Shadows: A Love Ever After Series

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Shadows: A Love Ever After Series Page 32

by Amber Lacie

  Breathe. I need to breathe. “Listen here, you manipulative bitch. I know you are the reason Theron found out that I was pregnant, before I told him. You have the audacity to call me, and ask me to speak to him for you, after everything you’ve done? Have you lost your mind?”

  “I didn’t tell Thomas you were pregnant. I told him I ran into you at the office. He just presumed you and I were both there for the same reason.”

  “Am I supposed to believe that? I don’t feel sorry for you at all. You put yourself in this situation. The only person I feel sorry for is that baby you are carrying. For once in your life, do something selfless and give the baby up for adoption.” I hit end call, and throw my phone into my purse. My day just keeps getting better and better.

  “What was that all about?”

  “Long story or short?”

  “I’ll take a summary.”

  I take a big gulp of my tea, and wipe my palms on my jeans. It is getting warm in here.

  “Okay, so when I was at the doctor’s office I ran into Bridgette. She just called to inform me of why she was there. She’s pregnant.”

  “Why would you care?”

  “Because the baby is supposedly Thomas’, so that makes it Theron’s sibling. Thomas offered to pay for an abortion and to keep her quiet, but she doesn’t want one.”

  “Wow. I don’t even know what to say to that. Do you think if we wrote it all down we could sell it as a daytime drama?”

  “The thought did cross my mind.” Why is it so hot in here? I take a napkin and wipe the back of my neck. My stomach lurches as I take another sip of my tea.

  Scanning the restaurant for restrooms, I notice one is right next to the entrance. I push my chair back from the table and head to the bathroom trying to draw as little attention as possible to myself.

  After washing my face in the sink, I start heading back to the table, when I notice Kayla sitting on the bench outside. I walk outside to join her. Tapping her shoulder, I motion for her to hand me my purse. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s alright. Do you want me to take you home, or do you want to come back to my place?”

  “You can take me home.”

  As we get closer to my car, Kayla grabs my arm. “Strike that. You can take me with you. I’m done waiting. You are telling Theron tonight.” Following her index fingers, my eyes find what she is pointing to. There is another note on my car. Grabbing it, I sit on the curb, as I read it.

  Fear overtakes me, as my heart slams in my chest. If they didn’t know Bridgette was pregnant then the notes aren’t from her or Thomas.

  My hands instantly wrap around my stomach, as I rock back and forth. Who the fuck has been watching me? They were close enough to hear my conversation. Oh my God, they were close enough to touch me if they wanted.

  “Theron. Kayla, I need Theron.”

  “Shh. Eve, hand me the note and I’ll call him.” She takes the note from me and I hear her start to cry, as she talks to Theron over the phone. He is going to be so pissed. This isn’t a little fuck up on my part, this is huge. I put both of our lives in jeopardy all because I didn’t want to upset him. I wish I could take it all back and tell him sooner, but it is a little late for that now.

  Kayla ends the call and sits beside me. “He’s pissed. To be honest he almost sounded crazed. Evan is coming with. I am going to have Paul come and pick me up. I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes.” She sits beside me softly rubbing her hand up and down my back, as we wait. I need him, but I am so scared of what he is going to do.

  Tires screech as Theron pulls into the parking lot. He slams on the brakes, throwing the car into park. He doesn’t even bother shutting his door, he comes straight for me.

  “Kayla, thank you for calling me and bringing this to my attention. It seems someone doesn’t value their life like I do. Evan can take you home.”

  “Would it be alright if he just waits with me? Paul is already on his way.”

  “Sure. Evan.” Evan appears like magic from behind Theron. “Stay with Kayla. Her ride is on the way. Then I want you to take a drive. Empty Eve’s gas tank before you bring it home, and bring me her keys. She won’t need them anytime soon.”

  “Are you kidding me? I’m not your prisoner. You can’t just lock me up because you see fit.”

  “I will and I am. I cannot believe you have kept this from me. I’m so fucking pissed right now. We will talk when we get home. Get in the car, Eve.”

  “No.” I don’t know why I won’t do what he says. All of this is my fault. I know I should get in the car, but I still can’t do it.

  “Eve. Get in the fucking car! Now!” I jerk, as his voice booms across the parking lot. I don’t know if it’s from fear or maybe I’ve gone crazy, but I just sit there staring at him.

  “That’s it. I’m done. Get up.” He puts his hands underneath my arms and yanks me to my feet. Grabbing my purse from my grasp, he digs through it until he finds my keys and tosses them to Evan.

  Theron leads me to the car and I slide into my seat. Leaning over me, he fastens my seatbelt and drops my purse back into my lap. Tears slide down my cheeks, and my hands wrap around my waist, as he slams my door shut.

  Sliding into the car, he slams his door and starts the engine. I can’t look at him. I know that I have failed us. Turning my head, I look out the window, letting the tears roll down my cheeks, as he drives us home.

  We pull up in front of the house and Theron steps out of the car. “Get out, Eve.”

  Grasping the handle, I slowly open my door. I feel like a berated child, as I follow him into the house and up the main staircase. To my surprise, the stairs do not lead to a hallway full of doors; instead, I am welcomed with a large sitting area with a fireplace and balcony. It is breathtaking.

  Theron clears his throat and I turn to follow him to the left, going down a small hallway with two doors. He opens one and I follow him into the room.

  “This is our master bedroom. I was planning to have it redecorated for you, but you will have plenty of time on your hands to do that yourself now. The room across the hall is my office. There are three other bedrooms on the other side of the parlor.”


  “The living area we just walked past. It used to be a parlor and the name just stuck. Are you really questioning me about what the rooms are called?”

  “No. I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, well I’m entirely too pissed to talk to you right now. Do not leave this house. I’m going to have to rearrange my schedule now, since I canceled my meeting today. When Evan gets back, we will be meeting with two detectives from the police department. They are probably going to want to meet with you as well. I’ll come get you before they get here. I’m not messing around with this. Thomas is a dangerous man.”

  Without looking at me, Theron leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. My nerves are shaken, and I feel consumed by my guilt. This is my fault and I need to accept my fate. There is no sense in trying to hide from any of this. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, and reopen them…determined. I am going to face all of this head on.

  I set my purse on our very large, king size bed in the center of the room. There is a very ornate, dark cherry armoire with claw feet standing in the corner, next to a matching vanity table with a mirror inlaid in beautifully carved wood.

  The room is decorated in beautiful hues of grays and lavenders. Sheer silver curtains catch my attention, and I find myself standing in front of gorgeous French doors, which lead to a balcony. My breath catches in my throat, as I step through the doors.

  There are vines crawling up the brick walls, flowers and stone paths as far as I can see, and a beautiful fountain in the center, surrounded by peonies. I can only imagine the beautiful splendor that must take place when all the flowers finish blooming. The view is just amazing. I didn’t realize how large the garden was.

  Stepping back into the room, I notice that the bed with its gray silk bedspread and the dresser, also have
claw feet. Everything is so exquisite. White marble floors greet me, as I walk into the bathroom. A double vanity is to my right, and to my left I find a very large Jacuzzi tub across from a shower that seems just as big, if not bigger.

  I open the glass shower door and let out a soft sigh. Just when I thought I was used to Theron’s shower, I am met with even more levers and handles. There are mounted wall jets and two separate showerheads. The world of indoor plumbing seems to be more complicated than I originally thought.

  I desperately want to walk down to the library and let it consume me, but I don’t want to push Theron any farther. Emptiness creeps its way into my heart. I feel so alone.

  I try to call my mom, just so I can hear her voice for some comfort, but it goes to voicemail. My stomach knots and twists, and a wave of exhaustion hits me, but I am too flustered to sleep.

  It only takes me a minute to figure out the Jacuzzi. I watch it fill, and my mind drifts to the secrets I have kept from him. I left him for keeping secrets from me, and yet I did the same to him.

  I set my clothes on the vanity, and slip into the hot water, sitting on the ledge and laying my head back against the leather pillow. The jets massage my stress away and I close my eyes, feeling completely relaxed.

  “I’m still very pissed at you.”

  The fog lifts from my mind and I open my eyes to find Theron sitting on the edge of the tub. Tears start to form in my eyes, but I hold them back. I watch as he stands and starts unbuttoning the front of his blue, long-sleeved shirt, before removing his black suit pants. He is dressed for his meeting, which because of me, is now cancelled. I wonder how that will sit with the board.

  My eyes linger over his form, and I squeeze my legs together. How is it with everything going on, my mind still drifts to sex whenever he is in the room?

  Sliding into the water, Theron sits across from me. “Lift your legs.” My body complies and he takes my feet into his lap. His thumb starts massaging the pads of my left foot. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I don’t know.” My voice is a whisper and I cast my eyes down, as I start chewing on my cheek. I can’t even make eye contact with him.

  “Bullshit. Tell me or I leave.”

  “What do you mean by leave?”

  “Does it matter? Tell me.”

  I take a deep breath and try to compose myself, as I gather my thoughts. There is no easy way to explain this, so I just spit it out.

  “The notes started showing up on my car after I found out about you and Bridgette. I assumed they were from her because they were all little digs, reminding me of what I didn’t have anymore. The first one, wanted to know where my pretty car was. I got a couple more after the night you left me, reminding me of how you weren’t mine anymore. I just assumed it was Bridgette. There was one on my car after my doctor’s appointment for my hand, and then on the day of Isa’s wake. Bridgette was there, and the note wasn’t there until after she left. Kayla told me to tell you, but I couldn’t. You were already so upset and I didn’t want to add fuel to the fire.”

  Theron’s jaw clenches and I expect him to yell, but he doesn’t. Instead he lets go of my foot and moves to my right foot, massaging deep circles with his thumb. “How many were there?”

  “I don’t know. I tossed them into my car. I just ignored them.”

  “Evan told me you got one the other day. What did it say?”

  “It said they were watching me, and their turn was next. I have no clue what they meant. Kayla was mad that I wouldn’t tell you, so she told Evan.”

  “So, when Evan said you were keeping a secret, he thought you meant about the letters on your car.”

  “He only knew about the letters. He didn’t know I was pregnant.”

  “It seems you are getting good at keeping secrets. How is that working out for you exactly?”

  “Stop it! I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. If I would have thought I was in danger, I would have told you sooner. I just thought it was Bridgette or your dad.”

  “People who happen to be ruthless when it comes to getting what they want.”

  We sit there quietly for a minute. Theron holds my feet in his lap, as I lean back against the jets, letting them massage my back and shoulders.

  “What do you mean you assumed it was Bridgette? What makes you think it isn’t?”

  “The note I got today, said they knew about my bump, but not hers. Thomas knows about Bridgette being pregnant. It couldn’t have been from either of them.”

  “She’s pregnant? I feel awful for whoever had the pleasure of knocking her up. She’s going to make their life a living hell.”

  I swallow hard. There can’t be any more secrets between us, so I prepare myself for the worst when I tell Theron about Bridgette.

  “She called me. Kayla and I were at the restaurant and I answered my phone thinking it might be one of the movers or something. It was Bridgette. She wanted me to talk to you for her.”

  “I want nothing to do with her. Nothing she could say would change my mind.”

  “She implied as much. She asked me to tell you she was pregnant and to let you know Thomas is the father.”

  “What?” The look of shock on Theron’s face is unsettling. I sit up and move myself into his lap, straddling his thighs. His hands move to my waist, holding me in place. My hand moves to stroke his face, but he grips onto my wrist, stopping me from touching him.

  “I want so badly to be free of these fucking people, but all they keep doing is bringing me back in. I don’t want them. I don’t want any of them.” He drops my hand back into the water and looks away. I don’t understand how people can be so malicious and thrive on hurting others.

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing for other people’s mistakes.”

  I softly press my hand to his cheek. Holding his gaze, I let him know how sorry I really am. “I’m not apologizing for their mistakes. I am apologizing for mine. I should have told you when I got the first note, even if we weren’t together at the time. If they have been watching me this entire time, they could have been watching you too. I can’t lose you. It’s not a matter of me not wanting to lose you, it’s a matter of I can’t lose you. I won’t make it next time. It hurt so much when you left me. My heart went cold and ice shredded the inside of it. It stopped beating, Theron. I can’t do that again. Not now, not ever.”

  “Beautiful, I may be upset with you, but I won’t leave you. I left you that night because I thought that was what you needed. I heard you talking and your words cut me.” His hands slowly move up and down my back.

  “What do you mean you heard my words? I didn’t say anything to you. I fell asleep and when I woke, you were gone.”

  “But you did. You were talking in your sleep to someone. I heard you tell Matt you love him. I thought you were having a nightmare so I whispered, ‘Beautiful, I love you’ in your ear. I was hoping it would wake you, but instead you said ‘I’m not your beautiful, I’m his.’ Those words cut me. You’re my beautiful, you’ve always been my beautiful, but you rejected me.”

  “Theron, I was sleeping! You can’t hold me accountable for what I say when I am sleeping. I didn’t even know you said that to me. I dreamt that Matt was telling me to go with you. I told him I loved him and I still do, just not like I love you, and he knew that. He called me beautiful and told me he loved me, but I wasn’t his beautiful. I was yours. I’ve always been yours.” A horrible sob rips through my chest.

  I can’t believe I went through all that pain because he assumed the worst of me. “You left me. You didn’t even give me a chance to explain!” I have now gone from nervous, to scared, to pissed in less than a minute. Who the fuck leaves someone because of a dream? I am so furious that my hands are shaking. “You killed me when you left. I didn’t understand. None of it made any sense. Every piece of happiness I was desperately holding onto, shattered.”

  Hot tears slip down my cheeks. I give up…this stress is too much. I feel way too hot. My s
tomach is in knots.

  I scramble to get off Theron’s lap, but he doesn’t understand why. I am pushing his hands off me, trying to stand and I get my feet twisted. It doesn’t matter now. My attempt at making it out of the tub is futile. I barely bend over the side, before my entire lunch splatters onto the floor. If I could die from embarrassing moments, this would be the one.

  “Baby, no!” Theron jumps out of the tub, grabbing towels to clean up my mess. My stomach starts to retch again, and this time I make it to the toilet. I am so over this. Every time I get myself worked up, I get sick.

  I collapse onto the floor and curl into a ball. I am barely aware of Theron cleaning up around me. The tile is cool on my skin, and I don’t want to move.

  “Beautiful, you can’t lay on the floor.”

  “Why not? It feels good on my skin and it’s convenient.”

  “First of all, you’re naked. You at least need a robe on or something. Second of all, despite what you say, that cannot be comfortable. Let me help you.”

  “No, I don’t want your help. I just want to be left alone. I want all this stress to end. I want your father to leave us alone. I want to be able to leave the house without worrying about someone watching me. I want to eat without feeling like death afterwards, and I just want to sleep.”

  “That’s quite a list. Come on, we’ve both hurt each other today, we need to stop while we are ahead. Can you walk?”


  “Shall I carry you then?”


  He doesn’t listen. He bends over, scoops me up off the floor, and carries me to our bed. He pulls the covers back and lays me down. “Get some rest, my beautiful girl. I’ll be back to check on you in a little bit. Do you need anything?”


  Theron laughs, as he pulls the soft sheet over me, tucking me in. “Already in the bathroom, beautiful.” He presses his lips to my forehead and my heavy eyes close.


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