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Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1

Page 20

by James, Marie

  I didn’t know what to do and had no words for her. I was completely unprepared for her answer. My heart lit up the second she told me she wanted to have my babies, and I was crushed the next second when she told me she might not be able to. I held her to my chest and died a little inside. She mentioned later that it was something a doctor told her in passing after a brutal attack by Bobby. I can honestly say I hate him even more than some of the terrorist bastards I’ve been hired to seek out and destroy.

  I left her sleeping in our bed because I have a meeting with my guys to discuss what our game plan is going to be from now on.

  Sitting at the head of the table where I’ve always felt the most power and control has a different feeling when the person we are trying to protect is the woman I love with my entire heart. This isn’t close to home; it’s literally in the middle of my house.

  This feud started years ago with Wrench and it’s just festered like a disease every minute he was here. This is the point of no return. He was lucky he was able to walk away after he tried to rape Emmalyn. He wouldn’t have if the other guys hadn’t come in and pulled me off of him. I wish we were alone that day because he wouldn’t even be an issue right now.

  The only other time I’ve had the urge to kill on domestic soil was my father and the acts of terrorism that have been committed heinously in the United States. Never once, until Wrench, have I not had the control to just walk away from something that I’ve been forced to deal with.

  I should feel bad. I should be ashamed of the horrendous things I’ve imagined doing to him when I play back the different ways that day with Emmalyn could have gone, the way I wanted them to go. I don’t. Not one ounce of remorse, and I only pray now that when he makes his move on me that I have the opportunity to spit on his dying body.

  Wrench’s betrayal, in my eyes, is much more reprehensible than Bobby’s. He was in my house when he tried to assault her. He wronged me personally for trying to take something of mine, to hurt the woman I love. It won’t be tolerated. My only worry at this point is one of the other guys getting the shot at him first.

  “We have some decisions to make,” I tell the group of guys in front of me. Every patched member of the Cerberus MC is here. Their families, all of which are here at the clubhouse, are in tight quarters and uncomfortable.

  They turn all of their attention to the head of the table.

  “As much as I would love it, I’m not looking for vigilanty justice here. We don’t move on Wrench and that other piece of shit until they move on us.” I want to grin at the grumbling I hear from a few guys. I’ve already had to shut down talk of a few of the guys going out and taking care of the husband before he can make a move on the club.

  “That being said, I think we need to bring in local law enforcement. These two assholes aren’t worth going to jail or even being indicted over.” I watch as heads nod in agreement.

  I turn my attention to Shadow. “What have we found out?”

  He clears his throat. “Wrench was stupid enough to continue to use his MC cell after he left. We know he contacted the husband in Denver, but must have realized his mistake and he’s stopped using it.”

  I smile at several comments about Wrench being a fucking idiot. “Kid?”

  “We have several Renegade MC members coming in later today,” Kid says. “They were more than happy to help.”

  Shadow cuts his eyes to me. “I don’t know how well that’s going to go over when the local police get here.”

  I smile at him. The Renegades are just that, renegades. They have some questionable ethics, but for the most part, they’re good men.

  “I talked with Scorpion,” Kid interjects. “He’s aware of who will be here. He just asked to be housed on the other side of the clubhouse.”

  I chuckle. “We can accommodate him, but I’m pretty sure the local guys we bring aren’t going to care about a couple bikers smoking weed.” I look at Kid. “That being said, he has to understand that when the families are here that shit happens outside.” Kid nods. “That goes for the women as well. I don’t want the couple of kids here to experience anything they shouldn’t.”

  I cut my eyes to Snatch. He holds his hands up like he’s an innocent man. “I got it. Keep my cock in my pants in the living room.”

  A couple of the guys chuckle because they know how much of a struggle that may be for him. He’d never do anything vulgar or questionable, but he doesn’t always think before he pulls his dick out. The man is a stallion and a favorite with the club girls.

  “Any other business?” I ask looking around the room, realizing that every one of them are here to help because we are a family and not just because I’m the President.

  We may end up in a violent situation with Wrench and Bobby and the common factor in all of it is Emmalyn. Each one of these guys is willing to take a bullet, not only for me but for my girl, and that makes my heart shine.

  Chapter 39

  “What did you and the guys talk about this morning?” He’s gliding his fingers absently over the bare skin of my back. I love the way his hand feels against my skin.

  We’re back in bed… again. I woke up alone earlier, and even though I knew he had a ton of things to take care of today it still made my heart beat faster. I’m waiting to wake up from this. I know it has to be a dream. I’ve done nothing in my life to be rewarded with such an amazing man. I’m holding my breath until it all disappears, but I also refuse to squander even a second with this man.

  “I can’t really get into it, Em.” He pulls me tighter against his chest.

  “This is my life, Diego. All of these people are here because of Bobby.”

  “Emmalyn,” he says and pulls away slightly so he can see my face. “Bobby has his part in this, but Wrench is my main concern.”

  “His defection from the club is because of me as well. I brought all of this to your club.” I want to tell him that I’m not worth it, but I’d be heartbroken if he agreed.

  “Wrench was causing trouble and making enemies long before you ever came along, Darlin’. He’s brought this on himself. All he had to do is just go on with his life. He set this in motion, not you.”

  I kiss his cheek and lay back down on his chest. “I just don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

  “It will be over soon, Em. I promise.” He kisses my head again.

  “Good, because I don’t want to lose my job. I’m sure Jake is going to be livid about me missing so many days.” I talked to him earlier, and he seemed fine with me being out for a while. Come to think of it, he didn’t even sound surprised that I was calling to tell him to take me off the schedule the next couple of days.

  I pull my head back and look at him. “Did you call Jake’s and tell him I wasn’t going to come in.”

  “I didn’t,” he says dismissively.

  I glare at him, knowing that there’s more to this than that. “You didn’t?”

  He shakes his head no but smiles mischievously. “Kid called.”

  “Always my protector,” I grumble and collapse back on his chest.

  “Every man in this MC will protect you with their life, Em.” I swallow. Other than my father, this may be the first time I actually believed those words were true.

  “You don’t even have to go back to work at the bar. You can do whatever you want.”

  I don’t respond; I just lay on his chest and think of what it actually means to be able to do something I want rather than something I have to do or something I’m forced by another to do.

  “Any idea what you’d rather do?” He asks.

  I remain quiet for a few moments, really thinking about the possibilities. “I’ve always wanted to work with small children.”

  “Like a teacher?”

  “Sort of, but young kids and babies. I think being able to influence them and watch as they grow and learn in the first couple of years of their lives would be very rewarding.” I smile thinking about it.

  “Then,” he says softly, “when a
ll of this is over we make sure you’re doing that.”

  That simple. I want something, and he’s going to find a way to make sure it happens. Who knew that men who were happy when their lover was happy even existed? I sure as hell didn’t until Diego Anderson walked into Drifter’s Bar.


  “Here, Ollie,” I say leaning over to give him a small piece of chicken from the salad we are making. There are dozens of people in the clubhouse, and now I know why there are so many tables and chairs in the dining area. I‘ve never seen it so full, not even when Diego brought me back, and a party was in full effect. I’ve even seen a couple of kids running around, and that makes me happy.

  From the way everyone is acting this isn’t the first time they’ve all been sequestered, but you can tell it doesn’t happen often because the women are all grouped together talking about what they think they should do when the isolation is lifted.

  “Look at that little fella!” Rose says with a smile. “He’s doing really well.”

  I smile back at her as Ollie takes the tiny piece of chicken from my hand. “He gets a little excited sometimes and doesn’t listen, but he’s gotten a few commands down. The best part is he hasn’t had to use the puppy pad in two days. So I’m hoping we’re fully housebroken now.”

  I scratch behind his ears as he sits not so patiently. His tail, which includes his whole back end, is sweeping feverishly across the floor in anticipation of another little piece of food.

  “Go lay down Ollie.” I snap my finger and point to a safe place in the corner for him to go. He looks at me absently and hangs his tongue out of his mouth. “And to think I was just bragging on you.”

  A couple of the kids come in and ask if they can play with him. I agree, and they lead him out of the room. He’s going to sleep like a champ tonight after playing with these kids all day.

  “What do you think, Emmalyn?” One of the girls at the closest table asks.

  I head to the sink to wash Ollie off my hands. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you.”

  I dry my hands and walk closer to them, noticing Kid heading to the fridge.

  “Have you ever been to a strip club?”

  I grin. I want to tell them I couldn’t listen to music without getting slapped in the face, much less heading out and watching people take off their clothes.

  “I haven’t,” I answer honestly.

  “We were thinking,” Snapper says leaning closer in after darting her eyes toward Kid who is bent over looking in the fridge but no doubt is listening to every word we say. “When the seclusion is lifted we should all get together and head over to Bull’s.”

  I’ve heard of the little club. I know it’s across town. I tilt my head in confusion. “That’s a gentleman’s club. I’m not a prude, but I don’t want to go watch women strip.”

  Rose laughs, and I see Kid tilt his head to hear better.

  “On Wednesday,” Gypsy interrupts, “it's ladies night, and they bring in male dancers from Albuquerque.” She rubs her hands together conspiratorially.

  The way they’re whispering, and acting sneaky makes me second guess even talking about it. I don’t imagine the men of the club would be very happy about the girls going and watching another group of men get naked. I’m almost ready to tell them no, not wanting to cause problems with Diego, but I also kind of want to go. I’ve grown to really like some of these women and a night out with the girls, which I’ve never done before in my life, is something I honestly want to do.

  I look over to Rose and see her grinning. She knows exactly what I’m struggling with, but her nonchalant demeanor makes me think going won’t be so bad. It doesn’t appear to be a deal breaker. I wouldn’t do anything to compromise my relationship with Diego, but I also don’t want to be in another situation where I can’t make decisions about my own life either.

  “I’m in,” I say loudly and wince as the other girls cut their eyes to Kid who is standing across the room with his arms crossed over his chest.

  He raises an eyebrow at me, and I know instantly that he heard what we were talking about, and he doesn’t approve. I narrow my eyes at him.

  “What?” I ask

  He smirks. “You think that’s a good idea?”

  “I think it sounds like fun.” I stand my ground and wait for him to pull his phone out like he does every time he’s trying to persuade someone to do something the way he feels his President would want.

  “Don’t pay any attention to him, Emmalyn.” Rose touches my arm as she walks back to the counter to finish the chicken salad.

  I walk close to him. “It’s not that big of a deal. Why are you acting all big brother? You’re not the big brother. You’re the little brother.”

  He grins at me and the dimple on his right cheek pops up making it difficult to scold him due to how adorable he is. “Regardless, little or big, I’m still family, Em. It’s not me you need to worry about.” He nods his head toward the door to the kitchen area.

  I turn to look and see Diego standing in the doorway. My heart beats faster, and it has nothing to do with the conversation I was having just a second ago with Kid. This man makes me lose my breath each and every time I see him. His eyes light up when he sees me as well, and that’s how I know that what we have is real. How I ever doubted him, I’ll never understand.

  Chapter 40

  “What are you ladies in here gossiping about?” Kid laughs, and I see the girls at the table turn toward the center without responding.

  The last time I walked into a situation like this, the women were planning a trip to Vegas. That, of course, was long before Emmalyn came along, but I can’t help but get the same vibe right now.

  “Just making plans,” Emmalyn says with a shrug of her shoulders as she walks up to me and kisses my cheek. PDAs in front of others really isn’t her thing, and that puts me on even higher alert.

  I look over her shoulder at Kid who’s standing against the counter waiting for the truth to come out. He looks thoroughly entertained, and it makes me grin.

  “What kind of plans?” I ask softly in her ear and kiss her neck. I love the sigh that slips past her lips and my cock stirs in my pants. I will it to behave because it acts like it hasn’t been near her in days, when just an hour ago we were wrapped around each other in our bed.

  Em pulls away from me and takes a step back. A step I notice closer to the table of women who are doing their best not to draw my scrutiny.

  “We’re having a girl’s night.” I love how her cheeks begin to flush, and she bites her bottom lip.

  “A girl’s night, huh?” I look over at Snapper who has her head down but an eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face. It was her idea to go to Vegas last year. I had no issue with it, but the other guys in the club weren’t too happy about them trolling for other men while they were there.

  Snapper told them to take a stand with them or leave them be. None of the men were willing to settle down, and so they went. One of the girls apparently met the man of her dreams and never came back from Vegas. We got a wedding invitation from her a few weeks ago.

  “We’re going to go watch strippers,” Rose says like only she can. She’s a “rip the Band-Aid off” kind of woman, and I love her for it.

  I tilt my head and give Em an amused look doing my best to keep my lip from twitching. I’m trying to remain stoic, but it gets harder with every second that passes and every shade of red her face turns.

  For less than a second she looks scared, and suddenly she straightens her spine and looks me in the eye, and I couldn’t be prouder of my girl than I am at this moment. “When we’re allowed to leave the clubhouse we will be going to Bull’s.” She lowers her voice, “to watch strippers.”

  “You have to take Kid,” I say somehow maintaining a serious look on my face.

  She smirks and looks around me at Kid.

  “Bullshit!” He yells standing to his full height. “Seriously, Kincaid?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe you can pick up
some dance moves while you’re there.”

  “One time!” He says holding up his pointer finger. “I tried that one time! I was drunk! It would have gone differently if I weren’t drunk.” He drops his shoulders and leaves as I laugh my head off.

  I calm myself and look back to Em. “What happened?”

  I steel my face. “Club business,” I say and wink at her before leaving the room. I’ll tell her later, but it’s not something I’m going into today.


  This is the second time we’ve been in this room today, and it’s even more crowded than it was earlier. We have six Renegades and three officers from the Farmington Police Department with us now. Needless to say, this time the meeting room is stuffed full.

  “First let me start by saying thank you for being here. Secondly, I know we’re all crammed into a really small building, but hopefully, we won’t have to suffer long. We got some news that may mean this will be ending soon.”

  I wave a hand to Shadow, who stands from his seat on my right so everyone can see and hear him. “We know that both Kyle “Wrench” Williams, III and Robert Mikaelson are in Farmington. They must be gearing up for something because they only rented one room in a shitty motel on the other side of town.”

  Shane Jones, detective and all around good guy, steps forward and lays 8x10 pictures of each of the men on the table, and I seethe at the sight of Bobby Mikaelson. Looking at him reminds me of the night I walked up when he hit Emmalyn, which is bittersweet because she was hit but it was also what brought us together.

  “Wrench is former military. I know you guys are familiar with him and his skill set.” Shane points to the husband. “Robert Mikaelson is an insurance salesman from Denver, but our records indicate he does have a history of mental illness.”

  “Mental illness?” One of the visiting bikers says.

  “It’s not clear exactly what his deal is, but we’re pretty sure he’s psychotic. He has a juvenile history a mile long, and although he hasn’t been charged in any domestic incidences with his wife Emmalyn Mikaelson, we do have one prior report that she recanted on.”


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