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Keeping His Promise: A When It Happens Novella, Book 2

Page 13

by Rhyannon Byrd

  Her mother’s long red hair, so similar to Natalie’s, swayed over her shoulders as she gave a small nod, urging her to continue.

  “He’d asked me out before,” she explained, “but I told him no. Because there was a misunderstanding.”

  “What type of misunderstanding?”

  “It’s kind of a long story, but the point is that I thought he was cheating on his girlfriend, because I’d seen him have dinner with her at the restaurant, and then come in with different women on the weekends.” Her mom’s brow started to crease with renewed concern, so she rushed to explain. “But I was wrong. He doesn’t have a girlfriend.”

  Relief softened her mom’s gaze. “So once you realized the truth, you agreed to go out with him?”

  Blushing, she said, “Sort of. I hadn’t been very nice to him, and when I told him what I thought was happening, he took me to this beautiful boutique in La Jolla, and then introduced the gorgeous blonde I’d thought he was dating as his sister.”

  Her mom winced in sympathy. “Ouch.”

  “Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing, but after some of the awful things I’d said to him, I deserved it. Then he asked me if I’d have dinner with him, so I did, and as we talked and I got to know him better, I realized how wrong I’d been about him. And I…I ended up spending the night with him,” she blurted, which was also kind of embarrassing, seeing as how this was her mom. “We ended up spending most of Sunday together too, and it was…it was amazing.

  “He’s…he’s so incredible, mom. The kind of guy you think you’re never, ever going to be lucky enough to meet, much less that he’ll be…I mean, that’ll he’ll want you too. And I know I’m rambling, but he’s…I think he’s the most special person I’ve ever known. But then he started to drift off for a nap, and…and right before he fell asleep, he asked me not to run. But I…I did,” she stammered, her voice cracking with emotion. “I wrote him a stupid note about how I couldn’t be with him, and I ran like a freaking coward!”

  The wave of tears that came after that was too strong to hold back, and her mom leaned forward and put her arms back around her, letting her cry it out. It was a long, ugly jag, and when she finally managed to pull herself together, her mom went to the kitchen and got her a bottle of water from the fridge, telling her to drink it. Then she sat down on the couch again, turned toward her, and with a heavy expression of regret, she said, “Natalie, I know you don’t like to talk about what happened with your father, but there are some things I need to say.”

  She nodded, swiping at the tears on her cheeks, sensing it was time to get her shit together. That her mother was about to tell her something important, and she needed to pay attention.

  A sad smile touched the corner of her mom’s mouth, and she sighed as she grabbed Natalie’s hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. “Baby, what happened with your dad sucked, and I know it’s had a big effect on your life, and I hate that for you, because it isn’t fair. But you can’t let it continue to hold you back, Natalie. You can’t give it that kind of power, because you don’t deserve it. And neither does the man who falls for you.”

  She blinked, a soft breath shuddering past her lips as she realized what her mom was trying to tell her. She opened her mouth, but all the words she wanted to say were stuck, and she couldn’t get them out.

  Giving her hands another gentle squeeze, her mom looked her right in her tear-ravaged eyes, and said, “Sweetheart, don’t lose him because of what happened to me. The two have nothing to do with each other, and you have to let the past go. Because you deserve so much more than what you’ve let yourself have. You deserve to love and to be loved, Natalie. More than anyone I know.”

  Her throat shook, and she had to swallow twice before she could say, “But I don’t want to be hurt.”

  “None of us do.” Her mom gave her a gentle smile. “But that’s life, baby. And love. Losing sucks, but when you win. God, Nat—when you win, it’s the best feeling in the world.”

  She tried to take a deep breath, but couldn’t. She felt like her heart had floated up into her throat, the realization suddenly hitting her that there was something different—in a good way—about her mom. Something that had been there for a while now, but that she’d been too blind to see. “Mom, is there something you’re not telling me?”

  Her mother caught her lower lip in her teeth, the same way that Natalie often did, then exhaled in a quiet rush. “Well, since we’re pouring our hearts out here, there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you, but…wasn’t sure how.”

  Nodding her encouragement, she said, “You know you can tell me anything.”

  “I…I’ve met someone, Nat.” Her mom’s eyes were bright with emotion. “Someone who’s…well, he’s wonderful. Completely wonderful.”

  “Ohmygod, that’s awesome!” she gushed, completely thrilled for her mother. As far as Natalie knew, this was the first time her mom had dated since her divorce, and she’d hated that for her. Despite her own hang-ups, she’d desperately wanted her mom to have someone who would treat her the way she deserved to be treated. “But why haven’t you told me?”

  “Well, at first, I didn’t know if it was even going to go anywhere, and I didn’t want to look like a fool. But we’ve been together for almost two months, and I…I believe him when he says that he loves me.” A beautiful smile curved her lips. “I think I’d be a fool not to believe him. He’s just…he’s so good to me, and he really wants to meet you and Jackson.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  Blushing, she said, “He’s younger than me, Nat. By nearly ten years.”

  Linda Richards was only forty-seven, which meant that her new guy was in his late thirties. Sure, there were some people who would probably think that was a big deal, but Natalie sure as hell wasn’t one of them. “So? Who cares how freaking old he is?”

  “I don’t know,” her mom sighed, shaking her head. “I guess I just don’t want people thinking I’m a cougar.”

  “Mom, listen to me. You’re gorgeous and still in your prime. No one who has a brain is going to think that. This guy is lucky as hell to have you.” Her lips twitched with another smile. “But don’t you think you ought to tell me his name?”

  Grinning back at her, her mom said, “It’s Luke. Luke Carson.”

  Natalie spent the next hour quizzing her mother on all things Luke Carson, while they managed to put together some pasta for dinner, and open a bottle of wine. They talked about Sean a lot too, and by the time her mom headed home, Natalie felt like she’d been put through an emotional wringer.

  And like her eyes had finally, after all this time, been opened.

  She really had been a fool. What she and Sean had—people were lucky if they ever found anything remotely close to it. And it was more than just mind-blowing sex. More than the physical chemistry. They had a breathtaking, game-changing connection with their hearts and minds and, yeah, with their bodies. God, with everything. And like an idiot, she’d tried to toss it away like it was nothing more than a fuck-fest. She’d hurt him, when he’d made it so obvious that he wanted more with her. When he’d been so fucking amazing to her.

  Jesus, she didn’t deserve him. But she could fix that—she knew she could. If her mom could be brave and give her heart away, after everything she’d been through, then damn it, so could she. She could do whatever it took to be what Sean Cartwright deserved, and she would. She’d lay her soul bare and give him every part of her, no matter how tender or vulnerable…if she could only manage to get him back.

  Even though he’d texted her earlier, Natalie refused to read too much into it. Hell, for all she knew, he just wanted to sort things out so that it wouldn’t be awkward when they ran into each other at Chris and Sophie’s. But at least he was willing to talk to her. It was an opening, and she was going to take it and make the most of it. She just needed a plan. A brilliant one. One they would talk about for years to come.

  And maybe, if she was lucky, an entire freaking lifetime.<
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  It took another glass of wine, and more pacing than her rug from the local thrift store could take, but she finally had something that she prayed would work. Heart pounding with nerves and excitement, she picked up her phone. Typing her message with shaking fingers, she cursed the damn thing to hell and back as she had an epic battle with autocorrect. But then she finally had the message completed, and hit send.

  Natalie: I’d like to talk. There’s a big get-together tomorrow at the restaurant that I have to be at. Can you meet me there at 7?

  His response was almost immediate. I’ll be there.

  She gave herself a moment to shed a few more tears—but at least this time they were tears of relief…and hope—and then she sent up another quick little prayer for any divine intervention that might come her way, desperate for any help she could get.

  Then she got on the phone and started making all the necessary calls, ready to do whatever it took to make this happen.

  And, yeah, she knew a lot of people would say she was crazy for doing what she was going to do. Her logical brain told her that it was too soon—that they hadn’t known each other long enough—but what the hell did time really matter when it came to relationships? Her mom had dated her dad for three years before moving in together, then getting married, and look how well that had turned out.

  No, this was one of those things that required her to follow her heart, not her head, no matter how frightening it was. And her heart told her that it was time to open up and let Sean in—because that was where he belonged.

  And right where she planned on keeping him.

  Chapter Ten

  The moment that Sean walked into Manolo’s the following night, Natalie could have sworn her heart stopped. She was standing on the other side of the restaurant, her hungry gaze devouring how he looked in his white dress shirt (with the cuffs rolled up on his tanned forearms), dark jeans, and a pair of rugged brown boots—but she was too far away to see him as clearly as she wanted. So right in the middle of her conversation with Sophie, she just walked away, her feet taking her toward Sean, as if she were being pulled to him by a powerful tractor beam.

  She’d managed to get in touch with both Paul and Peyton, and they were standing off to her left, chatting with Karin, along with a good-natured group of guys that Sean was friendly with, who he’d talked about over the weekend. She’d also invited Sean’s mother and step-dad, and even though they had a prior engagement, his mom had promised they would duck out early and make their way over. Natalie was nervous about meeting them, considering the circumstances, but she couldn’t think about that now. All she could do was focus on Sean, and how much she’d missed him.

  Jesus, just having him in the same room with her made her skin tingle, her nerve endings prickling with awareness, while her pulse raced, her heart pounding hard and quick with emotion. Last night, her mother had asked her if they had good chemistry, and she’d said, “God yes.” But it wasn’t until that moment, right then, that Natalie had truly understood just how strong and raw and intense their connection was.

  It was the kind of thing that broke down walls, and locked people together. In a good way. In the best of ways. And she wanted to be strong enough to embrace that—to cherish it—instead of cowering from life like a coward.

  But that’s exactly what she’d done. She’d made the biggest mistake of her life when she’d run from him, and some lame ass apology wasn’t going to cut it. Not when she needed him so badly…and cared about him so deeply. She needed a grand gesture to atone for her sins…and to make a statement for her future.

  So that’s what she’d done.

  In the gutsiest move she’d ever made, Natalie had rented out the entire restaurant for the night, planned a kick-ass party, complete with food and entertainment—a live band was set to start playing at eight—and invited as many of their family and friends as she could on such short notice.

  And now they were all were watching her as she made her way toward him, but she didn’t care. All that mattered was Sean, and her insides churned when she got close enough to see the dark circles under his eyes; proof that he’d been sleeping just as crappily as she had this past week. The grooves beside his mouth were a little deeper, the fullness of his mouth flattened with tension, and his hair was all spiky, like he’d been running his fingers through it in frustration.

  But his eyes—those mesmerizing blue eyes—were full of intense determination as they scanned the room, then landed hard on her.

  At that moment, time fucking stopped, and she froze. Those dark, incredible eyes narrowed, the heat in them somehow even hotter as his possessive gaze swept over her body, taking in the killer heels and little black dress she’d bought just that afternoon, especially for him.

  It’d taken her forever to get ready, seeing as how she’d paid extra attention to her make-up, and brushed her hair until it gleamed in soft, rolling waves. But she knew every grueling minute had been worth it, as she watched his chest lift with a sharp breath, and a brief flash of relief swept through her at the fact that she’d scored with her appearance. God only knew she needed all the points she could get.

  But as much as Sean seemed to love the way her body looked wrapped up in sexy black silk, it was her face that truly seemed to have captured his attention. His gaze was midnight dark and deep, burning with visceral emotion. Full of so much hunger. So much need.

  Before she could get a single word out, he grabbed her hand, pulling her along behind him as he headed toward one of the restaurant’s private dining rooms. They passed by a grinning Sophie and Chris, then Paul, who was too busy to notice them because he was eye-fucking Karin, and on past her mom and Luke Carson.

  Natalie had chatted with Luke for a bit when they’d first arrived, and could honestly say that she truly liked him. He was a smart, easy-going, good-looking pediatrician who had a great sense of humor and some amazingly awesome tats. The best thing about him, though, was how crazy he was about her mom. For that alone, Natalie already adored him, and she couldn’t wait to introduce him to Sean.

  But for the moment, it seemed that any introductions would have to wait. With his big, masculine hand holding tight to hers, Sean pulled her toward one of the restaurant’s rustic, brick-walled private dining rooms, and shut the door behind them.

  “What’s going on?” he quickly rasped, keeping hold of her hand as he turned to face her. “Why are all these people here?”

  “Paul and Peyton are responsible for your friends being here, but I called your mom myself,” she said proudly.

  His beautiful eyes widened with surprise. “My mom’s coming?”

  “Yes,” she replied in a soft voice, so damn happy that he was actually there, where she could drink him in with her starved senses, the sight and scent of him making her dizzy with need. “She and your step-dad will be here in about an hour. And I know you’re wondering what’s going on, and I have so much that I need to say to you.” Her forehead scrunched as she glanced toward the door, then back at him. “But I was going to say it in front of…of everyone here.”

  He ran his tongue over the edge of his teeth, and exhaled a harsh breath. “Just tell me now, Natalie. Don’t make me fucking wait.”

  Guilt seared hotly through her system at the haggard sound of his voice. It was so freaking obvious that he’d been as devastated by the way she’d run as she had, and she wanted to find a way to twist around and kick her own ass for being such a frightened, selfish fool.

  Staring up into his tired, gorgeous face, she honestly couldn’t understand how she’d ever thought him an arrogant asshole, or a ruthless womanizer, when that couldn’t be further from the truth. He was someone who already meant so much to her. Who, in the short time that she’d known him, had become infinitely precious to her.

  In all the ways that mattered, she felt him. Felt like she’d known him forever—and needed to have him in her life for even longer than that. Which was why she couldn’t hold back the words burning on her tongue a
ny longer. “I need to start by saying that I was such a fucking idiot, Sean, and I’m sorry. So incredibly sorry.”

  “For what?” he rasped, his big hands curving around her bare upper arms as he waited for her to explain.

  Her heart clenched with regret, and she knew her eyes were glistening with tears. “For not trusting you, and panicking,” she choked out, curling her trembling hands around his powerful forearms. “I hate that I acted that way.”

  His strong, corded throat worked as he gave a hard swallow. “Nat, baby, don’t.”

  The huskiness of his deep voice had her freaking melting for him. And the way he was looking at her—like he was already inside her, buried deep, and fucking her into one screaming orgasm after another—made it difficult to think about anything but tackling him to the ground and laying claim to every single mouthwatering, incredible inch of him.

  But this was too important to get wrong, and so she shook her head as she nervously licked her lips, determined to say what needed to be said, before giving in to the molten lust that always burned so fiercely between them. Because as much as she craved the physical ecstasy she knew he could give her, she was after the entire package.

  “I need to say this,” she told him, her words tumbling over each other in a breathless rush. “Because if you can be brave and take a chance, after all the shit you went through with your stupid ex, then damn it, so can I. So the reason I asked you here is because I wanted to tell you, in front of all those people who are important to us, that I want more. I want you.”

  His deep voice was rough and low. “Are you serious?”

  Swiping at the tears spilling over her cheeks, she nodded. “I tried to get by without you this week, and it sucked. I…I missed the hell out of you, and I don’t want to have to live like that.”

  “And so you planned all this?”

  “Yes.” She kept her gaze locked tight with his, and pressed her hands against his hard chest, greedy for the rhythm of his heartbeat. “It’s…it’s my declaration of intent.”


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