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Zadri (Scifi Alien Weredragon Romance) (Dragons of Preor Book 5)

Page 16

by Celia Kyle

  His mate nodded slowly and said a single word—one that had him thanking the skies for their blessing. “Please.”


  Delaney’s world upended as her mate swept her into his arms and she cuddled close, closing her eyes against the passing scenery. She didn’t want to see what still remained from her program now that her task was complete. She’d done it. She’d shown him exactly why her parents needed to stay gone. She’d shown him exactly what she’d endured. Zadri hadn’t blown her off or told her she was being difficult like so many others had in the past.

  People believed in physical abuse, but emotional abuse was something else entirely. Did her parents send her to the hospital with injuries? No. But that didn’t mean they hadn’t broken her spirit. It’d taken a threat to her baby to break free of their stranglehold.

  Cuddled there in Zadri’s arms, she was happy she’d taken that step. She had a mate. She had a baby. Soon they’d have a family of their own. It was more than she could have ever wished for.

  Her mate kissed the top of her head, taking a slow, deep breath, before lifting his lips away and Delaney gave the ship instructions. “Ship. End program.”

  “Acknowledged.” The mechanical voice of the ship was immediately followed by the peeling away of Delaney’s simulation.

  Once more the walls were gray, dull metal coating the surface. No more pristine white interiors. No more towering buildings. No more expectations from her parents. She breathed easy now that it was all gone. Even though it’d been a simulation, her nerves had still been on edge, anxious with the situation. She sighed and snuggled closer to her mate, taking comfort in his firm embrace, and she couldn’t wait to return to their rooms.

  Zadri’s boots rang out with heavy thuds while he strode across the senchamber and toward the exit, his cadence smooth and easy. She let herself relax, let the last bit of her anxiety bleed away. The soft shuffle of the doors parting reached her ears and she let a smile tease her lips. It’d take five turns and a long walk down the last corridor and then they’d be in their quarters. They couldn’t make love due to healer’s orders, but they could strip down and explore each—

  “Defense Master Zadri,” a familiar voice broke into her fantasy and Delaney fought back the groan that jumped to her lips.



  Though now, with Zadri at her side, the unease she’d experienced in the past didn’t assault her. At least, not in the way it had. She still felt a little twitchy, the hairs on the back of her neck tickling her the tiniest bit. Though it didn’t feel “medical visit” worthy this time. Not like the other day. Was it because she had Zadri with her? Or had she merely just been on the edge of snapping at that time and Luzan’s presence was enough to tip her over the edge?

  Delaney lifted her head and gave the male a small smile in welcome while she looked for anything obvious that could explain her uneasiness around him.

  She found nothing. Not a thing. He didn’t seem on edge or crazed or… anything but a warrior doing his duty, standing at attention in front of Zadri—his defense master.

  “Luzan?” Her mate’s deep tenor vibrated through her body, the vibrations teasing her nipples and heading straight for her pussy.

  “War Master Taulan requires you on the command deck.”

  Zadri stiffened and Delaney sighed. Happy non-sex-sexytimes looked like they were on hold.

  “No,” Zadri snapped and Luzan jerked as if he’d been struck.

  “Defense Master? The war master—“

  “Can wait.” Her mate didn’t let Luzan finish.

  The warrior was persistent, though. He tried again. “But—“

  “Enough.” Zadri snarled the word and a low growl flowed from his chest. It rippled across her skin, sinking into her pores, and suffusing her with the sounds. It tweaked nerve endings and instead of scaring her, it aroused her. How screwed up was that?

  Luzan’s wings twitched, jerking against his back, the upper bend wavering in place, and she realized that her mate’s growl wasn’t appreciated by others—just her.

  She stroked Zadri’s chest with one hand, tracing the line of his katoth straps that crossed over his chest. She teased one, fingers sliding beneath the tanned hide to caress flesh that was generally hidden.

  “Zadri?” she whispered his name, easily drawing his attention and silencing the threatening sounds that came from him. “It’s not his fault if Taulan needs you.”

  He shook his head. “No. I instructed Taulan that I was not to be disturbed.”

  “It is why I waited here for you, Defense Master. The ship would not grant me access due to rank controls and—“

  “Why did Taulan not override the controls on his behalf?”

  Luzan’s face reddened and the male tucked his wings close, pulling them flat against his back while he dropped his gaze. “I…”

  Delaney poked her mate’s chest. She was the one—with the help of the Knowing—who coded the senchamber program and the security settings so they would only be interrupted in an emergency or by Taulan. She agreed with Zadri’s inquiry, but it wasn’t like Luzan could question his war master. “Quit snarling. Haven’t the Preor ever heard of the expression ‘don’t shoot the messenger’?”

  Zadri stared down at her, brow furrowed. “Preor use swords.”

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. “It means, don’t get cranky at the messenger just because you don’t like the message.” She wiggled in his embrace. “So, put me down, go see what Taulan needs, and meet me in our quarters.”

  “No.” The growl was back and tiny pricks of pain came from her bicep and near her knee. The rush of anger had his dragon rushing forward and his claws just scraped her bare skin. “You will not walk within the ship until you have presented our offspring. Perhaps you will never walk again.” He glared at Luzan some more, but at least he didn’t growl. “And you will not be carried by another.”

  Delaney rolled her eyes. Males.

  “No, I won’t, but that doesn’t mean I can’t hold onto Luzan’s arm while we walk. I’ll stay right next to him and won’t take my hand off him until I get to our rooms.” She smiled widely and it went even wider when she heard Luzan’s sigh of relief. “He’ll even walk me to the couch.” She looked to the other warrior. “Won’t you, Luzan?”

  The male was quick to nod. “I will ensure no harm comes to her.”

  “I do not like this.” Zadri wasn’t growling again, but it was close.

  “Then yell at Taulan, not Luzan.”

  His eyes darkened, his stare boring into hers. “The last time I left you…”

  They both knew what happened last time. “You can’t wrap me in cotton because of one bad experience.”

  “My mate only wears the best xina.” Now he was growling.

  Delaney sighed. “It’s an expression. It means you can’t keep me locked away or overprotected. It also means you need to go.”

  Zadri pressed his lips together so hard they formed a white line beneath his nose, a slash across his face. Then he turned the weight of his glare on Luzan. “You will not touch her—she will hold your arm. The only reason your hands should come into contact with my mate is if she is in need of assistance. She is my mate.”

  The male acted like she could leave him for any other. As if she could… jump from one mate to…

  Okay, she wouldn’t snark at him since she had essentially gone from Ballakin to Zadri, but she would make sure he understood that she belonged to him wholly when they were alone.

  And naked.

  “Of course, Defense Master.” Luzan saluted Zadri.

  Her mate simply grunted and carefully lowered Delaney’s feet to the ground, not releasing her until she was steady. Then it was her turn to receive orders. “You will not touch him. You will only hold his arm. The only reason—“

  She pressed her fingers to his mouth. “I get it. I’m yours.” She removed her hand and replaced it with her lips, brushing them across his. “Go s
o you can come back.”

  Zadri jerked his head in a quick nod, shot another glare at Luzan, and then strode down the hallway and around the corner. Which left Delaney alone with Luzan.


  Those prickles of awareness teased her neck once more and she pushed the sensations away. There was no reason for her feelings. She was being irrational and she knew it. Luzan was a decorated Preor warrior who was part of the war master and war mistress’ guard. There was no reason for the pins and needles that crawled up her spine. None at all.

  She took a deep breath and released it slowly before giving Luzan a wide, welcoming smile. It was almost a real one, even. “Ready?”

  Except… except as she stared at him, he changed. He wasn’t the same warrior who’d stood before Zadri only moments ago. The transformation was slight, but still there. It was as if he’d worn a mask for those few minutes and as soon as her mate was gone, it crumbled.

  Deep wrinkles appeared while his skin tone turned ashen and nearly gray. Bags beneath his eyes came into sight and his shoulders slumped like he carried the weight of a million Preor. Even his wings drooped, like he no longer had the strength to carry them.

  “Ready?” He took a step forward, arm outstretched, and she shuffled back. “I have been ready for centuries.”

  With each second, he got worse and worse. How could he have looked so robust and healthy one minute and so broken the next? The Knowing informed her a Preor’s dragon’s strength could be used for more than changing shape. The transformation would not have been permanent, but it lasted long enough…

  Luzan wrapped his strong fingers around her wrist, squeezing until she winced with pain. It lasted long enough for him to convince Zadri—and her—that he wasn’t a threat. Long enough for him to capture her. Long enough for him to…

  “What have you been waiting for?” She fought to keep her tone calm and smooth. She fought even harder to keep her heartrate from going crazy and sending her spiraling down into unconsciousness again.

  “A mate,” he snarled, fangs bared. “And now I shall have one.” He yanked on her arm, pulling her around while he took off down the hallway. “You shall give me one.”

  Delaney stumbled to keep up, nearly tripping over her own feet so she wouldn’t be dragged over the rough grating. “What are you saying? I can’t give you anything. If you’re talking about the thing with me and Zadri, it was because Ballakin was his clutch—“

  Luzan jolted to a stop and pulled her forward, yanking until they faced one another. “I do not need a clutchmate’s castoffs,” —Delaney winced. She wouldn’t call herself a castoff— “I will have a mate made for me. She will be mine.”

  “Luzan…” she shook her head and the Knowing answered her questions before she could ask. Mates couldn’t be made, they had to be born. No amount of genetic manipulation allowed two people to bind unless they were destined to be mates.

  “Mine. My own.”

  He seemed so certain, so utterly convinced, that she had to ask the question. “How?”

  The change in his demeanor was swift, his crazed fury shifting into cocky bravado. “Human technology is providing what the Preor cannot.”

  He returned to his hurried strides, pulling her along, and she practically jogged to keep up with him. She cupped her stomach with her free hand, bracing the awkward weight of her belly. If he didn’t slow down she really would topple over.

  “You think humans—as young as we are—somehow came up with the tech to do that? If you can’t, how could we?”

  Compared to the Preor, there were a ton of races that were young.

  “You are trying to trick me. They stated you would do so.” He turned the next corner, not slowing a bit no matter how hard she pulled.

  “They?” Her gut tightened and heartrate sky-rocketed.

  “You are what they call a conniving liar.”

  The identity of “they” became clearer and clearer with his every word.

  “You will say whatever is required to save yourself pain.” He jerked to a stop once more, those tired, aged eyes on her, his expression serious. “I will not hurt you. I tried…” He shook his head. “I cannot kill a female as they desired, but I can return you.”

  Kill her… Her breath caught, frozen in her throat. Her racing heart stopped, the life-giving muscle not moving. She’d thought “they” had only wanted her to get rid of her baby, but apparently that hadn’t been enough.

  “They want me…” Dead. Delaney closed her eyes, not caring that one tear escaped from her eye only to be followed by yet another. She hated that they made her appear weak—Coles didn’t cry, remember?—but she wasn’t sure Coles killed each other either.

  Because that was who wanted her dead. That was who Luzan wanted to hand her to. “You’re taking me to my parents.”

  Luzan grunted his agreement.

  “You realize they can’t give you what they promised.” He acted as if he hadn’t heard her, but she wasn’t discouraged. “Cole Pharma doesn’t work in genetic modification. It’s a tenant of the original formation documents.”

  Her grandfather—God rest his soul—had been adamant about that point when he’d created Cole Pharma. It was one thing he’d reiterated over and over when she was younger. During those few times he’d come to her parents’ home—without her parents—and visited her.

  “Liar,” he sneered at her.

  Delaney tripped on the grate, stumbling forward, but Luzan’s tight grip kept her upright. “The ship can tell you. The files are stored—“

  He tightened his grip until tears of another type flowed down her cheeks. “The files are useless. With you, they will own Cole Pharma and the choices are theirs to make. I will have my mate.” Luzan clenched his jaw, muscles bunching and vein throbbing on his temple. “It is a good trade.”

  She opened her mouth, ready to question him once more, but the directional signs on the wall caught her eye. Her mind processed the images, the Knowing providing her with appropriate translations and a layout of that section of the ship. It also told her that if they kept going, they’d end up in shuttle bay kiuk.

  Then the only thing separating her from a lifetime of captivity—or death—was a short flight shuttle.

  Panic riding her hard, speeding through her veins and breaking her down to her most base emotions, she reached out for her mate. Shaa kouvi…


  Zadri stomped around yet another corner, fists clenched so tightly he believed his nails would soon sink into his palms. He had sought Taulan on the command deck only to learn the male was not present. The war master had departed only moments ago, he was told. The male’s destination was the nutrition center for a meal with his mate.

  He could not fault the male for caring for his bearing mate, but if Taulan was going to summon a warrior, it would be helpful if he remained in place. Zadri wished to return to his own bearing mate as soon as possible and this hunt delayed his return.

  Yet Taulan was no longer in the nutrition center with his mate, Lana. Lana remained, resting on one of the comfortable kow-ches Taulan provided for his mate. Bearing females did not like sitting on hard benches. Which Lana attempted to explain—in detail—when he asked for the location of her mate.

  Taulan could shout at Zadri for being rude and walking away in the middle of his conversation with Lana later. Perhaps after Zadri was back with Delaney.

  No, then he would ignore his war master in favor of Delaney.

  He mentally shook his head, banishing the debate from his mind. It was something that could be decided at another time. Ideally, a time when he did not hunt the war master.

  The ship was no help in his search, either. It would provide the location of the male at the time he asked. It did not tell him if Taulan relocated. Which meant that by the time he spotted Taulan speaking with the engineering master—Vende—he was ready to go to battle to vent his frustration.

  Taulan’s back was to Zadri, the male’s heavy scarring and lack of wings ea
sily visible. The time and the ryaapir units had healed his flesh while Lana had healed the male’s heart. He stood in the center of the corridor, hands on his hips and his head thrown back with laughter. He would be happy for his friend… if he was not so annoyed.

  “Taulan!” Zadri snapped out the word.

  Both Taulan and Vende jerked with his yell, the males turning to face him, but Zadri only had eyes for his war master.

  “Defense Master Zadri!” Taulan’s shout boomed down the hall, but he did not yell with anger. No, the male wore a bright, wide smile. A true smile and not one meant to act as a mask to fool enemies. The male’s happiness radiated from him in waves and a pang of jealousy struck Zadri.

  To have that level of happiness…

  He could have that happiness at that very moment. If he hadn’t been hunting the war master across the entire ship.

  Zadri took a deep, calming breath and fought to get his dragon’s desire for blood under control. It did not like being kept from Delaney either. His skin stretched and burned, the feral heat of the dragon attempting to break free, but he shoved it back. He could spar with Taulan later to vent his frustrations. Now was a time to perform whatever task his war master set and then return to Delaney.

  Sooner rather than later.

  When he was near enough, Taulan slammed his palm onto Zadri’s shoulder, gripping it tightly while giving him a rough shake. “Have you heard?”

  Zadri gritted his teeth and pushed back his irritation. “War Master, what—“

  “They are capable of having two.” The male’s eyes sparkled with joy. He was not sure what could have two of what, but the male’s happiness was undeniable. Its presence washed away some of his frustrations.

  “Who, War Master?”

  “Humans!” Taulan wore what he believed would be called a stupid grin.

  Zadri looked to Vende, eyebrows raised, and the male simply smiled in return—telling him nothing. “Two what?”


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