The Journey: The Ultimate Power Book 1

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The Journey: The Ultimate Power Book 1 Page 15

by Shadahyah Elizabeth

  He looked at her; she could tell that he knew what she wanted to say, but couldn’t, at least not yet. “They will be fine. I bought the girls enough time to escape.” He assured her.

  “Escape.” She snapped. She then stood up and started to pace back and forward, “There is no escape for them. Ramos already said that he knew about them, so it’s only a matter of time before he finds them, and your great sacrifice would have been for nothing.” She said, throwing her hands up for emphasis.

  “Lenilla.” He said, reaching his hands back out towards her.

  She shook her head no, “You need to think about what is critical, this secret or your life?”

  “I know what’s most important, and because I know that, I’m willing to die for it. Are you?” He said sharply.

  She walked over towards him leaned forward and kissed him for what seemed like the last time. She then bent her head towards his and closed her eyes. “I love you, James.” She said, softly.

  “I love you too.” He replied back. “Always have, always will.” With that, she walked back towards the cell door.

  “Guard.” She yelled while placing her veil back over her face. A few seconds later, the young soldier from before came back to the cell to unlock it. As she exited the cell, James called after her.

  “Nilla, could you do me a favor.”


  “Could you not come again, seeing you makes it harder.” He said, trying hard to avoid her gaze.

  “What?” She asked hurt and hoping she heard him wrong.

  “Please,” He begged.

  Without another word, Lenilla stalked away from his cell, completely overcome with anger. She had been so worried about him, and all he could say was, “please don’t come back.” In a way she understood, his situation looked grim, and he had no idea how much time he had to live, but still that was his fault. She told herself as she silently made her way down the hall and into Amira’s room.

  Amira had just gotten up and was getting Annabel ready, when Lenilla barged in huffing and puffing, looking like she had just been in a war.

  “Good morning to you too?” Amira said, confused, but for some reason, she halfway expected this reaction, after learning from Caleb that she was going to visit his father. That was why the next words out of her friend’s mouth didn’t surprise her one bit.

  “He is the most selfish, self-loathing, arrogant man I’ve ever met in my life, and I hope Ramos chops his head off.” She said, ferociously, though they both knew that she didn’t mean it.

  “Annabel, go to your lesson before you’re late.” Amira ordered.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Annabel said as she walked to the door, she then turned her attention towards Lenilla, smiled and said “See you later Lady Lenilla,” with that she ran out of the room.

  “Okay, now you sit down and tell me what happened?” Amira said, ushering her friend to a satin chair; one of the many in Amira’s oversized room, while Amira sat across from her on her king size bed.

  Lenilla sat down in the chair and crossed her arms then began to tell her friend what had transpired between herself and James in the dungeon. Amira said nothing, only listened as her friend went on and on about how much of an idiot the love of her life was, a conversation that they had countless of times in the past, only this time was different. His life was on the line, and if they didn’t come up with a plan fast, he would die. “Well, that explains the dress,” Amira finally said.

  Lenilla looked down, finally noticing the blood stains on her dress, then shrugged, “That’s not the point,” Lenilla pouted.

  “I know but you tried to talk to him, and he didn’t listen. Did you, at least, get the information that you wanted from him?” Amira asked hopeful.

  Lenilla shook her head yes. “Not everything that I wanted, but enough.” She assured her friend. Lenilla had two reasons for going down to the dungeon. The first was to see James, and the second was to get information about the girls; more precisely, Elizabeth especially after the dream that she had.

  “So you can stop worrying now?” Amira asked.

  Lenilla shook her head no, “I can’t stop worrying until he’s out of the dungeon and she is…”

  Amira hugged her friend, “I know, you don’t have to say it. Everything will be alright.” She assured her friend.

  “I hope so.”


  “What do you think he wants?” Joshua whispered to Caleb, as they slowly made their way down the long castle hallway towards the throne room, with Hugo leading the way, as if he were a tour guide.

  “He probably wants to yell at us for something you did,” Caleb said, nonchalantly.

  Joshua placed his long finger on his chin and looked up, trying to figure out if what Caleb said was right. Then deciding it wasn’t, he shook his head no. “I don’t think I did anything stupid today.”

  Caleb laughed and shook his head. This was so typical of Joshua. Ever since they were children, Joshua would do something or say something, that would always get them both into trouble; regardless of whether Caleb had anything to do with it or not. It wasn’t like he did it on purpose, it’s just that Joshua was a very opinionated person, so when people asked him what he thought about something, Joshua would always tell them as bluntly as possible, despite the consequences. Then it was his daredevil personality. You couldn’t dare Joshua to do anything because he’d actually do it with no regrets, and since Caleb was the oldest by two years, it was his responsibility to look after his little cousin; a job that over the years had proven to be hazardous to Caleb’s health. “What about yesterday?” Caleb said, pointing his head towards Hugo, who was almost ten feet ahead of them. They could tell just by how fast he was walking, that Hugo didn’t want to be anywhere near them, and they felt the same way about him.

  Joshua squished his face, like he had just eaten something sour, then shook his head. “Impossible, besides, that was all you yesterday.” He reminded Caleb.

  “He really gets under my skin, you know that.” Caleb explained.

  “That, and you are extremely protective of my future queen, and I really appreciate that so much,” Joshua joked.

  Caleb laughed, “There is really something wrong with you. I feel sorry for the future of this kingdom,” he teased.

  “Why?” Joshua put his arm around Caleb’s shoulder, “With you as my right hand, I have a glorious future.” He assured his cousin.

  “Keep up we’re nearly there.” Hugo ordered. His voice screamed annoyed, but neither of the princes cared.

  “First thing I’m doing when I’m king, is getting rid of him.” Joshua whispered to Caleb, who then shook his head in agreement, as Hugo opened the door to the throne room.

  The room was empty, with only Ramos sitting on his throne going over some important documents, an event that only happened, when Ramos was either really angry or needed to think. Most of the time, he was surrounded by at least one solider at all times.

  “Your highness,” Hugo called. “I have brought them as you requested.”

  Upon hearing his name, Ramos turned his attention from the documents towards Hugo. His face was completely expressionless—unreadable even, and the way he sat on his throne like a man possessed, made both Caleb and Joshua want to run out of the room as quickly as possible, before whatever was holding the king, got one of them.

  “Yeah, we are definitely in trouble.” Joshua whispered to Caleb, who only shook his head in agreement.

  “Come all the way in, boys.” Ramos ordered. Even his tone was expressionless.

  They knew they were in trouble, but the calmness in Ramos’ voice was worse than any punishment that he could give. It would have been better if he were yelling, at least then they would know why they were in so much trouble, but this was too much. They thought as they slowly made their way towards the king; both making sure that their head was in a slight bow as an attempt to avoid eye contact, with the already—they believed, angry king. “Your highness,” they said
, in unison. Both their voices were uneven, and their hands began to shake a little.

  “Raise your heads.” Ramos ordered.

  Caleb and Joshua exchanged a quick glance. Here it comes, Caleb thought as he and Joshua slowly raised their heads.

  “Now the reason I called you two here, is because…”

  “Wait I can explain everything?” Joshua said, panicked and unable to take any more, of what he thought, was torture.

  Everyone looked at Joshua completely taken aback, when he said that.

  “Okay Joshua, explain.” Ramos asked, in a tone that told Caleb that he had no idea what Joshua was talking about. Relived, Caleb tried to signal to Joshua to shut up, but it was too late. He had already let the cat out of the bag, and, of course, remembering to tell the king that it was because Caleb didn’t appreciate Hugo mistreatment of Lady Lenilla, which was true, but still not the right time for it.

  “God I feel so much better.” Joshua said, as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulder.

  Caleb just shook his head and said nothing. If they weren’t in trouble before, they were about to be, after what Joshua had just said. He thought.

  Ramos sat back in his throne. His face was still emotionless as he looked from the princes to Hugo, then back to Caleb, who was trying so hard to avoid his gaze. After about a second, Ramos let out a laugh that filled the entire room. It was so powerful and frightening that the two princes and Hugo fell to their knees begging for the king’s forgiveness; however, the next words that the king spoke, was not the reaction they were going for, “Good for you Caleb. That is how a man is supposed to protect his family.” Ramos said, as if he were proud of him.

  Caleb and Joshua raised their heads then looked at each other, utterly confused, then towards the king. “Sire?” They asked lost.

  Ramos raised his hand towards them, “Stand up boys, you are not in trouble.”

  Caleb and Joshua slowly rose to their feet and looked at the king. Both looked completely lost. They would have thought, that threatening an official would get them into some kind of trouble, but who were they to argue with the king.

  “As for you Hugo, must I remind you of our agreement, or should I just forget it,” Ramos asked in a condescending tone.

  Hugo shook his head no, “It will never happen again.” He promised, then rose up.

  “Good, now that this is taken care of, the reason I brought you boys here, is because you will be training with Antoine in the forest from now until the next moon.” Ramos explained.

  Joshua and Caleb’s jaws dropped, they weren’t expecting that; especially since there was a war going on. “But uncle.” Caleb began, “The war…”

  “Is none of your concern.” Ramos said.

  Caleb looked down. He felt completely defeated. For months, they had been training like crazy, to prepare for this pending war, and now that it was upon them, they had no place in it. This was not something that they could agree upon so easily.

  “Now Caleb, I know how much this means to you, but right now, I need you and your cousin to train and get stronger, so that when the time comes, you will be ready to lead our armies to victory.” Ramos declared as if he could see the future.

  “I guess,” Joshua said, dryly.

  “No guesses, this is a good thing.” Ramos assured them. “Besides, Hugo will be leading the troops, and I have confidents completely in his ability.” Ramos said, smiling at Hugo. Although, the way he said those words, sounded less like a compliment and more like sarcasm.

  Hugo bowed. “Oh thank you, your highness. I will not let you down.” He said, overjoyed.

  “I know, because if you do, I will kill you.” Ramos said, with a devious smile; while Caleb and Joshua just stood there thinking about how great the world would be if Hugo wasn’t in it. Then as quickly as that thought came it went away. “Now you all have your assignments, boys go pack, you leave at noon. Hugo prepare the troops; you leave out in two days.” Ramos ordered.

  Each man bowed, then turned and walked out of the room. Hugo headed down the hall towards the training room while Caleb and Joshua sulkily made their way down the hall towards their rooms. “I can’t believe this.” Joshua said, upset and trying not to punch the wall.

  “I can’t believe how big your mouth is.” Caleb said in a snarling tone.

  “I’m sorry, I panicked, he was too calm for me. Father is never that calm you know that.” Joshua retorted.

  “Whatever, I’m just glad that we’re not in trouble.” Caleb said suddenly.

  Joshua sighed, “No just sidelined.” He said, disappointed. This was going to be his first war, and he was looking forward to participating. Not because he enjoyed killing people, but because he would be with his cousin working side by side defending the country from the enemy. It would have been the perfect time to see how well they work together, outside the palace walls.

  “Yeah well, there is nothing we can do about it now.” Caleb explained, “besides, I don’t want to join any army were Hugo is in charge.”

  “True. He is useless.” Joshua joked.

  Caleb shook his head no, “That’s not it.”

  “What is it then?” Joshua asked confused.

  “Maybe it’s just my paranoia getting the best of me, but I think that if he had the chance, he would kill me.” Caleb admitted.

  “Really?” Joshua asked shocked that Caleb was thinking the same thing as him. “I can see that. He hates your dad, more than you claim you do, and since you are his son, he probably feels that killing you would rid the kingdom of your father’s bloodline.”

  “Yup.” Caleb replied. “That’s why I want to ask uncle if he could switch me units. I’d feel so much safer if I was with people that I could really trust.”

  “You never told me, what happened during that mission.” Joshua said.

  Caleb shook his head, “It’s not something I want to talk about or remember.” He admitted, he had been trying to push the events of the night before out of his mind all day, even using training as a way to stop thinking about it; however, he couldn’t. The faces of all those innocent people and the mayor burned in the back of his head like a tattoo.

  “That bad?” Joshua asked, unsettled.

  “Let’s just say, I now know, how he got his nickname.” Caleb said bitterly, and still in denial that the king was the one who told him to do it.

  “Oh Lady Lenilla, I see you’ve found my mother.” Joshua said, upon seeing his mom and Lenilla in the hall together. Amira was smiling her usual queen of the world smile, but Lenilla looked depressed like she had lost everything. A servant woman had replaced her normal elegance and her eyes were so low, almost unrecognizable.

  “Good morning boys.” Amira said, “and yes, she found me.” Amira placed her arm around her friend.

  “Is everything okay Lenilla?” Caleb asked concerned. He could tell by looking at her, that whatever the problem was, his father was the cause, and that just made him hate him even more.

  Lenilla shook her head yes, “I’m fine.” She assured him.

  “It was my father wasn’t it?” Caleb asked bitterly. “What did he say, that he wasn’t going to give them up?”

  Lenilla shook her head yes. “He’s so stubborn. Maybe if you talk to him.” She asked Caleb.

  “No thank you.” Caleb replied sharply.

  “Caleb,” Joshua replied. He knew more than anyone how much Caleb wanted to see his father, but Caleb was too stubborn to admit it.

  “No, if he intends to die for them, that’s his problem, not mine and defiantly not yours Lenilla,” his words were harsh, but not by choice, it was just too many secrets, and he was tired of them.

  “Really, Caleb.” Amira said, disappointed.

  “It’s fine, he’s right, it’s not my problem, so I shouldn’t be trying to fix it,” Lenilla replied through a fake smile, but Caleb could tell he had struck a nerve and felt bad about it. “Where are you two headed anyway?” She asked changing the subject.

“Training. Father wants us out of the castle so he can send his dog out to kill more people.” Joshua said bitterly.

  Caleb hit Joshua on the shoulder, “don’t say it like that.”

  “Say it like what?” Joshua asked snipingly, “It’s true. Dad commands and Hugo obeys. That’s how it always works.”

  “Not always, sometimes, Hugo does things because he wants to.” Caleb assured him. “And besides this is war, people die.

  “True, but the way Hugo does it is beyond humane, and father enjoys it.” Joshua assures him.

  Caleb shook his head no. There was no way that the man who raised him was as big of a monster that Joshua was making him out to be. “Uncle isn’t like that.” He assured him.

  “Yes he is, I’m sure you’ve seen it in person, that’s why you won’t tell me what happened in that village the other day.” Joshua argued.

  “Enough.” Amira ordered, interrupting them before it turned into another one of their fights that would end with other people getting dragged into it.

  They both stopped talking and looked at her. Neither sure what to say next.

  “This argument is getting you nowhere, so before you drag anyone else into this mess, do as your father and uncle say and pack,” she ordered.

  They bowed. “Yes ma’am,” they said in unison, then without another word, they walked away; neither talking to the other the whole way to their rooms.


  “Ouch,” Jasmine, said as she tried to open her eyes. Her head felt as if she were being repeatedly stabbed with pins, and the more she attempted to move, the deeper they went in.


  She heard a voice say, as she attempted to get up. She couldn’t quite make out the voice because, it was muffled, so out of curiosity, she opened her eyes. The moment she did, she regretted it. The pain suddenly intensified, as the pins became daggers, digging deeper, and deeper into her skull. On instinct, she brought both her hands to her head and laid back down, closing her eyes in the process.


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