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The de Lohr Dynasty

Page 24

by Le Veque, Kathryn


  Christopher awoke before dawn, burrowed down into the thick mattress with his wife cradled against him. He smiled into the darkness of the room as the events from the night filled his sleep-warmed mind, and he kissed his wife’s head softly, fondly remembering.

  Outside it was still pouring rain, yet he had dozens of things to attend to. Dustin’s trunks still needed to be loaded onto the wagons, something he had neglected to do last night due to the circumstances, and he intended to be on the road to London before noon. Thunder clapped and he was reluctant for Dustin to travel in such weather, but they had no choice. The prince and his bastards were waiting for him at Windsor, like jackals waiting for fresh meat.

  He rose, carefully disengaging himself from her, and proceeded to order a bath for his wife. He sternly admonished the maids and serving men who brought the tub to be quiet, standing over them like a great sentinel, watching every move they made and glaring at them for any small sound.

  When everything was prepared and waiting for her to awaken, he went over the wardrobe and drew forth the traveling clothes he would wear beneath his armor.

  “Aren’t you going to take a bath, too?” Dustin sat up in bed, her hair tousled wildly and a huge smile on her face.

  He felt his heart go soft at the sight of her. “Nay, lady, I shall be wet enough this day, I assure you.”

  She scooted forward in the bed, her smile fading but her eyes alive. “I shall bathe you.”

  Christ, how could he resist her? Of course he could not, and within a minute or so he was submerged in the water and she was up, lathering a great horsehair brush with a cake of plain soap. He smiled as she came over to him and began to scrub him silently.

  It was amusing and highly erotic. With the new heights their relationship had reached, they were both eager to explore it again. Dustin could not believe she was bathing a man, she being naked as well, no less. When did she become such an exhibitionist? She knew her mother, from her perch in paradise, must be having fits at her behavior.

  As she soaped his chest she purposely grazed him with her full breasts, the second time drawing a growl from deep in his throat. She giggled with delight with his torment, feeling very powerful to affect him as she did. She even washed his hair, making sure her nipples teased his bronzed back mercilessly.

  When she came around front to wash the rest of him, he would have no part of it. He snaked a massive arm out and pulled her right into the tub. Dustin squealed and giggled, her protests very weak because she was delighted with the newness of his intimate attentions.

  “Now, you little nymph, I will wash you,” he said in a husky voice that sent shivers up her spine.

  He did just that as she sat between his legs in the great copper tub. Starting at the top of her blond head, he lathered her completely with rose-scented soap and didn’t stop until he had soaped every one of her toes. Even after he rinsed her feet, he kept his eyes glued to her face while he brought a dainty foot up to his mouth and suckled passionately on her big toe.

  Dustin went stiff with the sensation, her whole body running hot and cold and her loins turning warm and wicked. He grinned and returned the foot to the water.

  She was sitting opposite him, her wet hair slicked back and her gray eyes wide and alive. All Christopher could think about was making love to her again and again, knowing he had many tasks to accomplish in a short time, yet not wanting to leave the warmth of the room and the company of his wife. It would seem that after last night, it was as if seeing her nude was like teasing a man who was dying from thirst with a drink of water. He had to have her.

  “Come here,” he growled.

  She grinned, biting her lower lip, and complied, laying atop him in the tub of cooling water. He lay back, stroking her wet hair, touching her face.

  “Why is it that you affect me so?” he whispered, more to himself than to her.

  She gazed back at him, thinking the very same thing, yet afraid to admit it to him. She was feeling vastly comfortable with him now, yet she was not quite ready to reveal her most intimate self.

  His hands ran down her back, to her buttocks, and out to her knees. He parted her legs and forced her to straddle him.

  “Do you feel my want for you, lady?” he asked hoarsely. She nodded, indeed feeling his organ rub up the cleft of her bottom. “Aye, my lord.”

  “What do you intend to do about it?” he asked of her.

  She shook her head. “What would you have me do?”

  He cracked a lopsided smile and lifted her up in the water, bringing her core to bear on top of his pulsing shaft. Her eyes widened, but she quickly began to melt as her slippery passage gave way to his thick maleness. She was a bit tender from losing her innocence, but it was bearable. In a rush of heat and pleasure, she was impaled on him and she wound her arms around his neck for she was sure she would slide right under the water.

  “Do you know how to ride a horse when it canters, so that you will not bounce up and down?” he asked in a husky whisper, almost mad with his need.

  “Of course,” she answered haltingly. “Move your hips with the animal’s gait.”

  He caught her lips with his own, biting her lower lip gently, his rapidly filling-in beard scratching her. “Ride me.”

  Dustin threw her head back and was lost, riding him, feeling him full within her, creating her own heat. His hands were running all over her and she thought it terribly wonderful to be touched so gently, so caringly. She went with the motion, oblivious to everything else except the exciting new feelings and Christopher’s big body underneath her.

  Christopher was so far gone with excitement that it was no time at all before he was climaxing deep within her. When he felt his own release approach, he reached down and rapidly manipulated Dustin, bringing her to her own peak at nearly the same time. She cried out as her body stiffened with wonderful spasms before collapsing on his broad, beautiful chest.

  He held her against him in the cooling water, never wanting to move ever again. She felt too wonderful exactly where she was.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked. “You must be somewhat sore.”

  “Not much,” she replied. “Not enough to matter.”

  She sat up and he cupped her face with his big hands, completely swallowing her head up. “You are a remarkable woman, Dustin. I believe God had a plan in mind when he chose you for me.”

  “What sort of plan?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “I do not know, at the moment. Mayhap it was to show me that I wasn’t the only perfect soul on this earth. Mayhap it was to teach me humility. I simply do not know.”

  She shrugged vaguely and shivered. He suddenly realized that the water was cold and he did not want her to catch a chill.

  “Out, sweetheart,” he said briskly. “We have a busy day ahead of us.


  Lioncross was a chaotic mass of servants and soldiers, all preparing for the baron’s trip to London. The rain had yet to let up, although the lightning and thunder had somewhat dissipated. The two wagons were led into the bailey and close to the front steps of the castle so that Dustin’s trunks could be loaded and covered with straw to protect them.

  After Christopher had dressed and left her, Dustin took more time than she could ever remember taking to prepare herself for the day. Usually, she tossed on the first dress she came across, but this morning she found herself actually debating about what she was going to wear. She finally chose a burgundy silk surcoat that had belonged to her mother with a wide, embroidered collar and long sleeves. It was heavy and very warm, and had a thick cloak to match. If she was going to be riding in rain, then she wanted to be well-protected.

  The surcoat went on, albeit a bit tight, and she pulled on thick stockings and doeskin boots that she wore in winter. She also wore a heavy shift and a heavy off-white underskirt for extra warmth. When she was finally finished, she felt as if she were wearing an entire set of bedding. Her nearly dry hair was pulled back to the
nape of her neck with her ivory clip.

  Dustin made a trip a-purpose to look at herself in her mother’s polished bronze mirror, and was not displeased with the woman she saw before her. The closer she looked, the more she realized that she had somehow changed over the past several days. It was difficult to put the change into words, but she could see it in herself and knew that her mother would have been pleased that her rough-and-ready daughter was finally starting to show signs of growing up.

  She had had to grow up with everything she had suffered through and endured, yet mayhap even the negative had a positive side. Christopher had told her that he believed God had chosen her for his mate with a plan in mind. She wondered if the same theory applied to her, mayhap God had sent Christopher to her for a purpose. She wondered.

  By the time she went back to her rooms, the knights were taking her two trunks out. She actually smiled at David as he passed by her, drawing a curious-but-amused stare from the man.

  “My lady is jovial this day,” he commented.

  She shrugged. “Not jovial, but content. We are going to London!”

  He laughed softly at her excitement. “I know,” he let one of the soldiers take the heavy burden from him, wiping his hands. “It seems that I am going with you, as are Edward and Leeton.”

  “You are? How wonderful,” she exclaimed. “Tell me, David, have you ever been to court?”

  “I have been there,” he said casually.

  Dustin expected more of an answer, encouraging him to go on when he stopped. “And?”

  He made a face. “And it is nothing but a gaggle of deviant, gossiping geese in fine clothing, trying to pretend they are better than the rest of the peasants.”

  She laughed happily. “I cannot wait.”

  He chuckled again at her enthusiasm, wondering how she would feel after a day or two of exposure. But he wasn’t worried about her; with her temper and aggressiveness, she could hold her own easily against the catty court bitches… and with Christopher’s reputation, she would have to.

  Looking at her this morning, it was hard to believe she was the same wild woman who had killed a man the night before. She looked radiant and beautiful and he had a suspicion as to why. Christopher had the same look.

  “Then I should hope for your sake, my lady, that the weather clears a bit,” he said. “It will be miserable to travel in this weather.”

  She shrugged lightly. “We cannot control the weather.” She looked at him seriously. “And another thing, call me Dustin. You are my brother now and I would have you address me as your sister.”

  He nodded, pleased. “It would be my pleasure, if Christopher approves.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Approve or not, ’tis my name, and I say call me by it.”

  He put up a hand in agreement, not wanting to agitate her. With a smile, he extended his arm and they left her chamber, heading for the great hall.

  Christopher was below in the foyer, his eyes riveting to his wife as his brother escorted her down the stairs. Christ, she was so beautiful he could scarcely believe she belonged to him. He left Max to meet her at the bottom of the steps.

  “What do you do?” he sized David up and down. “Who gave you permission to touch my wife?”

  “I did,” Dustin said firmly. “As I have also given him permission to call me by my Christian name. Do you disagree?”

  Christopher raised an eyebrow at her. “Nay, I do not, so long as he is respectful at all times. Get your hands off her, David. I shall take her from here.”

  David handed Dustin off to Christopher. “You always spoil my fun,” he complained.

  Christopher jerked his head at his brother, silently ordering him to make himself useful elsewhere. Good natured was the exchange, leaving all three of them grinning. When his brother sauntered off, Christopher turned back to his wife.

  “You look lovely on this hellish morn,” he said softly.

  She felt her cheeks flush. “I dressed in the warmest dress I could find. David tells me that he and Edward and Leeton are coming with us to London.”

  “ ’Tis true, although Max and Anthony are verily upset with it, but I feel strongly that their place is here, guarding my fortress,” he replied. “Jeffrey seems to be content to stay. I was planning on leaving all of my knights here, but have since changed my mind.”

  “Since you captured the spy?” she asked quietly.

  “Mayhap,” he shrugged. “In any case, I feel better having adequate protection if I am indisposed.”

  “So you bring knights to protect me?” she asked, thinking it a bit excessive. “I can take care of myself, Christopher.”

  He gave her a reproving eye. “Nonetheless, Lady de Lohr, my knights will be your shadow.”

  She was standing on the third step up from the floor, almost eye-to-eye with him. Her eyes lingered on the golden beard and on the soft lips that had driven her mad with awakening passion. He saw her expression go soft and distant.

  “What are you thinking?” he stepped closer to her.

  She shook her head, flushing again. “I…about last night, I suppose,” she said shyly. “Do you remember when you asked my permission to address me as Lady de Lohr, and you further told me that David said I hated the name?”

  He nodded faintly. “I remember.”

  Her gray eyes found his blue. “I do not hate it anymore.”

  A slow smile spread across his mouth, broadening into the wide grin that near made her swoon. How she loved that smile!

  “I am glad. I like using it,” he murmured.

  He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it sweetly before escorting her off the steps and leading her into the grand hall. Because everyone was so busy, a scheduled meal had not been served. Instead, there were great plates of fruits and bread, honey and butter set out on the long table.

  Dustin took a great slab of bread with butter and honey, chewing contentedly as Christopher conversed with Leeton for a moment, quietly. Since she could not hear their words, her mind wandered to Caesar and she wondered where the cat was. As soon as she remembered again that the feline was caught in the storm, her concern rose and she wandered out of the hall and disappeared into the kitchens.

  The cook, a small woman, hadn’t seen the cat, and neither had any of the other kitchen servants. The back door leading into the kitchen yard was wide open and Dustin finished her bread standing in the archway, watching the rain fall onto the already saturated ground. There was an icy wind with the storm, frozen fingers reaching out to touch her until she was shivering. Even after she had finished eating, she stood leaning against the doorjamb, wondering if the rain would let up enough to allow Caesar to return home.

  “There you are,” Christopher said, coming up behind her. “I was not even aware that you had left until I turned and found you missing. What are you doing?”

  She glanced up at him and he noticed that her eyes were almost the exact color of the sky. “Watching for Caesar,” she said, somewhat wistfully. “Where do you think he is?”

  He gazed out over the muddy yard. “He’s probably found a cozy spot somewhere in a thicket and is as dry as we are. You worry overmuch for him.”

  “He’s old, Christopher,” she admonished softly. “Of course I worry over him.”

  He caught her mood and put a hand on her shoulder. “Do you want me to go and look for him? I did yesterday, you know, and didn’t catch a glimpse.”

  She was touched that he would go through that much trouble for her. “Nay, ’tis not necessary, I am sure. If he’s hiding, you shall never find him.” She let out a sigh, looking up at the dark clouds. “I suppose he will just have to wait until the rain clears.”

  Reluctantly, she turned from the rain and allowed her husband to lead her back into the warm hall. Jeffrey was there, as were the de Velt twins, eating everything that had been laid out. Dustin went to Jeffrey.

  “Jeffrey, Caesar is caught out in the storm and I fear he will not return before I leave for London. Would
you please take care of him while I am away?” she asked.

  He nodded, “Yah, my lady. I shall find him when the rain stops. And he can even sleep in my bed if he wishes.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled easily. “And my rabbits, too? Will you feed them?”

  The cat was one thing, but the rabbits were another. Jeffrey cleared his throat, glancing at Christopher’s stern face. “Yah, my lady, I shall feed the rabbits.”

  “Feed them to the cat,” Max muttered and Anthony chortled loudly.

  Christopher shot them both a threatening glare as Dustin turned to them, her pretty face menacing. “If you do, I shall have you for supper when I return.”

  The twins were immediately remorseful. “My apologies, my lady. We promise nothing will happen to the rabbits,” Max said earnestly, though Anthony was still twittering.

  “I shall take care of the bunnies,” Jeffrey reiterated, glancing reprovingly at the two knights. “I am in charge while the baron is gone.”

  “Chris?” David bellowed at his brother from the front door. “The wagons are loaded and most of the men are assembled in the bailey.”

  “Very well,” Christopher called back, putting his arm around Dustin’s waist and pulling her with him toward the front door. “Gather your cloak, sweetheart, and anything else you would carry with you. I shall return in a few minutes.”

  “And then we leave?” she asked, her stomach fluttering with excitement.

  “Aye, if everything is in order, we do,” he gave her a wink and exited out into the pouring rain.

  Exhilarated, Dustin dashed up the stairs to her room where her cloak and small traveling bag waited. The bag was her mother’s, a small thing that hung on a golden rope that secured around her wrist. Inside, she had placed several of her mother’s personal beauty items she wasn’t sure she would need, but wanted to bring them just the same: a comb, a brush, a small hand-mirror of polished silver, a small glass vial of beeswax for chapped lips, another vial with a cake of ocher that her mother used to color her cheeks when she was particularly pale, a vial of rose-scented perfume, and a tortoise-shell hair clip.


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