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Bad Behavior: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 3

by Leah Holt

  It certainly wasn't the first time his judgment was tainted.

  I could hear the heavy thump of her feet against the trunk, the thick pounding of her heel against the lid was starting to make me real fucking annoyed.

  And I didn't need to be annoyed, especially not with her right now.


  Glancing in the rear-view mirror, I knew I wasn't far from the safe house, but I also couldn't get there fast enough. I had to keep a level head. If I got pulled over right then, I'd be fucked. I'd end up right beside my brother, which was the last thing I wanted.

  He was another fucking asshole who ran his mouth and would eventually get what he deserved. For now, he was safer than he'd ever be again.

  Just thinking about him made my blood boil. Sesto wasn't family, not anymore.

  Not after what he did.

  Gripping the steering wheel tighter, I dug my fingers into the leather wrap. I had to cool myself down. I was already pissed off, and if this fucking girl ended up giving me a hard time . . .

  She'd be real sorry, and I didn't want to do that to her.

  I didn't normally have a weak spot, but when I saw her all laid out like that . . . Her hair was splayed in the dirt, arms and legs spread open without her consent; and the look in her eyes . . . It lit a fire inside my gut that turned me into more of a monster than I already was.

  And to top it all off that motherfucker had the balls to tell me that he deserved to have her, that he had earned the right . . .

  No fucking way.

  Tony was the scum that I scraped off the bottom of my shoe, he deserved nothing.

  Especially her.

  The gravel kicked up into the wheel wells, pinging off the metal. Slowing to a stop, I threw the car into park, and shut down the engine. I wasn't too sure what my plan was going to be, but I knew Ivy needed protection.

  There was no way in hell I was leaving her in the hands of those animals. I knew it wouldn't stop with Tony, I could see the gleam in Vince's eyes, the way he devoured her inside his head.

  She was gorgeous, and from the first moment I laid eyes on her, there was something that just stuck with me. This wasn't the first time I'd seen her, she'd caught my eye when I saw Remo trolling her around like a fucking prize.

  He didn't deserve her. And I couldn't understand why the hell she was with him to begin with. Maybe his money, maybe the power he tried to act like he had, I wasn't sure.

  But it made my insides cringe with hatred for the man who already deserved to die.

  Her hair was the color of copper, eyes a mix of green and blue. The woman had hips I could ride for days, and an ass that could use a heavy slap or two.

  But for now, her purpose was with our family, for payment and to prove a point. He'd have no choice but to hold up his end of the deal if he wanted his woman back.

  His woman . . . What a fucking joke.

  The men that worked for my father, they would never lay a hand on her. I wasn't going to allow it, that wasn't why we had her, that wasn't the purpose she served.

  If it had been up to me, I would've just killed Remo myself. He was a sick fuck anyway and his business wasn't that important. But my father was the boss, so it wasn't my decision to make.

  Dragging my fingers through my hair, I rested my chin on the back of my hand and stared off into nothing. Taking Ivy here wasn't a good idea, but I had no choice. I needed her safe, I needed her out of the reach of the dicks that worked for the family.

  Taking in a deep breath, I opened the door and stepped to the trunk. The silence of the woods around us and the quiet from inside the trunk was eerie.

  My hands came down hard, resting on the cold metal. Feeling the lid, I tried to sense any movement inside. There was none.

  Hopefully she was asleep, it would make it so much easier for me to move her inside the house. My heart lurched, a fear settling in my chest.

  What if she's dead?

  Yanking the key from my pocket, I jammed it into the lock. The trunk opened with a quiet pop, a soft thunk echoed around me, and faded into nothing. Glancing around over my shoulder, I checked to make sure we were alone.

  Which was ridiculous. Of course we were alone, we were out in the middle of nowhere, not another soul around for miles.

  It wouldn't be a safe house if it was set up in suburbia with neighbors, and businesses a holler away.

  The stiff hand of my job could never get shit done that way.

  Slowly I lifted the edge, leaning over as it rose towards the sky. I was hoping she wasn't dead, deep down I didn't want her to be staring back up at me with frost colored eyes, and cold skin.

  It was a look I was all too familiar with and it never left you. The last thing I wanted was to see her like that. There was a crushing feeling that wafted through my veins, sucking the air from my lungs as I cautiously lifted the steel.

  Suddenly, the trunk shot open, her small frame shooting forward with a violent snap. “No! Fuck you!” Ivy let out a loud angry screech. Her hands were clenched together as she whipped them at my face in one giant swoop.

  The punch stunned me, leaving my head spinning and a ringing in my ears. I didn't expect it, I had let down my guard for a second of stupid fucking fear that she might have died on me.

  Jumping out of the car, Ivy made a mad dash up the gravel driveway. Her small feet were quick, thumping with gentle taps against the small rocks.

  The fear I felt before melted away, growing into anger and coiling around my ribs to strangle my lungs. I still needed her, my family still needed her, I couldn't let her get away.

  Shifting on my feet, I found myself laughing. She wasn't going to get far.

  Fuck, this whole situation was screwing with my head.

  I had forgotten where we were for a brief second, letting my emotions screw with my brain.

  “You're not going anywhere!” Taking long steps, I picked up my pace and started to run. “We're out in the middle of nowhere! You'll die out here before you find one fucking person to help you!”

  My heels drove into the dirt, gaining on her small weak body. I had to give the girl credit, she was faster than I thought and packed quite the punch. But that didn't change anything, she was still mine for now.

  I could hear her breathing, the heavy thrusts of her lungs trying to keep blood flowing to her limbs so she could keep going. But it was too late, I was on her.

  Throwing myself forward, our bodies collided, falling to the hard ground. “Gotcha.” Ivy's arms wriggled in my hands, her body twisting and turning as she kept fighting against me. “You ain't going anywhere, Sweetheart.”

  Gripping her wrists, I yanked them behind her back, jamming my knee in between her shoulder blades. Putting pressure on her spine, I held her in place.

  Her grunts came out hard and fast, muscles never seizing. “Fuck you! Fuck you!” Flailing her body around, she wiggled under me.

  Flipping her over, I straddled her waist, clenching her wrists tight above her head. “Stop fighting.”

  “Never! I'll never stop fighting you!” Her lips pressed together, eyes veering in rage.

  There was so much strength in this woman, and I couldn't lie . . . I was getting turned on. My cock jerked beneath my pants, coming to life the more she resisted me. I couldn't explain where the feelings came from, but they were there.

  And I liked it.

  Ivy's face was shining under the moonlight, gleaming in sweat and blushing the sexiest shade of red. Her tits bounced as she moved under me, hair whipping all around her head as she sent hatred-filled words in my direction.

  “You're fucking sick! You can't do this to me! Prick! Asshole!”

  “Keep moving like that and you're bound to pop your shoulder out of the socket.” Smirking, I held her tighter, moving my waist down over her mound.

  Her hips bucked beneath me, slamming up into my balls. Her back was arched high, arms tugging forcefully between my fingertips. If this had been any other time, she wouldn't be resisting. />
  This would be foreplay, her hips would be moving to beg for me to be in her. Ivy's mouth would be moaning erotic demanding words, and her eyes would be filled with arousal instead of hatred.

  But that wasn't what this was. And I was still turned on, cock hard, chest buzzing with need.

  Maybe I am a sick motherfucker.

  Flaring her nostrils, Ivy breathed in slowly through her nose. “Let me go. I won't tell anyone this happened if you just let me go.”

  Shaking my head, I said, “I can't do that.”

  “Yes, you can.”

  “I can't.” I felt her body go loose, the adrenaline slowing down and slipping away.

  Shutting her lids, Ivy licked her lips before opening her eyes again. “Why? Tell me why you're doing this.” Her eyes met mine, and for a second I truly felt for her.

  She hadn't asked for any of this, and it wasn't my plan to begin with. What she didn't realize was how much of a role she really played.

  “I'm going to get up, and you're going to come with me. Fight me anymore and I swear you'll regret it.” Loosening one of my hands, I kept the other still firmly wrapped around her wrists. “Do you understand me?”

  “I know who you are.”

  “Everyone knows who I am, Sweetheart.” My lip curled up, brows dipping in. “Is that supposed to scare me?” She didn't answer, she just kept her eyes steady on mine. “We're done talking, let’s go.”

  Standing, I tugged her up by the arms. A weak yelp expelled from her mouth as she tried to steady herself on her feet. A piece of me wanted to cradle her in my arms, stroke her hair and tell her this would all be over soon.

  All she had to do was be good for me and this would all go away.

  But I couldn't let myself be weak to this woman. This wasn't my choice and it wasn't hers. We both had a job to do, even if she didn't realize it.

  “So, is this it? Are you going to kill me now—here?”

  “I said we're done talking.” Leading her forward, we headed back up to the house.

  “You're really not going to tell me what the hell is going on?” Ivy asked, attempting to look back at me over her shoulder.

  I wasn't answering her anymore. The more I talked the easier it would be to give her too much information. She didn't need to know anything, it wasn't her place.

  Her job was to stay put until the deal was done, that was it. It wasn't difficult, and if she kept fighting, the harder shit would get for her. She had to be good for me.

  I wasn't going to be nice, I wasn't going to go easy on her. If she kept running her mouth, I'd have no choice but to put her in her place.

  Watching her ass shift as we walked over the gravel made my cock twitch with excitement. I had this woman at the mercy of my ways, and the idea of that was starting to stick to my brain like molasses.

  I wasn't a monster like those other assholes, I'd take my time with her, show her who she needed to please.

  And in the end, she'd beg for me, she'd beg for my mercy.

  And I would give it to her.

  I'm not a man who just takes what he wants . . .

  I'm a man who earns the desire behind it.



  The house came into view as we walked up the driveway. And sadly, it looked just like any other normal home you'd see set in a plat with nothing to give away what might happen inside.

  The front was well groomed with bushes tucked snugly under the windows. Small pots of flowers rested beside the front door, a dog house was set off to the side.

  If I'd passed by this house at any other time I wouldn't think twice about it. But right now, it looked like hell on earth.

  Dante was bringing me here for a reason, and I had no idea why. There were no lights on inside, no other cars in the driveway.

  We were alone, away from civilization, away from help. Looking through the trees I tried to make out any faint glow of a neighbor or sign of life. And nothing.

  Motherfucker! Where the hell am I?

  The tree line looked thick, surrounding the entire property. But I couldn't tell how deep they actually went, it was way too dark for that. I knew I couldn't make it through them like this, not without shoes or clothes. It was too cold out, I'd freeze to death.

  I'll find a way. I'll get out of here alive.

  Peeking out of the corner of my eye, Dante was still holding a death grip on my wrists, walking with his head straight. “Can you just tell me what this is all for? Don't I have a right to know why I'm here?”

  Flicking his eyes in my direction, his parted lips sealed tight, head snapping back straight.

  “What, you're just going to go mute now? You're not going to talk to me at all?” Stumbling over a hidden rock, his strong arms held me up, pulling me back from falling. My pussy pulsed, warming over the small amount of concern I felt in his touch.

  It had been a long time since anyone showed even the slightest care for my well-being. The small tug to keep me upright was enough to send my stomach into a tumbling ball of knots.

  “Here's something for you, watch where you're walking.” Shoving me forward, he made sure to keep our pace steady.

  “Oh yeah, cause it's my fault I'm shoeless in the dark.” Huffing under my breath, I whispered. “Asshole.”

  Walking the rest of the way in silence, Dante opened the front door and pushed me inside. He wouldn't let go of my arms, holding onto them like I was going to bolt any second if given the chance.

  He was right to do that. Because my mind kept running through the ways I could escape, the ways I could try and hurt him so I could get free.

  But he knew that, he wasn't stupid.

  Flipping on the light that glowed over the stairs, he forced me forward and up the steps. Looking around quickly, I tried to get a grasp on my surroundings.

  There was a living room to my right with a flower embroidered couch that looked like it stepped out of the seventies. A recliner was tucked in the corner facing an old dirty fireplace with a small table pushed level with the arm.

  But there were no pictures or photos on the walls. Not a newspaper or magazine, no trinkets lined the mantle, nothing to show this was a real home.

  Twisting my head, there was an archway to my left that looked like it led to a hallway, and a small bench rested halfway down the hall. But still there was a lack of personality. No one lived her in the true form of the word.

  I felt Dante's hand around my wrists, his thumbs were digging into my skin as he forced me up the stairs. His hands were strong and possessive. I could feel his pulse beat through his fingertips, speeding up and slowing down.

  The feelings rushing through my body were like a fucking roller coaster. I was scared, angry, and secretly yearning for his touch.

  I hated how he made me feel that way. My pussy was clenching, and the only reason I could find for it was because he saved me. The feelings felt wrong, but the desire was knotting around my stomach, twisting and making my knees buckle.

  But did he really save me?

  I was still trapped here, still being held against my will. But he didn't let Tony and Vince rape me. For that I was grateful. I didn't want my first time to be on a dirt floor, with a man who was forcing himself on me.

  Not that way.

  I had the opportunity years ago with a boy from school. I froze, and told him no. I regretted that now. Remo was only working up to it, he hadn't forced that on me yet.

  I guess there were rules to buying a virgin. Funny, right?

  He could buy me from my family for a promise of a better life. He could buy me for money, do what he wanted to me, treat me like I was a fucking dog . . .

  But to steal my virginity he had to follow the terms placed before him. He was expected to flaunt me around—which he did—he was expected to train me and make me obedient to his commands. And he tried, he tried like hell to make me crumble.

  I hadn't been submissive like he wanted. But the beatings came, and I learned to control the situation. I k
new how far to take it, and I knew when to back off.

  I became stronger, better at reading people and what they were thinking. I also knew that Remo wanted the one thing from me he had paid for.

  The sex was coming, I had been with him for two months. And after he had proven that I was broken beyond repair and subservient to my new handler, I was his and he was free to do what he wanted. And that included taking the last bit of innocence I had left.

  The smooth and weathered stairs creaked under my feet. I could feel the pad of my foot scuffing against cracks in the worn surface, catching on small frayed splinters. “So, this is where you'll do it? You're going to kill me up here?”

  “Do you ever stop talking?”

  “Does it matter? If I don't talk, you're going to kill me. If I do talk, you're going to kill me.” Pausing for a second, Dante pushed his fist into my lower back to keep me moving.

  “I didn't say that. But you're really testing my limits, Doll.” His hand tightened around my wrist, tugging my arms down hard. “Don't push me, that won't help you.”

  “Help me, what the fuck is going to help me? You're leading me to my death, do you need to drag it out? Just do it already.”

  I felt the life draining away. Well, what life I had left. Remo had done a great job of breaking me down for this motherfucker. I was strong willed, but there was only so much one person could take.

  How the hell I would ever get out of this, I wasn't sure.

  And what was I going back to? Turning into a sex slave?

  Fuck that.

  “You don't sound like someone who's afraid of death.”

  “Maybe that's because I welcome it.” Reaching the top, he led me into the first door on our right. “It's not like I have much to live for.”

  Dante cleared his throat, yanking a chain out from behind the dresser. Wrapping it around my waist, he pulled it tight, and locked it. “Most people are begging for their lives by now. You should be crying for mercy and forgiveness.”

  “I won't beg.”

  “You're going to beg.”

  “I won't, not for my life. If you were going to let me go, you would've by now.”


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