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by Traci Hohenstein

  “I haven’t been sleeping around. First of all, we aren’t dating anymore. Second, when we were dating, I never cheated on her. Regardless of what you think, I don’t go around fucking everything that moves. And if I remember correctly, you were a willing participant last night.”

  “I didn’t know that my sister was in love with you!” Trista broke free of his grasp.

  “Please listen to me. Nicolette and I broke up months ago. She’s not fond of the word no. I’ve told her several times that we were never going to be a couple again. Lately, it’s just been a casual thing between us. A few nights ago, we had dinner. She asked me to give her one more chance. I told her that we would see how it goes, but I made it clear that we were not exclusive. This party,” Riker paused, pointing to the beach house in the distance, “was a complete surprise to me. I had no idea.” He put his hand on top of hers and held it over his chest. “I’m telling you the truth.”

  Trista wasn’t sure about anything he was saying. He was right about one thing. Her sister wasn’t fond of the word no. Nicolette always wanted the things she couldn’t have and would do anything to get what she wanted. But all that didn’t matter. Nicolette was her sister. Despite everything that had happened between them, Trista didn’t want to hurt her. Whether or not Riker was telling the truth didn’t matter. Obviously, Nicolette still had feelings for him.

  However, Trista was having a hard time resisting this man. She tried to block out the strong emotions she was feeling for Riker right now. The way he smelled delicious, his strong arms that were wrapped around her, the memories of their night of passionate sex. There was something about Riker that she couldn’t deny. It was like he had some kind of spell on her, and she didn’t think she could help herself if she stayed another second.

  “I need to go.” Trista tried to stand up, but Riker pulled her back down. He put his hands on her face and pulled her closer before kissing her. She felt herself melt in his arms. She couldn’t help it. She kissed him back. “I can’t do this,” she said between kisses.

  “Yes, you can. I know you feel it too.” Riker kissed her again. “You and I were made for each other, Trista Carmichael.”

  “I don’t want to hurt my sister.”

  “Whatever problems you and Nicolette have...don’t have anything to do with

  us. I want you,” Riker whispered, slipping his hand up her shirt. He caressed her right nipple sending a fluttering sensation in her stomach. Before she knew it, her sweatpants were down around her ankles and Riker was on top of her. She could feel his erection stretching the fabric of his jeans. “I need to get inside of you.”

  Trista couldn’t resist him. She wanted this man unlike any other she had been with before. She reached down and unzipped his jeans. Riker pulled his pants down as she freed his cock from his underwear. Trista put her hand around it and stroked the length of it, causing Riker to moan in her ear.

  “I can’t wait any longer,” he said, clenching his jaw. He slipped a finger inside of her, feeling her wetness.

  “I want to feel you inside me, right now,” Trista said, pulling him down.

  She sucked in a deep breath when he slipped inside of her, filling every inch of her. This is the last time, she told herself. After tonight, she was going to work things out with her sister, for better or for worse.

  Chapter Eight

  After saying goodbye to Riker, Trista walked back to the party, stopping by the deck to rinse the sand off her feet. She managed to avoid her sister and all the guests by using the garage entrance and taking the elevator up to her room on the third floor. She stripped off her clothes and stepped inside a hot shower.

  A gamut of emotions ran through her. Part of her was disgusted with herself for having sex with Riker again. Especially after knowing that Nicolette was head over heels in love with the man. Riker told her repeatedly that it was over with him and Nicolette. But it shouldn’t matter, Trista thought. Nicolette would still be hurt if she knew that Riker was having sex with her younger sister.

  But the other part of her felt an undeniable attraction to Riker. Conflicting emotions were making her crazy. She had no choice now but to leave town. First thing tomorrow, she was going to call her agent and start planning to move to New York. She would have the movers ship her boxes out of storage in California and send them to New York. Far away from Riker, her sister, and Blue Mountain Beach.

  The next morning Trista awoke to the smell of bacon, eggs, and coffee. She felt a little stiff and sore, remembering her rendezvous with Riker at the beach last night. Trista felt a confusing sense of remorse and happiness. She tried to think it through. Riker was someone she’d just met. Why did she feel such a pull to this man? It was purely sexual attraction, she reasoned. She didn’t know one thing about him except that he dated her sister and worked as a bartender at the Liars Club. That was it. Her sister was in love with this man, and whether or not he felt the same way about Nicolette…that was a moot point. Trista wasn’t going to hurt Nicolette. She would follow through with her plan and start getting ready to move to New York. Florida had never been a long-term thing anyway. She needed to put a thousand miles between herself and Riker.

  Happy with her decision, Trista eased out of bed. Throwing on a robe, she opened her blinds and peered outside. The sky was an angry mix of purple and grey, and the waves were at least three-feet high, throwing foamy water onto the beach. A storm was definitely brewing.

  “Oh my God, my head. Why do I drink so much when I know the next morning I’ll be paying for it?” Nicolette asked as she saw Trista coming down the back stairs to the kitchen. “Thank goodness I don’t have to work today.”

  “It’s just as well. Have you seen the weather?” Trista asked as she walked by, grabbing a mug from the cupboard.

  “It’s Florida. One minute it’s raining and the next the sun is out. It’ll blow over soon.” Nicolette made herself another cup of coffee. “I made some eggs and bacon.”

  “I’m good, thanks. Just need coffee.”

  “Where did you slip off to last night?”

  The question made Trista stop in her tracks. She wasn’t sure how to answer it. Did Nicolette see Riker follow Trista last night? “What do you mean?”

  “I saw you leave the party and head down the beach.”

  Trista turned her back on Nicolette, stalling for time to think about her response, and concentrated on selecting a pod of coffee from the rack. Nicolette had stocked up on all kinds of K-cups, including a mix of flavored coffee. Trista selected a hazelnut breakfast blend, sticking it in the coffeemaker’s contraption. “I just needed to clear my head and get some fresh air. A walk on the beach usually helps.”

  “Did you get to know James?”

  Trista paused. That was a loaded question, for sure. She’d gotten to know Riker inside and out. But, she didn’t think Nicolette had seen her having a rendezvous with her so-called boyfriend. They had been situated a pretty good ways down from the beach house and covered by the sand dunes. “Um, yeah. A little. Why do you call him James? I noticed that everyone at the party seems to know him by Riker.”

  Nicolette shrugged. “I dunno. I think calling someone by their last name is…kinda high schoolish. I just think James is more fitting.”

  Trista couldn’t disagree more. Riker was a perfect fit. He was unlike any other man she’d ever met. Most guys she knew who went by James—instead of Jim or Jimmy—were usually the nerdy types. Leave it to her sister to try to change someone into something they weren’t.

  “I saw you two walking up from the beach last night. I figured he would try to win you over with his charm and quick wit.” Nicolette stared at her sister over her coffee mug. It was making Trista very nervous. “What do you think?”

  Trista wasn’t sure where this was going. So her sister did see them walking on the beach. Did Nicolette suspect something? “Think about what?”

  Nicolette sighed. “Wake up, Trista. What did you think about my boyfriend?”

“Uh, I think he’s a nice guy.”

  “So…what did you guys talk about?” Nicolette asked impatiently.

  Trista didn’t know how to answer that question either. It was too damn early in the morning for this kind of interrogation from her sister. Remembering their beach rendezvous, they hadn’t done a whole lot of talking. “We ran into each other on the beach. He didn’t say too much. Just that he…” Shit, what should she say? “That you two had known each other for a while.”

  “Well, we’ve had our ups and downs, but I think he’s coming around. Riker is one of those types who’s hard to nail down.” Nicolette scooped some egg onto her fork. “He has commitment issues. What guy doesn’t?”

  “Are you two dating exclusively?” Trista wanted to hear her sister’s side. For all she knew, Riker was lying to her. Maybe he had a ton of girlfriends on the side. He was a very handsome and charming man. Somehow she doubted he had lied to her though. He seemed genuine and caring. But, she thought the same thing about her ex-fiancé, Blake, when she had first met him. “I mean, let’s face it. You’ve had some commitment issues yourself.”

  Nicolette laughed. “Let’s just say that my Facebook status says ‘It’s Complicated.’”

  “All your past relationships have been complicated.” Trista said. Especially with me. “But are you in love with him?”

  “Did you not see James? He’s yummy and he’s sweet and he’s everything that I’ve ever wanted in a man. Who wouldn’t fall in love with all that?” Nicolette put some butter on her toast.

  Trista couldn’t disagree with her. Riker was yummy. She was feeling so guilty. What the hell was wrong with her? She wanted to mend her relationship with her sister, not tear it apart. From now on, no more trysts with Riker. “But are you in love with him?”

  Nicolette gave a small shrug. “I could be, I guess.”

  “So what’s the problem? I mean, besides both of your commitment issues.” Trista took her coffee and stood across the kitchen counter from her sister. She watched as Nicolette took a bite of toast then pushed her plate away. Her dark hair was a tangled mess and hanging in her face.

  “Honestly, I have no idea. We dated off and on for a year. We’ve broken up and gotten back together so many times I can’t keep track of whether we are off or on,” she laughed. “Last month James asked me to meet him for dinner. I thought we were celebrating our anniversary. He even booked a reservation at Edward’s in Rosemary Beach. Instead of being a celebration, he told me that he wanted to date other people.”

  “Ouch,” Trista replied.

  Nicolette shrugged. “James just needs some time. He knows that we are good together. I’m willing to wait until he comes around.”

  Trista put her mug down. “I’m sure it will all work out. Look, Nicolette, I wanted to talk to you about my plans. I’m not planning on staying in Blue Mountain Beach for long. After breakfast, I’m calling my agent to see if she can line me up some auditions.”

  “You’re going back to California?”

  “No, New York. I’d like to give Broadway another shot. You know, a lot of film actresses have gone back to Broadway. It couldn’t hurt.”

  “Why did you come back Trista?” Nicolette studied her sister.

  “After I got fired and things went south with Blake, I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go. I just knew that I needed to get out of Hollywood.” Trista walked to the sink and rinsed out her mug. “I know things aren’t great between us, but I would like a chance to fix that. You know, before I leave.”

  Nicolette drummed her perfectly manicured fingernails on the countertop. “There has been so much that has happened. I don’t know how you think we can repair our relationship in just a few short days.”

  Trista turned to face her sister. “I don’t know how either, but I’d like to start.”

  Nicolette stared into her empty coffee mug.

  “How about this? I’m going to take a shower and change. Let’s go shopping and have lunch. My treat. We can talk it over.”

  “All right,” Nicolette agreed. “Give me forty-five minutes. I desperately need another cup of coffee and an aspirin before we go.”

  Chapter Nine

  Trista twisted the handle to HOT and began to fill the Jacuzzi tub. She added a lavender bath bomb and Epsom salts to the steaming water and gently stepped in. If she was going to spend the day with Nicolette shopping, she needed to ease her achy muscles. Between driving for three days straight and her trysts with Riker, Trista was sore all over. Plus, she needed to think things through before she had a conversation with her sister. Nicolette needed to know about Riker. Trista wasn’t going to leave Florida without her knowing the full truth. If they were going to repair their relationship, Trista wanted to start fresh with no lies or secrets. She just needed to figure out how to approach the subject.

  Trista couldn’t even remember what really had started the argument between them. She eased her head back on the edge of the tub, closed her eyes, and thought back to the beginning…how it all started.


  When Nicolette Ricci was six years old, her father had an affair with Trista’s mother, Charlotte Carmichael. They all lived in a small beachside town called Coral Cove, which was located just outside of Tampa, Florida. Charlotte was fresh out of college and an intern at Coral Cove Real Estate and Development, which Nicolette’s father owned. Sam Ricci was a handsome man who had troubles keeping his pants zipped. He loved the ladies as much as he loved a good deal.

  Sam owned one of the largest real estate companies in Florida, with several investment property all around small coastal towns in Florida. Sam toured around Florida, snatching up deals wherever he went. He was touted in his field of business as a visionary. He took his beautiful intern, Charlotte, on a business trip to Blue Mountain Beach in the late 1980’s. There he met a gentleman who had several acres of beachfront property for sale. Charlotte fell in love with the soft, white sands, sparkling waters, and unencumbered land. She knew Blue Mountain Beach wasn’t just another small coastal town. It had charm, it was quiet, and the beaches were virtually untouched. Charlotte encouraged Sam to buy the investment property.

  Two months after their visit to Blue Mountain Beach, Charlotte found out she was pregnant. Sam was furious and wanted her to have an abortion. The last thing he needed was a scandal. Charlotte refused. She wanted the baby more than life itself. Sam gave Charlotte money and sent her away to have the baby. There were already rumors floating around about his indiscretions. He didn’t want his wife to find out about his bastard baby. Charlotte fled to California where her baby girl was born. She named her Trista Samantha Carmichael. Charlotte tried desperately to reach out to Sam, but he continued to push her away, although he never failed to send her a check every month to take care of her and Trista. Two thousand dollars arrived the first of the month like clockwork. When Trista was three years old, Charlotte died of an accidental drug overdose. She had never recovered from her broken heart and had used drugs to numb her pain. Before she died, she sent a letter to Sam’s wife, Marla. In the letter, she told Marla about her affair with Sam…and the baby. In the letter, she explained that the child had no other family to take care of her, if something were to ever happen to Charlotte.

  When Trista was old enough to understand what had happened, she thought her mother knew she was going to die and always wondered if it was suicide that took her mother instead of an accidental overdose. An unanswered question that would always haunt her.

  Marla received the letter and confronted Sam about the affair. He finally admitted he was Trista’s father. Marla convinced Sam to fly out to California, where Trista was currently in foster care, and bring his daughter home. After a paternity test and thousands of dollars in legal fees, the Riccis arranged for Trista to come live with them. By this time, Nicolette was nine years old, and Trista was almost four. Nicolette had always wanted a brother or sister, and when Trista came to live with them, Nicolette was ecstatic. Unfortunately, it didn’
t last long.

  Nicolette was little overweight as girl. She had gorgeous, thick, dark hair, an olive complexion, and sparkling, hazel eyes. Although she had a beautiful face, from the neck down, she had her father’s genes. Sam was Italian and chunky. Nicolette was what people termed “big-boned.” They were always telling her, “If you would just lose fifteen pounds, you could be gorgeous.” This only led to her binge eating.

  Meanwhile, Trista started blossoming into a beautiful girl. She had an athletic build, like her mother Charlotte, and had long honey-colored hair, big violet blue eyes, full sensuous lips, and a perky nose. The only hint of Sam was her coloring. Where her mother was pale, Trista had a darker complexion, which only added to her natural beauty.

  When high school started for Trista, Nicolette became jealous of her sister. All the boys were smitten with Trista, and all the girls wanted to be her best friend.

  However, Trista wasn’t interested in cheerleading, or dancing, or any of the social activities that the popular kids were interested in. She wanted to try her hand at Drama Club. Her English teacher, who ran the Drama Club, encouraged Trista to try out for the upcoming school play. Trista tried out for a smaller role, but surprised everyone when Mrs. Clark gave her the coveted role of Hot Lips in the play M*A*S*H. After Nicolette graduated high school, she left for college and decided to go to University of Georgia, where her mother had attended. Trista became closer to Marla while Nicolette was at college. When Trista was a senior in high school, Marla was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She had discovered a suspicious mole on her back and the doctor took a biopsy. The diagnosis: Marla had stage four melanoma. The doctor gave her a few months to live. Trista took care of Marla during her final months, taking her to doctors’ appointments, holding her hand during chemo treatments, and fixing her meals.


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