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Alien Prince Charming

Page 19

by Zara Zenia

  “Well, Gardax tells me it’s warm on Trilynia too. You could come with us, unless you’re set on San Clemente,” I said innocently, as if the thought just occurred to me. I gave him a warm smile. The offer was out there. All he had to do was accept.

  Bodi looked at me like I was crazy. “Why would you want that?”

  I looked at him earnestly and explained, “I was on my own at your age—well, mostly. I had a four-year-old sister to take care of. But I know what it’s like to feel alone. It’s a hard life, and if you’re not careful, it’ll break you down. You’ve got a lot of potential, you know, and you had my back when no one else did. I figure, I’m going to a new place where I don’t really know anyone. Might be nice for someone to have my back there too.”

  I just wanted to give him options. I knew we could help offer him a better life if he came with us. I felt a need to protect him, just like I did with Corinne.

  He smiled skeptically. “So you’re saying you need protection? There’s a lot of hulking guards around here who would suggest otherwise.”

  “No, I’m saying I need a friend. And maybe an e-scrapper, a savant, a jack of all trades, etcetera.” I smiled. I was trying to compliment him into agreeing.

  “You forgot male model,” he reminded me.

  I laughed. He was funny. I had to hand it to him. “Don’t push your luck, kid. You in?”

  He made a show of rolling his eyes and acting like it was no big deal, but the glistening at his eyes told me otherwise. “Yeah, okay, sure. Could be cool.” Inside, I knew that he was probably jumping for joy. He just didn’t know how to express it.

  “Cool,” I agreed as we shook hands. It was a deal.

  “Are you ready?” Gardax asked, slipping his hand into mine as we walked through the still confusing maze of passages.

  I squeezed. “Very.” I was poised and calmer than I expected to be.

  We entered the small chamber. To the far side was a long rectangular cell, outfitted with reasonably comfortable furniture. Lying on the simple bed was Darla, still in the red dress that was practically painted onto her from the night before, her hair a ratty tangle of dirty blonde.

  When we came in, she sat up and looked at us, wild-eyed like a caged animal. Her eyes frantically darted between us as if she were skeptical and distrusting.

  “What the hell do you want?” she growled, edging away from us and backing herself into a corner.

  Gardax tensed. I felt the muscles of his arm stiffen and strain, but I put a hand to his arm and stepped forward to the front of Darla’s cell.

  “I wonder what must have happened to you. What awful thing did you go through that turned you into this horrible, hateful creature?”

  She spat at the floor. “Keep your pity, you trash. I don’t need anything from you.”

  I laughed humorlessly. “You always thought me such an easy target for your tyranny, your cruel abuse and torment. But you see, I was not the meek, wilting flower you thought. You don’t want my pity? That’s fine, because you don’t have it. I’m not here to offer my pity, my sympathy, or my forgiveness,” I said calmly.

  She looked up then, eyeing me suspiciously with eyes full of loathing and jealousy.

  “Then what the bloody fuck did you come here for?” she hissed.

  I smiled. “I came to offer you an invitation.”

  “A what—” she stuttered, glancing at Gardax as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “To our wedding feast. Trilynian tradition calls for a public wedding feast. You are invited, though you’ll be accompanied by a guard, of course. But I very much look forward to your dancing in celebration with us.”

  She slinked forward, hate and disgust in her eyes. “I will never dance for you,” she whispered as she looked away.

  I turned back and held Gardax’s hand once more. “Oh, but I think you will. And you had best dance well if you don’t wish to lose your feet.” My tone was laced with warning. The ball was in my court. Finally, I had the upper hand against Darla’s abuse.

  The return voyage to Trilynia would take several months, but it was hard to note the passing time when we so rarely left our bedroom.

  As I relaxed into sleep with my new husband, far away from the world that had treated me so callously, and rocketed toward a world in dire need of hope, I looked down at his large hand upon my stomach and wondered what new worlds we were forming there together.

  Whatever—whoever—grew within me, I knew Gardax was right. Love makes all things new.

  What we shared, what we’d created together, it had made me new. I couldn’t wait to start our future together, but for now, I was elated to be in the present with him, never leaving each other’s side.

  About Zara Zenia

  Zara Zenia writes steamy, sexy, and suspenseful sci-fi romances! You will find her writing alien romances from intergalactic planets, bionic romances, superheroes and time travel romances too.

  Please see her Author Central Account on Amazon for a full list of her titles.

  Sign up for her mailing list and find out about her latest releases, giveaways, and more. Also get a free book! Click here!

  For more information, be sure to check out the links below!

  Also by Zara Zenia

  Aliens of Dragselis Series:

  Zaruv: A Sci-Fi Alien Dragon Romance (Book 1)

  Karun: A Sci-Fi Alien Dragon Romance (Book 2)

  Ragal: A Sci-Fi Alien Dragon Romance (Book 3)

  Pavar: A Sci-Fi Alien Dragon Romance (Book 4)

  Rizor: A Sci-Fi Alien Dragon Romance (Book 5)

  Royally Blue - Celestial Mates:

  Blue Alien Prince’s Mate: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Celestial Mates)

  Alien Gladiator’s Mate: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Celestial Mates)

  The Blue Alien’s Mate: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Celestial Mates)

  Blue Alien Prince’s Captive Bride: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Celestial Mates)

  Blue Alien Prince’s Mail-Order Bride: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Celestial Mates)

  Trilyn Fairy Tales Series:

  Alien Prince Charming (Book 1)

  Reverse Harem Romance Series:

  Fire, Blood, and Beauty (Book 1)

  Fangs, Flames, and Allure (Book 2)

  Alien Abduction Series:

  Alien Zookeeper’s Abduction (Book 1)

  Alien Mate’s Abduction (Book 2)

  Alien Captive’s Abduction (Book 3)

  Alien Auction House Series:

  Sold To The Alien King (Book 1)

  Bought By The Alien Prince (Book 2)

  Warriors of Orba Series:

  Benzen: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Book 1)

  Jarick: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Book 2)

  Voland: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Book 3)

  Draygus: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Book 4)

  Ethazol: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Book 5)


  Bionic Outlaw’s Baby: A Secret Baby Sci-Fi Romance

  Zaruv Preview


  Book 1 of the Aliens of Dragselis Series: Zaruv: A Sci-Fi Alien Dragon Romance

  Chapter 1-Zaruv

  Pavar glared at Karun while nodding in respect toward his elder brother. “We are heading to Artax, where we are sentenced to live out our lives away from our home and our people but you still support the rule?”

  “I do,” replied Karun confidently. “The system, though flawed, has worked well long before we were here. It will continue to work long after we are gone.”

  “You make Artax sound like a prison,” I interjected. “Artax is a resort planet, dear brother. We are going to live out our lives with more Dragselian woman and servants than we can handle. Yet you seem to find a way to make it sound terrible.”

  “That’s because it is! I want to be back home on Dragselia, not billions of light years away from it.”

  “You are so ready to start a fight when our fathe
r has not even been dead a week. You mourn the loss of your comfort, but not the man who provided it. You should be ashamed, Pavar,” Ragal said.

  My two brothers sat down at the table with myself and Pavar. Looking around at them I saw the stark differences between them. Each one of them had a different personality that had its flaws, but also its winning qualities. I could think of no better warrior than Karun. His strength, speed, and agility were almost matched with my own. An anger boiled below the surface though. He hated the exile even more than Pavar, though his loyalty to the Dragselian way ran deeper than his disdain.

  “We are not far from Artax now, I think you will sing a new song once you see what waits for us there, Pavar,” Karun said

  “Karun, you won’t win. I would encourage you to let it go now before a war of our own starts,” interjected Ragal.

  “I agree,” I said while nodding to Ragal. “There is nothing that we can do about it now. Pavar, you may voice your concerns among us brothers, but once we reach Artax, there will be no room for that hostility.”

  “Why not?” Pavar fumed.

  I started to speak, but it was again Ragal who answered. “Because Artax is a haven of Dragselian. To speak against your king would be unforgivable.”

  “Maybe that’s what I need to do then, at least I wouldn’t be living a lie.”

  Karun sighed and shook his head, “Then we will be forced to live with your death. You will be painted the selfish, spoiled brat that you are.”

  Pavar leaped up, but I raised my hand in a command for him to sit. He begrudgingly listened. This wasn’t the first time that he’d tried to start a fight in the close quarters and I knew it wouldn’t be the last. I didn’t worry about Ragal. His level head and passive nature wouldn’t allow him to partake in such a pointless fight. It was the others that I was worried about. Karun was a fighter and Pavar was an instigator but Ragal only wanted peace to reign out over all others. I smiled at him as he sat silently, looking out at the stars as they flew past us.

  “We are close,” Ragal whispered beneath Pavar and Karun’s argument.

  I looked out the front window and took in the beauty of the planet. It had been many years since I’d ventured to the area. Everything seemed the same. A small flicker of light caught my eye. At first, I thought that it was a star, but it seemed to be moving. Another ship in this area was common. Artax was a popular resort planet. No chime of the security console came but that did little to comfort me. It was programmed to send a message to all ships in our area, keep track of their level of danger.

  Our vessel did not bear the royal insignia of our home planet. It was too dangerous to openly declare that there were royals on board. Throughout the area, there were Infernians lurking and waiting for our capture and eventual death. If no heirs to the throne were alive, they could easily overthrow our rule. I kept a watchful eye on the ship. It wouldn’t take much to fool our system. A false sense of security might blanket those who didn’t know the price on our heads, but it did little to put my mind at ease.

  “What troubles you, brother?” Ragal asked, watching the changes of my face.

  I shook my head, not wanting to alert the others of potential danger until I was sure. “It’s nothing, just my paranoid mind playing tricks on me. I think that I, too, am getting a little stir crazy.”

  Ragal smiled and leaned back, “I believe it's infected me as well. I will be glad when I can again rest my feet on solid ground.”

  I snickered, Ragal hated to be on ships. The uncertainty of the unknown did little to comfort him. He was not one for adventure. Left alone with his charts and the stars, he was a very happy nomad. I glanced back at the window, searching for the small blinking light. At first, I thought it had gone, moved onto whatever planet it was destined for, but then I caught it again, this time it was closer and worse, it wasn’t alone.

  My heart started to race, wondering if it was enough danger to alert the others. In my hesitation to speak though, a heavy silence fell over the cabin. Karun and Pavar were no longer arguing with each other. The silence had transformed into a heavy fog, waiting for me to speak and lift it. I glanced back at the approaching ships, four in total and knew that I needed to make a decision. They would be on us in a matter of minutes.

  “Zaruv?” Karun asked, “What troubles you?”

  I looked him in the eyes, dark and brooding as always. We were an incredibly attractive lot by human standards. Our bodies had little to no hair, save for our heads which flowed freely down our backs, mine in waves of deep auburn. My heart was racing; we were not prepared for a fight as we flew in a passenger vessel with no security. Instantly, I regretted my decision to not push for some sort of escort. These were troubling times for our kind, as evident by the unmarked ships now closing in.

  Karun saw them before I responded to him, “Are they Infernian ships?”

  I shook my head, “There is no way to know. They do not have any markers or colors. I don’t think they are coming to be friends though. Jartex?”

  A computer voice rang out over our heads. Jartex was our security system. “Yes, my prince?”

  “Can you send them a message please and ask that they identify themselves?”

  “Shall I share make your royal presences known?” Jartex asked.

  “No,” I whispered. “Do not share who we are with them.”

  The four of us stood watching through the window as the ships grew closer. They couldn’t see us through the thick glass, but we could see enough that my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. No passenger vehicle carried the two heavy missile portals on either side, as were the ships that were now hovering a few hundred feet from us. There was little doubt in my mind that they knew who was on board.

  “Sir?” said Jartax, “They do not respond to my signal. Should I try again?”

  I shook my head and took a step backward, tugging Pavar and Ragal along with me. “No Jartax, it’s too late.”

  My three brothers looked to me, then back to the ships now facing us. They saw the same thing that I did, the missiles being lowered by long, metallic, arms as they prepared to fire. I could feel my stomach flipping in anticipation for a split second before I reacted.

  “Jartax, drop range now!” I screamed out.

  My brothers scurried around and quickly buckled into the seats around the emerald table, but Pavar wasn’t fast enough. Our ship dropped from the dark sky and Pavar was shot up in the air, his back cracking against the ceiling. He quickly recovered, our bones and skeletal structure being stronger than that of humans. In our dragon forms, we were almost impossible to kill but shifting now would rip apart the small craft, sending us floating pointlessly into space.

  “Take evasive measures!” I called out.

  Karun quickly unbuckled and took the seat next to me as the autopilot engaged and started to dodge the incoming missiles.

  “We need to get to the escape pods,” Karun said.

  I shook my head, “This far from Artax, we would never make it.”

  “What other options do we have? We cannot fight back; we are too far to call for help from home. It’s the only chance that we have for survival.”

  An argument rose to my lips, but before I could share, the ship started to shake violently. One of the missiles had made contact, sending everything on the vessel flying through the air as we struggled to breathe through the debris and depleting oxygen. I nodded to Karun. He grabbed ahold of Pavar and I did the same to Ragal, shoving each one into an escape pod.

  Before shutting the doors on the pods, I looked over at Karun and yelled, “Make for Vaxivia, I will find you all there.”

  Karun nodded, as did Pavar and Ragal before we sealed them in. Within seconds we heard the alarm of an incoming missile and quickly we both dove into our escape pods. Looking around at my brothers, I hit the eject button and was sent soaring into space. Unequipped for long travel, the air in the pod grew thin just as we entered Vaxivia’s thin atmosphere.

  The last memory I
had before the darkness consumed me, was of my brothers. All I could do was hope that their fates had not yet ended. They were all the family I had left; someone had told the enemy where we were. There was a spy among our kind.

  Chapter 2-Jennifer

  “Shh, Susan. Just one more and you will be all done,” I cooed to the small girl.

  Her pin-straight hair fell in clumps on her cheeks. She was covered in mud. Dark streaks crisscrossed her face from where she had tried in vain to wipe away the tears. The cut was deep, but short, thankfully. She needed a few stitches, but nothing I couldn’t handle. It wasn’t often that I’d come across an injury that my small, but well-equipped outpost clinic couldn’t cover.

  “Thank you so much, Jennifer,” whispered Carla, Susan’s mother.

  I smiled up at her, covering the new sutures with a bandage. “It’s no problem, Carla. I’m just happy you caught me before I headed home for the day. Otherwise, we would have had to cut it off.”

  Susan rolled her eyes at me but smiled, “You wouldn’t do that to me.”

  I grinned at the little girl and reached behind me, producing a small, wrapped, red candy. “You’re right. I could never do that to my favorite patient. Promise me you will stay away from the dunes from now on though, okay?”

  Susan nodded her head and jumped down, her eyes glued on the candy prize in her hand. I pulled Carla aside while Susan was distracted. The little girl wasn’t out of the woods yet. I couldn’t count the number of injuries I saw because of the dunes. Vaxivia was no place to let your child wander outside of the outpost limits. There hadn’t been a war in decades, but the very planet itself was a death trap unless you knew your way around it. No five-year-old should be wandering alone.


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