by Jean Haner
Nine Year: Step into the Light
If your first number is One: 2012, 2021 If your first number is Six: 2007, 2016
If your first number is Two: 2011, 2020 If your first number is Seven: 2006, 2015
If your first number is Three: 2010, 2019 If your first number is Eight: 2005, 2014
If your first number is Four: 2009, 2018 If your first number is Nine: 2013, 2022
If your first number is Five: 2008, 2017
As you enter your Nine year, it can seem like the sun is coming out again, and you may feel lighter and brighter and more positive. The year before, it was probably hard to get clarity; now the skies are clearing and it’s obvious that things have changed. New ideas and opportunities will start to come more easily, and you may find yourself getting excited about life again. In fact, as things really start to pop, you may have trouble keeping up! It’s possible to have too many balls in the air and get so overwhelmed that nothing gets done. It’s easy to feel scattered during this year, even to the point of things feeling chaotic at times.
This year may stimulate agitation or anxiety even if you aren’t usually the type of person to feel that way. The energy here is like that of a hummingbird in constant motion, with wings moving so fast, they’re just a blur. This can mean that it’s hard for you to pay attention to any one thing for very long, or there’s an undercurrent of nervousness. It can be exacerbated by the fact that sudden change could happen this year, and that can certainly be unnerving.
The Nine year is the last of the cycle, a time of completion, and your experience can be that some things come to an end. Your best friend may get transferred to a new city, or a relationship might come to a surprise end in some other way. Your career may be affected, or you could notice a series of more minor things that are coming to completion now. If you’re unaware that this is the theme of the year, you can begin to feel anxious, as if you’ve been doing something to cause this to happen! Instead, understand that timing supports these events, and that everything has a life span, even relationships. As you allow one thing to end, it creates space for new opportunities in life.
Also, do look at consciously finishing whatever you can this year. That can mean completing projects you’ve been working on or even choosing to end a relationship or job. It’s a good time to clear clutter and make new space in your home or office. But it’s about completion in your inner world as well: You’re about to cross the threshold into a whole new era, and you don’t want to carry old baggage along with you! Look at any issues of invisible clutter that are clogging your life. Are there old habits you’ve been wanting to let go of? What patterns of thought or belief no longer serve you? What friends have you outgrown? Are there aspects of your lifestyle that no longer work for you? Now is the time when it’ll be easier to make positive change and finish up old issues.
Things come to light in a Nine year, and that can mean you’re in the spotlight or more easily noticed in some way. So it’s a great time to launch that new marketing or public-relations campaign or to send out your résumé. If you’re dating, this is a year when you could find a big response to your profile in online-dating sites, or you’ll get attention when you go out. It’s a great year for love and romance, so take advantage of it!
This whole theme of things coming to light includes things you may not want to be seen, however. (For example, President Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky was revealed during one of his Nine years.) You may be pulled over for speeding for the first time in your life because you were the one to catch the police officer’s attention! This is a year when life will help you clean up your act.
This isn’t the time for long periods of solitude. Go to social events and classes, travel, and hang out anywhere you can be around like-minded people. This is about having fun and being in touch with your joy. Don’t judge it irresponsible or a waste of time if you do something just for the fun of it—that’s actually your homework for the year, so go for it!
Flowing Through the Years
Your experience in any particular year will also be affected by what your first number is. For one thing, you’ll feel more comfortable in a year that matches your energy. If your first number is Eight, you may well enjoy sitting in that Eight-year cave, because that vibration is familiar to you, while someone who’s a Three may feel more stuck and frustrated because it’s their nature to prefer action. If you’re a One, the One year has an energy that you understand, while someone who’s a Nine may judge it as too slow and boring.
In the end, what’s really important to know is that since you now have the awareness of what each year brings, you can allow it and move with it. The more you align with the theme of the year, the more progress you’ll make and the more you’ll enjoy it. You’ll understand why things are happening the way they are and won’t resist or judge your experience; you’ll know what to pay attention to and the meaning of the lessons coming your way. When you recognize the patterns of any phase, you’re empowered to be in the right place at the right time!
Chart of Your Yearly Cycles
When we look at where you are in the cycles of the individual years of your life, we use only your first number; the other two numbers don’t matter here. So for instance, if you are a 7.2.1, you would look at the information under “If Your First Number Is Seven.”
Some of the years that follow may be ones when you weren’t past 18, or even alive yet—just ignore any of those years and use the ones that fall within your adult lifetime. If you don’t see a year you’re interested in below, remember this is a nine-year cycle. So for instance, if you’re looking for the year 2032, you’d just count back nine years to 2023 and find where that year (2023) falls in the chart below, because both of those years will be affected by the same theme.
Reminder: You do not begin to be influenced by these yearly cycles until you reach the age of 18 (or in rare cases, when you leave home and are independent prior to that time).
If Your First Number Is One:
Your One Years Are: 2022; 2013; 2004; 1995; 1986; 1977; 1968; 1959; 1950
Your Two Years Are: 2023; 2014; 2005; 1996; 1987; 1978; 1969; 1960; 1951
Your Three Years Are: 2024; 2015; 2006; 1997; 1988; 1979; 1970; 1961; 1952
Your Four Years Are: 2025; 2016; 2007; 1998; 1989; 1980; 1971; 1962; 1953
Your Five Years Are: 2026; 2017; 2008; 1999; 1990; 1981; 1972; 1963; 1954
Your Six Years Are: 2027; 2018; 2009; 2000; 1991; 1982; 1973; 1964; 1955;
Your Seven Years Are: 2028; 2019; 2010; 2001; 1992; 1983; 1974; 1965; 1956
Your Eight Years Are: 2029; 2020; 2011; 2002; 1993; 1984; 1975; 1966; 1957
Your Nine Years Are: 2030; 2021; 2012; 2003; 1994; 1985; 1976; 1967; 1958
If Your First Number Is Two:
Your One Years Are: 2030; 2021; 2012; 2003; 1994; 1985; 1976; 1967; 1958
Your Two Years Are: 2031; 2022; 2013; 2004; 1995; 1986; 1977; 1968; 1959
Your Three Years Are: 2032; 2023; 2014; 2005; 1996; 1987; 1978; 1969; 1960
Your Four Years Are: 2024; 2015; 2006; 1997; 1988; 1979; 1970; 1961; 1952
Your Five Years Are: 2025; 2016; 2007; 1998; 1989; 1980; 1971; 1962; 1953
Your Six Years Are: 2026; 2017; 2008; 1999; 1990; 1981; 1972; 1963; 1954
Your Seven Years Are: 2027; 2018; 2009; 2000; 1991; 1982; 1973; 1964; 1955
Your Eight Years Are: 2028; 2019; 2010; 2001; 1992; 1983; 1974; 1965; 1956
Your Nine Years Are: 2029; 2020; 2011; 2002; 1993; 1984; 1975; 1966; 1957
If Your First Number Is Three:
Your One Years Are: 2029; 2020; 2011; 2002; 1993; 1984; 1975; 1966; 1957
Your Two Years Are: 2030; 2021; 2012; 2003; 1994; 1985; 1976; 1967; 1958
Your Three Years Are: 2031; 2022; 2013; 2004; 1995; 1986; 1977; 1968; 1959
Your Four Years Are: 2023; 2014; 2005; 1996; 1987; 1978; 1969; 1960; 1951
Your Five Years Are: 2024; 2015; 2006; 1997; 1988; 1979; 1970; 1961; 1952
nbsp; Your Six Years Are: 2025; 2016; 2007; 1998; 1989; 1980; 1971; 1962; 1953
Your Seven Years Are: 2026; 2017; 2008; 1999; 1990; 1981; 1972; 1963; 1954
Your Eight Years Are: 2027; 2018; 2009; 2000; 1991; 1982; 1973; 1964; 1955
Your Nine Years Are: 2028; 2019; 2010; 2001; 1992; 1983; 1974; 1965; 1956
If Your First Number Is Four:
Your One Years Are: 2028; 2019; 2010; 2001; 1992; 1983; 1974; 1965; 1956
Your Two Years Are: 2029; 2020; 2011; 2002; 1993; 1984; 1975; 1966; 1957
Your Three Years Are: 2030; 2021; 2012; 2003; 1994; 1985; 1976; 1967; 1958
Your Four Years Are: 2031; 2022; 2013; 2004; 1995; 1986; 1977; 1968; 1959
Your Five Years Are: 2023; 2014; 2005; 1996; 1987; 1978; 1969; 1960; 1951
Your Six Years Are: 2024; 2015; 2006; 1997; 1988; 1979; 1970; 1961; 1952
Your Seven Years Are: 2025; 2016; 2007; 1998; 1989; 1980; 1971; 1962; 1953
Your Eight Years Are: 2026; 2017; 2008; 1999; 1990; 1981; 1972; 1963; 1954
Your Nine Years Are: 2027; 2018; 2009; 2000; 1991; 1982; 1973; 1964; 1955
If Your First Number Is Five:
Your One Years Are: 2027; 2018; 2009; 2000; 1991; 1982; 1973; 1964; 1955
Your Two Years Are: 2028; 2019; 2010; 2001; 1992; 1983; 1974; 1965; 1956
Your Three Years Are: 2029; 2020; 2011; 2002; 1993; 1984; 1975; 1966; 1957
Your Four Years Are: 2030; 2021; 2012; 2003; 1994; 1985; 1976; 1967; 1958
Your Five Years Are: 2031; 2022; 2013; 2004; 1995; 1986; 1977; 1968; 1959
Your Six Years Are: 2023; 2014; 2005; 1996; 1987; 1978; 1969; 1960; 1951
Your Seven Years Are: 2024; 2015; 2006; 1997; 1988; 1979; 1970; 1961; 1952
Your Eight Years Are: 2025; 2016; 2007; 1998; 1989; 1980; 1971; 1962; 1953
Your Nine Years Are: 2026; 2017; 2008; 1999; 1990; 1981; 1972; 1963; 1954
If Your First Number Is Six:
Your One Years Are: 2026; 2017; 2008; 1999; 1990; 1981; 1972; 1963; 1954
Your Two Years Are: 2027; 2018; 2009; 2000; 1991; 1982; 1973; 1964; 1955
Your Three Years Are: 2028; 2019; 2010; 2001; 1992; 1983; 1974; 1965; 1956
Your Four Years Are: 2029; 2020; 2011; 2002; 1993; 1984; 1975; 1966; 1957
Your Five Years Are: 2030; 2021; 2012; 2003; 1994; 1985; 1976; 1967; 1958
Your Six Years Are: 2031; 2022; 2013; 2004; 1995; 1986; 1977; 1968; 1959
Your Seven Years Are: 2023; 2014; 2005; 1996; 1987; 1978; 1969; 1960; 1951
Your Eight Years Are: 2024; 2015; 2006; 1997; 1988; 1979; 1970; 1961; 1952
Your Nine Years Are: 2025; 2016; 2007; 1998; 1989; 1980; 1971; 1962; 1953
If Your First Number Is Seven:
Your One Years Are: 2025; 2016; 2007; 1998; 1989; 1980; 1971; 1962; 1953
Your Two Years Are: 2026; 2017; 2008; 1999; 1990; 1981; 1972; 1963; 1954
Your Three Years Are: 2027; 2018; 2009; 2000; 1991; 1982; 1973; 1964; 1955
Your Four Years Are: 2028; 2019; 2010; 2001; 1992; 1983; 1974; 1965; 1956
Your Five Years Are: 2029; 2020; 2011; 2002; 1993; 1984; 1975; 1966; 1957
Your Six Years Are: 2030; 2021; 2012; 2003; 1994; 1985; 1976; 1967; 1958
Your Seven Years Are: 2031; 2022; 2013; 2004; 1995; 1986; 1977; 1968; 1959
Your Eight Years Are: 2023; 2014; 2005; 1996; 1987; 1978; 1969; 1960; 1951
Your Nine Years Are: 2024; 2015; 2006; 1997; 1988; 1979; 1970; 1961; 1952
If Your First Number Is Eight:
Your One Years Are: 2024; 2015; 2006; 1997; 1988; 1979; 1970; 1961; 1952
Your Two Years Are: 2025; 2016; 2007; 1998; 1989; 1980; 1971; 1962; 1953
Your Three Years Are: 2026; 2017; 2008; 1999; 1990; 1981; 1972; 1963; 1954
Your Four Years Are: 2027; 2018; 2009; 2000; 1991; 1982; 1973; 1964; 1955
Your Five Years Are: 2028; 2019; 2010; 2001; 1992; 1983; 1974; 1965; 1956
Your Six Years Are: 2029; 2020; 2011; 2002; 1993; 1984; 1975; 1966; 1957
Your Seven Years Are: 2030; 2021; 2012; 2003; 1994; 1985; 1976; 1967; 1958
Your Eight Years Are: 2031; 2022; 2013; 2004; 1995; 1986; 1977; 1968; 1959
Your Nine Years Are: 2023; 2014; 2005; 1996; 1987; 1978; 1969; 1960; 1951
If Your First Number Is Nine:
Your One Years Are: 2023; 2014; 2005; 1996; 1987; 1978; 1969; 1960; 1951
Your Two Years Are: 2024; 2015; 2006; 1997; 1988; 1979; 1970; 1961; 1952
Your Three Years Are: 2025; 2016; 2007; 1998; 1989; 1980; 1971; 1962; 1953
Your Four Years Are: 2026; 2017; 2008; 1999; 1990; 1981; 1972; 1963; 1954
Your Five Years Are: 2027; 2018; 2009; 2000; 1991; 1982; 1973; 1964; 1955
Your Six Years Are: 2028; 2019; 2010; 2001; 1992; 1983; 1974; 1965; 1956
Your Seven Years Are: 2029; 2020; 2011; 2002; 1993; 1984; 1975; 1966; 1957
Your Eight Years Are: 2030; 2021; 2012; 2003; 1994; 1985; 1976; 1967; 1958
Your Nine Years Are: 2031; 2022; 2013; 2004; 1995; 1986; 1977; 1968; 1959
Remember my amazed discovery that these ancient principles completely validate Louise Hay’s work with affirmations? Her work can also be used to support you in moving through each year, riding the waves instead of fighting the current. The next chapter will give you the affirmations you need for every year in the cycle.
Just as Louise Hay’s affirmations can help you love and accept yourself, they can also be used to help you align with the flow of each year of your life. The phrases below are designed to help support your process as you go through each of the nine years in the cycle. Find the year that you’re currently in by using the chart in Chapter 11; then locate the list of affirmations for that year below. Choose at least one, two, or three of those affirmations to work with each day, selecting the ones that appeal to you the most or that catch your eye. But feel free to change it up and use other affirmations within that category, depending on what you sense you need at the time.
One Year
I have the inner resources to figure things out.
I take time to treasure the mysterious and invisible process of life that I am.
I work on healing those areas of my life that need work, and I am patient with the process.
I know I am safe and everything will be all right.
As I quiet down this year, I open myself up to my own healing powers.
My body uses relaxation as a time to repair and rejuvenate itself.
The more I relax, the healthier I am.
I shift my focus from scary thoughts to peaceful thoughts.
I take time to replenish my energy.
Today I leave my past behind. I trust life and know that I am safe.
Inside of me lie all the answers to all the questions I shall ever ask.
I express myself through creative endeavors of all kinds.
I am stronger than I realize.
Life always reveals what I need to know, when I need to know it.
There is a time for birth and a time for death. It is only change. I know that life is eternal.
I take time during the day to meditate, daydream, and quiet my mind. I feel newly energized after these periods of restfulness.
I have faith in the perfect unfolding of my life.
Today I remember that I have all the time in the world to relax and be with the process of life.
I always have access to the One Infinite Source.
I am being prepared for a marvelous transformation.
I trust the process of life.
Two Year
I choose to open my arms to all the good that life has in store for me.
I feel comfortable saying no to what others want me to do and yes to my own inner knowing.
I give up trying to learn lessons for anyone else. I see everyone as whole, complete, and perfect rig
ht here and right now.
I can provide everything I need for myself. I am more capable than I know.
Better things are coming. I know it, and I feel it. I look forward to each day.
The more I help others, the more I prosper and grow. In my world, everybody wins.
I project love and peace. I can see how my inner tranquility attracts like-minded people.
I am now attracting whatever help I need to solve problems. I am safe.
I trust in Life to take care of everything for me. All is truly well.
Cherishing myself gives me the extra energy to work through any problem more quickly. My life is a labor of love.
What I give out, I get back tenfold. Therefore, I give out as much love as I can.
I am patient, tolerant, and diplomatic. My words are healing.
I now accept and live the abundant life the Universe offers me.
I am grateful to others for the kindness they show me. I am filled with love and appreciation.
I choose to see myself harvesting a happy, successful life full of wonderful experiences.
Whenever I need help, I ask for it.
I am my own best friend. Today I will do something special for myself.
I respond to life in a powerful, positive manner. I am not a victim in any sense of the word.
I am open and receptive to all the good in the Universe. There is nothing that is beyond my grasp.
The garden of my life is taking shape. The seeds I have planted are growing roots beneath the ground and are preparing to burst forth.
Three Year
I welcome change. It is full of special opportunities.
I am filled with boundless energy. I awaken each morning eager for the new experiences to come.
I can handle any experience or situation that is put in my path.
I know that many of the questions I have about life can be answered as I sleep. I clearly remember my dreams when I wake up each morning.