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Maddox: A Bad Boy Rock Star Romance (Rock Hard Book 2)

Page 8

by Lilian Monroe

  The day of the awards ceremony had an excited buzz to it. Everyone was running around with purpose, getting ready for the big night.

  Morgan set us up in a hotel near the Staples Center, where the ceremony would be held. I prepped my supplies and waited with Veronica for the band to show up. From there, a limousine would take them to the red carpet and the show would be on. We’d meet the band backstage for their pre-show touch-ups.

  “Thank God we get to watch the show from backstage,” Veronica said. “If I was stuck in this hotel room all evening I think I’d go crazy.”

  “At least there’s a mini bar,” I said, cracking open a tiny bottle of whiskey. Veronica’s eyebrow arched.

  “When did you turn into a little rebel?”

  “We can just bill it to the band,” I laughed. “I’m about to be married to one of them, after all.”

  “Is that still going down?”

  I nodded, and then started laughing. “It’s so ridiculous, but Vee, it feels good.”


  The door opened, and Maddox and Carter appeared. Vee put her hands on her hips.

  “I guess I should be congratulating you, shouldn’t I?” She said to Maddox. He glanced at me and his eyes widened.

  “You told her?”

  I shrugged. “Something you’ll have to get used to, I guess. Veronica knows everything.”

  Carter frowned. “What’s going on?”

  My cheeks flushed and I glanced at Maddox. A grin spread over his lips and he put his hand on Carter’s shoulder.

  “I’m getting married.”

  Carter frowned. “To who?”

  “To me,” I said, my blush getting warmer.

  No one said anything. The room was deathly still, and then Carter started chuckling. Once he started, none of us could resist. All four of us leaned on each other and laughed until tears streamed down our faces.

  “Well, congratulations, I guess,” Carter said. “Am I the best man, or what?”

  “Yeah,” Maddox laughed. “You are, you presumptuous bastard.”

  Veronica glanced at me and I nodded. “And you’ll be my maid of honor.

  ”Monday morning, at the courthouse,” Maddox said.

  “I’ll be there,” Carter said, shaking Maddox’s hand. My heart was so full, it felt like it was about to burst.

  Garrett wasn’t far behind the other two. When he walked into the hotel room, his face was darker than usual. I glanced at Maddox, who frowned.

  “Everything okay, Garrett?” He asked. Garrett slumped into the makeup chair and grunted.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine,” he said. “Just got a lot on my mind.”

  “You checked our gear at the Staples Center?”

  “Yeah, it’s all fine, we’ll do a final check before we go on, but it should be good to go.”

  Maddox and Carter nodded. I got to work on Garrett’s hair, giving him a tousled, rockstar kind of look. Veronica went to work snapping photos of the band. Morgan had posted some of Vee’s photos from New York to the band’s social media pages, and they’d gotten fantastic responses.

  She clicked her camera towards Garrett when his phone rang. He pulled it out and I saw Morgan’s name flash on the screen.

  “Miss me already, do you?” Garrett said as he answered, and my eyes widened. Veronica looked at me as her eyebrows shot up.

  “What?” She mouthed. I shrugged, trying to keep my face neutral.

  I couldn’t hear what Morgan was saying, but Garrett’s face dropped.

  “I didn’t send them to her,” he said to the phone. His voice was calm, but there was an undercurrent of anger. “She blindsided me.”

  What was he talking about? I glanced at Vee again, frowning. Something was wrong.

  “I’ll handle it,” Garrett growled. He hung up the phone and pushed himself out of the chair.

  “Good enough,” he grunted. “I think I’m pretty enough now,” he said to me, and I stepped back.

  “Okay,” I said. “I was almost done anyways.”

  “Who was that?” Carter asked. I glanced from him to Garrett to Maddox, not knowing whether I should stay there or give them some privacy. I opted to stay completely still.

  “Morgan.” Garrett said. “We have a situation.”

  Maddox’s straightened up. “What do you need us to do?”

  “Just get ready for the show. I’ll meet you there.”

  And with that, Garrett rushed out of the room. All four of us exchanged glances and frowns. Veronica let out a sigh.

  “Well I don’t know about you guys, but it sounds like something not entirely professional is going on between the two of them.”

  “I’m not sure you’re one to talk,” Carter said, grinning. “Can you say you’ve been entirely… professional?”

  Veronica blushed harder than I’d ever seen before, and I giggled.

  “Well, whatever it is, you heard the man. Carter, you’re up. I need to fix that face of yours.”

  “Fix my face!” He said, his eyebrows shooting up in mock offense. “Do you know who you’re talking to?”

  “You’re no David Beckham, I’ll tell you that much,” I grinned. It was only funny because Maddox, Garrett, and Carter were probably the three most attractive men I’d ever seen.

  “You’re not like any makeup artist I’ve ever met,” he said, still in shock. “Usually they try to butter us up and make us feel good about ourselves.”

  “She’s not like other makeup artists,” Maddox said, his eyes gleaming as he looked at me. “That’s why I’m marrying her.”

  Chapter 19 - Maddox

  “Your ex did what?” I said into the phone in disbelief. I glanced at Carter, who frowned. Veronica and Lacie had jumped in the limo with us, but they wouldn’t get out on the red carpet. They’d meet us in the dressing room before we went on stage for our performance.

  “She hacked into my account online and took some photos of me, and some photos of Morgan in, uh, compromising positions,” Garrett said over the phone.

  “What?” I repeated as my jaw dropped.

  “Morgan and I have been, uh, ahem. Seeing each other.”

  I grinned and shook my head. “Of course you have been. What do you need from us?”

  “Look, my ex said that if we go on stage today, she’ll release the photos. Morgan’s career will be ruined. I know a lot is riding on this show, and that our album launch has been building up to it, but…” he took a deep breath. “I can’t go on.”

  “Garrett,” I started, but he interrupted me.

  “I know it’s a dick move. Look, I really care about this woman. I don’t want to ruin her life. Our fans will understand. Our launch will recover. We had a great week, and one show at some dumb award ceremony won’t change that.”

  “Garrett, stop,” I said, glancing at Carter. “I’m in the limo with Carter, and I’ll ask him, but I’m pretty sure he’ll be okay with it. We’re on your side. We won’t play.”

  Garrett breathed a sigh. “Thanks, brother.”

  “See you soon.”

  As soon as I hung up the phone, Carter spoke up.

  “What the fuck is going on? What did you mean we won’t play?”

  “Apparently Morgan and Garrett were sending nudes to each other while we were in New York.”

  “What?!” Lacie and Veronica said in unison.

  “Garrett’s ex has come out of the woodwork and threatened to release them if we go through with tonight’s show. Garrett says it’ll end Morgan’s career, and he doesn’t want to go on.”

  “So he and Morgan…” Carter trailed off.

  I nodded.

  Carter sat back and shrugged. “I guess we’re not playing.”

  “You guys would do that for Morgan?” Lacie breathed, her eyes wide. I put out my arm and she scooted closer to me. I pulled her in, kissing her temple. Carter put his hand over Veronica’s and interlaced his fingers with hers.

  “When we find someone, we’re loyal,” I sa
id. Lacie’s eyes shone and she opened her mouth as if to speak, but nothing came out.

  “It’s true,” Carter said. I wasn’t looking at him, but I guessed he was staring at Veronica. “Fuck the album launch. It’s just one show, we’ll play a thousand more.”

  “This is the biggest show of the year,” Lacie breathed. “You’d give that up…?”

  “Yes,” I said, and crushed my lips against hers. Even if it wasn’t Lacie that was in trouble, it felt the same. Garrett needed us, and I could tell that he cared about Morgan. If the way that I felt was anything to go on, he’d found the woman that he was meant to be with, too.

  I’d want him to do the same for me, so there was no question about it. We wouldn’t play.

  We did the whole red carpet thing without Garrett. I had no idea where he was, and I’m sure the tabloids would be wondering, but it didn’t matter. Carter and I went in and moved backstage as quickly as we could. We were met with Veronica and Lacie as we rounded the last corner to our dressing room.

  “How do you know they won’t release the photos, even if you don’t play? What about the rest of the band?” Morgan’s voice came through the door.

  I exchanged a glance with Carter, who nodded.

  “Garrett called us on the way over,” Carter said as he stepped through the door, followed by me, Lacie and Veronica. “You’re one of us, now, Morgan. We won’t let you go through that.”

  Morgan’s jaw dropped, and Garrett let out a relieved sigh.

  Tears welled in Morgan’s eyes. “You guys would throw away this chance to play at the Grammys just for me? I barely know you!”

  I chuckled. “But we know Garrett. And he knows you. We won’t play.”

  Morgan looked like she was in shock. Garrett grinned at Carter and me.

  “We are in the market for a new PR company,” he said. “And it looks like you might be in the market for a new job.”

  Morgan’s cheeks flushed and her eyes widened. I put my arm around Lacie and held her close to me. This moment felt important. It felt like a defining moment in our time as a band, and as friends.

  Morgan shook her head. “How could I…? I wouldn’t have any of the connections, I couldn’t—”

  “I see the way people react to you, Morgan. They like you. And with the biggest rock band in the country as your first client, how could you fail?” Garrett said gently, putting his hands on her hips. I could see the connection between them, and it made me think of Lacie.

  “I have a non-compete agreement. I wouldn’t be able to work for you!”

  Garrett kissed Morgan, and I heard Lacie let out a soft gasp. When he pulled away, he spoke to Morgan in a low voice. “I have your CEO’s number. Something tells me that when I let him know that his Managing Director hacked into my private accounts and tried to blackmail me, he’ll wave the non-compete.”

  They kissed again, and I turned to Lacie and crushed my lips against hers.

  Then, I heard a strange sound, like someone clapping.

  Clap… clap… clap…

  It was slow and mocking. We all turned to see Brenda, Garrett’s ex, in the doorway.

  “Congratulations, Garrett, you could win an Oscar for that performance. Have you considered getting into acting?”

  “Brenda,” Garrett snarled. “Aren’t you done trying to ruin my life? What’s in it for you?”

  “You’re a fool,” she said to Morgan, and I felt Lacie stiffen. I held her back, knowing she wanted to pounce on the woman in the doorway.

  Brenda scoffed. “You’re exactly the same man that broke my heart, Garrett. You haven’t changed a bit. Now, you’re going to break this poor girl’s heart too.”

  Garrett roared. “I broke your heart?! You left me, remember? Are you delusional?”

  “I had no choice!” She screamed. Brenda trembled in the doorway, not letting her eyes drop from Garrett. She lifted her arm and pointed a long nail at Garrett.

  “You made me get rid of my unborn child, Garrett! I’ll never forgive you for that. Never!”

  I looked at Carter and frowned. What the fuck? I hadn’t heard about any of this! By the look of confusion on Carter’s face, neither had he.

  Garrett frowned and took a step forward.


  “Oh don’t pretend that you didn’t know! Right after I took the pregnancy test, you went in the bathroom and by the time you came back out, you wouldn’t even touch me. I got the message loud and clear.”

  Garrett shook his head. “How…? What?”

  “You’re a pig.”

  “Brenda,” he said softly, shaking his head. “I’ve had a vasectomy.”

  Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed. Garrett stiffened, his hands balling into fists. “I know you were sleeping with what’s-his-face for months before you broke up with me. I saw the messages. You might have noticed the screenshots of them in my account when you were snooping around. Unless my vasectomy magically undid itself, the baby wasn’t mine, and I never even knew about it.”

  My pulse was racing. I didn’t know if I should throw her out or let this drama unfold. I glanced at Carter, who was just as frozen as I was.

  Garrett shook his head as his face crumpled.

  “I don’t want to hear any more of your lies, Brenda. If you release those photos, I’ll make sure everyone knows how long you cheated on me, and how you tried to ruin my career. Your days climbing the Hollywood ladder will be over.”

  Brenda’s eyes widened as her whole body trembled. She opened her mouth but Garrett held up his hand.

  “It’s no use, Brenda. You know that the media is unkind to women, and very generous to men. You’ll be ruined. Delete the photos, and get the fuck out of here.”

  His voice got stronger as he went on, and he spat the last words out. Brenda’s face crumpled and she reached into her bag. She took something out and flung it at Garrett before turning around and sprinting down the hallway.

  “What the fuck?” I said, glancing after her. I looked back at Garret and shook my head. “And I thought I was having a crazy week.”

  Lacie smacked my arm and giggled.

  Garrett picked up whatever she’d thrown and opened his palm to reveal a small black USB key.

  “The pictures?” Morgan said, breathless. Garrett looked at her and shrugged. Morgan scrambled to get her laptop, and then she flushed. Garrett said something in her ear and she flushed even redder.

  I cleared my throat and the two of them jumped.

  “So… are we playing this show, or what?”

  Garrett looked at Morgan, and she shrugged. A grin spread over our lead singer’s lips and he nodded to us.

  “Let’s light that fucking stage on fire.”

  Chapter 20 - Lacie

  I told Morgan that I was going to marry Maddox while they were on stage at the awards ceremony. She just laughed and shook her head.

  “Normally, I’d be upset that I have to deal with the PR fallout. But right now I guess I can’t complain.”

  I grinned. “I promise there won’t be any compromising photos.”

  “Too soon,” she replied, raising her finger at me. “Way, way too soon.”

  She couldn’t keep the smile off her face, though, and wrapped me in a hug.

  “How did this all happen? And Veronica, you and Carter…”

  Veronica grinned. She had her own story to tell. We waited in the wings, listening to the band that had changed our lives play on one of the biggest stages of the year. Morgan put her arm around my shoulder.

  “Congratulations,” she said with a smile. “Are you happy?”

  I nodded to her. “Yeah, I’m happy.”

  The rest of the weekend was a whirlwind. I brought Maddox to meet my mom on Sunday. Her eyebrows lifted ever so slightly when she saw his muscled, hulking body walk through the door. I saw her take in his tattoos and disheveled hair, and then a smile spread over her face.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Maddox,” she said. “I hope you make m
y daughter very happy.”

  “I hope so too,” he replied.

  We sat and drank coffee and discussed my mother’s new treatment. I saw the gleam in her eye when she spoke about it, and I knew I’d made the right decision. She could tell me time and time again that I shouldn’t stop my life for her or put myself into debt for her treatment, but I knew she still had some fight in her. She wanted to live.

  And with Maddox’s help, I’d do everything I could to make sure that happened.

  “So, Mom,” I said, putting my coffee cup down and folding my hands over my lap. “Maddox isn’t just my boyfriend.”

  “No?” She said casually, her eyes like lasers.

  I grinned. “He’s actually my fiancé.”

  My mother’s eyebrows shot up. She looked from him to me and back to him as a smile spread across her face.

  “You’re getting married?” I nodded. “How long have you two known each other?”

  Maddox jumped in. “Ma’am, I care about your daughter deeply, and I knew we had to be together the moment I laid eyes on her. She’s given me a new purpose.”

  My mother stared at Maddox for a few moments.

  “First of all, Maddox,” she said, lifting her cup and taking a slow sip. Her eyes were hard, but I could see her lips twitching. “Don’t ever call me ‘ma’am’ again. My name is Sandra. And second of all,” she said, looking at me as the smile spread across her lips. “I can see how happy you make my daughter. I didn’t think I’d be able to see her get married, and you’ve given me the greatest gift.”

  “It’s happening tomorrow,” I blurted.

  My mom just laughed. “Okay,” she said. “My first appointment at the hospital is at 3pm, so we’d better get this wedding done first thing in the morning.”

  I gave Maddox a kiss at the front door when he was leaving. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

  “You mom is amazing,” he said. “She’s so strong.”

  “She is,” I said, touching my lips to his. “She likes you.”


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