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Summers' Embrace

Page 30

by Lora Thomas

  “I never have nor ever will strike you, Catrina. On the other hand, you have attacked me. Numerous times.”

  “By accident! Branson used his words to make me fearful. And you did, too. I will not be that helpless little girl any longer. So, do what you will, Thomas. Just know that I will not sit idly by and twiddle my thumbs, hoping for a crumb of your affections. And do not expect me to accept you prancing your mistress in front of me. Dismiss her or move her, I do not care which.”

  “And you? Do you expect me to accept your lover? Tell me, Catrina. Who did you have in mind? The neighbor’s butler? Or perhaps you would like to hire a handsome gardener?” Thomas’s eyes narrowed. “Oh, I know. The Napoleonian sympathizer Mr. Edward Jackson. You remember him, do you not? You seemed quite enamored of him at Eden.”

  “What do you care, Thomas?”

  The arguing pair had not noticed the opened carriage door. Only when John cleared his throat did the duo look his way.

  “We are at the inn. Would you like to exit the carriage or continue your argument?” John said, a knowing grin upon his face.

  Thomas exited the carriage. Upon the ground, he angrily thrust his outstretched hand inside the coach to assist Catrina. She glowered at his hand and did not accept the offer. Pride was a damning emotion. And pride was the cause of her downfall…literally. She gripped the side of the coach and underestimated the distance down. Her eyes grew wide as she fell from the carriage. The force of the ground striking her chest caused the air to leave her lungs. She coughed and sputtered as she lay in the dirt.

  Thomas glanced down at her. He did not offer her a hand. Instead, he turned and approached the inn.

  John bent over and assisted her up.

  “Thank you, Mr. McTavish.” Catrina dusted off the front of her dress. “At least I know that you are a gentleman.”

  John could not contain his smirk. “And I kin ye have a temper, Miss Wilcox.”

  “Remember that,” Catrina coolly replied.

  “Och, I didnae say that was a bad thing. Laird Huntsley needs a woman wi’ a bit of sass. He’s used tae all the women batting their lashes and fawning over him.”

  “Well, he need not expect that from me.” She was hurt as she watched Thomas enter the inn. He did not even stop to see if she was all right.

  “He’s had a hard life, lassie,” McTavish said.

  Catrina continued dusting off the front of her dress. “We all have had hard lives, Mr. McTavish. But that does not give cause for rudeness. He should act as his title dictates.”

  “Just because he has a title dinna mean that his life was easy. His maw treated him awful. And since his father died, he…well, Laird Huntsley’s death was hard on him.”

  “That gives him no cause to make demands of me and then leave me to my own accords after I fell.”

  “No, it does nae. That was rude o’ him. But gentry life is different. They hae rules that we common folk dinna kin.”

  Her eyes widened as fire shot from them.

  “Now, dinna be getting yer feathers all ruffled. Yer nae like him. Yer family does nae hae a title or the responsibilities that the aristocrats dae. They are a strange lot wi’ stranger rules.”

  “Get out of my way, Mr. McTavish,” Catrina hissed.

  John laughed. “Look at ye. You’re spitting ‘n hissing like a wet kitten.” A twinkle came to the old Scot’s green eyes. “Think that is what I’ll call ye. Lassie Cat.”

  “You will see how sharp this cat’s claws are if you call me that.” Catrina turned and stormed to the inn, followed by John’s laughter.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Catrina entered the inn just as Thomas paid the desk clerk for two rooms. The innkeeper's wife escorted Catrina to her room. Once inside, Catrina approached the bed, picked up the pillow, placed it over her face, and screamed. Why had she thought she loved this man? Why had she allowed herself to think that he cared anything about her? He was just as cold and callous as her brother.

  After a small meal, she retired for the evening. She hoped Thomas would come to her and apologize. She hoped he would admit his wrongdoings. But it was for naught. He did not even try.

  Early the next morning, they left. Catrina sat on the opposite side of the carriage in the farthest corner from Thomas. She did not want to be near this man. She kept her gaze focused out the window. She so wanted to tell him that she no longer wanted this marriage. She wanted a marriage based on love. And Thomas would never give her that. The pain he had inflicted upon her yesterday caused her eyes to mist over.

  Thomas was having a battle of his own. Why had he been so cruel to Catrina yesterday? Because he did not like her candidness. He did not like having his words thrown back in his face. He did not like the idea of her taking a lover. He should be the only man in her bed. No one else. Only him. Yet, did he expect her to so willingly accept that as her fate? Did he expect her to accept his indiscretions? Did he expect her to sit idly by and simply accept his actions? How could he expect her to turn a blind eye when he could not? He would never allow another man to bed his wife. Never.

  The pair rode in silence, and the minutes dragged on like hours. As noontime approached, Thomas was about to go mad. It felt like he had been in this bloody carriage a month instead of five hours.

  Suddenly, the carriage wobbled. Thomas slid across the seat and crashed against the wall.

  Catrina’s head hit the side of the carriage, causing stars to invade her vision and pain to surge along her hairline. Her hand instinctively came to her forehead.

  “What happened?” Catrina asked.

  Thomas righted his body. “I do not know. Are you all right?”

  “Just a bump on the head,” Catrina replied. “We’ve stopped moving.”

  Thomas opened the carriage door and called to John, “What happened?”

  The Scot was climbing down from the driver's seat. “I think the wheel broke.” He approached the left side and inspected the rear wheel. “Aye, the wheel is broken.”

  “Can you repair it?” Thomas asked.

  McTavish rubbed the back of his neck. “Aye, Laird Huntsley. I kin fix it. But it’ll take a wee bit.”

  Thomas looked inside the carriage. “The wheel is broken. John said he can repair it.” Thomas offered his hand. “Why do you not come sit under the shade while John and I make repairs.”

  Catrina looked at the outstretched hand. She had such a great desire to not accept his assistance but remembered yesterday. She placed her hand in his, and a warmth traveled over her as their flesh touched. Her heart fluttered. How could this man have such control over her?

  John approached the back of the coach. “No offense, Laird Huntsley, but ye take yer wife fer a walk. I kin work better without ye in ma way.”

  “Are you saying I would be useless?” Thomas asked.

  John shook his head as he opened a compartment. “Aye, I am. I know ye kin help, but I prefer tae work alone.”

  Thomas looked at Catrina. She proudly raised her chin.

  John removed a block of wood and a tool chest. “Go on now. I dinna need the two of ye fightin’ and keeping me distracted. I need tae get this wheel fixed and us moving before dark. I dinnae like the thought o’ being on this road after dark. Brigands travel in all areas, and a sassenach laird’s coach this far north would be tae tempting for those wanting tae make a name for themselves.”

  “Do you think there will be an issue?” Thomas asked. He did not want any harm to come to Catrina.

  John shook his head. “I cannae say.” He then patted his left side, and Thomas noticed the bulge of a pistol. “But I never take any chances. Now go on. I can’t fix the wheel talking tae ye.”

  “You heard him,” Thomas said, offering his arm to Catrina. “We have been ordered to leave.”

  Catrina looked at the offered arm. Pain constricted her chest. Why was he being nice now? His mood changed more than the wind. With reluctance, she took his arm and allowed him to escort her.

r one spoke as they walked. The countryside was breathtaking. Lush green grass and trees with full thick leaves. Birds sung to their mates. Butterflies hovered over fragrant flowers. They approached a small alcove of trees. They meandered around the wooded area, and she was surprised to find a small pond. As they approached, a few frogs hopped into the water. Her eyes drifted around the area. It appeared that it had been years since anyone had been here. The grass around the pond was tall. A small dock on the far side was in desperate need of repair. In the distance was a knoll with an abandoned cottage sitting on top, the thatch roof in desperate need of repair.

  “Whose land is this?” Catrina asked.

  Thomas shook his head. “I do not know. But I do not think they will mind.”

  “I hope not, for it is truly beautiful here. It is an ideal location to wait for Mr. McTavish to repair the carriage.”

  “It is.”

  Thomas removed his overcoat and laid it upon the ground. He offered her his hand and assisted her down to his coat. Once seated, he joined her. He lay on his back and looked skyward.

  “Thomas,” Catrina said.

  He looked her way. “Yes.”

  A wavering breath left her. “Why did you say all those hurtful things yesterday?”

  “What hurtful things?”

  “About keeping your mistress. I know I am far from a catch. I know there are far more beautiful women in London than me—”

  “Catrina, love. There is no other in London as beautiful as you.”

  She furrowed her brows and, with conviction, spoke, “Then, why? Why were you so cruel?”

  Thomas rose to a sitting position. Reaching out, he caressed Catrina’s face. “Because I am a fool. You cause emotions to course through me that I have no words to explain. I lashed out at you because I reasoned that it would be easier for the both of us. Our marriage will be in name only, but I find that it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. If we fight, if we argue, then it will be easier for me to accept that you will never love me.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Catrina, I have lived my entire life, knowing only the love of one woman.”

  Catrina snorted. “Lady Iris.”

  “No. Iris never loved me. She loved my title. Miriam James has been the only woman to accept me for who I truly was. I learned to distance myself from others to keep from having any emotional attachment. I witnessed the hatred my parents had for each other and heard the heated arguments. I did not want that in life. I wanted you to hate me.”


  A deep breath left him. “Because I have fallen in love with you, Catrina. I have fallen in love with a woman who does not love me. Who could never love me.”

  “Why do you say that I could never love you, Thomas? I—”

  “My family’s tainted past is something only desperate women want to attach themselves to. Women only wanted to be in my presence when they either wanted a little notoriety or if there were no other options. Iris’s father’s gambling left his family destitute. I knew this. I knew she only sought my companionship in hopes of acquiring my fortune. I was far from monogamous in our relationship and knew she was the same. I knew she was using me for her own gain, but I did not care. I was using her. Using her to keep debutantes at bay. Using her when my mistress was indisposed. Using her for my own personal satisfaction. She was a distraction.

  “I witnessed my parents fight and argue to the point that I did not want a wife. I never wanted to marry. I never intended to marry. But then I saw you sitting on the ground after Clayton came after you.” His thumb ran over her cheek. “You were so beautiful. As I gazed upon you, I could see my life with you, and it scared the hell out of me. When I discovered you were Wilcox’s sister, it felt like a betrayal. Then when we met again at Eden, something inside of me…a little nagging voice…told me that this was happening for a reason. I kept trying to push you away. But the harder I pushed, the more I found myself drawn to you.”

  A deep sigh left Thomas. “I have been nothing but demeaning to you. I have a reputation as a rake and a rogue—a philanderer of women. I have taken more women into my bed than you have hairs upon your head. I took advantage of you. I knew you were an innocent and should have had more control over myself. Yet, when your lips touched mine, I lost myself. I have never had a woman affect me like you. It is as though I have no control. As if you control me. And this angered me. It made me lash out at you. I did not need you in my life. I did not need your distractions. You kept my mind unfocused. You invaded my dreams. Your face appeared before me as I worked. Everywhere I could see and hear you. I can still taste you upon my lips.” His thumb traced her mouth. “And I find it impossible to resist taking you into my arms and making love to you right now. I want you, Catrina. I want you to be my wife, and I want you in my bed, from now until I take my last breath.”

  Her eyes misted. “Oh, Thomas.”

  “So you see. I need you to hate me, for I know that you could never love me.”

  “Oh, Thomas. That is not true. I love you. I do love you.”

  “Do not speak words you do not mean, Catrina. Do not give me false hope.”

  She turned and rose to her knees. Capturing his face in her hands, she spoke. “I love you, Thomas.” Her lips found his in a gentle kiss.

  He did not fight her kiss. He did not have it in him to push her away. His hands captured her waist and pulled her into his lap as their kisses became more passionate. Their tongues danced over each other as he pulled her hard against him. His fingers fisted around her dark locks as he took command of the encounter. Heat flooded his body, and the blood filled his loins.

  Catrina did not resist him. She could not. He was all she had dreamed about ever since their first meeting. The most intense sensations coursed through her veins and pooled at the apex of her thighs. When his hand found her breasts, she moaned into his mouth.

  Thomas’s mouth left her lips and made their way down her neck to the mounds of her breasts. Another deep moan left her.

  “I want you, Catrina.”

  She did not respond. She did not know how to, but she understood his meaning. When his tongue jutted out and licked the mounds of her breasts, her hands clutched him more firmly to her. His hand eased up her skirt and stroked her legs, her inner thighs. They fluttered and teased over her. Tingling filled her thighs and her womanly core. Her hands clung to him as he explored her body. She craved these incredible sensations. He eased her down to the ground and leaned over her. Her fingers tore at his clothing, needing to touch him as he was touching her.

  “Easy,” Thomas whispered against her mouth.

  “Thomas,” she panted.

  “I know.” He took her hand and placed it over his throbbing manhood.

  A startled gasp left her.

  “I will only continue if you want me to.”

  “Yes,” she pleaded. “Do not stop. Make me feel like you did when we were in the cave at Eden.”

  Their passionate encounter was interrupted by a shout from John, “Carriage is repaired!”

  A frustrated growl left Thomas.

  “Laird Huntsley!” John called again.

  The couple in the throes of passion looked at each other, neither wanting the encounter to end.

  “Laird Huntsley!”

  “We will be there in a moment, John!” Thomas shouted in a strained voice.

  Catrina’s breast heaved as she panted.

  Thomas kissed her again. “If John would not return, I would continue. But I will not allow him to find us together and cause you that embarrassment.”

  Reality slowly came back to Catrina. She sat up and adjusted her dress. Her eyes traveled to his engorged manhood pressing against his breeches.

  She looked at him when she heard him laugh.

  “I will be fine,” Thomas said. “Just give me a few moments to calm myself.”

  “You do not want to be embarrassed, either?” Catrina asked.

  “I can assure you that John
has seen me in far worse conditions. He has heard me in worse, as well.”

  Confusion was written upon her face.

  Thomas cleared his throat. “I was known for my cavalier behavior, and some of that occurred in my coach.”

  Her eyes widened as her mouth formed a perfect “O”.

  “But do not worry. My carriage has been thoroughly cleaned since then. And it has been some time since that occurred. Although if you do not cover your breasts, it will be difficult to not return to our passionate encounter.”

  Her eyes drifted downward, and heat crept over her face as she saw her exposed breast. She pulled the décolletage of her gown back over her breast. When had he lowered her gown?

  He could see the question in her eyes. “I am known for my seduction abilities.”

  “Then I must take heed until we are properly wed.”

  Thomas’s green eyes feasted upon her. “I fear that I will not be able to wait until our vows.”

  A blush crept up Catrina’s cheeks at Thomas’s meaning.

  Thomas laughed again. “Come along, Miss Wilcox, before you turn permanently red.”

  He stood and offered her his hand. She stood, bringing his coat with her. She handed Thomas his jacket, and he slipped it over his shoulders. The couple ambled around the alcove of trees and approached the carriage. McTavish was leaning against the coach, his arms crossed over his chest, and a blade of grass between his teeth. When he spotted the pair, he opened the carriage door.

  “That was fast,” Thomas said, approaching.

  “As long as I have been repairing carriages, I kin what tae bring and how tae repair them quickly.” A knowing smile came to John as he noticed Catrina’s flushed appearance. “And I’m going tae say it is a good thing, tae. We cannae have anyone speaking poorly about Lassie Cat’s reputation, now kin we?”

  “Lassie Cat?” Thomas repeated, looking at Catrina.


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