Book Read Free

Laid in Show

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by Tuesday Morrigan

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  Copyright ©2009 by Tuesday Morrigan

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  About the Author

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

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  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

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  Laid in Show

  ISBN # 978-1-907010-19-4

  ©Copyright Tuesday Morrigan 2008

  Cover Art by Lyn Taylor ©Copyright April 2009

  Edited by Christine Riley

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author's imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2009 by Total-E-Bound Publishing 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road, Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.


  Tuesday Morrigan

  [Back to Table of Contents]


  To Piper, my beta reader, and my editors. You all make me want to be a better writer.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:


  Madison Square Garden: MSG Eden Corporation

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter One

  Show Time

  "You're sure—like three thousand percent sure—that I won't have any problems if I go to the dog show?” Lark followed the question with a look meant to convey the importance of her sister's response.

  Robin simply glared back. Unperturbed, she replied slowly. “You have nothing to worry about."

  Lark got the distinct impression that Robin believed if she said the words enough, Lark would stop questioning her declaration.

  Lark snorted. She wasn't mentally handicapped. She was cautious.

  Robin pointed to the computer screen behind her, all the while holding Lark's gaze. “Read it for yourself. Again. According to every credible biological experiment, homosexual males are not attracted to heterosexual female pheromones. There are several experiments that point to the fact that homosexual men and heterosexual females excrete the same pheromones. Thus, not a single one of the legion of gay men at the dog show will be attracted to you as a result of your pheromones. Plus, you must remember that as an Ipele descendant you are only going to be irresistible to men in their prime who are heterosexual.” Robin smirked. “And from what I've seen of the pictures from the last few shows, the men are neither."

  "Oh shut up, Robin. This is Marilyn Monroe Stone's time to shine. I don't care who or what those men are as long as they pin her with a ribbon."

  "Here,” Robin said as she handed Lark a small perfume bottle. “It's a pheromone blocker. It only works for a short period of time, but it should be enough to get in and out of the dog show."

  "Have I told you how much I love you?” Lark asked with a smile.

  Robin watched her for several moments. “You and that dog are sick,” she declared before turning back to her computer.

  Lark barely stifled the urge to stick out her tongue at her sister's back. There was something about her older sister that brought out the worst in Lark. “You just don't understand our relationship,” she murmured as she grabbed her suitcase.

  "You're damn right I don't. I do, however, understand that you need a man."

  * * * *

  Eight hours later, as Lark drove into the public parking lot with the outrageous per hour rate, she was still pondering her sister's comment. The fact was her sister had hit her biggest problem right on its ornery head. She did need a man. Desperately.

  Big Willie, her vibrator, no longer cut it in the “getting Lark off” department.

  The problem was she only wanted one man.

  Almost immediately, a scalding vision of the male of her dreams flashed across her mind. With a honed force of will, Lark pushed aside the nagging image of a tall man with dark hair and amber eyes.

  "You can't have that one so don't even go there. It's not worth the agony,” she murmured to herself as she opened the back door for Marilyn. The Great Dane bounded out of the car in one leap. She looked up at Lark as if questioning her.

  And maybe she was. Marilyn knew all about him.

  Lark couldn't help telling Marilyn about him when he called, right before he called, when he should have called. Lark had it bad. Hell, she'd had it bad for over eight years now.

  "This friendship is not good for you,” Lark muttered to herself.

  Marilyn sat up and barked.

  "Yes, you do understand, don't you, girl,” Lark murmured absently as she scratched behind Marilyn's ear. The Great Dane also knew how scared Lark had been about coming to the dog show when she was going to be in heat and giving off very strong, alluring pheromones even the most determined young heterosexual male would have a hard time ignoring. Marilyn was Lark's best confidant. Unlike her girlfriends, there wasn't a chance in hell of Marilyn telling Lark's secrets.

  Thankfully, everyone in her family had a Ph.D. in biology and specialised in fertility. Correction, everyone but moi!

  Her mother and father were the co-presidents of a small, but highly influential, fertility clinic in western New York. They knew all that there was to know about female fertility, in both female humans and werewolves. Being one of the few descendant families of the ancient Ipele priestesses, the Burtons were unique among werewolves. All of their females had the ability to mother female werewolf cubs that reached adulthood. An important rarity when only one out of a hundred female cubs made it to term, and more than seventy percent of those born didn't see their first birthday.

  Lark was the only one in her family who had not gone into medicine. Always an original, Lark had gone down a different path and become an artist. A paid one, she thought with a smile and clicked the button for the keyless lock on her imported car.

  Three hours later, inside the massive stadium housing the Westminster show, Lark turned with Marilyn's competition papers in her hand and came to a standstill. After several seconds, she found her voice. “River?"

>   "Hello, Lark."

  She slowly slicked her lips. “Hi, River."

  "Imagine this. You in my city and not calling to let me know you were here.” River quirked one dark eyebrow and glared down at her.

  Lark could feel the razor sharp scolding in his words. She chewed her lip as she tried to think of what to tell him. The truth was not an option. “I was going to call you ... later."

  River stared at her with unblinking golden eyes, eyes that reminded her too often of the dark beast that lay inside both of them. His gaze roamed low, looking over her face, touching upon her breasts, her hips, her platforms, before returning to catch her gaze. She stood for his perusal, wondering if River liked what he saw. After a moment, his full lips flattened. Over the years, she'd learned what the act meant. River was not pleased. Guess that answers my question, huh? Lark thought as a fissure of pain through her. River glanced away and looked down at the dog beside her.

  "She's so big,” he murmured as he leaned and petted Marilyn.

  Lark decided to take the out he had given her. She knew River was ballsy enough to point out that she didn't really intend to call him. The fact that he didn't showed how far away they'd come from that comfortable relationship they'd had in college. Eight years and we've come to this.

  Lark mentally sighed at the distance between them as she glanced down at the beauty beside her. “Of course she's big. She is a Great Dane,” she said with a laugh.

  River's golden gaze snapped to hers. “That is not what I meant."

  Lark bit her bottom lip and looked away. Marilyn chose that moment to speak up. The midnight giant stepped forward and barked at River before nudging him. He petted her behind the ear and whispered several comments about her beauty.

  "She's not normally so friendly. I guess she recognises her father."

  River's body stilled as his golden gaze snapped to Lark's. “I didn't know you thought of me in that way."

  "You're the one who gave her to me."

  River watched her face for several seconds before speaking. “Where are you staying?"

  "The family loft."

  "The same one you stayed in while we were at Columbia?"


  "Are you free for dinner tonight?"

  Lark shook her head. There was no way she could go to dinner with him. That much time near a straight male in his prime would be asking for trouble. “No. I ... already have plans."

  River took two steps towards her, his eyes glowing so brightly they resembled gold. He was riled. “Cancel them."

  "I ... I can't. I'm preparing Marilyn for tomorrow."

  The amber light in his gaze darkened, becoming a burnt gold. He had passed the riled point and was simply angry. “You keep pushing me away despite the fact that I'm supposed to be your friend."

  Her gaze snapped to his. River's jaw was set, and he emitted a low, dark sound. Lark had not only pissed him off, she'd angered his wolf. From what she remembered that took a lot, as River had an iron grip on his bestial side.

  "You're my friend,” she said quickly, trying to placate both man and beast.

  "Then, I'll see you at seven.” He pivoted on his heel and strode away from her. “Seven o'clock,” he threw over his shoulder as he walked away.

  Lark stared at him dumbfounded. River was no longer the boy she remembered, and she didn't know how she felt about that.

  * * * *

  River had barely been able to control the rage and hunger that had come to the surface the moment he spotted Lark in the cavernous lobby of Madison Square Garden. For one heart-stopping moment, he had feared that his beast would get the best of him, and he would embarrass them both.

  The need to claim her had been strong, almost relentless.

  His long, callused fingers tightened into a fist as he pushed down the desire boiling inside him.

  River had always felt a pull towards Lark. From the first moment he saw her beautiful mocha face lit up with excitement, watching the homecoming game, he'd wanted to get to know her.

  And he had.

  He scented her out, recognised her as a shape-shifter and introduced himself. For a few months, they'd never discussed their similar history. Never talked about the fact that they were both werewolves.

  And then, one afternoon, hours before a full moon, they had breached that barrier and talked about who they were. That was the night River admitted to himself that the emotions he felt for Lark were a little stronger than what most of her friends had towards her.

  He could still remember the conversation he'd had with his father his sophomore summer. The old man had instantly recognised there was something different with his youngest son. As they'd ridden through their Montana property, his quiet father had questioned him about his feelings.

  Apparently, the fact that River had not paid any attention to any of the young females in town had not gone unnoticed. Especially since the Stone men were known for their sexual prowess.

  His father had been ecstatic about the idea of one of his sons mating with a Burke, one of the descendants of Ipele priestesses, and possibly fathering a female werewolf. But River had to admit to his father that Lark had never noticed him, a man that stood six three, as anything more than a girlfriend with facial hair.

  She only had eyes for her art.

  And the dog he had purchased her.

  Marilyn Monroe Stone.

  River smiled as he thought of his ‘daughter'. He'd purchased the dog on a whim—a well-thought whim. Less than a week before their graduation, he'd caught Lark starring at a picture of a black Great Dane. In a voice that still haunted him, she'd told him how she'd always wanted one, despite her short height. She'd made a promise to herself that one day she would own a dog like that.

  At that moment, River had realised just how in love with Lark he was. If he couldn't give her his affection, he could give her the dog of her dreams.

  And now she was in his city because of his dog.

  River would be damned if he'd let Lark push him away. From now on, he was directing the show.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Two

  River Bound

  "Are you up to your matchmaking again?"

  Lark could feel her mother's pause despite the fact that hundreds of miles separated them. “Uh ... what would make you say that?"

  "How did River know I'd be at Madison Square Garden this afternoon?"

  Her mother swallowed thickly. “He called your place and your cell, and you didn't pick up either. So he figured you were spending the weekend with the family and called here. I told him you weren't staying with us."

  "Did you happen to tell him where I was staying?"

  "It's not right the way you ignore that boy."

  Lark closed her eyes as a groan slipped past her lips. She felt the beginning of a headache and placed a hand to her head. “There is a reason why I'm ignoring him, Mom. Or have you forgotten that he's a straight male in his prime, and I'm going into heat tonight.” She glanced at her watch. River should be there any second. He'd called earlier to tell her he was bringing dinner with him.

  She hoped he showed up late. Like a week late.

  "So?” her mother's drawling voice cut into her thoughts. “Going into heat doesn't mean barricading yourself away from the rest of the world. I'm not too old to have noticed that River is an attractive wolf,” she said with a chuckle.

  "Christ, Mother!"

  "What? It's not like I'm asking you to make pups with him. Although, to be perfectly honest, I wouldn't mind if you did."

  "I'll get right on that, Mom,” she said sarcastically. For the past few years, dear old Mom had been making it painfully clear that she wanted grandkids.

  Her mother laughed. “What I'm trying to say is there is a thing called birth control for a reason."

  Lark blinked at that statement as she grabbed her pheromone blocker from her purse. For a moment, her mind couldn't seem to catch up with the thread of the conversation. It was too
busy imagining her and River with only a latex barrier between their slick skins.

  Before she could respond, her mother continued. “It's our nature, Lark. I suggest you stop fighting it and go get yourself some of those condoms. The mega pack. River looks like he's man enough to handle a mega pack."

  Lark's gaze snapped to the door. River had arrived. She could scent the alluring mixture of his Montana background and Manhattan studio. Then there was that raw sexuality that permeated every inch of his hard body.

  "I've ... uh ... got to go, Mom,” Lark said weakly as three sharp raps sounded on her door.

  "Mega ... Pack,” her mother yelled with a laugh just as Lark slowly placed the receiver on the base.

  Lark simply sat on her sofa for several moments staring at the door. River knocked again, this time with more insistence. She chewed her bottom lip. This is not good, this is really not good, she thought as she spritzed herself once again with the pheromone blocker.


  She hunched her shoulders and marched to the door. She plastered on a grin she didn't feel and flung it open.

  In response, River gave her a slow smile that made her heart flutter. And her knees weak. And her panties moist. He stepped forward. Lark's belly jumped as she leaned in for the feel of his lips against her cheek.

  Instead of kissing her cheek, River's lush lips brushed against hers. It was just the slightest touch of flesh against flesh, but it was more than enough to spike her libido and send heat flashing through her sex. She gasped as her pussy tightened with desire.

  She took a step back and stared at River in surprise. His gaze was glittering, his eyes a darker, deeper amber colour than she had ever seen before. He slowly lifted the large, white plastic bag in his hand. “I got Greek,” he said roughly.

  "I've never had Greek,” she said as she stepped aside for him to enter. River caught her gaze as he entered the room. “Then we're both in for something new tonight."

  Thirty minutes later, Lark was sure that she was getting something she never had before. Unfortunately, she just wasn't sure what it was. River kept her on edge throughout the whole dinner, but she couldn't quite figure out what it was he did that made her nervous. Every time she reached for something, she bumped into him. It was as though her anxiousness made her lose control of her body. Worst of all, every time she moved, her hand brushed against his hard body.


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