Frannie's Affair and Awakening
Page 2
My body trembled much like hers had, on the edge of losing my sense of gravity and place in my office. I pulled her off and up, overcome with need. The blowjob was nice, but overwhelming my mind was the necessity of being deep in her pussy. My fingers tugged and worked at her slacks.
She was panting, her breath coming hot. She kicked off her slacks and I knelt down, yanking her pink panties down with a ferocious force. She gasped as I stood and brought my fingers directly up to my goal: her pussy. She had a trimmed blonde bush that was cute. I pressed my fingers in, digging for her hole and finally finding it. I slid my middle finger into a very wet and hot pussy.
She moaned breathily and hung on me as I moved my finger in and out.
But I couldn't contain myself any longer. I spun her around and gripped my eager erection. I pushed her down so she was bent over my desk and I kicked her feet apart. I jammed my helmet against her wet pussy lips and moved it around to find her opening.
She groaned loudly and thrust back against me.
Fuck yeah, the little girl wants it. I thrust hard, popping the head into her little hole.
She cried out softly, her body shaking tight with tension.
I shoved, pushing frantically with a deep desperation to culminate our new union with full penetration.
She cried out louder, her fingers clawing the papers on my desk. Her legs shook with effort and her butt vibrated with her tension.
There was some resistance – a lip out of place, so I pulled back reluctantly and thumbed her lips apart with my hands. I was already panting, but seeing the head of my cock in the pussy of my dreams made me dizzy. I am so lucky… I shoved hard again, forcing myself into her. Slowly, my shaft stretched her open and sank into her tight little pussy. I grabbed her shoulders and pulled, grunting with effort.
Caitlyn whimpered with a high wail of worry. Her body trembled on my desk as I slid my cock into her hot body.
I reached full penetration and just held it there, flexing my erection inside of her.
She twitched with each flex and panted slower, becoming accustomed to my size. "Oh my god…"
"Like that?"
She whispered, "Oh fuck…"
"You feel so tight."
"I feel so full. Fuck. Go slow…"
There was no way I could contain myself. I laughed and began pumping, slow at first only to make sure her pussy had stretched for me. Then I gave it to her. Weeks of pent-up need drove me hard and I crammed my cock into her young pussy with a vigor that scraped my desk on the floor.
She cried out again, somewhat painfully as my engorged penis drilled her pussy like an oil rig.
I grunted hard, driving my cock into her harder and faster. Fuck yes, this is perfect.
Her head flopped on my desk and she tried to hold it up so her chin wouldn't bang.
I helped her out by grabbing a fistful of her beautiful blonde hair and pulling back. She arched up and moaned as I pounded her pussy. I was panting, out of control, and fucking her furiously. Her cries echoed in my office and the scraping of the desk grew louder. I knew we were meant for each other. I knew she wanted me. This is what I've been waiting for.
She quivered under my assault, her little hips trying to thrust back against me. She had grown very wet inside and the wet sounds of sex were notes of wonder in my ears.
I growled, feeling the building tingles rushing up my legs. I rammed her as hard as I could, making her mine. A paralyzing wave of passion swept up me and I forced my erection as far as it would go into her little pussy. Cum erupted from my cock deep into her in pulses of perfect pleasure.
She was shaking violently, moaning loud with her head back in the air. I knew she loved it.
I emptied my balls into her with several long and laborious squirts that left me exhausted.
Panting with happiness and satisfaction, I pulled out. I couldn't keep the grin from my face.
She flopped down onto the desk when I released her hair and said, "Wow…"
I chuckled, using her panties to wipe off my dick. "You're amazing. We're going to be good together, you and me… I want you to know that."
She slowly straightened from the desk and turned. "Ow…"
"Did I hurt you?" I frowned.
"Ugh, being bent over the desk like that stretched the muscles in the backs of my legs. I'm okay." She lifted each leg gingerly.
I laughed. "Ah, well, we can do it differently next time."
She began dressing, looking first at her panties critically.
~ ~ ~
I rode high on the kite of love. After so long and being married for convenience for so many years, I had finally found the woman who was meant for me. But I was also stuck in a rut of uncertainty. How to go about bringing up the inevitable divorce issue with Francine? Should I just spring papers on her or begin discussing it before we got attorneys? Can I make it easy? Will she make it hard out of spite? Will she even want a divorce?
The smell of chicken greeted me at the door to our apartment. Oh, right, dinner with Leo tonight.
"Wolf?" my wife called from the kitchen.
She was just checking. Nothing more was said.
Hmm, dinner with Leo? Maybe he's the opportunity I need. Maybe I should not be so dismissive. A little encouragement might be the grease to the skids of divorce. I went into the kitchen after using the bathroom and washing up.
She was getting utensils to set out while the dinner cooked. She was in her work clothes: slacks; pullover sweater, and hair back in a small bun.
I frowned at her. "Hey."
She scowled at me. "What?"
"Wear something nicer."
"Leo's going to think you're grandma with those frumpy clothes."
She softened her look into worry and looked down at herself. "Oh… You think so?"
"You look like an old bag like that. Why not at least get comfortable?"
She twisted her mouth and lowered her eyelids. "Thanks."
I smirked at her. "You're welcome."
She turned off the stove and checked the chicken, nodding at the color. "All right, then; I'll go change."
"And get that stupid granny-bun out of your hair."
She blew out a breath as she passed me. "You're Mister Cheerful, today."
Why, yes, yes I am. I found the perfect fuck today and from now on will be King Cheerful. And Caitlyn will be my queen.
I answered the door twenty minutes later.
Leo was dressed sharp: white shirt; black jeans; and black leather jacket. He was an inch shorter than me, but still handsome. Slim and lithe, he always moved with a fluid grace, even posing while smoking. I might have guessed him for gay, but when we chatted, he always talked about women. The leather aroma of the jacket barely won out over his smoker smell.
He grinned and hefted a paper sack perfectly molded around a bottle. "Hey."
I nodded upwards in greeting. "Let's cork that and get it breathing."
He was agreeing, pulling the bottle from the bag. "Yep, yep."
Frannie came out and I actually paused in consideration. Wearing shorts and a white blouse, she showed a mile of thick thighs and nipples through her braless blouse. Her hair was brushed out and her face washed of all makeup. She actually looked good. Excellent, now if Leo would just step up to the plate and swing her away, I can trot home with Caitlyn.
We ate dinner, Leo mostly paying attention and talking to Frannie, though he also talked to me to include us together.
He was done eating, leaning back at an angle, one arm over the back of his chair, the other swirling the wine in his glass. The man looked so suave that I almost studied him for lessons.
He was saying, "You ever try a leather skirt? I love leather." He was facing more to Frannie.
I said, "You wear leather pants? All Village People and prancing?"
He smirked at me. "Um, no. I didn't know you were into that."
Frannie giggle
I jerked my head back. "No, not me. You said you liked leather—"
His deadpanned tone was accompanied by one raised eyebrow. "Yeah, on women. You hiding something I don't know about?"
Frannie laughed heartily.
I even chuckled.
She said, "Leather, huh? No, but I never thought of buying one."
"Hmm." He looked pensive.
I said, "I don't know about a skirt with those thick thighs."
She gave me a horrified look.
Leo looked at me as if hearing me say I was the reincarnation of the Tooth Fairy. "Dude? Are you serious? Those aren't thick."
"You didn't see them when I met her—"
Frannie coughed, angry.
Leo shook his head. "Those are perfect legs for her age."
My wife coughed again and slapped his knee. "Gee, thanks."
He laughed. "I didn't mean you were old. I just meant you can't have the legs of some stick-skinny eleven year-old. That would be freakish. Your legs are perfect."
She calmed a little, blushing. "They are a little thick…"
He shook his head. "Perfect proportion."
She smiled happily and leaned towards him.
He winked at her.
I stood and began clearing plates: when she cooked, I cleaned up. When I cooked, she cleaned up. I was hoping they'd be kissing when I came back in, but they were just talking. I motioned towards the living room area of our apartment.
We moved to sit and I flicked on the TV. I was in the recliner, they were on the couch.
I said, "He gave you a compliment, Frannie."
She smiled at me. "Yes, it's nice hearing that for a change."
The little dig went past me, though I heard it. "Are you going to thank him? Give him a hug or a kiss?" I looked at her expectantly. "Or is that out of the question with you?"
The light return dig had its effect.
She frowned. "It certainly isn't. I just don't know if he's wanting that after—"
Leo butted in. "Hell, yes. I'd kiss you again."
I said, "There you go."
He studied me. "You okay with that?"
I laughed. More than you know. "Go ahead. If that's what you're into…"
Frannie was alternating blushing at him and making faces at me. She said to him, "You really want to?"
He flashed his eyes and eyebrows and nodded quickly.
She giggled and moved over to sit across his lap.
I hid a smile. Now we're getting somewhere. Can I egg them on any further?
With her arms around his neck to hold on, they kissed.
I flicked channels on the TV, not caring, but happy they were taking the steps I wanted them to take. Can I get them to go further? Is Leo that desperate he'd go after my ugly wife?
Their kiss went on, but broke too soon for my tastes. They were whispering something. Then I heard her. "You don't mind kissing a married woman?"
His voice was low. "Not if Wolf doesn't mind."
Her tone was decidedly dismissive. "He could care less."
I said, "I don't mind, Leo." I flicked through some channels.
He said, "I'll gladly kiss her…"
I snorted.
She said to him after glaring at me, "It was fun; I'd love some more."
They kissed again and I breathed a sigh of relief. I needn't have worried about how to get them to do more; Leo's hand was on her shoulder and began rubbing that small area between her shoulder-blade and armpit – just above her breast. I smiled, looking at the TV, while seeing in my peripheral vision his hand sink lower. Within a minute of kissing and rubbing, his hand was on her breast.
She moaned low.
I decided now was the time to act. "If you like those boobs of hers, I'm sure she'd show you if you asked nicely."
She gasped and he moved his hand quickly away.
I said, "Seriously. Or are you afraid to ask her?"
She was gaping at me.
Leo cleared his throat. "Oh, well… Ha. I'd love a peek…"
She laughed nervously. "You would?"
I rolled my eyes. Her funny-shaped boobs were nothing new to me. "Show him; he wants to see."
She giggled and whispered something to him. He whispered back. I saw her begin unbuttoning her blouse. She opened her blouse in a flash and gripped it back together, laughing.
His eyes were bright and he chuckled. "I barely saw anything. Let me see…"
She opened again, holding her blouse wide. She studied his face. For his part, his eyes were alight with desire. He said, "Wow, very nice."
Oh come on, they're gross. But I held my thoughts and tongue. Too big, too wide and flat – there was no sexiness to them at all.
She giggled.
He whispered and she nodded with a fast glance at me first.
His hand came up and rested on her bare breast. She hummed happily and let go of her blouse. She leaned in and they kissed while he began rubbing her boob. Her hand fumbled at his shirt and then worked inside to claw at his chest.
I acted totally nonchalant, flipping through channels in an act of boredom. Secretly, I was excited. I was hoping to get them together so I could be with my dream girl, Caitlyn. The memory of her pussy squeezing the life out of my cock earlier today was all I needed.
When they broke the kiss, I said, "Take off your blouse so he can see them better."
Frannie frowned at me. "Are you serious?"
"Are you afraid to show them?"
She coughed. "No."
I shrugged. "Well? He wanted to see them. Don't act like a rag, now."
She frowned harder at me and then shrugged out of her blouse in angry moves. She tossed it down.
He was grinning. "They're beautiful."
Oh brother, please.
She said, "Thank you; he thinks they're ugly."
They are.
Leo laughed in amazement. "They're not. These are totally luscious."
She giggled.
He ran his hand all over them with his other hand holding her back. He pulled her in and began kissing them quietly.
Her sigh was filled with high fascination.
I looked over, getting a good view of him kissing and licking my wife's breasts. Leo, you're a freak. But, hey. Keep going.
He caught me looking and stopped.
I waved. "Don't stop…"
"You really think these aren't awesome?"
I chuckled, not wanting to voice the truth in case he realized I was right and threw her off his lap. "If they turn you on, please be my guest and enjoy them. I'm sure she'd like the attention."
Frannie's look was sharp but quick.
He said to her in a low voice. "Climb on. I want to kiss both."
She giggled quietly.
I watched them change positions. She straddled him on his lap with her back to me. She arched her head back as he must have begun licking her breasts. Her groan was gratifying. After a few minutes, her hips began moving on his lap – a little at first, then more and more.
She was getting turned on and I was getting happy. I don't think I've ever had a more successful day: the perfect pussy; the start of the right relationship; the merging of desires between me and a beautiful blonde; and the artful stepping in of Leo to snag my wife.
I grinned gratefully. At the same time, I was turned off: I knew her moans; I knew the cloying scent of her skin; I knew the shape of her ugly boobs; I knew the odd look of her large upper lip; I knew the dull and deficient looks she possessed. I was tired of them, and long ago.
She gasped louder, moving faster on his lap.
I cleared my throat. "Hey, Leo, ask her if she wants to see what you got. She's probably desperate for a peek."
They went silent over there.
He said, "Are you joking, dude?"
I mimicked his voice. "No, I'm not joking, dude." I waved. "She might be scared to look, though. I don't think she likes man-parts."
She coughed. "I'm not afraid of man-parts.
Just because I don't want to look at yours doesn't mean I'm not interested in men."
"Then ask him."
Leo said, "You want to see?"
She giggled. "Sure, I think I'd like that." She said it with a pointed look at me.
He looked over. "You sure, dude?"
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure, dude. Whip it out and let her touch it."
He moved her off. He unzipped and shrugged his jeans down.
I glanced over. She was holding her hand by her mouth, staring down at a fattening erection. It was already thick, but now free was beginning to stand up.
She said, "Wow."
I raised an eyebrow, not wanting to take too long of a look, but curious in a comparative way. I think I was longer than him, but he was most definitely thicker. The head seemed angled down a little, giving it a bent-down look. But the helmet was full and fat. I said, "Give it a squeeze, Frannie. It's not going to hurt you."
She gave me a look and then reached her right hand down and touched it, petting lightly.
He pulled her head for a kiss and her hand wrapped around it.
I sighed quietly with relief. Success! The frigid bitch actually is touching another man's cock. Maybe she won't do or say something repulsive and he'll take her farther. I felt a little embarrassed that she was such a poor choice for a woman – as if it were my fault Leo had to settle for groping her ugliness.
They kissed and her hand began stroking him up and down.
At least she's doing it right.
She began jacking him faster. His hand was on her hard nipple, teasing. His hips thrust up, moving his fat shaft through her hand. Their kiss looked really involved.
When they broke the kiss, she glanced at me and, without a word, leaned down. She sucked the head of Leo's cock into her mouth, stretching her lips wide over the helmet. She was looking at me.
Leo gasped out, tensing, and then relaxed. He looked at me with stunned eyes and shrugged helplessly.
I winked at him. I said, "Let her."
He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. She seemed startled, but began sucking him deeper, taking her eyes off me and concentrating on his cock. Her odd lips worked up and down his shaft and I hoped she was doing it better than she used to do with me. Her blowjobs were amateur and apathetic.