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Delphi Complete Works of William Dean Howells

Page 29

by William Dean Howells

  Most of the people whom she saw passing had letters or papers, and, in fact, they were coming from the post-office, where the noonday mails had just been opened. So she went on turning substance into shadow, — unless, indeed, flesh and blood is the illusion, — and, as I am bound to own, catching at very slight pretexts in many cases for the exercise of her sorcery, when her eye fell upon a gentleman at a little distance. At the same moment he raised his eyes from a letter at which he had been glancing, and ran them along the row of houses opposite, till they rested on the window at which she stood. Then he smiled and lifted his hat, and, with a start, she recognized Mr. Arbuton, while a certain chill struck to her heart through the tumult she felt there. Till he saw her there had been such a cold reserve and hauteur in his bearing, that the trepidation which she had felt about him at times, the day before, and which had worn quite away under the events of the morning, was renewed again, and the aspect, in which he had been so strange that she did not know him, seemed the only one that he had ever worn. This effect lasted till Mr. Arbuton could find his way to her, and place in her eager hand a letter from the girls and Dr. Ellison. She forgot it then, and vanished till she read her letter.



  The first care of Colonel Ellison had been to call a doctor, and to know the worst about the sprained ankle, upon which his plans had fallen lame; and the worst was that it was not a bad sprain, but Mrs. Ellison, having been careless of it the day before, had aggravated the hurt, and she must now have that perfect rest, which physicians prescribe so recklessly of other interests and duties, for a week at least, and possibly two or three.

  The colonel was still too much a soldier to be impatient at the doctor’s order, but he was of far too active a temper to be quiet under it. He therefore proposed to himself nothing less than the capture of Quebec in an historical sense, and even before dinner he began to prepare for the campaign. He sallied forth, and descended upon the bookstores wherever he found them lurking, in whatsoever recess of the Upper or Lower Town, and returned home laden with guide-books to Quebec, and monographs upon episodes of local history, such as are produced in great quantity by the semi-clerical literary taste of out-of-the-way Catholic capitals. The colonel (who had gone actively into business, after leaving the army, at the close of the war) had always a newspaper somewhere about him, but he was not a reader of many books. Of the volumes in the doctor’s library, he had never in former days willingly opened any but the plays of Shakespeare, and Don Quixote, long passages of which he knew by heart. He had sometimes attempted other books, but for the most of Kitty’s favorite authors he professed as frank a contempt as for the Mound-Builders themselves. He had read one book of travel, namely, The Innocents Abroad, which he held to be so good a book that he need never read anything else about the countries of which it treated. When he brought in this extraordinary collection of pamphlets, both Kitty and Fanny knew what to expect; for the colonel was as ready to receive literature at second-hand as to avoid its original sources. He had in this way picked up a great deal of useful knowledge, and he was famous for clipping from newspapers scraps of instructive fact, all of which he relentlessly remembered. He had already a fair outline of the local history in his mind, and this had been deepened and freshened by Dr. Ellison’s recent talk of his historical studies. Moreover, he had secured in the course of the present journey, from his wife’s and cousin’s reading of divers guide-books, a new store of names and dates, which he desired to attach to the proper localities with their help.

  “Light reading for leisure hours, Fanny,” said Kitty, looking askance at the colonel’s literature as she sat down near her cousin after dinner.

  “Yes; and you start fair, ladies. Start with Jacques Cartier, ancient mariner of Dieppe, in the year 1535. No favoritism in this investigation; no bringing forward of Champlain or Montcalm prematurely; no running off on subsequent conquests or other side-issues. Stick to the discovery, and the names of Jacques Cartier and Donnacona. Come, do something for an honest living.”

  “Who was Donnacona?” demanded Mrs. Ellison, with indifference.

  “That is just what these fascinating little volumes will tell us. Kitty, read something to your suffering cousins about Donnacona, — he sounds uncommonly like an Irishman,” answered the colonel, establishing himself in an easy-chair; and Kitty picked up a small sketch of the history of Quebec, and, opening it, fell into the trance which came upon her at the touch of a book, and read on for some pages to herself.

  “Well, upon my word,” said the colonel, “I might as well be reading about Donnacona myself, for any comfort I get.”

  “O Dick, I forgot. I was just looking. Now I’m really going to commence.”

  “No, not yet,” cried Mrs. Ellison, rising on her elbow. “Where is Mr. Arbuton?”

  “What has he to do with Donnacona, my dear?”

  “Everything. You know he’s stayed on our account, and I never heard of anything so impolite, so inhospitable, as offering to read without him. Go and call him, Richard, do.”

  “O, no,” pleaded Kitty, “he won’t care about it. Don’t call him, Dick.”

  “Why, Kitty, I’m surprised at you! When you read so beautifully! Yon needn’t be ashamed, I’m sure.”

  “I’m not ashamed; but, at the same time, I don’t want to read to him.”

  “Well, call him any way, colonel. He’s in his room.”

  “If you do,” said Kitty, with superfluous dignity, “I must go away.”

  “Very well, Kitty, just as you please. Only I want Richard to witness that I’m not to blame if Mr. Arbuton thinks us unfeeling or neglectful.”

  “O, if he doesn’t say what he thinks, it’ll make no difference.”

  “It seems to me that this is a good deal of fuss to make about one human being, a mere passing man and brother of a day, isn’t it?” said the colonel. “Go on with Donnacona, do.”

  There came a knock at the door. Kitty leaped nervously to her feet, and fled out of the room. But it was only the little French serving-maid upon some errand which she quickly despatched.

  “Well, now what do you think?” asked Mrs. Ellison.

  “Why, I think you’ve a surprising knowledge of French for one who studied it at school. Do you suppose she understood you?”

  “O, nonsense! You know I mean Kitty and her very queer behavior. Richard, if you moon at me in that stupid way,” she continued, “I shall certainly end in an insane asylum. Can’t you see what’s under your very nose?”

  “Yes, I can, Fanny,” answered the colonel, “if anything’s there. But I give you my word, I don’t know any more than millions yet unborn what you’re driving at.” The colonel took up the book which Kitty had thrown down, and went to his room to try to read up Donnacona for himself, while his wife penitently turned to a pamphlet in French, which he had bought with the others. “After all,” she thought, “men will be men”; and seemed not to find the fact wholly wanting in consolation.

  A few minutes after there was a murmur of voices in the entry without, at a window looking upon the convent garden, where it happened to Mr. Arbuton, descending from his attic chamber, to find Kitty standing, a pretty shape against the reflected light of the convent roofs, and amidst a little greenery of house-plants, tall geraniums, an overarching ivy, some delicate roses. She had paused there, on her way from Fanny’s to her own room, and was looking into the garden, where a pair of silent nuns were pacing up and down the paths, turning now their backs with the heavy sable coiffure sweeping their black robes, and now their still, mask-like faces, set in that stiff framework of white linen. Sometimes they came so near that she could distinguish their features, and imagine an expression that she should know if she saw them again; and while she stood self-forgetfully feigning a character for each of them, Mr. Arbuton spoke to her and took his place at her side.

  “We’re remarkably favored in having this bit of opera under our windows, Miss Ellison,”
he said, and smiled as Kitty answered, “O, is it really like an opera? I never saw one, but I could imagine it must be beautiful,” and they both looked on in silence a moment, while the nuns moved, shadow-like, out of the garden, and left it empty.

  Then Mr. Arbuton said something to which Kitty answered simply, “I’ll see if my cousin doesn’t want me,” and presently stood beside Mrs. Ellison’s sofa, a little conscious in color. “Fanny, Mr. Arbuton has asked me to go and see the cathedral with him. Do you think it would be right?”

  Mrs. Ellison’s triumphant heart rose to her lips. “Why, you dear, particular, innocent little goose,” she cried, flinging her arms about Kitty, and kissing her till the young girl blushed again; “of course it would! Go! You mustn’t stay mewed up in here. I sha’n’t be able to go about with you; and if I can judge by the colonel’s breathing, as he calls it, from the room in there, he won’t, at present. But the idea of your having a question of propriety!” And indeed it was the first time Kitty had ever had such a thing, and the remembrance of it put a kind of constraint upon her, as she strolled demurely beside Mr. Arbuton towards the cathedral.

  “You must be guide,” said he, “for this is my first day in Quebec, you know, and you are an old inhabitant in comparison.”

  “I’ll show the way,” she answered, “if you’ll interpret the sights. I think I must be stranger to them than you, in spite of my long residence. Sometimes I’m afraid that I do only fancy I enjoy these things, as Mrs. March said, for I’ve no European experiences to contrast them with. I know that it seems very delightful, though, and quite like what I should expect in Europe.”

  “You’d expect very little of Europe, then, in most things; though there’s no disputing that it’s a very pretty illusion of the Old World.”

  A few steps had brought them into the market-square in front of the cathedral, where a little belated traffic still lingered in the few old peasant-women hovering over baskets of such fruits and vegetables as had long been out of season in the States, and the housekeepers and serving-maids cheapening these wares. A sentry moved mechanically up and down before the high portal of the Jesuit Barracks, over the arch of which were still the letters I. H. S. carved long ago upon the keystone; and the ancient edifice itself, with its yellow stucco front and its grated windows, had every right to be a monastery turned barracks in France or Italy. A row of quaint stone houses — inns and shops — formed the upper side of the Square; while the modern buildings of the Rue Fabrique on the lower side might serve very well for that show of improvement which deepens the sentiment of the neighboring antiquity and decay in Latin towns. As for the cathedral, which faced the convent from across the Square, it was as cold and torpid a bit of Renaissance as could be found in Rome itself. A red-coated soldier or two passed through the Square; three or four neat little French policemen lounged about in blue uniforms and flaring havelocks; some walnut-faced, blue-eyed old citizens and peasants sat upon the thresholds of the row of old houses, and gazed dreamily through the smoke of their pipes at the slight stir and glitter of shopping about the fine stores of the Rue Fabrique. An air of serene disoccupation pervaded the place, with which the occasional riot of the drivers of the long row of calashes and carriages in front of the cathedral did not discord. Whenever a stray American wandered into the Square, there was a wild flight of these drivers towards him, and his person was lost to sight amidst their pantomime. They did not try to underbid each other, and they were perfectly good-humored; as soon as he had made his choice, the rejected multitude returned to their places on the curbstone, pursuing the successful aspirant with inscrutable jokes as he drove off, while the horses went on munching the contents of their leathern head-bags, and tossing them into the air to shake down the lurking grains of corn.

  “It is like Europe; your friends were right,” said Mr. Arbuton as they escaped into the cathedral from one of these friendly onsets. “It’s quite the atmosphere of foreign travel, and you ought to be able to realize the feelings of a tourist.”

  A priest was saying mass at one of the side-altars, assisted by acolytes in their every-day clothes; and outside of the railing a market-woman, with a basket of choke-cherries, knelt among a few other poor people. Presently a young English couple came in, he with a dashing India scarf about his hat, and she very stylishly dressed, who also made their genuflections with the rest, and then sat down and dropped their heads in prayer.

  “This is like enough Europe, too,” murmured Mr. Arbuton. “It’s very good North Italy; or South, for the matter of that.”

  “O, is it?” answered Kitty, joyously. “I thought it must be!” And she added, in that trustful way of hers: “It’s all very familiar; but then it seems to me on this journey that I’ve seen a great many things that I know I’ve only read of before”; and so followed Mr. Arbuton in his tour of the pictures.

  She was as ignorant of art as any Roman or Florentine girl whose life has been passed in the midst of it; and she believed these mighty fine pictures, and was puzzled by Mr. Arbuton’s behavior towards them, who was too little imaginative or too conscientious to make merit for them out of the things they suggested. He treated the poor altar-pieces of the Quebec cathedral with the same harsh indifference he would have shown to the second-rate paintings of a European gallery; doubted the Vandyck, and cared nothing for the Conception, “in the style of Le Brun,” over the high-altar, though it had the historical interest of having survived that bombardment of 1759 which destroyed the church.

  Kitty innocently singled out the worst picture in the place as her favorite, and then was piqued, and presently frightened, at his cold reluctance about it. He made her feel that it was very bad, and that she shared its inferiority, though he said nothing to that effect. She learned the shame of not being a connoisseur in a connoisseur’s company, and she perceived more painfully than ever before that a Bostonian, who had been much in Europe, might be very uncomfortable to the simple, unravelled American. Yet, she reminded herself, the Marches had been in Europe, and they were Bostonians also; and they did not go about putting everything under foot; they seemed to care for everything they saw, and to have a friendly jest, if not praises, for it. She liked that; she would have been well enough pleased to have Mr. Arbuton laugh outright at her picture, and she could have joined him in it. But the look, however flattered into an air of polite question at last, which he had bent upon her, seemed to outlaw her and condemn her taste in everything. As they passed out of the cathedral, she would rather have gone home than continued the walk as he begged her, if she were not tired, to do; but this would have been flight, and she was not a coward. So they sauntered down the Rue Fabrique, and turned into Palace Street. As they went by the door of Hôtel Musty, her pleasant friends came again into her mind, and she said, “This is where we stayed last week, with Mr. and Mrs. March.”

  “Those Boston people?”


  “Do you know where they live in Boston?”

  “Why, we have their address; but I can’t think of it. I believe somewhere in the southern part of the city—”

  “The South End?”

  “O yes, that’s it. Have you ever heard of them?”


  “I thought perhaps you might have known Mr. March. He’s in the insurance business—”

  “O no! No, I don’t know him,” said Mr. Arbuton, eagerly. Kitty wondered if there could be anything wrong with the business repute of Mr. March, but dismissed the thought as unworthy; and having perceived that her friends were snubbed, she said bravely, that they were the most delightful people she had ever seen, and she was sorry that they were not still in Quebec. He shared her regret tacitly, if at all, and they walked in silence to the gate, whence they strolled down the winding street outside the wall into the Lower Town. But it was not a pleasant ramble for Kitty: she was in a dim dread of hitherto unseen and unimagined trespasses against good taste, not only in pictures and people, but in all life, which, from having been a very smili
ng prospect when she set out with Mr. Arbuton, had suddenly become a narrow pathway, in which one must pick one’s way with more regard to each step than any general end. All this was as obscure and uncertain as the intimations which had produced it, and which, in words, had really amounted to nothing. But she felt more and more that in her companion there was something wholly alien to the influences which had shaped her; and though she could not know how much, she was sure of enough to make her dreary in his presence.


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