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The Dark Messenger

Page 40

by Milo Spires

  After he parked the car and had gotten out of it, he noticed a stranger standing next to Jane. He was a short man, dressed in white robes. He had a long, flowing white beard which ended just above his knees. Still not truly awake, John did not recognize him, and hoped it wasn’t someone he was supposed to know—he was drawing a blank. He concluded that it must be the guest speaker.

  He walked over to them. ‘How are you this morning, Jane?’ he asked.

  ‘I am fine. However, I don't believe you have met our guest speaker yet, have you?’ She turned to look at the man standing beside her.

  ‘Let me introduce you both. This is our priest…’ she began.

  John intervened by saying, ‘Please, please, let’s leave formalities for the moment.’ He put his hand out to the stranger. ‘My name is John, and you are…?’

  ‘Good morning! Yes, good morning. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Raffious.’

  With the mention of that name, Raffious, the whole hideous nightmare from the night before flooded back into his brain, and what ensued was the most unbelievable amount of shock and horror.

  Had it all somehow been true. He thought, as a shiver past through his veins!


  Please note this book is BOOK ONE of the series Vampires Uprise, BOOK TWO is called ENTERING HELL.

  Kaine finds out where the vampire is who was responsible for killing his parents, and seeks retribution for his vicious crime by going to kill him in Romania. The priest ‘John’ is deeply concerned by his vision, and with seemingly nowhere to turn, plus fearing the punishment from his peers for dating a nun, tries to solve his problems himself as he hunts for Kaine and Regina.

  But will they be able to help him?

  Please remember liking this book helps me produce more, so please go to my facebook page and like it, and if it is not too much trouble, the AMAZON website afterwards too, where you will be able to leave a review.

  Now for those who have read down this far, I have a gift for you.

  The first four chapters, of ENTERING HELL.

  Entering Hell

  Chapter One – The Soldiers.

  (Paris, FRANCE 1981)

  Four foreign soldiers over Six feet tall and wearing full black tactical gear, ski masks and armed with both tranquiliser guns full of MX1 Vampire Anaesthetic, and Heckler and Koch MP5 submachine guns, are moving their van to get a better view outside the entrance of the Palace de Versailles in Paris. The van is a black SWB Transit and the front side windows are tinted for privacy too. In the back with them they have a computer system, which is connected to a covert hidden camera positioned just above the number plate.

  They were working on a tip off from a vampire their boss’s scientists had killed. Just before he had died, he told them that if they wanted to kidnap vampires, the palace would be a perfect place to do so. Their boss gave the soldiers their orders and told them to go to the meeting and catch 4 of the strongest vampires they could find.

  The soldiers however realised from chatting with the scientists, that their boss must have already known about the meeting, and for some strange reason didn’t want to tell them. The reason they thought this was because it was morning when they had received their orders from him, and by that time the vampire was still alive in his cell. Anyway they knew their boss lied to them a lot, but they didn’t care because this mission they were going on was going to be exceptionally well paid. All they had to do was get four strong vampires and he had promised each of them a hundred grand.

  The vampire who had squealed about the meeting did so because he thought security would be high at the Palace and there was every chance when the soldiers were there, they might end up fucking something up and getting themselves caught.

  He was also going to tell Satan when he saw him that the meeting was full of vampires who refused to drink human blood. If he believed him, the prince of darkness would either send his portal demons to the palace, or even worse for the soldiers, he would go there himself.

  Anyway just as the scientists were about to start dissecting him alive and fully awake, he had screamed out,

  ‘Don’t kill me, don’t kill me, please, if you don’t kill me I will tell you about an important meeting being held in Paris, please don’t kill me.’

  The doctors of death had stopped the experiment and scribbled down notes as he told them. They had been real keen and told him to tell them everything he knew. They also asked him who was likely to be there.

  When he had finished telling them they said cheers and then to show their appreciation, they were real slow and methodical as they cut him in half with an old rusty saw.

  Chapter Two – In the van.

  (Outside the Palace de Versailles the soldiers are looking for vampires.)

  As the transit van was moving along the Av. de Paris and just passing the junction with Av. de l’Europe, the computer started going crazy as its retinal scanner picked up two vampires behind them in a bright Green V8 Mustang. The driver was a huge handsome vampire with somewhat chiselled looks and swept back shoulder length blonde hair. The passenger was a woman who had tousled red hair with a gorgeous gold highlight running effortlessly down through the left side. The man on the computer leant forwards and told the driver there were vampires behind, he laughed and then swerved viciously to block their path.

  The computer guy then picked up his radio and said.

  ‘There are two vampires in a green Mustang behind us, they are exactly what you want, perfect in size, a really good catch, should we take em?’

  The voice at the other end said in a foreign language, ‘Negative, I gave you the orders don’t you listen? If they leave early let them go. Inside there might be stronger ones, wait as ordered until the end of the meeting and choose the strongest as they are all leaving. Don’t make a scene. DO YOU UNDERSTAND.’ Then the radio went dead.

  ‘I can’t believe im working for this fucking idiot,’ the soldier said as he turned around to look at his buddies.

  ‘Call me a fucking idiot again, and you won’t be’ the same voice on the radio replied explosively.

  Looking down, the soldier could see he still had his finger pressed in on the speak button, which was how his boss had just heard him. Dashing the bloody thing out of his hand, he stood up and cracked his head against the vans low ceiling.

  ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, bollox this mission is all bollox, I can feel something is gonna go wrong tonight, I just know it.’ He screamed before turning to look at the radio set as if the person on the other end might hear him. Then he said,

  ’What if we wait till the end of the night and all the good vampires have already gone. What then you fucking idiot, what then?’

  ‘I agree,’ another soldier said and then another one also said,‘If we wait till the end of the night and get nothing, he wont pay us. He ain’t here trapped here in this fucking van is he? Fuck following his orders, this missions shit, lets just get any of them fanged fuckers we can.’

  One of the men then leant forwards to take a look at the screen and said,

  ’Look at that smug fucker in the Mustang behind, he’s mine, im not missing him no way, gonna put a dart in that bastard myself. If the boss wants the biggest and strongest then there ain’t no bigger than that dude. Check out his misses too, ‘fucking sexy,’ lets get em both now and do the bitch before we hand em over.’

  They all smiled at each other as they reminisced over the last vampire they had raped, you could still see her deep claw marks showing through the paintwork in the vans door.

  Chapter Three – Their Boss.

  Their boss first became aware that vampires truly existed near the end of WW2. He had retreated to his lead lined bunker in Hungary and was told stories that he found hard to believe. Officers reported to him that soldiers were dying in Auschwitz and the gas they were using to kill hundreds of humans with, on some of them it seemed to be having strange effects.

  When they were told to explain themselves the officers said
that after the death lever was pulled and the doors were opened, occasionally people with black eyes, fangs leapt over the dead and came charging out.

  The gas was making these humans much stronger as well, because when they reached the edge of the compound, with ease, they leapt the ten feet high double security fences too. Then in the hail of bullets from heavy machine gun fire, a few of them stopped to look around, and with the bullets seeming to have little to no effect, some of them even turned around and grinned.

  Seeing is believing so the boss had a second door made outside the main door, which was solid steel and the roof was then made from wire net. Months passed without anymore being seen, until one day a man and old woman both charged out with fangs and were caught in the trap.

  When they were delivered to his secret bunker in Hungary, he had his scientists perform tests on them, but the results always came back inconclusive. Then in his office one day as he was getting up from his desk, a book fell down that he didn’t even know he had.

  As he bent over to pick it up he realised the picture he was staring at showed people who also had black eyes and fangs. Closing the front cover, he was lost for words because the book said Theology in large print right across the front. Flipping back to the page he had just been on, he looked up and saw the chapter heading. The chapter said Ponerology section, the study of sin and evil.

  As he started to read the first paragraph though, he didn’t get two lines in before he saw the words VAMPIRE and IMMORTALITY; it was then that he realised the two prisoners he had in the cells were actually vampires.

  Diving for his phone, he rang his scientists and told them the news. Then he gave orders to find out what made vampires immortal and told them he wanted to inject it into his own soldiers to make them the elite un-stoppable machine.

  He reasoned that if he could do it, and also somehow stop the voices that were strong in his head, he would then restart the world war and this time win. Only first he would have to be sure the voices in his head had stopped permanently. So far they hadn’t, because if he went near the main doors of his bunker that he was confined to, he could feel them outside strangely calling to him. The reason he couldn’t hear them inside was because when it was carved out of the mountainside, in the hope that the voices wouldn’t bother him he had took precaution by having it lined with lead.

  Then one day there was a nock on his office door and his head scientist walked in. He told him that the male vampire downstairs in their cells was trying to offer them a deal. When he went down to see him, the vampire pleaded with him and told him that if he let him go, he would tell him where lots more of his own kind were living.

  Careful not to be tricked, the boss had said, did the vampire think he was a fool because if he let him go he was sure to run away. The vampire had replied that he wouldn’t because he had something he could never leave of his. The boss had told him to clarify his statement so he did; the vampire said the old woman in the other cell was his mother.

  So when this was verified a deal was then struck between them. The boss had agreed to let him go, but as part of the deal he had to search out and feed back the exact locations of where other vampires slept. The vampire had explained it would take a little time, but assured him he wouldn’t let him down. The boss had told him he better hurry up because now his mother was on death row. He also said that if a couple of weeks passed without any news from him, they wouldn’t wait, the next day she would be sliced into pieces.

  Then covered in a blindfold, the soldiers flew him out to the snow covered seriously bleak Carpathian Mountains of Romania where he had told them his kind lived. As the chopper was hovering at about twenty feet they pushed him out the door. Then they threw a package out and screamed,

  ‘Let us down and there will be more.’

  When he had opened the package and saw his mother’s savagely amputated finger inside, the pain was too much and his knees had buckled beneath him.

  Then waist deep in snow, he had screamed up at them, ‘You bastards.’ They laughed and waived as the almost monolithic bird but of steel and not of stone, then flew off behind a snow cloud and disappeared from view.

  A few years went by and the vampire was true to his word, many missions had taken place and from those missions, hundreds of vampires had been killed. Their body parts were chopped up and then analysed by the scientists back in Hungary, but still regardless of all their tests, they were still no closer to meeting their boss’ demands.

  With the monthly report landing on his desk stating that immortality still hadn’t been found, the boss was furious, and in retaliation, apart from ordering some of his scientists to work incredibly long hours till they collapsed, he also had the less intelligent ones killed.

  Then in the sixth year a break through was finally made. They discovered a gene that was compatible with human’s genes, and strangely it was only found in the bone marrow from the species left leg. With it the scientists were able to produce a serum that gave humans increased strength and also stopped their ageing too.

  The soldiers were injected first and some with double dosages for increased strength before the scientists followed with a smaller amount. Then after six months passing with no obvious side effects showing, the boss and his second in command Heinrich had their injections too.

  Still though it was not immortality, and that pained him.

  But there was a problem. After a year had passed for the soldiers since their injections, it seemed that everyone was developing varying degrees of headaches. The headaches for some of them were so bad that after thrashing around and screaming for an hour, they dropped to their knees and complained they felt like something inside their stomachs was moving. Then they craned their necks backwards and a huge spray of projectile luminescent green vomit came out that hit the twenty foot high ceiling. Afterwards they wiped their mouths and said they felt fine, except five minutes later every one of them who was suffering with these harsh effects, dropped to the floor and couldn’t be woken from a monstrous coma.

  Months went by and the scientists tried varying concoctions of drugs but nothing would wake them from their comatose state.

  The boss was so furious with time being wasted looking after them that, he had their beds wheeled out into the main hanger, and then with his luger P08 Parabellum semi automatic hand gun, he walked around and rather than singing them sweet lullabies, he simply shot them in the head.

  Then as weeks went by, finally the scientists managed to get the headaches to subside, but this had little effect upon placating their boss’ furious rage. He demanded they provide him with the secret to immortality, and told them that if they didn’t hurry the fuck up, then more of them would die.

  With the fear of execution racing through their veins, and aware that he had absolutely no scientific knowledge himself, they spun him a lie.

  They told him their scientific studies so far had demonstrated that strong athletic males had a similar gene pattern to humans, and that most of the country vampires they had been supplied with so far were no good. They said it was because they were too small, and malnourished.

  They promised him that if he could supply them with 4 huge vampires that were almost godly in size, they felt sure that after they had cut them limb from limb, and then with microbiological testing they were sure they could provide him the results he required.

  Accepting his ageing had stopped, and his looks even though he was now in his eighties was still of a man in his forties, the boss realized they had done good so far and really he had no grounds to refuse.

  So with this in mind he accepted and told the vampire that he had dumped in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania to stop fucking around and to locate the godly beasts as per their request.

  Chapter Four – The Priest.

  (1981, 7.03am Nov 15th, Outside Bakeley Cathedral – England)

  John the priest was in the cellar looking for a Ponerology book or anything really, so long as it had something to do with pure EVI
L. Stepping to the far back where he had to crouch down and bend his knees, he couldn’t get to the small aged bookcase he wanted. As he finally reached it, he couldn’t believe that after twenty years of preaching, the answers he needed might be hidden in their evil pages.


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