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Smokey & Bandit: Rebel Guardians MC

Page 11

by Liberty Parker

  “So, what now?” I ask as the waitress brings our meals. Damn, both look so good. I’m glad they don’t mind that I am an eater. I’ll never be one to pick at a salad if there’s a steak and baked potato to be had, that’s for sure. And my curves that have come back since eating regularly don’t seem to bother either man, so I’ll eat.

  “Now? We eat,” he says, taking some of his food and putting it on a small plate that we had for the breadsticks.

  “That’s not what I meant!” I tell him. Taking a bite of my pasta dish, I moan, and his eyes go into his hairline.

  “That sound. That one right there is the one you need to stop making unless you want this restaurant to see me bend you over the table and fuck your brains out.”

  “Who says I don’t want you too?” Damn I’m getting sassy and can’t even blame it on my tequila tongue. They bring it out in me and part of me loves the fact that I can say or do whatever I want around them, and they don’t tell me to stop.

  “Don’t start a fire that you can’t put out,” he all but growls out.

  “Bandit, I won’t just start the fire, I’ll incinerate it.”

  “Damn, woman, I’m not sporting a hard on here.”

  I begin to giggle because the outcome of my words always seems to have this effect on him and his brother.


  I’m sitting here harder than stone and she is giggling at me. It is taking everything I have not to bend her over my knee and brighten her ass red with my handprint. She’s stoking a fire, one that I’m going to burn her with.

  “How is everything this evening?” Gino asks, having come up to the table during my inner monologue about Hannah’s ass and my hand. “Did you bring Nan with you?”

  “Don’t particularly think Nan needs to be part of my date,” I reply. Looking at him I can’t believe he asked that question. I may need to let Axe know that Gino has a thing for his mom. I shiver in disgust at the mental image that just took place in my head.

  “Ah, and who is this lovely lady?” he asks.

  “Hannah Nelson, sir,” she replies. That fucker takes her hand and kisses it! I never thought of myself as the jealous type but seeing his hand on hers? Yeah, I’m about to go postal. But, I remember that this is a favorite restaurant of ours, so I take a few deep breaths and reel myself in.

  “Man, I just wanna say that I’m a possessive motherfucker and would appreciate your lips not touching my woman, in any way.” Hannah giggles and Gino whips a smile my way.

  “About time you and Smokey were brought to your knees by a woman, I can’t wait to sit back and watch how this plays out,” Gino says, walking away. I flip him off not caring that it is behind his back. I see Gino’s boy Stephan standing there and he begins to laugh. Then he walks away quickly so the other customers in the restaurant aren’t privy to his laughter.

  “You’re so bad, Bandit,” Hannah whispers. “You can’t do that in a place like this!”

  “Sure I can, sweetheart. He knows us. It’s the only reason I was as kind as I was…just sayin.”

  “But this place is really nice,” she says, looking around.

  “It’s okay, babe.” The look on her face says otherwise, so I do what I can to distract her.

  Once we’ve finished with dinner, the waitress comes back and asks, “Any room for dessert?”

  “We’ll order downstairs if that’s alright,” I tell her, giving her my card to settle up this portion of the bill.

  “Absolutely. You’re obviously not new to the Barn House then, huh?”

  “Nope. We’re here pretty regularly,” I tell her. Now that dinner’s done, I wanna get my woman on the dance floor and in my arms and show her a different kind of foreplay. It may make me turn in my man card, but I heard a song the other day that fits the three of us perfectly. Wonder if the DJ takes requests? Even if he doesn’t maybe I can give her a private hearing back at the clubhouse while I’m buried deep inside of her. Hell, I’ll even put my romantic pants on and sing it in her ear while I’m pumping in and out…fuck, there I go. Hard as fucking stone! Why does my mind constantly go there with her? I feel like a teenage boy on steroids.

  “C’mon, khaleesi, let’s dance.” I grab her hand and pull her behind me.

  “I love to dance!” she hollers out over the loud music. I don’t have two left feet, so I’m anxious to show her I’ve got some moves outside of the bedroom. I grab her by her hips and pull her back into me. She’s got her back to my front and I bend my legs so we’re pelvis to ass and I dig my hard on into her backside. The look on her face as she looks back at me over her shoulder has me laughing because I know I’m pressing up against the plug she’s wearing. I feel more than hear her moan and laugh even harder.

  “Just wait, baby. Wait until Smokey is buried deep inside your ass, while I’m filling your front.”

  “Oh, God,” she pants out. We dance until neither one of us can feel our feet nor legs any longer.


  I’ve done all the bullshit stuff around the house I can think to do, from emptying the dishwasher to folding the clothes that were drying when they left. Hell, I even put clean sheets on our bed! Jester and Duckie have both been fed and I’ve thrown the damn tennis ball so much I’m worried I’ll end up with tendonitis. Now what? I know they’re gonna end up at the clubhouse and a small part of me wants to be there but Bandit’s right, it’s their night together and so I don’t need to intrude. Fuck. Guess it’s going to be a beer and Netflix kind of night. There’s a knock at the door, which is odd given the time of the night. My brothers would’ve called me if they were stopping by. I grab my Glock before making my way to the front door. You can never be too cautious when you live in the middle of nowhere, which is the way Bandit and I like it. I look through the peephole and realize it’s a single woman. She’s all alone from my perspective of the property, but that doesn’t mean she’s not a set up. I open the door slightly, still keeping the chain on, I’m a man, doesn’t mean I don’t need to still take precautions where my safety is concerned.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Well hello, gorgeous.” I roll my eyes at the endearment.

  “Again, can I help you?” I’m not in the mood to play these games, I’m missing my girl something fierce and this one before me is grating on my last nerve.

  “I’m looking for Hannah,” she says while batting her eyes at me. Does she think this is sexy or something?

  “I don’t know that I know any Hannah,” I say, I’m not giving an inch where my girl is concerned.

  “I know she lives here, I’m not stupid.” I cross my arms over my chest, Glock front and center to be seen.

  “Like I said before, I don’t know who you’re talking about.”

  “Okay, well I have proof she lives here, let me speak to my sister please.” Ding…ding…ding, I thought this bitch looked familiar. She’s changed her hair from the photo I have so she appears different standing before me.

  “What do you want with her?” I ask, deciding to forego playing any further games. From our research, this family is fucked up three ways from Sunday which is why Hannah fled. Jester begins to growl at her from between my legs, Duckie riding on his back and hissing. Using this as an excuse to shut the door so I can text Axe and let him know I have an unexpected visitor I say to her, “Give me a second to put him away and I’ll be back.” She nods her head and looks down at her fingernails. What a stuck-up bitch, acting like I’m inconveniencing her, when it’s in fact, the other way around.

  I shoot Axe and Chief a text and get a response back almost immediately to stay inside, they’ll be there in a few. Seems this chick must have tried the clubhouse first and it makes me glad that Bandit and Hannah are, hopefully, still out at the Barn House. Deciding he needs to know too, I shoot Bandit a text telling him what’s going on and that we’re handling it. He sends me back a fucking emoji. Wait a minute, doesn’t that emoji imply that I’m a dick? Motherfucker, I’m going to beat his ass when he gets home to
morrow. This is not a dick move, I’m trying to warn him!

  Then I get a text back saying that he hit the wrong key and meant to send the thumbs up one, not the dick one. That’s what I thought, he knew he fucked up…what-the-fuck ever!

  When I hear the bikes pulling into the driveway, I go back out onto the porch, seeing as Chief, Axe and Twisted are now here. The woman’s eyes are wide, and I hide my grin. We’re a bunch of big-ass fuckers and now, she’s got the attention of four…no, wait, that’s Hatch pulling in… five of us. Game on, bitch! Hatch is our enforcer and doesn’t mess around when it comes to the club brothers he’s vowed to protect…that protection also extends to our old ladies.

  “What’s going on?” he growls out when he makes it to the porch. With all of us standing there, arms crossed, I know we make an intimidating picture.

  “Let me introduce you to Hannah’s sister…sorry, lady, didn’t get your name.”

  Axe answers before she has the chance to say anything. “Her name is Bridget Sage Manchester. She’s a fucking whore who likes to make her sister’s life a living hell. Do I have that right?” he asks, while staring her down. Damn! I love it when he uses his President voice and especially when it’s not directed at me. I tend to get myself in trouble more often than not and am usually the one on the receiving end.

  I smile evilly at her and say, “You may want to answer his question.”

  “I don’t hurt my sister, I love her,” she says, wiping a pretend tear from under her eye.

  “That’s a load of bullshit,” Twisted states.

  “We’ve done our research on your entire family, you can’t get away with lying to us,” I tell her.

  “Again, what the fuck do you want?” Chief asks, adding his voice to the conversation. Kinda like how my brothers showed up en masse for this obvious clusterfuck. Somehow, I know this chick is trying to start something and them being here means that she won’t succeed in her efforts.

  “Listen you fuckers, I need to speak with my sister and the why is none of your business!” she all but roars out, which causes all of us to laugh at her effort.

  “Listen here, little lady,” Hatch growls out, “we aren’t intimidated by you, not one bit. So settle down and tell us what you’re up to.”

  She huffs and puffs a bit and then finally says, “I really would prefer to speak with Hannah alone.”

  “Not happening.” I don’t play that game and she’s not speaking to my woman by herself. Bandit and I haven’t gotten to the bottom of the nightmares yet, but we’ve got a good picture of the hell our woman went through and vowed, at least to each other, that she wouldn’t have anything added to them. Ever. If that means that we piss this bitch off, so be it.

  “What gives you the right to say who my sister can and can’t talk to?” she screeches out while stomping her foot.

  “My three-year-old does that better,” Chief says, which causes me to lose my battle with containing my laughter and now I’m bent over at the waist, holding my stomach from the pain of the force from my laughing.

  “Oh, God, she so does!” I agree with him. Shelby has come into her own living with Chief and Trinity and is in what they’re calling the ‘terrible three’ stage. Any time she doesn’t get what she thinks she wants, she stomps her little feet, puts her hands on her hips and yells out, “YES!”

  “Look here, you jokesters, I realize you think you’re all big Billy badasses and all, but I promise you, you do not want to keep me from speaking with her. It’s fucking important!”

  “Then tell us!” Axe roars.

  “I can’t! Just get her for me.”

  Once again, I’m shaking my head, “Negative, you’re not getting my girl alone, don’t give a fuck who you are to her.”

  “Fine! When you find her dead on the side of the road don’t say I didn’t try to warn you!”

  “Did you just threaten the life of my old lady!” I scream out.

  “Yo…your what?”

  “You heard me, bitch.”

  “You just sealed her fate, if I were you I’d give her a new identity and send her on her way.”

  I’m about to say something more because, hell, this woman has just threatened my woman, when I see a look cross her face that doesn’t quite fit with our research. She almost looks…regretful? Remorseful? Sad? Fuck if I know, but there’s more here than meets the eye. I really don’t want to ruin their night, but we need to get to the bottom of things. Dammit, he’s gonna have my balls!

  “Take her back to the clubhouse, Axe,” I say. “I’m gonna text Bandit to meet us there.”

  “What about Hannah?” Chief asks me.

  “She needs to go stay with one of the other old ladies until we have this figured out, I don’t want them anywhere near each other until we’ve gotten the whole truth of why she’s here.”

  “He’s gonna have your balls, y’know,” Twisted says, a slight grin on his face.

  “Yeah, maybe so but dammit, when he sees what’s happening, hopefully he’ll be alright.”

  I can only hope.


  I’m having a great night with my woman. The text I got from Smokey earlier has me gearing up for a fight, but I’m trying not to let Hannah in on the fact that there’s something wrong. When the next text comes in telling me to take her over to Axe’s house with the other old ladies and then come to the clubhouse, I’m wondering what the fuck kind of game he’s playing. Tonight’s my night, not ours. Then again, he was the one who felt these nights alone with her would be critical for us all, so he wouldn’t intentionally fuck it up. Would he? When I tell Hannah that there’s a change in plans and I tell her where I’m taking her, for a short amount of time, the first question out of her mouth is, “Please say Nan won’t be there, I don’t need to have my bra size checked or anything like that.” I burst into laughter, because she’s now standoffish and worried about Nan ‘feeling her up’, her words not mine.

  “Thinking it’s just Cara and DJ, Hannah. Maybe Trinity, too. Plus all the kids.”

  “Kids I can deal with, the other women too. But Nan? The jury’s still out where she’s concerned. A woman can only take so much of feeling like she’s an experiment. How do we fix Hannah? Yeah, no thanks, I’ll take care of myself.”

  “Y’know she’s pretty much adopted you into the family already.”

  I start laughing again when I hear her mutter, “That’s just fucking fantastic news.” Nan will grow on her, I’m not worried about that because our Nan is a ballbuster and won’t give up until Hannah worships the ground she walks on. Just like the other old ladies do, as well as us guys.

  “Wait, why do we need to do this? I thought it was our date night?” she asks me.

  “Something’s come up that is club business and requires my attention. I promise to do everything in my power to not be gone long and get our evening back on track.”

  “Good, because I was really looking forward to some more one-on-one time.” I nearly swerve off the road at that statement. Damn woman, I’m going to be hard as steel the rest of the night.

  After dropping her off with the other old ladies I head straight for the clubhouse. I have to leave the mindset of boyfriend/old man and get in the mindset of club brother. It’s obviously something big for Smoke to pull me into it because us spending alone time with Hannah is critical for the three of us. We watched our dads, even though they were sons-of-bitches most of the time, and how they would each take time with just our mom. So, while we left a lot of the lessons we learned at their side a long time ago, this is one that’s important to us both. Hannah has been the best thing we’ve ever had come into our lives, save our brothers with the RGMC, and we’re gonna do anything we have to do in order to foster that relationship until it’s beyond unbreakable. I pull into the parking lot and quickly park, locking the truck and heading inside. I notice the others off to the side but I’m gonna need a beer for this one, so I veer off to the bar and motion the prospect to hand me a cold one. Bottle now i
n hand, I head over to where Smokey, Axe, Twisted, Chief, and Hatch are sitting with a woman. What the fuck? You can definitely see the resemblance between her and my Hannah. I have a bad feeling about why she’d show up at our house looking for her sister. Not wanting to spend much time away from my woman, I go over and cross my arms over my chest and spread my legs, it’s my intimidating stance.

  “Tell me why you’re here?” She looks at me then over at Smokey and her mouth drops open.

  “Wh..who are you?” she asks, as her eyes ping-pong back and forth between the two of us.

  “Who I am isn’t important to this conversation,” I reply, “but if it’ll get you talking, I’m Hannah’s old man.”

  “What? Wait…but he said he’s her old man!” she responds, pointing at Smoke.

  “We both are,” I state. “Again, not pertinent to the conversation. What. Do. You. Want?” I stress each of my words and think she’s getting the idea when she backs up in her chair at my words.

  “Ha…Hannah’s in danger,” she finally blurts out.

  “Danger how?” Smoke asks her.

  “God! This is a family situation and I don’t know y’all or trust any of you,” she says, in a pouting nature.

  “Yeah, well, we don’t trust you either, sister or not, so start talking,” Twisted states. “Our research into your family shows that none of y’all are to be trusted.”

  “In order for you to understand I’d have to start at the beginning.”

  “Then that’s what you’ll do,” Hatch tells her.

  “This is so embarrassing,” she mutters under her breath.

  “We’re not going to judge you for your life choices, but we need to know how to protect Hannah,” Axe tells her.

  “Fine, whatever.” Gah, this bitch is gonna have me revoking my inner vow to never hurt a woman if she doesn’t start talking!

  “Speak, now!” I all but thunder out. My patience is at an end. Our woman may be in danger and this little priss is worried about what we’ll think of her? I don’t give a flying fuck about her, but I do love my Hannah, so she better start talking or all bets are off.


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