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TAMED: #2 in the Fit Trilogy

Page 1

by Rebekah Weatherspoon


  Praise for FIT





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Read FIT

  Coming Soon

  About the Author


  Praise for FIT (#1 in the Fit Trilogy)

  “I felt satisfied by a complete story at the end, and would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a fun, relatable contemporary romance.” - Elisa Verna, Romantic Times Book Reviews (TOP PICK REVIEW)

  “This is a delightful, sexy short romance that made me eager to read the next one!” - Rachel Kramer Bussel,



  Rebekah Weatherspoon


  This one is for all the Violet fans. Your awesome words encouraged me to write yet another leading lady who takes no crap, even from her Dom.



  Solace Ames

  Angel Lawson

  KB Alan

  Anya Richards

  Beverly Diehl

  Tecora Arnold

  Thank you.

  And a special thank you to

  KM Jackson

  Alyssa Cole

  Shelly Ellis

  For your ear and your words that keep me going.


  (#2 in the Fit Trilogy)

  Nailah Shalaby loves her interior design work almost as much as she loves her family. What she hates is the way her brothers and her father can’t seem to stay out of her business. When her current personal trainer and casual sex buddy is exposed in a very public, very scandalous affair -- with a client who isn’t Nailah -- Nailah agrees to switch trainers at her father’s insistence. Too bad her father found her another fitness professional whose bright personality and rugged good looks make it impossible for Nailah to see him as anything other than her next conquest.

  Armando Vasquez expects a little bit of drama when he agrees to take on the daughter of an acquaintance as a new client. What he doesn’t count on is Nailah Shalaby being such a complete ice princess. Always the professional, Armando is determined to ignore Nailah’s frosty demeanor while he gets her into the best shape of her life.

  Their workouts are going as smoothly as planned until Nailah discovers Armando’s sexually dominant side and insists he use his knowledge of all things B, D and SM to escort her through his world of kink. They can hardly stand each other, but with every erotic encounter neither of them can deny... that thin line between love and hate never felt so good.

  **This story contains acts of sadomasochism and a submissive who takes her Dominant on one hell of an emotional roller coaster ride. **


  Nailah switched the book of samples to her other hand as she stepped out of her car. She almost dropped her phone, but dropped her Prada bag instead. Extra-fucking-late couldn’t begin to describe what she was for dinner with her family, but she didn’t quite care at that moment. Her day had been a success. She’d landed two new clients through referrals and received some promising news from her brother on a new investment property. Everything was going along just fine until a hiccup with some granite she’d ordered for a client had thrown off her whole afternoon schedule.

  As she stepped around the back of her car, her heel caught the slightest tangle of grass and she almost dropped all her stuff again. “Shit!”

  “What’s wrong?” her assistant Maura asked through the phone.

  “Nothing. Dropped my bag on the street and then I almost ate pavement. What were you saying?”

  “I was saying if you’re going to treat your crazy expensive handbag like shit you should just give it to me.”

  “I got you the same bag for your birthday, you little asshole! Tell me what Mrs. Levitz said.”

  “She loved the mock-up, but she was hoping we could change a few of the colors. She thought the brown was a little too dark. She wants you to come by tomorrow.”

  Nailah quickly thought through her schedule for the next day. She’d been working for herself for a year, and in those twelve months her interior design company, NSL Designs, had taken off. It helped that her brother was a professional flipper, a master of real estate who sent dozens of clients her way, but she’d built a respectable list off her online portfolio alone. Mrs. Levitz, a widow on the mend, had asked her to redesign her whole house. It was Nailah’s summer project.

  “I have the morning, right? Call her and ask her if 10:00 a.m. is okay.”

  “Are you excited to see Kalli again?” Maura asked, with a giggle. Nailah’s smile matched Maura’s giddy tone. It had been two days too long since she’d been with her trainer. Their workouts kept her in great shape. The sex they had kept her sane. Nailah didn’t have time to date, but she had to get some quality sex from someone, and who better than from a man she already paid for his other services? The no strings, emotionless arrangement she had with Kalli fit her busy schedule perfectly. Tomorrow they were on for 3:00 p.m. on the dot.

  Nailah fished her keys out of her bag and let herself into her parents’ house.

  “Excited isn’t the right word. Let’s just say I’ll be happy to relieve some of this stress.”

  “Well are you least going anywhere fun this time?” Maura giggled again. She was engaged, but Nailah knew her own sex life was more exciting than whatever Maura and her fiancé were up to.

  “I’m meeting Kalli at the park. Jesus—!” Nailah gasped as her preteen cousin jumped into the hallway.

  “No! No, you’re not!” the kid sang.

  “Is that Aziza?” Maura asked.

  “Yeah. It’s going to be a long summer. Hold this.” Nailah shoved her sample book into Aziza’s hands then playful pinched the little girl’s shoulder. “What do you know?”

  “I know you’re not seeing your trainer tomorrow. Uncle fired him.”


  “Uncle fired your trainer. He fucked up bad.”

  “Hey, watch your language. Maura, let me call you back.” Nailah ended her call with her assistant then shoved her phone into her bag. All the while, Aziza was bouncing back and forth on the balls of her feet.

  “Why are you so hyper?” Nailah asked.

  “You wanna see?”

  “See what?”

  “Here. Hold this.” Aziza shoved the sample book back into Nailah’s hands, then started going through her own cellphone. “That Kalli guy gets around.”

  Nailah gave up on her armful of crap and put her bag and samples on the floor so she could take Aziza’s phone. What she saw was…not good. A picture of Kalli with an older woman. She was bent over an outdoor barbecue, her yoga pants down around her ankles. Kalli’s dick was firmly inside of her, that much was obvious. Nailah swallowed the unusual rage that bubbled up into her throat.

  “Who is this and where did you get these?”

  “That’s my friend Ivy’s mom. You met Ivy last week. She posted them on Facebook. They’re all over Facebook.”

  “There’s more?”

  “Scroll left.”

  Naliah slid her thumb over the screen and saw another and another and another picture of Kalli with this Ivy’s mom. “You showed this to my dad?” Aziza was ten and she had a Facebook page. The terms and conditions stated that she shouldn’t even have an account but there she was, doing recon for Nailah’s father. Nailah tried to remember
that strangling a child was illegal.

  “No. They were all over Facebook. Ivy was trying to catch her mom in the act. She’s been doing it with Kalli for like forever. Auntie knew who it was right away when she saw the pictures. She told Uncle. Facebook already deleted them, but I saved them.”

  Nailah didn’t have time to think about this woman’s daughter posting evidence of her infidelity all over the internet, let alone the ridiculous game of connect the dots her parents had participated in. Instead, she sent five of the ten pictures to her own phone. Then she deleted them all from her cousin’s cell.

  “What are you doing?” Aziza asked.

  “You don’t need to keep these in your phone.”


  “Babies?” Nailah’s mother called out. “Come eat dinner.”

  “Come on.” Nailah nudged Aziza down the hall and followed after her. The unmarried members of the Shalaby family joined her parents around the dining room table, including her other cousin, Abasi, and her little brother Haji. They were both busy with their own phones, while her mother set out platters of traditional Egyptian cuisine. Nailah’s stomach growled. She was starving, but she had one little issue to attend to.

  “Baba, what’s going on with Kalli? Aziza said you fired him,” she said to her father. Nailah should have never let her father pick up the tab for Kalli’s expertise.

  Dr. Shalaby took his seat, casually refusing to look Nailah in the eye, something he did when he was knew he was a little bit in the wrong. “He is trash. You’ll find someone else.” Meaning I’ll find someone else I approve of.

  “Couldn’t you have asked me first?”

  “Why? You don’t need to associate with someone who philanders with his clients.”

  Philanders? Really, Dad?

  Her mother slipped by her and kissed Nailah on her cheeks. “Sit, habebti. Eat.”

  “Let me go wash my hands.”

  “You don’t need to wash your hands! Eat!” her dad said, gesturing at the food in front of him. Sometimes, her father got so puffed up over nothing. Nailah managed not to roll her eyes and deferred to her mother. She was getting too old for this.


  “Go wash your hands then come back and eat.”

  Her father grunted and went on grumbling in Arabic, but Nailah ignored him to duck into the powder room just off her parents’ kitchen. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and started texting like mad. She attached one of the pictures she’d taken from Aziza’s phone.

  Are you fucking serious with this shit?

  They weren’t exclusive. They weren’t even dating, but Nailah liked to think that Kalli had some scruples, some standards. She was all for equal opportunity, but she was not the kind of girl who liked to share the hot guy she was screwing with women who were older than her mom.

  Kalli texted back right away.

  I can’t.

  “You can’t what?” Nailah had a habit of getting animated, even if she was talking to herself. “That’s not even a complete sentence.”

  What the hell? What do you mean you can’t?

  I can’t talk to you anymore.

  Nailah’s thumbs worked double-time. You’re an adult right? I’m pretty sure you can talk to whoever you want.

  Nailah could find another trainer, one she’d pay for, but Kalli owed her an explanation. And maybe one final bang session. She hadn’t decided yet. Kalli’s next texts came through rapid fire, one after another.

  Your dad fired me!

  Garai showed up at my house!

  He said if I speak to you again, he’ll kill me.

  I’m pretty sure he was serious.

  I’m sorry, but I can’t see you anymore.

  Her brother? How did Garai even know about them?

  Fine, Nailah said in her final text. If Kalli couldn’t be man enough to stand up to her brother or have damn a conversation with her, the person he was fucking, she couldn’t be bothered with him. After another lovely family dinner, she’d have Maura find her a new trainer. When she had some free moments, Nailah would have to find someone else to fulfill her other needs.


  It took a few minutes for Armando to make his way across the semi-crowded bondage club. The place didn’t have a name. Most in their circle of kink referred to the refurbished warehouse as Philip’s, after the man who had bought the place almost thirty years ago and turned it into the den of sin, the home away from home, it was today.

  After he greeted some old friends and introduced himself to a few new players, Armando settled into the leather couch and finally shook off the exhaustion from a long week. A long month actually. Melrose Fitness, the high-end gym he co-owned, was going through a lot of changes. Between the on-going debate he had with his team about expansion and the new electronic filing system they’d recently implemented, Armando was stretching himself thin making sure his clientele still received the top-notch service they were paying for.

  Not that he should complain. Armando was one of those people who could really look at his life and say he was happy. He loved owning his own business. He had a supportive family and great friends, friends like Master Philip, who really knew how to maximize some free time. That might be his only problem at the moment. Hard work and not nearly enough play. Armando usually flew solo to Master Philip’s larger BDSM parties, where a few unattached submissives were invited. He’d find someone to play with for a little while. Maybe someone to take home for the night.

  In the meantime, he waited for the show to start. Grant, his best friend, fellow trainer and business partner in Melrose Fitness, was slowly trying to ease his girlfriend Violet into his life of kink. The two of them had been playing for a few months at Grant’s condo, but tonight was Violet’s first visit to their mentor’s private bondage club. Armando was mostly there for moral support. He sat quietly while Violet commented on and questioned everything going on around them.

  Grant was more of a Dom’s Dominant. He loved loving on submissives. He’d taught Violet a lot about things like orgasm control and obeying some commands. She loved talking back, but it seemed like they’d worked out a pretty good system. She was easing into more and more bondage techniques, but they had yet to try any sort of pain or impact play. That was more Armando’s bag.

  He was a consummate sadist. If Violet was up for it, Armando could demonstrate a few things. On another bottom of course. Grant wasn’t willing to share. Armando didn’t blame him. Physically, Armando didn’t have a type, but even if he did, he would’ve still found Violet attractive. Grant was a lucky man.

  The three of them waited on a curved leather couch positioned to give the perfect view of another good friend of theirs as he prepared to demonstrate his skills with a good old-fashioned flogger. Daniel Song had lost the lower portion of his right arm in a workplace accident about five years before he and Armando met. Didn’t slow him down much though. He’d simply learned how to wield his implements of pleasure and pain with his left hand and gone about his business.

  Armando loved watching Daniel work. He was a true professional. Maybe it helped that he was a Switch, playing the roles of either Dominant or submissive whenever the scene called for it. Daniel knew both sides of the coin so well. When he was in control, he knew how to read his playthings better than most. Whatever his secret was, it worked.

  Armando relaxed some more as Daniel led an older white woman named May over to the cross. Violet was asking Grant questions. What was the wooden X thing called? Was it necessary? Was he going to use a whip on that woman? Armando smiled to himself as Grant answered. He missed the days when he was green and learning. There was something to discover with every partner, but he missed the excitement of experiencing the scene for the first time.

  And it had been years since he’d played with someone who was on their way in. He thought he didn’t have the patience for it. He liked a woman who knew the limits of her submission, but listening to Grant and Violet talk to each other, knowing what her inexp
erience did for Grant, how teaching Violet made Grant feel as a Top and a man, made Armando think he’d been limiting himself by sticking to one type of submissive.

  Finally, the show started. You couldn’t hear what Daniel said to May, but you could see the slight shiver that traveled over her body as he whispered in her ear. Daniel tucked the flogger under his right armpit and ran the fingers of his left hand down May’s back and over her bare ass.

  Violet shuddered then settled further into Grant’s lap. May nodded a few times then let Daniel kiss the corner of her mouth. The first blow landed right across May’s ass. Her body tensed for a fraction of a second before she relaxed again. Beside Armando, Violet gasped.


  Daniel went at May for a while, until her ass was glowing a bright red. Afterward, he pulled her down from the cross and took her to a nearby sitting area, where he started in with the aftercare. When they were settled, their captive audience finally let out a sigh of a relief. Armando was completely hard, contemplating what his next move would be. Grant had already made up his mind.

  He got up from the couch, pulling Violet with him. “We’re gonna take off.”

  “Sounds good.” Armando stood and clapped Grant on the back. The night was young, but Armando completely understood. Grant and Violet could stay and make use of Master Philip’s facilities, but why not take the party home to the comfort of their own bed? Armando said his goodbyes to Violet then turned to survey the room.

  The real show would start on the main stage in a little while. Still, the place was buzzing with activity. Couples, a few singles, even small clusters, were mingling and thinking of play. A twosome nearby was surveying a bench. A man on his own checked out the set of stocks closer to the beverage area. A small group of ladies gathered around one of the upgraded cage and pole set-ups Philip had added on either side of the main stage. Armando caught the eye of a short black woman standing in front of the cage. She was eyeing him actually, whispering in her friend’s ear. They were new to Philip’s. At least Armando had never seen them before. It would be impolite if he didn’t mosey over and introduce himself.


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