…” He paused, “I just feel, felt,” he corrected, “that it would be better for me to get caught and tortured for what I did.”

  Lenilla looked at him after he finished explaining, then slapped him.

  “What did you do that for?” He asked holding his face.

  “You are the most stupid person, I’ve ever met in my life, and I’ve met a lot of stupid people.” She pulled his face close to hers. “Do you have any idea how much this is hurting your son, not to mention Elizabeth. Who’s probably going crazy right now, because you are not there.” She whispered.


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