Bud (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 10)

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Bud (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 10) Page 10

by Candace Blevins

  “I’m going to make use of the condo’s workout room,” she told the guard on the door. “The two of you have around forty minutes to figure out how you want to work it while I drink my coffee and make sure there isn’t anything pressing in my email.”

  Nickie looked through the non-disclosure agreement to get the gist of what it said, and decided to wait to send it to her attorney. She’d have to explain to Bud she wouldn’t sign his until he signed hers, and she’d likely have to agree to a good portion of his to get what she wanted. She wasn’t up for that conversation with her attorney just yet, so she shelved it until later.

  She spent nearly two hours working her arms and core muscles, and nearly orgasmed at least a dozen times as various movements brought back vivid memories of Bud’s hands on her, his belt, his mouth, his cock.

  Fuck, but she could easily fall in love with the man.

  She was hungry when she finished, and her guards took her to a little coffee shop they said they’d already scouted and planned for. One of the men sat and ate with her while the other watched from outside.

  “I’d like to rent a motorcycle and get out of town.”

  “We’ll let Drake Security rent two, and Ranger can ride with you. He and Mac are due back soon.”

  “One guard will be enough?”

  “On a bike with you in a full-face helmet? Unless Ranger disagrees, then yeah. We’ll have someone close in a chase car in case there’s a problem, but they’ll only need to stay within a mile or two of you, so you won’t have to worry about slowing down for them too much.”

  “There are mountains north of the city. Find a route you like that’ll let me sit high up with a great view. At least a two hour round trip but no more than four — and figure time for me to sit and think on the mountain.”

  Ranger stood thirty yards away while Nickie sat and thought. Mac was watching their bikes, and Nickie trusted the two of them to have her back.

  Ranger had kept up with her even when she’d flown a little too fast on the curvy mountain roads. There was nothing quite like having the wind in your hair, even if your hair was inside a full-faced helmet.

  Her mind once again went down the list of all the unknowns where Bud was concerned. What was the worst case scenario? She didn’t think he was trafficking humans because he’d seemed genuinely angry that kids were being bought and sold when she’d told him about it, and then later he’d gotten upset all over again when he’d read her report. She didn’t believe for a moment he was in Mexico on vacation though, so if he wasn’t there for drugs or humans, that left guns, which meant he had blood on his hands even if he didn’t kill or capture anyone himself.

  And what was he doing in Georgia to make money? Did they have other criminal ventures? Could she love a man who did bad things?

  Damn, it was possible she’d already fallen for him, and could he truly be that bad if she wanted him in her life?

  She didn’t have the best track record with men, but none had been outright criminals. One had proven to be a scam artist who’d ridden her coat tails far too long, but she’d let him because she was getting something out of it at the time. And then there’d been the author who broke out in hives at the thought of anyone actually reading anything he’d written. At least Bud had an income and she wouldn’t have to support him.

  But it was easier to support people. It gave you leverage, and she’d clearly never have leverage over a man like Bud. She might negotiate to get him to sign her non-disclosure agreement, but that would just be taking away the leverage he now held over her.

  She hadn’t decided anything for sure before she left, but she felt better about continuing to see him. She’d agree to pieces of his non-disclosure agreement in exchange for him signing hers, and she’d do it without bringing her lawyer into it. She’d had contract law classes in college and was decent at reading and crafting them — and she knew how to put loopholes in that the average reader wouldn’t catch.

  “I’m hungry,” she told Ranger as she walked back to him. “Know any good places to eat close by?”

  “Yeah, but I’d rather get back in town to eat in public. I’ll follow you until we get to the interstate, and then you can follow me to the restaurant.”

  “Do you really think the bad guys can find me?”

  “They found you before so it’s safest to assume they might find you again. We’ve done everything we can to hide you, but we have to act as if they could pop up at any time.”

  Nickie nodded, mounted her bike, and donned her helmet.

  The ride back seemed faster than the ride there, and before she knew it they were pulling into a little honkytonk bar with a lot of motorcycles in the parking lot. She looked at the sign and her stomach flip-flopped when she saw it was the Rolling Thunder Bar. She wasn’t sure she needed to be here until she and Bud got the legalities worked out, but now that she was here it’d be awkward to leave.

  With a sigh, she parked, got out of her helmet, and fell into step beside Ranger.

  “They have the best baby back ribs here.” Ranger opened the door and she paused inside to let her eyes acclimate to the dim lighting. Six pool tables dominated one side of the room, a huge bar in the middle faced both the billiard and restaurant areas, and heavy wooden tables lined the other side. Ranger directed Nickie towards a small booth made for two people, and he nodded to a waitress as she settled napkins and silverware in front of them.

  A large man approached them and seemed to sniff Ranger. “You one of Drake’s men?”

  “I am. I’m Ranger, Mac’s outside, and we have a third watching from across the street.” He nodded towards Nickie. “This is Nickie and I’m responsible for her safety. Figured this’d be a good place to bring her for ribs.”

  “They’re good, Rooster.”

  Nickie smiled as she recognized Shadow. Rooster dwarfed him, but Shadow clapped him on the back as he stopped beside him. “I did some work for her through Drake and she gave me a book to give my sister.” Shadow’s smile grew huge as he told Nickie, “I can’t remember the last time I saw her so excited. Thanks. You gave me serious brownie points.”

  “Happy to hear it. I hope she enjoys it.”

  “Oh, she stayed up all night and read it. Said it was the best yet.”

  Nickie relaxed a little inside. She always worried when a new book released. Having her publisher, editor, and beta readers like it was nice, but nothing really counted until the general public weighed in.

  Shadow’s eyes drew closer together. “You’re worried people won’t like it?”

  “Always. A little piece of your soul goes out with each book, and you never know how it’ll be received until reviews start coming in.”

  “Wait, you’re the author?”

  Fuck. Nickie was too tired to be doing this.

  “Long story, but if I was, it’d be a secret.”

  “Secret’s safe with me.”

  Their waitress returned with their drinks, and Rooster said, “We’ll leave you alone to enjoy your dinner. Yell if there’s a problem. While you’re here, we’ll make sure you’re safe.”

  “I didn’t realize you were bringing me… here,” Nickie told Ranger when Rooster and Shadow were out of earshot. “I’m not sure where things stand with Bud and me.”

  “If there was a problem with Bud, he’d tell you. I heard he left quick this morning, but he wouldn’t make up an excuse to leave. If he was done with you, he’d just leave.”

  “I know my business is yours while you’re guarding me, but sometimes I really hate needing bodyguards.”

  “I understand. Did the bike ride help?”

  “It did. I know it makes more work for ya’ll when I don’t stay home, but I needed to get out in the worst sort of way.”

  “I can relate. We made it work. No sweat.”

  They talked casually until the waitress brought their ribs, and then all speech stopped while they ate. Nickie was ravenous and Ranger must’ve been, too. She felt bad for Mac but figured h
e’d have snacks in the vehicle. Or hoped so, anyway.

  They were nearly finished eating when Ranger lifted his plate and glass, stood, and moved away from the table without saying a word.

  Bud sat in his recently vacated booth seat and met her gaze. “How do you feel today?”

  She kept her voice low. “If I hadn’t been so focused on driving fast I’m pretty sure I could’ve had some orgasms just from riding the bike.”

  He gave her a shit-eating grin, lifted her tea, took a sip, and put it back. “You up for round two or do you need some time to recover?”

  He’d fucked her raw, but her insides ignited at the thoughts of him inside her pussy when she was already sore. “I’m up for round two if you take the belt out of the equation.”

  He shook his head. “You don’t dictate the terms. You’re either up for it or you aren’t.”

  “I’ll need a few days for the bruises to dissipate before the area takes more damage.”

  “I didn’t say I’d hit you in the same place. Didn’t belt your boobs last night, now did I? Part of this is you trusting me not to do anything dangerous.”

  Nickie’s clit throbbed and she let out an involuntary moan at the mere thought of him striking her breasts with his belt. He hadn’t gone easy on her ass and thighs, and that kind of pain to her boobs would be off the charts.

  He sighed. “You’ve met two of my men. I’m going to tell the rest of them you’re off limits, but no one’s to introduce themselves to you unless I give the okay. Rooster and Shadow will be friendly if they see you, but don’t expect much conversation. We have some discussion to get behind us before I can trust you around my people.”

  “I know. I won’t do anything to break trust with Shadow or Rooster based on the conversations I’ve had with them. You have my word. They have my word.”

  He nodded. “Thanks for that.”

  “Ranger wants me in the SUV between here and the condo, so I’m done riding the bike for the day. Tomorrow’s the big conversation about how we can safely use me as bait to catch the traffickers. We have a meeting set with my FBI contacts.”

  A muscle flexed in Bud’s jaw and another tensed in his neck. “I don’t like it.”

  “I know, but the sooner we take care of them the sooner I can send the bodyguards away. I’m used to having them around when I’m investigating a story, but I’m not prepared to deal with them the rest of the time.”

  “I won’t work with the FBI, so you need to decide now if you’d rather do this with the feds or with my men.”

  “I thought I wasn’t going to be around your men?”

  “I didn’t say you’d actually see them.”

  Nickie realized it was an offer he wouldn’t make lightly, but she shook her head. “I can’t ask that of you. I’ll take care of them the right way.”

  “Fuck, Nickie. Their priority is catching the enemy, not keeping you safe. My priority will be keeping you safe by catching the bastards. Do you understand the difference?”

  “I do, which is why I’ll have four men I’ve hired to keep me safe. I don’t intend to put my life in the hands of the FBI.”

  Bud spread his fingers on the table, lifted his hands, put them back. Nickie had the distinct impression he was arguing with himself, so she waited him out.

  “Fucking shit. You’ll have four men you’ve hired and me. I won’t bring my men into it, but I’m coming with you.”

  “Then I suggest we work through our legal issues tonight, because if we don’t find a resolution we can both live with then you won’t be going anywhere with me.”

  “Finish your ribs. There’s an office in the back and I’ll have a waitress bring coffee and key lime pie. I can print out whatever we agree to, and one of your men can act as witness when we sign.”

  “You’re awful sure we’re going to come to an agreement.”


  Bud was exhausted when he and Nickie finally signed each other’s documents.

  He’d found two loopholes in her wording, she’d found three in his. This woman was smart and didn’t take shit off anyone. He was now locked into not being able to tell anyone about her multiple pen names, but she was locked into not writing about his men or giving another writer or reporter information, even if she discovered criminal activities. She could rat on them to law enforcement, but she couldn’t report on anything she learned about them, whether through her own investigation or something she inadvertently heard.

  And Bud had the entire conversation on video. He’d have Shadow edit out the portions that could be incriminating to the club before he encrypted it and stored it.

  They’d both given up more than they wanted, but that’s what happens in a true negotiation. If she hadn’t wanted her non-disclosure signed so badly, he’d have been up shit creek without a paddle.

  Ranger and Mac came in to witness their signatures, and he shooed them back out when they were finished.

  “I’ll scan these in, email a copy of both to each of us, and then I think we should celebrate by my bending you over the desk and fucking your ass till you beg for an orgasm.”

  “Oh no, my ass definitely needs some recovery time. I’m all for you bending me over the desk, but my ass is off limits.”

  Bud had expected as much, so he shrugged and stepped to the scanner. “My way or the highway. You don’t get to dictate what will and won’t happen.”

  “And I’m telling you my ass can’t handle your cock right now.”

  “What if it can? Tell you what — you trust me to make it good for you, and if I can’t then you can safeword and I’ll get you off with my mouth. But if I can? If you’re beggin’ for an orgasm when I do it my way? You’re mine sexually, twenty-four/seven, anytime I want you for the next seven days.”

  “And why would I take that deal?”

  Bud leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. “You know you want to. No one’s come along who could take control of you in a long damned time, right? You’ve been the one in charge, and while that might be more convenient, it wasn’t what really scratched your itch. Was it?”

  “Three days.”

  Bud chuckled. “It isn’t a negotiation.” He sat at the computer, logged into his personal email, and sent the scanned NDA contracts to her while she thought his proposal over. He knew she wanted to accept it but the woman was stubborn.

  “You have a copy of both documents in your email. Shall we celebrate or would you like to play some pool?”

  “You’re right about it turning me on, but I worry that the seven days thing won’t work for me and I’ll just avoid you and it’ll fuck up whatever we have going. Twenty-four/seven is a big deal and we’ve only had sex one night. Granted, it was a good part of the evening and into the night… and then the morning… but still.”

  And he wouldn’t be able to get a bead on her scent over the phone if she came up with a reason he couldn’t come over. He could make sure she enjoyed it enough while they were together, but people convinced themselves of all kinds of crazy things when they were alone. Still, he was offering a seven-day deal.

  “I like your honesty. Seven days, but if you find yourself even considering avoiding me, you’ll tell me and we’ll figure out what isn’t working.”

  Bud’s cock pulsed and grew in his pants when Nickie bent over and began unlacing her riding boots.

  “Leave them on. Nothing sexier than a woman bent over the desk with her pants around her knees and heavy riding boots holdin’ her feet down.”

  She retied the boot and stood. “Where do you want me?”

  He’d smelled her conflict the night before — wanting him to take over but unable to take the steps to show him. Tonight, there was a teeny bit of it, but she’d pushed past it. To reward her, he stepped to her, pulled her into his arms, leaned her back, and his heart sang when she opened to his kiss. He could get lost in Nickie’s scent when she wanted him like this, but he pulled away from the kiss when her heart raced like she was sprinting.

He stood her back up and cradled her cheek with one hand while he supported her with the other arm. “Pants down to your knees and bend over the desk.” He grinned. “We have little sterile packets of lube in the desk drawer, along with condoms. I’ll lock the door so no one will walk in on us. I don’t share.”

  Something about his telling her he didn’t share bothered her, but he couldn’t ask about it without having to explain how he knew. Her poker face gave nothing away, but her scent easily betrayed her.

  However, by the time he’d collected the condom and lube, her arousal level was through the roof.

  The office still had the same fifty-plus-year-old filing cabinets the club had used when they opened the bar, and the metal desk was probably just as old. The original cheap paneling on the walls, linoleum on the floor, metal folding chairs for guest seating — Bud had instinctively known she wouldn’t think she was too good to have sex here, but was still happy to smell her arousal. Wendy had been born to be an ol’lady, but his little brat would have to figure out how she fit into his life, and into the club. That was okay — if he’d only wanted to replace Wendy with another Queen Bee, there were dozens of women who’d wanted the position over the years.

  Bud slicked his right hand and ran it over and around her pussy. She moaned and pushed back, and he rewarded her by sinking two fingers inside. He pressed into her g-spot, scissored them to spread her wider, and let her feel some of his strength as he pressed inside. “Not interested in dominating you too much outside of sex, but I’d love to have you as mine to use anytime I want, whether you’re up for it or not. Watching you fight to submit when I order you on your knees to blow me, or I spank your ass first thing in the morning just because I want to see you standing in the corner with a bright red ass while I cook. Or maybe I’ll stop by your condo to fuck your face on my way to a job — just enough time for me to get off, but not enough to do right by you until I return four hours later.”


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