Bud (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 10)

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Bud (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 10) Page 9

by Candace Blevins

  She opened as he brought his finger to her lips, and he said, “Good girl. Now show me what you can do with that tongue and those lips. Don’t break eye contact longer than it takes to blink. You don’t get to hide from me.”

  He gradually added fingers until he had four in her mouth, and he ran them along her tongue towards her throat. She tried not to gag, but a combination of having her mouth so full, and the way he pressed down on the back of her tongue, she couldn’t help it. He backed off as soon as it started, but told her, “We’ll work on that when you haven’t had a meal and some wine.”

  He stepped back. “Walk to the sofa and bend over the back of it.”

  She wanted to be bent over the back of it, but part of her wanted him to put her there. She didn’t want to have to feel like the lamb being led to slaughter.

  And yet… she didn’t have a smart-assed retort for him, either.

  She thought of telling him to make her but immediately crossed that off the list. She started to ask if he wasn’t afraid she’d fall, but worried he’d just make her walk around and practice for another thirty minutes. He stood with his arms crossed and gave more time than she’d have given a sub or slave, but he reminded her of a wolf again — the predator patiently waiting for the prey to make her move.

  A deep breath for fortitude and she stood and took a step toward the sofa, but it was too much. “I feel like I should apologize. I told you, I’m more masochist than submissive. I want to be bent over it, but getting there is…” She sighed and told him what she’d been thinking. Total honesty. “Walking to the sofa feels like a lamb being led to slaughter. I can’t do it.”

  “Okay. Another object lesson, then.”

  He effortlessly lifted her into his arms like an infant and walked her to the door leading from her bedroom suite to the office. The loveseat in her office was all chrome and slick black leather, and he stood her at the back of it and tipped her forwards over it. “The sofa in your bedroom is soft fabric over cushions. Now you’re bent over a metal rod. It’s all business in here.”

  The door to the hallway was closed, so he must’ve known bringing her in here was an option from the beginning. She didn’t know when he’d closed it, but she made a mental note about him planning ahead of time for possibilities most wouldn’t consider.

  “I’ve owned your mouth with my hands, now it’s time for your pussy.”

  Nickie’s legs were together and her toes supported as much of her weight as she could manage. This sofa’s back was higher than the one in her bedroom.

  Damn, she’d have been so much more comfortable in there.

  “Any chance we can have a do-over?”

  He chuckled. “Nope. Spread your legs so your ankles are several feet apart.”

  If she had the use of her hands, it wouldn’t have been so bad, but she’d lost them when she didn’t look him in the eyes. Fuck, but he was making his point left and right.

  “I told you I was sorry!”

  “You did,” he responded as he slid two fingers into her pussy and her world flipped around. Suddenly, the bar under her hips wasn’t an issue, and she wanted to spread her legs even wider for him. “And I’ll probably let you orgasm because of it.”

  “I orgasmed before without you meaning for it to happen.”

  It just popped out and was a lot haughtier than she’d have let anyone get away with, but he merely said, “Now that I know you have a hair trigger, it isn’t likely to happen again unless I intend you to have one. You might get one another couple of times, but I’ll learn your body and then you’ll only come when I mean for you to.”

  He worked his fingers in and out, but she was slippery wet and before long she was moaning and pleading and squirming as he forced three strong, demanding fingers all the way inside her. Spreading her. Opening her.

  “You ever been fisted?”

  “By a woman. Not a man, and your hands are huge.”

  He chuckled and rubbed over her g-spot with just the right intensity, and her vocal chords dropped three octaves “Fuck. Yes. Please.”

  Another chuckle. “Time for your ass.”

  He stepped away and she heard sounds she assumed to be him opening lube. Her legs were suddenly exhausted, and she dropped her feet to the floor to rest her leg and hip muscles a moment.

  “Didn’t say you could do that.”

  “They’re tired.”

  “I can put weights on them so they’ll be even more tired.”

  Fuck. She brought them back to where they’d been, and he patted her bottom. “Good girl. Okay, relax and let me in.”

  “Do you want me to relax or do you want my legs in the air, because you can’t have both!”

  She squealed, moaned, and went tight when she realized he started with two fingers and wasn’t going slow.

  “I’m coming in whether you relax or not, but what’s with all the bellyaching? I thought you were a masochist? Relax, Brat. Show me you can enjoy my fingers up your ass, hurting you, forcing you open when you aren’t stretched yet.”

  Just like that, she wanted more than two, wanted him to spread her so wide it burned. “God, yes,” she moaned. Her legs spread more and even the burn of her hip and thigh muscles felt good. She ground her hips into the chrome pole and arched her back to give him better access.

  “That’s it. Such a good girl.” He added a third finger and she groaned again — so close to coming if she could tilt just a little more forward so the bar pressed into her clit. She tried to make the move by lifting her legs higher as she pitched forward a little, but he held her in place. “None of that. I can see your poor little clit just hanging in the breeze, and that’s where it’s staying for now.”

  He pulled his fingers out and put his other hand on the small of her back. “Legs stay up. I’m gonna wash my hands again and put a condom on. Wanna take your ass first, wanna hear you scream and beg. You like having your ass hurt.”

  Nickie didn’t always like it, but Bud had pushed all the right buttons and she wanted him to fuck her there worse than she could ever remember wanting anal. She held her legs high, and wiggled her fingers behind her just to feel them moving. He touched her hands when he returned. “Temperature feels okay, are they going numb?”

  She was tempted to tell him he should release them, but they were fine and she wasn’t going to lie to him. “They’re fine. It’d just make the position a little easier if I had them.”

  “And if you’d held your eyes open the first time ’round, they’d still be free.”

  He stuck two fingers back in her pussy and ran across her g-spot a few times. Nickie’s entire body felt as if it were paralyzed, but she managed to keep her legs spread for him.

  “So responsive. Okay, here we go.” He settled his cock at her asshole. “Open wide.”

  “You aren’t funny.”

  “I can be.”

  Nickie grunted as the head of his cock pressed against the outer ring of muscles, and he massaged her ass with the thumbs holding her cheeks apart. “Relax, Brat. Let me in.”

  “Not a brat.”

  His cockhead popped in and Nickie gasped as Bud groaned, and it was as if the vibrations of both went straight to her clit.

  He took his time getting the first couple of inches in, but then grasped her hips and pressed the rest of the way in — one long, torturous, glorious slide that spread her open farther than she was ready to handle, but Bud didn’t slow, just kept going until his hips finally rested against her ass.

  “Too much! Fuck! Damn! Oh, fuck it’s too much, Bud!”

  He made a shushing noise as he rubbed her lower back. “Deep breaths. Relax and accept me. All of me, shoved right up that adorable little ass of yours. Such a good girl, hurtin’ for me. I’ll give you a few seconds to adjust before I fuck the living daylights out of you.”

  Nickie shook her head. “Please, more time. God, you’re huge. Feels like a damned Coke can.”

  Bud chuckled. “You ever had a Coke can up your ass, Brat?”

  She shook her head again.

  “Might be an interesting exercise.” He rubbed her back again. “You’ll be fine. You’re breathin’ better already.”

  “Need more time. Please!”

  “Oh, I think it’s time to start movin’.”

  He pulled out faster than he went in, but it was manageable — until he forced his way back inside and Nickie’s torso tried to rise up off the sofa as her legs scrambled for the floor.

  Bud froze. “Sure that’s the way you wanna play this, Brat?”

  “No. I’m sorry!” She spread her legs again, let her torso fall back down to rest on the back of the sofa, and groaned as Bud pressed back in.

  “Hurt for me, Nickie. Gonna add a little lube before I get goin’. Like hurtin’ you but don’t wanna break my new toy right off the bat.”

  He pulled all but his head out and Nickie heard him opening and closing the container as he relubed the condom over his shaft.

  She had a feeling he was about to go wild on her, but the only warning was the way he gripped her hips before he slammed in, yanked out, and slammed back in. Nickie let out a screech she was sure the people in the skyscraper across the street must’ve heard, and Bud held inside for a brief second before he did it again, but he didn’t stop this time.

  It was too much, it was just right, and she wanted more even though she knew she was barely handling this. She lifted her head and pointed her toes, but otherwise she managed to keep her body and legs as he’d instructed.

  In and out. In and out. The front of her thighs were going to be bruised from the chrome bar, but she didn’t care. In and out and in and out and in and out faster than anyone’d ever fucked her before, and Bud didn’t tire, didn’t slow. He stopped twice to add more lube, but he fucked her so far past raw her eyes watered with tears while she begged him for more. And through it all, she never got used to his size. Usually, once a guy gets started, the stretch and burn gets easier — and it did for a few seconds here and there but then it’d hurt all over again. God, the stretch and burn were glorious, and she needed to come so badly she thought she might spontaneously combust, but no such luck. He ramped her higher and higher with no relief in sight, until without warning he pushed and tilted her just right so her clit landed right where it needed to be.

  “Come for me, Brat. Come with my cock stuffed up your ass. Let me feel it while I fuck your tight little ass.”

  The orgasm hit before he was halfway through the second sentence, and Nickie lost her last little bit of control as the snap of lightning inside her set off a current that made her insides jerk and spasm. She opened her mouth in a silent scream — it was all she could do to pull in enough oxygen, there wasn’t any brain capacity left for listening, thinking, obeying, or anything else. Bud released her hands mid-orgasm, likely just before he slammed into her and came with a growly roar behind her. Nickie only knew that when it was over, she was supporting her body with her hands and she was soaked with sweat. She didn’t remember him releasing them, and while she was glad to have them back, she also kind of wished they were still restrained.

  Bud didn’t seem to need more than a few minutes recovery time before he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

  “You’ve earned two things — a good girl spankin’, and a little time to be a brat and have fun with it. Fair warning, it’s up to you to pay attention to whether I’m enjoying the brattin’ or annoyed by it. Push me too far into annoyed and you won’t like it.”

  He leaned forward to settle her onto the bed and kissed her forehead as he stood. “Need to dispose of the condom, finish undressing, and round up my belt. Figure out how you want your spankin’. You have a minute or two to get into position. You’ll be expected to keep your hands and feet out of the way, and keep your bottom aimed at me, so choose accordingly.”

  Bud rarely allowed the sweetbutts to brat to him, but he’d had some longer-term fuckbuddies over the years who’d gotten off on pushing him to hurt them more, and he’d had fun with it. There was a limit, but he thought Nickie was smart enough to figure it out.

  She’d chosen to stretch out longways on the bed, her head towards the footboard so she could grab the metal scrollwork decoration — a way to keep her hands out of the way.

  He didn’t give her much of a warmup, but he stopped and fingered her a few times, pretending to see if she was slick. He could tell by her scent she was well on her way to horny again just from having to get into position, but he worked with her and went slow with the belt until he could smell she wanted more.

  “Is that all you got?” She asked. “Thought you were stronger than that!”

  And then he gave it to her. God, the sound of the leather, the instant red mark, the scream, and the sweet, sweet scent of pain and lust layered together.

  Bud was a versatile sadist — he could enjoy punishing someone in a way that was all pain and nothing good, or he could enjoy making the person like being hurt. He looked forward to the day he’d get to punish Nickie, but for now his cock was throbbing and begging for attention as he slammed the belt down again and again, and Nickie lifted her ass for the next stroke because she wanted it. She taunted him a few times, asking if he was slowing down because his arm was tired, or if he needed to take a break so he could hit harder. Each time was after he’d backed off a bit because he remembered she was human and couldn’t take as much as a wolf.

  He smelled her orgasm coming and remembered how fast it’d come on before, so he flung the belt to the side, rolled a condom on, and was between her legs and inside the heat of her body before she realized what he was doing. He told her to come as he entered her, and she came apart in his arms. He fucked her through the orgasm and she never lost her arousal so he kept going.

  His thighs pistoned hard and fast and she came over and over again. When his leg muscles started wearing on him, he flipped her over, pressed her ankles into the mattress near her head, and went in at a different angle to fuck her some more. He slowed a few times just before she came – four or five times in a row until she was begging for release — but he’d just amp her up close again and then back off until it was gone.

  She was crazy with need before he let her come again, just before he shot his final load of the night, pulsing into the condom deep inside her with his eyes closed because he didn’t have enough control to keep the wolf from looking out.

  He managed to get his brat cleaned up, put some coconut oil and arnica on her ass and thighs, and ran the washcloth over his cock after he’d taken the condom off.

  She was half asleep when he crawled into bed and spooned behind her. “I’ll fuck your mouth in the morning, then you’ll be fully claimed.”


  Nickie’s bladder awakened her before dawn the next morning, and she stopped in the doorway on the way out of the bathroom to look at Bud. Sharp cheekbones, sculpted muscles. The man was beautiful, though she’d never tell him that to his face.

  He’d roused a little when she went to the bathroom, but seemed to be sleeping soundly once again. Feeling mischievous, she crawled into bed and under the covers, and took him into her mouth.

  “Nice,” he groaned, stretching the word out as he straightened his body. His hands went around her head and he braced it, so when his cock grew Nickie had to work not to gag on it.

  “Hope you didn’t think you’d manage to give me a blowjob instead of takin’ a face fuckin’. If so, your plan backfired.”

  There was no way for her to answer — it was all she could do to grab oxygen while he was out far enough to keep from blocking her throat.

  “Roll over on your side. I don’t like bein’ on bottom, even when I’m in control.”

  Once again, just like her fictional werewolves. Bud seemed to get annoyed when she pointed out the similarities though, so she’d stopped. Mostly.

  With both of them on their side, Bud arranged her so he could get farther down her throat, and he found the leverage to pound hard. Her hips started moving
of their own accord and she desperately wished he was in her empty pussy, but she did all she could to work him with her tongue despite the speed he fucked her mouth and throat.

  Thankfully, he only lasted around ten minutes before he blew, though he held her face so she couldn’t move while he spurted all over it.

  “Mine, Brat. You’re mine now. Mine to take care of, mine to hurt.”

  Nickie hadn’t agreed to that, but she liked the sound of it. Still, shouldn’t she correct him? But then he took such care cleaning her face with a warm washcloth and rubbing stuff on her butt and thighs again, she melted under his tender ministrations.

  “Back to sleep, Brat.” He held his arms for her to come closer, and she drifted off in the safety of his warmth and strength.

  Nickie awakened to the sound of a hand popping a butt, and seconds later felt the heat on her right ass cheek.


  “Grab a shower and get dressed, Brat. I’ll have breakfast mostly ready by the time you get downstairs — don’t dawdle.”

  “Bossy ass.”

  “Yep. You aren’t downstairs in fifteen minutes that left nipple will get even more attention.”

  She growled as he left the room, and sat up and looked at her nipples. The left was deep red and a little bruised from him leading her around the room with it, while the right was perfectly fine. He’d meant to fucking make her off balance. Sadistic asshole.

  He’d piled eggs and bacon between two slabs of bread when she came down, but her plate was beautiful, with eggs, bacon, buttered toast, and he’d pulled both blueberry and peach preserves out so she’d have a choice.

  “Sorry, got a phone call and I have to go. Enjoy breakfast, we’ll talk later.”

  “You can’t eat that and ride your bike!”

  “I walked over last night. Tiny’s downstairs to get me in a cage. Sorry, but we’ll talk soon.”

  She was halfway through her breakfast when she realized she needed to move. After being fucked until walking hurt, she should’ve just wanted to sit and write, but her legs needed to get some energy out.


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