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Allied Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book 2

Page 5

by Janelle Peel


  Closing my eyes, I searched for something, anything to help me. Tipping my face toward the Moon, I silently prayed. Goddess, please! Help us. We need him still! Please, All Mother, I beg for mercy.

  A vibrant green light danced on the edge of my blue flames. I’d have missed it if my eyes weren’t closed. With nothing left to try, I called to it and hoped that my prayers had been answered. The green slowly came, mixing with the blue and turned my entire well a beautiful turquoise.

  Cajoling the fluid magic, I begged it to help my friend. A bright flash of light colored my closed lids red. Opening my eyes, I tucked my chin and watched as white flames flickered on the top of my hand just before they disappeared into his chest.

  His heart pumped again and again beneath my palm, picking up a slow steady rhythm. The torn skin of his neck knit back together while I watched, mesmerized when it fully closed. My gaze skipped up to his eyes. The thick black lashes fluttered before opening to reveal his crystal-clear, ocean orbs. I let out a happy whimper and smiled broadly down at him.

  Strong hands grabbed my shoulders and crushed me from behind to a firm, familiar body. Blaze, I shuddered with relief and collapsed against him.

  “Shh,” he soothed. “I’ve got you.”

  He held me for a moment before I leaned away and stood on my own. Blinking slowly, I scanned the carnage around us. Dead Shifters littered the ground, some human and some still in animal form. Piles of ash intermixed here and there with the wet muddy ground.

  Not ash, dead Vampires, my mind supplied. A shiver wracked my depleted body at the revelation.

  I found Mel’s gaze where he knelt, still in the mud where I’d left him. I glared in outrage and commanded, “Bury the dead, clean up your mess and go.”

  He cringed and dropped his eyes to the ground. “Yes, Mistress.”

  I gritted my teeth and extinguished my flames. Fuck, I hated that.

  Boots squelched in the thick muck, drawing my attention.

  Viv addressed Blaze, “What happened?”

  He jerked his head, “Not now.”

  Bending, he scooped me into the cradle of his arms and barked, “Move out.”

  The ride home was silent. Blaze was soaked to the bone and covered in mud and blood in equal proportions.

  I didn’t care. Pressing my face into his hard shoulder, I snuggled closer and inhaled his unique scent. Home, I exhaled. Just like my childhood home in Seattle. The Pacific Ocean filtered into the Puget Sound, making a spray of mist that you could smell for miles inland. Of course, that was before the Council forced my family to abandon me on the streets like trash for not possessing magic.

  I sighed, banishing the heartache that threatened to overcome me as the unsavory memories assaulted my mind.

  Goddess, what had happened tonight? I’d killed someone. Not in cold blood, and I would do it again, but the thought still stung at how easily I’d ended another life.

  I clenched my eyes closed. Mine. Right. Now it seemed I had a whole Pack of Shifters to deal with. I didn’t even fully understand what I was; it seemed no one did. Dhampir, daywalker, weapon, Mage. I’d always hated my non-magical status, resented it even.

  Now though, those memories drifted back. Life sure was easier before I’d become whatever I was. Easier, but boring and dull. Lifeless.

  The sound of the underground garage door opening brought me from my reverie. The brakes squeaked and we rolled to a full stop. Blaze pulled the handle and released the door. Clutching my smaller frame tighter to his thick chest, we exited the van.

  His deep bass barked, “Jackson, find Mason. I sent him with the majority of our group and the LA Clutch. Viv, take Von to his Mate. Meet us in the Rec Room.”

  I heard the soft whisper of boots on the concrete floor as they departed, and assumed they were doing as Blaze asked.

  Lifting my face, I opened my eyes and met his sapphire orbs.

  His brows furrowed in concern, “Are you okay?”

  I bit back a bark of laughter. Okay? No, I was not okay. I shook my head, “Not in the slightest.”

  “Do you want to go to our suite?”

  Confusion coursed through me. “Um, no? I want some damn answers, that’s what I want.”

  The left side of his lip lifted before he nuzzled my nose, smearing muck on the tip. “That’s my girl.”

  We flashed from the garage, the speed whipped my hair behind his shoulder like a sail. I watched the damp silver shimmering waves for a second before we stopped, having arrived in the rec room.

  Blaze settled me on a leather rotating stool and busied himself behind the bar. I watched his hands, stained brown with dried blood, grab two glasses and an aged bottle of whiskey. Pulling the stopper, he poured two fingers in one and moved on to the next.

  My hand shot out and covered the rim. “No thanks.”

  His eyes tightened at the corners in worry, “Are you sure? It’s been a rough night.”

  I jerked my head in the negative. Alcohol really did not sound good right now. Picking up the empty glass, I rolled it between my clasped hands. Taking a deep breath, I queried, “Blaze? What happened with Mel and I?”

  He sipped his whiskey for a moment and seemed to be choosing his words carefully. “I really don’t know, Love.”

  Biting my lip, I continued in a soft voice, “He’s mine now,” I stopped. That came out wrong, “I mean, the Pack is. I don’t even know why I did it.” Squeezing my eyes closed, I whispered, “What does that mean?”

  I heard the glass hit the oak bar before I felt the pressure of his soft lips on my brow. His breath caressed my face as he whispered his reply, “I don’t know, but we will deal with it.”

  A knock sounded from the hall. Snapping my eyes open, I turned to watch Jackson, Viv, and Mason stroll into the room.

  Viv plopped down beside me with her shorter legs dangling from the stool. “Blaze, looks like you're pouring.” She leaned over and gently peeled my fingers from my empty glass and set it on the bar. “Vodka, please.”

  Blaze grabbed the bottle of vodka from beneath the bar and set it before her. Smirking, he turned and barked, “Mason, report.”

  Viv flared her nostrils, shrugged and poured her own glass. Licking her lips, she filled it to the top.

  I lowered my cheek to the cool polished oak, shielding my face from view with my hair and listened.

  Mason’s voice filled the room, “Sir, we arrived around 8:45. The trip was uneventful with the exception of a road closure that forced us to change our route. The new Clutch has been settled into their rooms and are questioning why the Ceremony has not begun.”

  I heard Viv snark, “That’s great, Mason, really. But I want to know what the hell happened to Blaze’s group.”

  I could see Blaze lift a brow in my mind at her sassy tone.

  He cleared his throat before answering, “We left before Mason’s group. I assume we went the opposite way when we came upon a closure on the interstate, which is why only our group was ambushed.” He paused a moment before continuing in a monotone, “Jake didn’t see the spike strip on the road. Both vehicles hit it. The Pack was waiting for us as we exited the vans. It was well planned.”

  My thoughts swirled. Well planned. All Mother, so much loss of life. It made me sick. I fisted my hands in anger, the nails cut deep into my palms and I gulped down the bile burning the back of my throat. Growling from the bar top, I asked, “Who?

  Silence answered me. I sat up abruptly and slapped my bloody palms onto the polished oak. I bit out, “WHO?”

  Blaze’s face shuttered and an irritated rumble emitted from his chest, “Four from the LA Clutch. Missy, from the Felidae.” He paused and bared his teeth, “Jake.”

  Shock shot through me. No! I flashed out of the room, my boots hit the black carpet hard as I thundered up the stairs to the West Wing.

  A deep wail echoed from the hall and I pushed myself faster in response. My chest pinched as her cry ended.

  Sasha, Jake
’s Mate.

  I slammed through her bedroom door with such force that the handle on the other side hit the wall and punched a hole through the plaster and stuck fast.

  Allie jumped at my abrupt arrival. Her red hair was piled high upon her head in a messy bun with pieces sticking out at odd intervals. Her lagoon colored eyes were puffy with tears as she shook her head at me from her position on the floor with Sasha.

  Sasha’s short black hair was a slicked mess. Allie clutched her bared mocha shoulders; in comfort or restraint, I couldn’t be sure. Another cry sounded from her throat, lifting the hairs of my arms with its anguished pitch.

  I hesitated, unsure of what I could do but unwilling to leave.

  Sasha thrashed, pulling another handful of hair from Allie’s bun. “No no no no no,” she cried, rocking herself and clenching the red strands. Releasing her grip, she clawed at her own face, tearing deep gashes into her cheeks before flaring her nostrils and lifting her puffy pale blue eyes to mine.

  “You!” she hissed.

  Allie tightened her grip, “No, Sasha.” Her pleading gaze snagged mine and she yelled, “Run, Sora!”

  My brows dipped in confusion. Run?

  Sasha stood her full six-foot height, dragging Allie with her as she staggered toward me. She glared, baring her fangs while venom dripped down her chin from their exposed tips. “It’s your fault!” She slurred in a shrill screech, “If the Pack didn’t want you so badly, Jake would still be alive!”

  I froze, knowing what she was saying was true. My heart shattered at the complete hatred upon her face. Slowly, I backed away and into the hall, lifting my hands in supplication.

  Tears tracked down her face as she continued to advance; unhindered by Allie’s struggles to pull her back. Her long fingers hooked into claws while her legs flexed beneath her shorts in preparation to tackle me or worse.

  “Compel her, Sora!” Allie cried. “I can’t hold her!”

  I met Sasha’s eyes and pushed my will, “Stop.”

  Her eyes glazed over and her posture instantly relaxed.

  Allie sank to the floor and covered her face with her hands. She shuddered with a hiccuped sob.

  I padded toward her, bypassing Sasha’s frozen form. Reaching out, I gathered Allie into my arms and hugged her from behind. “I’m so sorry. Goddess, I’m so sorry.”

  Her words were muffled as she replied, “It’s not your fault. She doesn’t mean it.” Her shoulders rounded and she lowered her hands to clasp my arms, “This is what happens when you lose your Mate. The madness takes you.”

  I stilled, “Madness? How long does it last?”

  She shrugged and answered softly, “I don’t know. She’ll need to be restrained or she’ll just continue to hurt herself.” Another sob shook her frame, “I just don’t know, Sora.”

  I held her for a while, both of us on the floor and deep in our own grief.

  “Sora?” Allie whispered.

  I was so damned tired. Wearily, I answered, “Yes?”

  “Thanks,” she trembled. “For saving Von.”

  I shivered in remembrance. She’d almost lost him, too. Sighing I whispered back, “I wish I’d have gotten there sooner.”

  Patting my hand, she shifted to stand.

  I released her and followed suit.

  Her red brows lifted, “Do me a favor?”

  I nodded, “Anything.”

  She squeezed her eyes closed for a beat before opening them and tipped her head to Sasha’s still form. “Compel her to rest until nightfall?”

  “Yeah.” It was the least I could do.

  I padded back to Sasha and took her ravaged cheeks in my hands. Calling to my well, a white light lit beneath my palms and a warm heat healed the deep gashes marring her mocha skin. Looking deeply into her eyes, I said, “Rest until nightfall, Sasha. Rest well. You will miss Jake, but you will be okay.”

  A sleepy smile lifted her pink lips. “Rest,” she murmured.

  I kissed her smooth cheek and followed her to the bed. Allie tucked her in while I fidgeted with the duvet and noted that my own hands were healed as well.

  Allie nodded and entered the hall. I followed, tugging the door from its stuck position, and closed it behind us.

  Pulling me into a hug, her voice caught, “It’ll be okay, Sora. I promise.”

  My eyes teared up, I didn’t think things would ever be okay again.

  Chapter 5


  He found Sora just before dawn in the large jacuzzi tub in their bathroom. She gave no reaction to his arrival as she stared at the wall with a vacant expression on her face.

  Softly, he asked, “Would you like some company?”

  Silently, she rolled a shoulder and sat forward, making room for him to fit behind her.

  Undressing, he wondered what he should say to her. The entire Clutch had heard Sasha’s desperate cries and subsequent rage at her. None of it was Sora’s fault, she hadn’t asked for any of this. If anyone was to blame, it was him. He was the one that had lost control to the bloodlust and had bitten her; awakening both her Mage and Dhampir sides.

  Sighing in frustration, he stepped into the tub and lowered his massive frame down behind her. Water sloshed over the edge and onto the floor with his additional body weight.

  Gently, he placed his large hands on her shoulders and drew her back against his chest. He kissed her crown and whispered, “It’s not your fault, Love.”

  A shudder wracked her body from her to toe. She shook her head and muttered, “It is. Because of me, Jake is dead.” Lifting her hand from the warm water, she raised her index finger, “Sasha is going mad.” Her second finger joined the first, “The Pack is mine and I have no idea what to do with it.” A third finger rose, “The Mage Council.” Her pinky lifted and she wiggled all four digits before whispering, “And the LA Clutch is bearing witness to it all.”

  “No,” he rumbled. “If I hadn’t lost control, none of this would ever have-”

  Her sharp elbow snapped back, cutting off his words as she jabbed him in the ribs.

  She growled, “Shut your mouth. If you want to play the blame game, just blame the mad Vampire that bit my mother while she carried me.”

  He paused and waited for her to conclude that she too should blame the previous Master of Seattle.

  “I know,” she murmured with a sigh. “I just feel so responsible and completely helpless.”

  Grabbing the scratchy loofa, he dipped it in the water and wet her hair. Locating her shampoo on the marble ledge, he poured a dollop into his palm and began to massage it into her long tresses. The scent of lavender filled the air as he worked, loosening the hard lines of her tense shoulders. Cupping his palms under the water, he rinsed the now purple tinted tresses until the water ran clear. Fingering a lock between his thumb and forefinger, he marveled at the silky texture. Musing out loud he asked, “Why does it change to purple?”

  She chuckled and tipped her head back to see his upside-down face. “Something with the color spectrum, purple is the opposite of yellow. It keeps my hair from getting brassy. That’s why my shampoo is tinted.”

  Tracing the curve of her cheek, he replied sarcastically, “Yes of course, that makes so much sense.”

  Her sapphire eyes twinkled as she grinned at his naivete.

  Moving her head back into position, he grabbed the conditioner and repeated the process.

  Her eyes closed and she mumbled in gratitude, “That’s nice.”

  They soaked in silence until the water was too chilly to remain. Flipping the drain with his heel, he stood and pulled her up with him. Snatching two plush blue towels from the hook, he wrapped her smaller form like a burrito and helped her out of the tub. Her gaze tracked his movements while he roughly dried himself off; a glimmer of hunger reflected in their sapphire depths.

  Bending, he gathered her into his arms and carried her to bed.


  I tossed and turned on the soft mattress, unable to turn off my mind. Wha
t an insanely wild night. Jackson hadn’t come back to the room yet and I didn’t know how to deal with any of this crap. Frustrated, I shoved the comforter off. If he wasn't going to bed, neither was I.

  Standing, I briefly wondered if I should get dressed. We did have guests in the mansion. Fingering the hem of the navy-blue spaghetti strapped tank that was a part of my pajamas, I glanced at the short black boxers covering my lady parts.

  Screw it.

  I padded to the bathroom and grabbed a green satin kimono style robe from the door. Shoving my arms through the half sleeves; I left my room.

  Maybe a drink would settle my nerves.

  The rec room was empty as I zipped behind the bar and grabbed a fresh bottle of Grey Goose. Who needs a glass, I thought, and unscrewed the cap. Tipping the fifth to my lips, I relished the bite that danced across my tongue.

  What did Sora say about Vampires getting drunk? Something about it taking a lot due to a faster metabolism… meh, whatever. Now seemed like the perfect time to try and find out.

  The warm liquid sloshed pleasantly in my stomach as I made my way to the entertainment center to find some music.

  I smiled to myself, we should totally get a jukebox.

  Hitting the home button on the iPad, the screen illuminated beneath my fingertips. MP4s, apps, music galore. Hmm, I drummed a beat on the screen, what to choose. Swallowing another large gulp from the bottle, I debated my selections.

  SiriusXM, that sounded good. I tapped the icon and country music blasted from the speakers; scaring the crap out of me. Christ, who the hell had played that? Turning down the volume, I settled on the Lithium Channel. Nirvana’s “Polly” was just starting, sweet.

  I swayed my hips, humming Polly wants a cracker, and made my way to the pool table for a personal game of 9 ball. I really needed to figure out how Sora was so good at banking the eight.


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