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Shadows: A Love Ever After Series

Page 13

by Amber Lacie

  "Oh, Eve." He grasps my face with his hands and I stare straight into his gorgeous eyes. "I needed you today, and you were so far away."

  "I wasn't far away. I was just at the office."

  "I know, but I couldn't reach you. I couldn't feel you. I needed you."

  I softly press my lips to his. If he needs to feel me, then I'll let him. He returns my kiss and then places another one on my forehead.

  "I went to check on Gram today. I thought maybe she would like to get some lunch with me, but I couldn't find her. I yelled for her and she didn't answer. I found her lying on the library floor. I immediately called her doctor."

  "So, that's who that man was?"

  "Yes. She hates doctor’s offices, so he makes an exception for her and does home visits."

  "Is she okay?"

  "She says she just lost her footing, but the doctor and I disagree. I'm not sure what happened, but I don't believe for a minute she tripped. He wanted her to be seen at his office, so he could run some tests, but she refused. She's so stubborn." He runs his hand through his hair, and my favorite lock of hair makes its presence known by gracing his forehead. I gently brush it away, before burying my face in his neck.

  "I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?"

  He wraps his arms around me and runs his fingers up and down my back. "No, I just need to relax. I can't force her to do anything." I nod my head and kiss his neck. "That's it. I can't take this anymore. I need to feel you. We are going inside." He picks me up by my waist and I wrap my legs around him. He's determined and I'm not stopping him. I need to feel him too.

  He plops me down on our bed. It seems crazy to think of it as ours. We’ve only known each other for a short time, but that’s what it is. It’s ours.

  He starts trying to take my jacket off, but the sleeves get stuck. He's flustered and I start laughing. He pulls on my sleeve again, but it won't budge.

  "Stop laughing at me, woman. This is an emergency. Take off that damn jacket. In fact, I want you to take off everything right now before I find scissors and start cutting them off." I look up at him to find his smile, but he's serious. He wouldn't do that, would he?

  Turning, he starts to rummage through the dresser drawer. I don't know what he's looking for, but I'm not taking any chances.

  Pulling my arms out of the jacket, I quickly shed my clothes, tossing them onto the floor. I scoot back on the bed lying on the pillows against the headboard.

  "There. Found them." Turning around, he dangles a pair of metal handcuffs from his finger. What the hell? My arousal comes to a complete halt. I slightly shake my head no. My heart is slamming in my chest. Is he planning on using those?

  "Don't worry, they aren't real. They are props from a Halloween costume I wore last year. They don’t even need keys." He kneels one leg on the bed. Sitting straight up I try to scoot back, but I have nowhere to go. Theron grabs my ankle with his free hand and pulls me down the bed towards him. I'm lying on my back as he crawls over me.


  I don't move. I just slightly shake my head no.

  "Would I hurt you?"

  "No?" I meant it as a statement, but it comes out as more of whispered question.

  "Would I hurt you, beautiful?" Softly grasping the side of my face with his hand, he drags his thumb across my bottom lip. I part my lips and suck his thumb into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it. "Answer me honestly, beautiful. Would I hurt you?"

  Looking deep into his eyes, I know he would never do anything to intentionally hurt me. I don't answer him with words; instead I raise my wrists into the air. He pushes my arms back above my head, clasping the cuff onto one wrist and then the other. I'm not watching his hands. My eyes are locked in his gaze.

  He leans down, placing soft kisses on my neck. His breath tickles my ear as he whispers, "Good girl." An intense feeling crawls up my body starting at my toes. He makes me feel brave and so incredibly sexy. I wiggle underneath him. "Keep them there."

  Standing, he slowly pulls his shirt over his head, never removing his eyes from mine. I watch as he undoes the button of his jeans and pushes them to the floor. His boxers are tented from his erection, and I'm desperate to see what's under them.

  "Like what you see?"

  "Yes. I need to feel you."

  He pulls his boxers down as I lay there, aching for him to touch me. I can't take his teasing much more. He knows exactly what he is doing to me.

  "You want to feel me? That's good because baby, I plan on feeling you come hard and fast on my cock. I needed you today. You weren't here, so now your punishment is my reward. You can't touch me, but I can touch you."

  He pulls my body until my waist is at the end of the bed. Spreading my legs apart, he slips one finger into me.

  "You are so fucking wet. Take a breath babe, this is going to be hard." I suck my breath in at his words and he slams his cock deep into me, hitting all the right nerves.


  "That's exactly what I plan on doing." Pulling out, he thrusts into me again and again. I wrap my legs around his waist, pushing my heels into his ass. I need him deeper. He pounds into me again and moves his hand between us. Finding my hard knot of nerves with his fingers, he gives it a flick before massaging it. This is intense. I want to touch him. I want to rake my nails down his back, but the handcuffs prevent it.

  Theron grabs my legs and puts them on one of his shoulders. Leaning over me, he thrusts into me again. It's so incredibly deep and amazing.

  "Oh, God!" My walls clench and I try to hold on. He pounds into me, the sound of my moans and our bodies slamming together fill the room. "Theron, I'm going to come."

  "Fuck. Hold on baby." He picks up his speed and he's relentless. Biting my lower lip, I try hard to hold on, but I can't. I lose it. I completely let go. I come hard, screaming his name.

  Grasping onto the back of my thighs he pushes them up towards my chest spreading them just a little. "Fuck, baby."

  He slams into me one more time. Pulling himself out of my pussy, he takes his cock and strokes it in his hand, releasing himself all over my stomach. He takes a moment to gather his strength, but he stands back and looks at me, admiring his work.

  "I am keeping you. I like the way you look marked by me, covered in my cum. If I had a camera handy, I would take a picture to save for later." He looks so pleased with himself.

  I hold my arms up towards him and he releases the cuffs. "Thank you." He grabs my hands and pulls me up so I'm standing in front of him.

  "Although I love seeing you like this, I think we should clean you off. Your friends are still coming over for dinner, and I don’t think they would appreciate seeing you walking around the house like this."

  "Probably not." Holding my hand, he leads me to the bathroom. He turns the shower on and adjusts the knobs so the water is spraying down from the ceiling and from the sides.

  "How do you do that? I've sat there for at least ten minutes every time I take a shower, trying to figure out the knobs."

  He smiles at me and winks, "It's a secret." I raise my eyebrow at him and he laughs. "Okay, okay. Let me enlighten you to the wonderful magic of indoor plumbing. The top lever controls the temperature, the middle one is for the overhead shower, and the bottom one controls the side jets. If you have the middle one all the way open, the jets won't work and vice versa. I like them both, so I just make sure the knobs are even. See?" He points to the knobs and I notice how they are all straight in a line.

  He helps me step into the shower. "Are you not joining me?"

  "No, beautiful, you'll never get clean if I join you in there. Go ahead and clean up. I'm going to put dinner in the oven and I'll be back to check on you in a bit." He kisses my cheek and closes the shower door.

  I start washing my hair. I can't decide if I love his sweet and fun side, his controlling side in the bedroom, or both. It's got to be both. I love the way he talks to me, and the handcuffs weren't scary like I thought they would be.

turning off the water, I open the steamed glass doors. To my surprise, Theron is waiting for me. He's holding open a towel and I step into it.

  "You surprised me, again. How do you keep doing that?"

  "I said your name, but you didn't answer me."

  "Oh. I guess I must have been lost in my thoughts." I grab another towel off the warmer and wrap my hair up. "I'm sorry."

  "What were you thinking of?" He holds open the bathroom door for me. Walking into the bedroom, I find a pair of jeans and a shirt laying on the bed for me. I give him a questioning look, but he just shrugs his shoulders. "So, what were you thinking of?"

  Slowly pulling on my jeans, I look over my shoulder. "You."

  His grin stretches across his face from ear to ear. Apparently, I gave him the correct answer. Turning around to face him, I clasp my bra behind my back. He places his hands on my waist and leans his forehead against mine. "I always want to be on your mind. I want you to need me like I need you."

  "I do." I place a reassuring kiss on his lips. I hate that he feels like I am going to be taken from him.

  "Eve, I have something I need to tell you, but I want to surprise you. Our guests will be here any minute, so finish getting dressed and I'll tell you after they leave." He brushes his finger down the side of my cheek, looking deep into my eyes. He walks away, leaving me rooted to my spot. How am I supposed to go all night, knowing he has a surprise in store for me?

  I have just walked into the kitchen as Theron opens the door. Kayla and Paul step in. I greet them both with a hug. Paul hands over my keys to me, and Kayla doesn't miss the opportunity to whisper in my ear. "Now I see the attraction." I take Kayla's coat from her and shoot her a dirty look.

  Before I get a chance to explain, Theron offers them a tour of the guesthouse. Paul is right on Theron's heels as we follow him down the hall. Kayla walks slowly beside me, shooting me a knowing look.

  Dinner is extremely delicious. Theron grilled steaks, baked potatoes, and made a salad with poppy seed dressing, served with a buttered roll. The wine is crisp and is already taking effect. I'm chewing on my last bite of steak when I see Kayla start tapping her fingers on her fork.

  "So, what do you think of our new boss?" I'm not sure why, but for some reason I look at Theron and he stills.

  "I don't know. I can't read her." I take a sip of my wine. "I'm more concerned with keeping my job and not pissing Ms. Clarks off."

  "Hmm. Well, I can tell Ben isn't on the favorite list and somehow you have managed to land there. Do me a favor and let me know if I'm about to get axed. Speaking of which, where was Anne today? I tried texting her, but she never replied. I went to leave a note on her desk, but the door was locked. She never locks her office. What do you think that was about?"

  "I don't know." I start chewing on my cheek, thinking about Anne. A locked door is odd for her. I was so lost in my own little world today. I didn't even notice she wasn't in. Theron is completely consuming me. I'm not even noticing what's going on with my friends.

  Paul and Kayla graciously decline dessert. We say our goodbyes and I start clearing the dining table. Theron quietly helps me with the dishes and wraps up the leftovers. I bump the dishwasher closed with my hip and I feel him slide his arm around my waist. He presses his front against my back and places a soft, tender kiss just below my ear. My entire body lights up from his touch.

  "Everything, okay?"

  I sigh. Turning to face him, I wrap my arms around his neck. "Yeah, I guess. I just feel confused with work right now, and Kayla seemed awkward. We never talk about work outside of the office, and she seemed strange when we said our goodbyes. I don't know. Do you think I'm reading too far into things?"

  Picking me up by my waist, he sets me on the counter, spreading my legs so he can stand between them. "I think you two have been through a lot. You’ve just lost one of your closest friends. Tomorrow will be one week since you've had to say goodbye. Now the company you work for has been bought, and you are both nervous about losing your jobs. I don't think you’re reading into anything. I think you have the right to be worried, but I wish you wouldn't be."

  Tucking a stray hair behind my ear, he softly kisses my forehead. "I'm keeping you. I will always take care of you. I'd give you the moon if I could." He looks deep into my eyes as he wipes away a tear slowly falling down my cheek. I don't doubt him, I'm sure if he could manage to get me the moon he would.


  "Yeah, beautiful?"

  "Can we go to bed? I'm suddenly very tired."

  "Of course, beautiful. Your carriage awaits." I slightly tilt my head to question him, but he picks me up by my waist and I wrap my legs around him. My hands find their way to the back of his head and softly run my fingers through his hair.

  "Are you my carriage?"

  "Yes. Why, do I not give you a good ride?" He raises his eyebrows up and down with a ridiculous grin plastered to his face. I roll my eyes as I bury my head in his neck. I'm at a loss for words and I'm afraid anything I say will only inflate his giant head.

  My handsome carriage delivers me to the bedroom. Smacking me on my ass, he tosses me onto the bed. I yelp and look up at him. He's still got a huge grin on his face. He's impossible.

  "Take off your clothes." He stands at the foot of the bed as his gaze roams over my body. The atmosphere of the room changes instantly with four little words. I slowly pull my shirt up over my head. He lets out a hiss as I unclasp the hooks of my red lace bra, letting the straps slide down my shoulders before pulling it completely off. I slowly take my jeans off. Bending my knees up to my chest, I spread them giving him a view of me in my matching red lace panties. I bite my bottom lip, slowly dragging it through my teeth as I look up at him.

  "All of it. Take them off." He pulls the hem of his shirt over his head, while kicking his jeans off. I’m rewarded with a delicious view of his firm body. He raises his eyebrows at me. I know what he wants. Hooking my thumbs into the side of my panties, I slowly pull them off. He bites his lip and his nostrils flare. He's completely turned on, and I feel incredibly empowered, knowing I'm the reason behind it.

  He steps out of his boxers, standing before me as the Adonis he is. Stroking his hard cock in his hand, he steps closer, hitting his legs against the mattress. I wonder how much further I can take this.

  I suck one of my fingers into my mouth, making sure to get it nice and wet. Sliding my hand down to my breasts, I pluck and pull at my nipples working them into hard points. My other hand slides further down my body, running my fingers through my slit. I swirl my finger around my clit, letting out a soft moan. He hisses in response.

  "Fuck, beautiful. Do that again, but this time, slide that finger into your cunt. I want to see how wet you are."

  My breathing is short and rapid. I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. I slide one finger into my pussy and then another, thrusting them slowly in and out as I watch him stroke himself. I need him to touch me. I will never be able to make myself feel the way he does.

  I hold my wet fingers up to him. "Taste." A very wicked grin appears on his face, and I can only hope he has very naughty things planned. He grasps my fingers, slowly licking them up and down, making sure to get every drop I've offered him.

  "God damn, you taste so good. I need more." He releases my hand and kneels onto the bed. Lifting me by my waist, he scoots me back towards the headboard. His hands slide down my body, to my thighs, spreading me completely open for him. "Keep them open." I watch as his head dips between my thighs. My hands move to his head as I feel his tongue lap at my core.

  “Theron, don’t stop!” He slams two fingers into me as he massages my clit, working it into a tight bundle of nerves, ready to explode with his other hand. My fingers scrape his scalp as I grip onto his hair. He nips at my clit and my body explodes on his hand. "Oh. My. God!" My orgasm rips through me as I push his head down hard between my legs. He’s licking and sucking me into his mouth as his thrusting fingers slow down to a stop. My legs are shaking.
I have never come so quickly or so hard in my life.

  "I love making you come." He crawls over my body, his legs resting on either side of me. Grabbing my face in his hands, he kisses me hard. His tongue licks my bottom lip, demanding entrance. My lips part and he invades my mouth, his tongue sliding over mine. I moan into his mouth as I run my hand through his hair softly tugging it. He bites my lip dragging it through his teeth.

  "I need to feel you." Brushing his hair out of his face, I look up into his incredibly sexy eyes.

  "You always say that."

  "I do. I'll never get enough." He kisses a soft trail along my jaw to the spot just below my ear. His tongue glides lightly over my skin, before he softly nips at my neck. Goosebumps spread across my skin. His touch feels like electricity coursing through my body. I close my eyes as my body arches into him. I run my palms down his back.

  "Eve, look at me." I open my eyes, finding deep golden brown and green pools looking back at me. His hands caress my cheeks. "I will always need to feel you. I love you, beautiful." His words strike deep into my heart, anchoring themselves to the deepest roots of my soul. He loves me. I'm so caught up in the emotion playing through my body that I can't respond with words I know he needs to hear.

  I softly place a kiss on his lips keeping my eyes open, looking straight into his. I kiss him again, but this time my tongue meets his. It's not hurried or rushed. It's sensual, slow, and loving. I pour all my heart into it. Softly slowing the kiss, he pulls back to look me in my eyes. He's searching them. I know what he's looking for.

  "I love you too." His eyes light up like fireworks. I've never seen them so bright and alive. A bright white smile spreads across his face. He's ecstatic.

  Grabbing my shoulders, he spins us so I'm on top with my legs straddling him. "Oh, beautiful. I wasn't sure. I've watched your eyelashes flutter against your cheeks as you sleep. I've heard my name whispered across your lips in your dreams. I've watched you walk into a room and everything else fade away. I never thought it would feel this good to hear you say those words. Say them again. Say that you need me."


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