Shadows: A Love Ever After Series

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Shadows: A Love Ever After Series Page 33

by Amber Lacie


  The room feels so stuffy. I walk over to the window and crack it open, just a tad. There is a nice breeze this evening, and my skin instantly cools, as I lean against the window frame. We are all sitting in the downstairs living room, going over every detail.

  Evan collected all the notes that I tossed into the back of my car. For once, being a slob and not cleaning out my car has worked in my favor.

  Detective Hallow and Detective Markz are taking notes of everything Theron is saying, and I have already been grilled several times. I am not sure what else they could possibly need to know. They lost interest in me when Theron mentioned his father might possibly be involved, and they started talking directly with him. I wish they would leave. I am tired and hungry. Tomorrow, I am supposed to go back to work, and I haven’t even approached Theron about that, yet.

  “Miss Davidson. We will be in touch.”

  I give one of the detectives a simple nod of my head, without moving from my spot. I love that Theron has become my mantra over the past two hours. If it weren’t for him, I would have walked out by now. This must have been the longest meeting that I have ever had with the police. When they interviewed me after Matt’s death, it didn’t take this long.

  The thought of Matt, stirs in my mind. I wonder what he would think of this predicament that I have gotten myself into. I am sure that he would side with Theron as well. Matt was always looking out for me. They would probably both be pissed with me.

  My skin feels flush again, so I lean down in front of the window and let the breeze blow on my face.

  Strong hands grasp my hips and I stand up, my back coming flush with Theron’s front. Brushing the hair off my shoulder, he whispers in my ear, “Are you hungry?” His breath is hot and tickles my ear.


  “That’s not an answer.” Goosebumps spread across my skin, as I think of what I am hungry for.

  “I could eat.”

  “What would you like, beautiful?”

  Thoughts of Theron taking me here, or in the library cross my mind. “You.”

  “I can’t think of why that is. Shouldn’t we feed you two soon.”

  “I’m not hungry for food. I’ll eat later.”

  His mouth runs up my neck, nipping me with his teeth. My pulse is racing. His mouth finds my ear. “Is that so?”

  “Theron, shut up. Don’t toy with me. Either fuck me so I can’t walk, or quit taunting me.”

  He laughs and spins me around in his arms. “You have such a lovely way of speaking sometimes.”

  “It’s an art form.”

  A throat clears in the room, and I turn to find Evan standing in front of the couch. “I’m going to call it a night. Let me know if either of you need anything. Eve, please don’t leave the house without me or Theron with you.”

  My cheeks flush at the realization that we aren’t alone. Theron and I watch as Evan leaves. As soon as he is out of sight, Theron picks me up in his arms and playfully tosses me onto the couch. I prop myself up on my elbows and watch him as he crawls over me.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too. I need to feel you.”

  “Don’t worry, beautiful…I’ve got this. Are you mine?”

  “Yes.” There is no hesitation. I have always been his.

  “I’m keeping you. There’s no more running away. There are no more secrets. There’s only you and me from now on.”

  “You and me…for a little while.”

  Theron looks at me confused, and I can tell that he starts to get mad, before he realizes his error.

  “I meant you, me, and our little family. Okay?”

  “Damn right it’s okay. No more talking. I want you screaming.” His words crack the air around me and just like that, my Theron has turned from sweet and loving, to dark and dangerous. I love this side of him.

  His mouth crashes into mine, our tongues collide and chaos ensues. He is pulling my shirt over my head and I am desperately trying to get to his. We are pulling and tugging at each other until we are both left naked in each other’s arms.

  He leans over me and our eyes meet. The dark desire in his eyes, lights up all my nerves. His mouth finds my neck, licking and sucking, as he works his way down to my stomach where he plants a soft kiss. Wrapping his arms around my thighs, he spreads me open for him. Sparks shoot through me, as his tongue massages my clit.

  My back arches and my hips rise off the couch, as I try to get closer to his mouth. Theron thrusts his fingers into me, curling them up to hit all the right places. Squirming, I can’t keep still. Grasping for him, I pull his hair. His mouth leaves my clit and I moan in protest. I gasp, as I feel his teeth bite into the inside of my thigh.

  “Mine. You are mine.” Oh my God, he has marked me. I was desperate before, but now I am frantic for his touch.

  “All yours.” Theron grabs my waist, flipping me over.

  SMACK! My ass cheek protests from where his hand has been, but my body loves it, as I let out a moan.

  He grabs my hips, pulling me and spinning me. Kneeling on the floor with my waist bent over the cushions, my ass is displayed before him.


  “Ahh!” Brief pain, followed by pleasure. My head pulls back, as he wraps my hair around his wrist.

  “You are so fucking gorgeous with your ass red and marked by me.” Theron spreads my legs apart with his knee, making sure he has me where he wants me. My breath leaves me, as he suddenly slams into me.

  My pussy welcomes him, clenching around him. He slowly pulls out and rams back into me. This is a brutal onslaught to my nerves and I won’t be able to last long with him doing this. His pace quickens, and my grip tightens onto the cushions beneath me.

  “Theron! Don’t stop. Oh, God! Please don’t stop.” My body is a frenzy of exploding nerves, as my orgasm rips through me.

  “Fuck, beautiful. You feel so good wrapped around my cock.”

  I gasp, as I feel something that I have never experienced before. I feel his hands spread my cheeks and his fingers softly push and circle where I have never pictured anyone ever going.

  “Shhh. I got you. Eventually, you’ll beg me for this, but we have to work up to it.” His cock slides in and out of my pussy, as he rubs his new conquest. Softly pushing, he slowly slides one finger into me, while keeping his pace. My body burns and stretches, as it accepts the intrusion. I feel so tight and full.

  I find myself pushing back onto him. “Oh my God.”

  “Fuck. Eve.” His cock slams into me again, filling me completely, and igniting another orgasm, as my pussy clenches around him, milking him for every last drop of cum. I have never felt so stretched and full before. It is something that I will be doing again.

  He has helped me accomplish my goal of not being able to move. I glance at him over my shoulder, as he leans back on his knees. “Don’t move, my beautiful girl.”

  My head falls onto the cushions and my eyes start to close, as I watch his glorious ass walk into the kitchen. I am startled awake, when I feel something warm sliding between my thighs.

  “Don’t worry. I’m just taking care of you.” He runs the washcloth up and down both of my thighs, making sure to wipe every inch in-between. His arms wrap around my waist, gently moving me so that my entire body is now lying on the couch.

  “You are absolutely breathtaking. You’re glowing, and you look so incredibly satisfied.”


  “No words again?”


  “Baby, I know I’ve broke you, but I at least need to get you dressed. What will the staff think if they find us in here like this?”


  Theron laughs as I watch him pull his slacks on. “At least put on my shirt.”


  “Come on. Arms up.” I don’t want to move, but I comply with his request and slide my arms into his gray polo shirt. He pulls it down over my head and I am rewarded with a kiss on the tip of my nose.

bsp; “Thank you.”


  “Food. You need food. What would you like?”


  “Nothing isn’t food, Eve. You need to eat. It’s not just you anymore.”

  “I know, but it makes me feel like crap. I don’t want to get sick anymore. I just want to lie here, and pretend everything is okay. There’s no drama, no stress, and no puking.”

  Theron lets out a sigh, before he starts roaming through the very large pantry in the kitchen. He disappears behind the doors and I think he may have crossed over into Narnia.

  I can hear things moving around, but there is still no sign of him.

  “Theron, if you find a lamp post in the middle of a forest full of evergreens, you’ve gone too far.”

  It’s quiet for a couple of seconds and then I hear an, “Aha!” coming from the pantry and I assume that he has found what he is looking for. The door opens and Theron steps out with a box of crackers, and a small box of tea in his hands.

  “I thought you got lost.”

  “Nope. Sadly, I do have to report there is no lamp post in the back of the pantry.”

  “Well, that’s just disappointing.”

  “I’m going to make you a cup of tea, while you nibble on some crackers. The pantry is fully stocked, so if you wake up hungry later, I’ll make you a snack then.”

  “Okay, but can we take them with us? I’m so tired.” I stand and stretch my muscles. I feel as if I have been hit by a truck.

  “Beautiful, I don’t think you’ll make it up the stairs. Let me help you.”

  As we head upstairs to our bedroom, I mentally go over everything I want to discuss with Theron. The first being…me working tomorrow. With everything going on, I can see him being hesitant, but I don’t want to be a prisoner. I haven’t told him about the ultrasound on Friday, either.

  We walk into the bedroom and my attention is drawn to the balcony. The moon looks so big tonight. Theron says something, but I keep walking. Grasping the handle to the French door, I pull it open. Stepping out onto the balcony, I am in awe. The moon is shining brightly with the stars tonight and it is casting on the garden in a beautiful shade of blue.

  A hand gently clasps the back of my neck. His touch is so warm and inviting. I move, wrapping my arms around his waist and gaze at the night sky with my head on his chest.

  “You are supposed to be eating.”


  “But you’re not.”


  “Eve, please eat.”

  “I want to talk to you.”

  “Why? What’s the matter? If it’s about the police, I won’t apologize. I’m still mad that you blew those notes off, as if they were nothing.”

  “It’s not about the police or the notes, per se.”

  “I don’t play games. Tell me.”

  I drop my arms and walk back into the bedroom, so I don’t have to look at him. “I’m going to work tomorrow. I know it’s not going to sit well with you, but I’m not a prisoner.”

  Theron follows me into the room. I can see him out of the corner of my eye. He is pissed. “What? The hell you are! You’re not leaving this house.”

  “Damn it. Don’t fight me on this. Send Evan with me, or drop me off yourself if you have a need for your idiotic control. You can’t keep me locked up. I’m not a fucking criminal.”

  “Idiotic control? Why don’t you feed me some more bullshit? This mess is your fault. You lied to me, and you hid shit from me. First the pregnancy, and now someone is following you, leaving threatening notes on your car. You want me to ignore that? No, Eve. That’s my final word.”

  Now, I am pissed. Surely Evan coming with me, or Theron dropping me off would have been a compromise, but instead he thinks he can keep me locked up. Nope. Not happening.

  “I may have held things from you, but it doesn’t give you the right to dictate my fucking life. You don’t own me. I’m not your property. I will be going to work tomorrow. I suggest you figure out whether you or Evan are coming. I’m not asking for permission. I am telling you what I am doing. That’s my final word.” I slam our door behind me, as I leave the room and head down the hallway. I need some time to myself.

  I have gone off the deep end and completely lost my mind. I know this because I am currently complaining about mistakes that I have made to an empty library. This is not my proudest moment, but I am not ready to admit it. I should be agreeing with Theron, instead I am turning down this library for a bookstore…but I want both. I like helping, Olivia. It feels like I have finally found my niche.

  My fingers are grazing the spines of the books as I walk. There are so many choices. I find one that looks worn by love and pull it out to inspect it. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. The pages are soft under my fingers, as I carefully flip through them. I have always loved Alice’s blue dress. I know this isn’t a first edition, but I know it’s after nineteen eleven because that was the first-time Alice was printed with her blue dress.

  Holding the book firmly to my chest, I make myself comfortable in front of the chairs. Alice only sees the rabbit once or twice before my eyes become too heavy to open and I fall into a dream of my own.

  “What’s your favorite kind of pizza? I like ham and pineapple the best. Want to know why?” I look over at the boy in the sunglasses next to me. He doesn’t say anything. He just keeps drawing pictures in the sand of flowers. “I always ask for ham and pineapple because no one else in my family likes it, so I get the whole pizza to myself. Sometimes I let my brother have a piece, but he doesn’t like it. What kind of things do you like to do?”

  “I don’t know. I can skateboard. I can grind pretty good. I could show you.”

  I am stunned into silence. He rarely ever talks. I give him a smile and shrug my shoulders. “That’s cool. If you want to, that is.”

  “I said it. Why wouldn’t I? You’re my friend, right?”

  “Yeah, I’m your friend.”

  “Will you always be my friend?”

  “Yeah, I’ll always be your friend.”

  “I’m going to keep you.”

  I’m not sure what to say. No one has ever said anything to me like that before. It makes my stomach flip and I think I like it.


  “I’ll show you some tricks another day. I should go before my dad finds out that I’m here. Bye, beautiful.”

  Kayla and Matt walk over as I watch him walk back towards the parking lot.

  “So, how’s your mute?”

  I shoot Matt a look. He can be such an idiot. “He’s not mute. You guys are never nice to him, so why should he talk to you?” I look back out over the lake and watch the white foam scatter, as the waves hit the shore.

  I like the boy in the sunglasses talking just to me. I like when it is just us.


  The sun wakes me. It’s peeking playfully through the curtains, teasing me with promises of a good day. I open one eye and then the other. I am back in our bedroom. Theron must have found me at some point and carried me back up here. Damn his sweetness. I still wanted to be mad at him for keeping me locked away like a criminal.

  After glancing around the room some more, I decide I am more like a princess locked away in a tower. It is a really nice tower, but I’m still locked away.

  I peek into the bathroom to see if Theron is in there, but he must have already went downstairs or maybe into his office. Either way, he obviously didn’t want to talk to me.

  I take a long hot shower to relax my muscles. Slipping into my robe, I am picking out some clothes for the day, when I hear a voice in the hall. Trying to make as little noise as possible, I softly walk across the room and hide just on the other side of the door. I can barely make out what he is saying, but I don’t hear anyone else. He must be on the phone.

  “I’m not thrilled with this idea, either. You know she’s right. I can’t lock her up…Do the perimeter first…that’s your call. If you need more
people, just let me know. I’ll let you know what time. She’s still sleeping…I found her in the library. Next time I’ll check there first. Evan, do not let her out of your sight.”

  I cover my mouth from screaming with excitement. He is not going to fight me on this. I hear his footsteps on the hardwood floor and I run back into the bathroom. I am doing my best trying to look like I was in here the whole time by sitting and combing my hair, but I’m a horrible liar.

  He steps into the bathroom and I give him a soft smile. He crosses his arms across his chest. Shit. I’ve been caught.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Getting ready for work.”

  “And who says you’re going?”

  “Me. I know you already talked to Evan about it.”

  “I knew you wouldn’t stay here. You’re too stubborn for your own good. Please, don’t go anywhere without Evan today.”

  “I won’t.”

  I throw my hair up into a bun and rush around the bedroom as I get ready. I have thrown on a pair of jeans, a navy-blue tank top, and my chucks. It is the beginning of June and it’s finally getting warm out. I thought I was going to be stuck in sweaters for the rest of the year.

  Checking myself in the bathroom mirror, I notice the circles under my eyes are fading and my face isn’t red from crying. It’s about time.

  Theron is already sitting at the dining room table when I come down stairs.

  “Rebecca is making us breakfast.”

  “I was just kind of hoping for something light.” Pulling out a chair, I take a seat next to Theron. It is odd eating in this beautiful dining room when there are only two of us. I suddenly feel underdressed.


  “I didn’t say anything.”

  “You didn’t have to. I could tell something was wrong by your face. Do you feel okay?”

  “I’m fine. I just find it odd that we are eating in the dining room. Couldn’t we have eaten breakfast in the kitchen? I don’t mind.”

  “Rebecca asked where we would like to dine. I just assumed the dining room table would work. It’s what it was made for.”


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