Lindsey's Wolves
Page 22
She’d spent most of the flight between her two men, but when they’d gotten closer to landing, she’d booted Ryan and taken his spot by the window.
It was his warm hand spread across her shoulder blades right now. He leaned forward and peered around her to catch a glimpse for himself. His hair tickled her chin where they nearly touched. The heat of his skin surrounded her, comforting her somewhat nervous state.
Alejandro chuckled behind them and added a second hand to her lower back. “You seem to be enjoying my country.” His proud deep voice radiated up Lindsey’s spine.
“So beautiful.” She turned back to face him over her shoulder. “Are you sure your family is going to be okay with this?” No matter how much reassurance she’d received, she couldn’t wrap her mind around the idea that others would find this arrangement normal or acceptable.
Alex lowered his voice and whispered for their ears only, “We are wolves, cariña. This is not so unusual for our species. Relax. My parents will love you to pieces and my siblings will not be able to stop jabbering at you. We are a close family, like Ryan’s.”
Lindsey jolted when Ryan laid a hand on her jean-clad thigh and squeezed, a bit higher than socially acceptable. In fact, his fingers grazed over her sex as he did so, sending heat to her cheeks and causing her to glance around at the other passengers in mortification.
Ryan’s chuckle vibrated his palm against her and pushed a delicate squeak from her lips. “I love how innocent you are. It never ceases to amaze me how you blush when we touch you. Sexy as hell.”
“There are people all around us, Ryan,” she mumbled under her breath, sending him a glare inches from his face.
“And they can’t see a thing, hon. Now if I were to do this…” His hand jerked up and landed directly over her crotch. He bore down hard with his palm and a rush of wetness leaked into her panties.
She gasped, and then moaned when he flicked his fingers across her slit. Even through the denim, she became hyper-aroused. Her forehead fell against his while she became putty in his hands.
“God, she is hot.” Alejandro’s voice jerked her attention back to the present. “I can smell her arousal.”
She grabbed Ryan’s hand with both of hers and pushed. “Stop it. You’re going to make me embarrass myself.” She fought against him to no avail. He wasn’t to be dissuaded so easily. “You promised me—not on the plane. You swore.” She glared daggers at Ryan and then at Alex, hoping for some support from her other mate.
“Okay, okay,” he finally conceded, “but as soon as we get someplace private, I want these jeans off. This pussy is mine.” He released her, physically. Mentally he still controlled her arousal with his damn words.
A low growl emitted from her other wolf. “I might want a part in that party myself, you know. It’s been a long flight.” Alejandro adjusted himself right before her eyes.
She had to turn back to the window to avoid licking her lips. Perhaps if she concentrated on the scenery below, she could keep the need driving her to distraction at bay.
They think they’re suffering? Ha. She needed to come so bad she couldn’t hold her knees still.
“We are almost there. Look.” Alejandro squeezed his arm in between Lindsey and Ryan and pointed out the window. “That’s where we are heading.”
“Is your family going to meet us at the airport?”
“No, I rented a car. It’ll give us more freedom after we arrive—and control over just when we arrive.”
Lindsey shivered. What does he mean by that?
“Oh, baby. Miles and miles of country roads with no one on them. It would be very painful to arrive at my parent’s house only to spend hours socializing before we get a chance to be alone. We’ve been on this plane for way too long. I need you naked beneath me long before we get to the vineyard.”
For once in her life, that didn’t sound so bad. She didn’t even blush. Maybe she could get used to this strange new life of hers.
“We’ll be here for a whole month visiting. That’s plenty of time. We don’t need to rush. Another extra hour spent lollygagging along the way won’t kill anyone.” Alejandro brushed a loose tendril of hair behind her ear.
She giggled at his use of the American term: lollygagging. He had no idea he sounded like her great-grandma.
Two hours later, the three were through customs and had all their luggage stowed in the trunk of a luxury rental. For four weeks they would get to know this side of the family, both Lindsey and Ryan. She sensed he was also nervous, although he’d never admit to such a thing.
Hell, he’d never been away from his own tight family this long. Even with his new family of three all together he would miss his parents and siblings. In fact, it was for that very reason they’d finally decided to build their own place on his parent’s land, just as his sister Tessa had. There were more than enough acres to separate the families and give them their own space, while allowing them to easily work together and congregate easily.
Alejandro was more misplaced. He’d been working both farms since they’d moved into Ryan’s parents’ house three weeks ago. His aunt and uncle really needed the help, but he also felt he needed to pull his weight on the Masters’ farm. He was exhausting himself and Lindsey hoped he could spend the next month relaxing in Spain and return to the U.S. slightly less guilt-ridden over his obligations. Neither family expected half as much out of him as he did out of himself. Everyone understood the complex circumstances.
As they climbed into the car, Lindsey insisted on both men sitting up front so she could stretch out in the back. It wouldn’t last, but they’d suffocated her on the plane for many hours, squishing her from both sides, each with a hand on her constantly. It was a wonder the flight attendants didn’t notice and raise an eyebrow. Although, Lindsey had very meticulously avoided any eye contact with the employees for just that reason. She’d been mortified enough. It was easier not to know what they were thinking.
Miles and miles of gorgeous landscape caused Lindsey’s neck to crane back and forth out the right and left sides of the car. Her mind wandered, pondering the last several weeks. Her mates graciously allowing her a few minutes of space.
Sure, Ryan’s life was upside down with the addition of two people in his bed and the need to travel to the other side of the earth to meet his extended family. And Alejandro’s life was topsy turvy even more so having moved twice in the last month, both in unfamiliar territory, picking up a mate and another man along the way.
But, neither of them had their world spinning as far off its axis as Lindsey did.
One month ago she’d been a regular human, oblivious to the existence of shape-shifters. She’d been about to start a teaching job that she’d turned down in order to deal with her newfound craziness. She’d mated with not one, but two wolves. Wolves.
She’d moved to a dairy farm. Left her roommate of four years in her comfortable apartment. And most importantly, overcome ingrained religious obstacles that had been pounded into her head since birth. Not only was she participating in a healthy sexual relationship that went against everything she’d been taught, but with two men, at the same time … multiple times a day.
She smiled at her accomplishments and thanked God for getting her out of her previous life and into one she never would have suspected, but very much enjoyed.
The car pulled off the pavement onto a gravel road on the right, jarring Lindsey from her contemplation.
She glanced into the faces of first one man and then the other in the rearview mirror. they both smirked at her. Their thoughts, which she’d been ignoring for several miles, alone in her meditations, slammed into her head.
She swallowed and squeezed her legs together.
Alejandro pulled the car to a stop between rows and rows of grape vines.
Lindsey flinched at the sound of a high-pitched grinding noise just before the top of the car began to lift up into the air. She’d not even realized it was a convertible when they’d first gotten in. How did
Both men intently gazed into her eyes from their position twisted around in the front seat until the motor stopped. A warm breeze blew her hair in the open air. She gripped the leather alongside both thighs.
“She’s so hot when we catch her off-guard,” Ryan muttered.
“Her arousal zooms from zero to ninety in seconds. Are you wet for us, mi amor?”
Lindsey didn’t say anything. Were they really going to fuck right here in the car along the side of the road? What if someone saw them?
Alejandro climbed over the seat first and plopped onto her left side. “Is that what you want, baby? To be fucked?” He took her face in both hands and kissed her until her head spun. When he leaned back, he asked another question. “Or do you want to make long, slow, delicious love in the open air between the aroma of sweet grapes?”
She sucked in a breath. At some point Ryan had joined them on her right side. His heat soaked into her back through the thin summer blouse she wore.
In silent agreement, and somehow without her knowledge, Alex and Ryan lifted her into the air and set her on the back of the seat. She didn’t even have time to register their intention before four hands had unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans and slid them off her body, taking her panties with them.
She’d been forced to lean back, her hands on the trunk behind her to avoid falling.
“Take your blouse off, hon.” Ryan’s voice was cracking it was so low. His wavy brown hair wafted over his forehead and his eyes dilated to pinpricks as he commanded her. “And your bra.”
Lindsey leaned forward, braced by the hold both men had on her legs, and did as she’d been told as though unable to control her own actions. Hell, she didn’t even care. Her hands shook, making it difficult to push the buttons through the holes, but she didn’t want to rip the material. She was tired of replacing clothing lately, and this blouse was the one she intended to wear to meet Alex’s parents.
Painstaking minutes later, the silky floral shirt was lying on the trunk with her bra joining it.
She was naked. The men were not.
“So fucking sexy.” Ryan pressed against her stomach. “Lean back, tip your head back. I want to remember you like this. Like a photo in my mind. Your hair blowing in the wind. Your hot little body on top of the car, open to us, demanding we take you.”
Heavens, every time one of them painted a scenario, it came true while they spoke.
She moaned, her eyes closed against the bright light of the open sky. Sensation ruled her as she let them love her. All her concentration zoomed to multiple hands spreading her thighs as wide as they could and holding her open to the breeze. She was essentially as trapped as she would be if they’d tied her hands behind her. If she moved either palm, she’d fall over backward.
Without looking down, all she could do was feel. Fingers everywhere. Her sex was held open, air wafting over the wetness before a tongue dove inside to taste her. The second it landed on her clit, she came.
“So sexy. Do it again, baby. Let it go. We love to watch you orgasm. You look so free when you release for us. Wild, natural, raw.” The words were Alex’s, which meant Ryan’s tongue was the one delving into her pussy, sucking on her clit, driving her toward another climax.
She no longer doubted she could come again. They’d dragged so many multiple orgasms out of her for so many days in a row now, she’d begun to expect it. That sensitivity in her clit that she felt right after the first orgasm always dissipated within moments as another set of need built upon the first.
Goose bumps rose across her chest when Alejandro sucked a nipple into his mouth while pinching the other and rolling the little nub between two fingers. She arched her back into him.
She’d long since lost her modesty when it came to her naked body. Whatever doubts she’d had about her attractiveness before meeting these hunks gradually disappeared under their genuine belief that she was the most beautiful creature in the world. Who was she to doubt their ingenuousness?
Pressure built until her body trembled under their skilled hands. Alejandro stood over her, alternately sucking and squeezing her breasts. Ryan wiggled two fingers into her without losing suction on her clit. She stiffened. “So close…”
She was right on the edge. A place they kept her frequently. And she loved it. All her attention was riveted to her center.
With a pop, Alex let go of her nipple, pulled her head up with one hand, and kissed her so thoroughly her brain scattered. She was only marginally aware of Ryan’s fingers dancing in and around the other set inside her, until finally he shoved a digit into her rear entrance and angled it to brush against the ones in her pussy.
Lindsey’s ass shot off the truck, only managing to smash more thoroughly into Ryan’s mouth and impound his fingers deeper into her. Her walls clenched down tight and she screamed into Alex’s lips as her second orgasm, much more intense than the first, washed over her, wave after wave of muscles squeezing Ryan’s fingers in both holes.
She loved these men. She was putty in their hands.
All she could do was smile into the blue sky as they lifted her off the back of the car.
Moments later, Alex was sitting in her spot and she was lowered over his thick cock, impaled to the hilt. “Look at me, baby.” Her gaze landed on Alex’s. “I want to watch your eyes when you come again.”
Ryan pushed on her back so she leaned forward over Alex. He used her wetness to lube her ass and then, standing on the seat cushion behind her, thrust up into her rear entrance to join Alex.
She felt so wonderful, so full. Every single time they did this.
“Won’t last long…” Ryan mumbled into her ear, sending a chill down her spine.
“Me neither. Been so long.” Alex stared into her eyes, never losing the contact they had between them.
Lindsey chuckled before either man moved. That still moment when everyone just relished the fullness of their joining before moving in the rhythm they had established over the last weeks. “It’s been what? Twelve hours?”
“Seems longer,” they both said in tandem.
And that was the last rational thought she had. She let her mind drift, ignoring the stress the rest of the day would bring when they arrived at their destination, and concentrating on just feeling. The two men whom she loved more than anything in the world pressed inside her, filling her world and her body with their love.
The End
About the Author
Becca Jameson lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband and two kids. When she isn't writing, she can be found reading, editing, scrapbooking, running, swimming, biking, or taxiing kids all over creation. She doesn't sleep much … or sit down often … but she loves to be busy! To learn more about Becca Jameson, visit her blog at, email her at, or follow her on Twitter @beccajameson.