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Zadri (Scifi Alien Weredragon Romance) (Dragons of Preor Book 5)

Page 4

by Celia Kyle

  Argan opened his mouth to reply, but the whoosh of doors parting had her turning in her seat. She looked to the front of the small shuttle, watching as Zadri strode through the opening. Strong. Fierce. Powerful.


  A bolt of desire hit her hard, centering around her pussy, and her clit ached with the need to be stroked. She stared at the male, over six feet of muscle and scales, and couldn’t believe all of that strength belonged to her. Not long ago, he’d cradled her gently when she’d been sick and he now looked ready to tear apart anyone who meant her harm.

  And he could. Ballakin’s memories told her he could, didn’t they?

  “Shaa—“ he swallowed back the words and she swallowed her whimper of disappointment. “Delaney? You are well? Our dragonlet?”

  The baby—our baby. It wasn’t the first time he’d said the words, yet it brought tears to her eyes. Stupid hormones. She blinked them back, refusing to look like a woman who constantly cried… even though she did.

  “I’m fine.” She forced her lips to curl at the corners, to paste a smile on her face even as her emotions rolled. “Just wondered where you were. That’s all.”

  Zadri drew closer until he towered above her, his massive size blocking her vision of the rest of the ship and its occupants. He was so large, so muscular. All broad shoulders, thick arms, and a perfectly carved abdomen. His legs were clad in smoothly worn katoth that clung to his body like a second skin and the Knowing told her that the tanned hide was strong yet supple.

  Yes, he was tough and fierce, but his ability to protect her wasn’t what had her relaxing in his presence. It was his eyes, really—the way they’d filled with guilt when he told her about Ballakin. She’d seen the lingering pain in his features as well as his fury over the male’s intent. Both emotions were tempered by regret. He didn’t like what he’d done, but it’d been necessary. He’d done what was needed. Not for himself, but for another person.

  Delaney stroked her unborn child once more, knowing exactly how it felt to sacrifice a piece of her soul for another.

  He narrowed his eyes at her response and carefully lowered himself to a seat beside her. His body remained angled, one wing wrapping forward and partially around her shoulders.

  A position of care and protection. The Knowing supplied the answer to her unasked question.

  “You claim you are well,” his attention flicked from her face to her belly and back again. “But you often stroke where the dragonlet rests as if you are injured. Our offspring causes you pain?”

  She gave him a rueful smile. “Not in the way you mean. Heartburn sucks and I’m not exactly happy when he drives a foot into my kidney, but otherwise I’m fine.”

  The scowl remained. “Unacceptable. I will tell him that males do not harm females.”

  He didn’t just say the words, but went so far as to slide from his seat and lower to his knees in front of her. He leaned forward, bringing his face close, and she eased away with a laugh. It felt good to laugh, to forget everything for a moment and chuckle at his actions.

  “No,” she shook her head and he shot her a glare. “He—or she—won’t understand.”

  “Dragonlets can hear the words of their dam and sire. Even human research reveals talking to the bay-bee to be beneficial.” His glare turned skeptical. “You said him. Our dragonlet is male.”

  Delaney shrugged. “I don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy. I picked a sex because I didn’t want to call my baby ‘it’ all the time.” She absently rubbed her stomach. “As for hearing us… He—or she—can, but they don’t process sounds the way we do. He won’t know what you’re saying. And…” And the next words hurt her heart, but they had to be said. She bent forward and dropped her voice. “And you’re not his sire. The Knowing said Preor babies were different from human children. Even if the baby was Preor, only his biological dam and sire could mentally speak to him and be understood. You’re not…”

  It was Zadri’s turn to shrug. “I can still speak even if our dragonlet does not properly listen.”

  “You keep calling the baby ‘ours.’”

  “The dragonlet is.” He tilted his head to the side. “You admitted to experiencing the Knowing and you are bearing. You are mine, thus the dragonlet you carry is mine.”

  The way he said it, the matter-of-fact tone and open honesty on his face, told her that he meant those words. No subterfuge or lies were in his mind. He truly felt that way.

  About her.

  About the baby.

  “Defense Master Zadri joi Delaney Cole, we approach.” Ivoth’s voice—their pilot—rang through the small room and each male went into motion, securing themselves into seats.

  Zadri did the same, rising and then strapping into the one beside her though he spoke to Ivoth. “Preparations are made?”

  “As ordered.”

  Zadri grunted.

  Delaney tipped her head back and met his stare. “Preparations?”

  “My mate and dragonlet will only have the best and will always be well protected.”

  “Aren’t we safe?” The thought hadn’t even crossed her mind. The idea that someone from a race that cherished women so deeply could hurt her or the baby… hadn’t been a consideration.

  Even the Knowing’s ethereal presence agreed with her thoughts.

  “You will always be safe, but an incautious warrior deserves to lose what he considers most precious.” Those eyes seemed to penetrate to her soul. “And you both are most precious to me.”

  Her heart pounded in a new, rapid beat, and she knew it wasn’t from fear or being overwhelmed by her parents. No, it was desire—arousal. She hadn’t just gotten “pregnancy brain” but also the “pregnancy sex drive” apparently. Her nipples pebbled, hardening to firm tips inside her medical-issued bra. Heat centered between her thighs, that part of her growing achy and heavy with need—for him.

  Delaney swallowed hard, mouth dry with the swift craving that assaulted her. “Oh.”

  Yeah, that was all she had to say. Oh.


  She swallowed again, still trying to loosen her mouth, and then licked her lips. “Just like that?”

  “What like what?”

  “Me,” she gestured at herself and then her belly. “The baby. You’re claiming us just like that?”

  Zadri grunted. “Of course.”

  It was… acceptance. Instant. Firm. Unbendable. He didn’t seem to care that she repeated herself. The others grunted in return, as if her question was silly. As if her concern wasn’t justified.

  Maybe in their heads it wasn’t, but they hadn’t lived Delaney’s life. They hadn’t grown up with her parents. They hadn’t… been so alone they were afraid they’d shatter into a million pieces and no one would care.

  Zadri looked like he’d say more, but a low tone filled the area and the ship gently swayed. It shook a tiny bit and then a soft thump before the back hatch opened with a hiss.

  “That was the landing?” She’d hardly felt a thing.

  “It was,” her mate’s grim frown told her he wasn’t happy about something. “I shall speak with Ivoth and order him to undergo further training. Nothing can upset a bearing female.”


  She didn’t get to finish her objection. Not when Ivoth was suddenly there, the dark green Preor kneeling nearby and staring at the ground. She scanned the shuttle and realized no one had left the small ship. Instead, the quad formed a loose circle around the kneeling man, each of them shooting him a dark frown. Even Zadri glared at Ivoth, his muscles tense.

  “Apologies, Delaney joi Zadri Cole, for your discomfort. I offer—“

  Delaney’s attention flicked from Ivoth to her mate. “Wha—“

  The question was answered by the Knowing in an instant. Ivoth was apologizing for any discomfort she experienced during his less-than-perfect landing. As if that little bump was something worth stressing over.

  “Ivoth,” she murmured his name and bent slightly so she could c
atch his gaze. “There’s no reason to apologize.”

  “A bearing female should suffer no distr—“

  “Distress when pregnant, I know.” She nodded. “But that little bump isn’t anything worth panicking over. I’ve experienced much, much worse in a hovocab. Believe me. This,” she waved at the shuttle, “was nothing.”

  “You speak the truth?” He narrowed his eyes.

  Delaney ignored her growling mate when she reached for Ivoth, taking one of his large, scarred hands in hers. “I promise.” She tugged, encouraging him to stand. To see such a massive, powerful warrior kneeling… “Is that how Preor females are? If so, you’re going to have to get over it and hold onto your apologies all the time.”

  Ivoth shook his head. “No, but some females we’ve met in PCST have made certain demands and provided lists of requirements for their mates.”

  Delaney rolled her eyes. “I bet.” She sighed. “Some women are demanding and selfish. I’m not. A soft bump during landing isn’t worth apologizing over. Had you set the shuttle down on top of me, we’d have a reason to talk.”

  She grinned, hoping to ease some of the tension in the shuttle, but he still looked at her as if she was a liar. He rolled to his feet and took a step back though. At least he was no longer kneeling.

  Delaney gripped Zadri’s shoulder to use him as a prop to help her rise, but she shouldn’t have bothered. The moment she attempted to stand, he was there, cradling her against his chest while he strode toward the back of the shuttle.

  “I can walk you know?”

  “I am aware.” Those three words said so much more than a simple I know. It was more like I know but your ass is staying where it’s at so get over it.

  So she didn’t argue. Not when it felt so good to be taken care of. Not handled or issued orders, but cared for. She wrapped one arm around his shoulders and rested her head against him, breathing in his scent.

  She should be scared in the arms of this massive male, an alien warrior that could transition from a winged male to massive dragon. One who’d already ripped out her first mate’s throat and looked happy to do the same to any other male that came near.

  But she wasn’t frightened.

  She felt content. Protected. Safe.

  Possibly even cherished and wasn’t that a strange feeling?

  Maybe this was a dream. If it was, she hoped it’d never end.


  All was as Zadri ordered and yet he wondered if what he provided Delaney was enough. He still held her in his arms, her warm weight and lush form pressed to his body. It was something he’d never expected to experience in his life. Not without credits changing hands. That she returned his embrace freely… He would cling to the feeling for as long as possible. Just in case the skies decided to wrench her from his embrace.

  He stepped into his quarters, the walls rearranged and new furniture supplied once he realized he’d be bringing his mate to the ship. He would have preferred remaining on Earth in a condo had one been available. Many of the human-Preor mates enjoyed having familiar surroundings and he worried the starkness of the battleship would be displeasing to Delaney. But she’d made her choice and a female’s preferences came above all others.

  The main live-in-g room contained what humans called a cow-ch. Reportedly it was soft and somehow welcoming to humans. Zadri was not so sure, but he’d been assured Delaney would enjoy the seat.

  Other new items filled his space—a cof-ee table and kee-chin table off to one side. He knew the kee-chin table was meant for a place to consume food, but he did not understand why they could not simply stand in the food preparation area and eat as he always did.

  He did not have to understand. A female’s preferences came above all others. He must remind himself of that. Often.

  He continued his perusal and recognized a few plants from his home planet as well as artwork displayed via the ship’s vid on the walls. Someone—probably the Offense Master’s mate Carla—had assisted in the preparations. He would have to devise a gift for the female that would not end with her mate attempting to remove his head from his body. Mated males did not like others giving their mates gifts.

  Zadri wondered if he would feel the same should any other offer gifts to Delaney. A rush of his dragon’s heat burned his lungs and smoke threatened to flow from his nose with that thought.

  Yes, it seemed he would feel the same.

  He padded into the room, steps slow while he navigated the space. He moved around the new obstacles, intending to lay his mate on the cow-ch before he went in search of food. Chashan had given him strict instructions on the care of a bearing mate and Zadri would follow each order. He would never be accused of being an irresponsible mate. Delaney would have the very best care.

  “Welcome to your home, shaa—“ Once more he swallowed those two words. “My Delaney.” He carefully lowered her to the soft surface and adjusted his wings as he sat beside her. He gathered one of her delicate hands in his, rubbing her smooth skin on with his war-roughened thumb. “Everything I have is yours. If there is something you desire, you must only say the words and I shall secure it for you.”

  He would not mistreat his gift from Syh by neglecting her in any way.

  Delaney gave him a soft smile, but he sensed the nervous tension within her. A pang of hurt struck his heart, but he pushed the sensation away. He could not expect his mate to not be nervous. She’d just awoken after spending days unconscious with the horrors of Ballakin’s death spinning through her mind. Now she’d left her family back on Earth.

  Willingly. That knowledge still prodded his mind, unable to be forgotten. To a male who’d grown up as a child of Syh, he could not imagine distancing himself from a sire and dam. But she’d made her choice and a female’s preferences came above all others.

  He wondered how many times he would repeat that same phrase in the coming years. Many, if their first few hours together were any indication. Many of many.

  “Everything looks great,” she gave him a small smile before her gaze traveled over their quarters once more.

  He gestured at a closed door. “Through there is our sleeping and bathing areas. The kee-chin is there.” He pointed at a far corner. “I shall show you how to prepare—“

  Delaney laid her free hand atop their touching palms. “The whole place is great, Zadri, I promise.” She squeezed him gently. “And I can make whatever I need. You don’t have to coddle me. I have the Knowing, right?”

  He did not know what to say so he simply grunted. She seemed to be appeased by the sound before. Perhaps it would work again.

  Her stomach moved, the dragonlet twisting and turning inside her, and he stared at the shifting bulge. She rubbed the protruding spot, and he wondered how it must feel—to her on the inside and possibly him outside.

  His curiosity was too great to keep him silent and he tilted his head toward where her hand now rested. “I have never… May I…?”

  Her lips tipped up in a small smile. “Sure.”

  She grabbed his hand and he allowed her to move him as desired. She pressed his palm to her belly and the dragonlet… The dragonlet pushed against him. The nudge was weak, the bay-bee still quite young, but a hint of the dragonlet’s strength was present.

  “He is so strong,” he murmured, awe filling his tone, and he moved his palm, following the bay-bee’s movements.

  “Is this the first time you’ve felt him?” At his nod she furrowed her brow. “I was sure you’d have experienced this before now. I mean, I woke up with you kiss—“ she cleared her throat, a tint of pink staining her cheeks. “We seemed close. I just assumed you had.”

  Zadri withdrew his hand, a wave of shame overtaking him in that moment. “No. I would never… Until then I had never…” he shook his head. “Your dam and sire were demanding your release and the feelings in my soul were so strong.” He sighed. “My warrior’s training abandoned me and I violated the most basic of beliefs.” Perhaps Syh would eventually punish him for his infraction.
Hopefully not until he’d already tied Delaney to him. Then, no matter Syh’s decision, they could not be parted. To be separated would mean death. “But I could not allow you to be taken away without a single taste of your lips. The feelings inside me…” Embarrassment had him dropping his stare, gaze landing on the part of her that fascinated him most. “I beg for your pardon, my Delaney.”

  “Zadri,” she whispered his name, but not with an emotion he recognized. Not sadness, nor anger or happiness. No, it was… pain?

  One focused look told him all he needed to know. The dragonlet stretching and pushing against her did hurt. Agony covered every line of her features and he dropped to his knees before her. He leaned forward until his lips brushed the mound, and his dragon’s voice came forward in an instant.

  As if the child was a dragonlet of Preor, it responded to the low, trilling song that flowed from his mouth. He hummed and rolled his tongue, the sounds carefully transferring to the baby. The undulating of her roundness gradually eased, the tension in Delaney’s body slowly lessening until she finally relaxed with a soft sigh and leaned back. She slumped against the pillows and he was thankful for Carla’s intervention when it came to redesigning his rooms. His mate appeared comfortable, and that wouldn’t have been possible without the female’s assistance.

  Zadri remained in place, enjoying the position. It gave him access to the dragonlet he’d claimed as his own while the trill gave him a reason to touch her. He was soothing his mate and young. It was acceptable. Even if the dragonlet no longer troubled his dam.

  At least, that was the excuse he repeated to himself over and over again.

  “What was that?” Her voice was low, eyes only half open as if sleep threatened to claim her.

  “Dragon’s song,” he murmured the words against her belly, brushing his lips back and forth. He alternated between soft growls and low trills, making sure the dragonlet heard his song. “It is meant to calm young still within a bearing female.”


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