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Bud (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 10)

Page 17

by Candace Blevins

  The big, bad, warrior had been hurt once, and badly. “And you just opened up to me so things wouldn’t be weird between us after I opened up. Thanks. I have a feeling it wasn’t easy.”

  Apparently, Nathan was at his limit for that kind of talk because he fell back into strategy mode. “The cabin has a two-night minimum, but we want them to attack tonight and not tomorrow night. If we give them reason to hesitate, they might hold off a day to get more reconnaissance in before they hit us.”

  “You’re sure they’ll wait until night?”


  Nickie’s burner phone beeped and she looked at it. “It’s from Ranger, and he says, Bud has the audio set up. We’re in position. Good luck.” Nickie breathed in relief. “So, everything’s ready and in place. The other cabin is the control room, and they’ll be able to hear us.”

  “Not everything.”

  Right. Her mind flashed back to the diagrams of the cabin’s interior. “I know where to put my bag to block the bad guy’s view of the desk, so you can set the gun up and get it ready for me.”

  “Enemy. They’re the enemy.”

  Nickie rolled her eyes and chuckled. “I’m a journalist and not military, and enemy sounds too… I don’t know. Warlike.” She sighed. “I get that it’s accurate, but in my head they’re the bad guys and we’re the good guys and I think I’ll stick with that. I may not be a typical woman, but I’m still a civilian female with no interest in fighting for my life on a regular basis.”

  “And I hope that doesn’t change. You’re good for Bud.”

  “Did you know his wife?”

  “I met her several times but didn’t really know her. Angelica’s a lot like her, from what I remember. Spunky, fun, always a friendly smile, and yet she doesn’t take shit off anyone.”

  They’d driven off the highway onto side roads, and were now on a loose-paved single-lane road with wide sections every so often so one vehicle could stop if two going the opposite direction happened to come upon each other.

  At last, they pulled into the driveway, and Bud came out onto the wrap-around porch as Nathan turned the engine off. Nickie got out of the Jeep and met Bud as he stepped off the porch. Thirty seconds into their kiss, Nathan said, “Dude, save the rest of the hello for later and help me with Nickie’s bags.”

  Bud looked up and asked, “How much could she’ve possibly packed for two days?”

  Nickie swatted his arm. “I didn’t know what we’d be doing! I have outfits to go somewhere fancy, to hike, do a zip line, or even go horseback riding. It isn’t just packing for two days!”

  In reality, she had two pair of jeans, three shirts, and some sport sandals she could slide on quickly for a middle-of-the-night battle. Her toiletries and clothes fit in a small duffle, and the rest of the luggage held guns and ammo. Nathan’s heavy sword was too long to fit in her luggage, so the end of the scabbard stuck out. He’d covered it with black fabric, snugged the zippers around it, and told her it shouldn’t show up on video as long as no one paid any attention to it or treated the suitcase differently.

  Nathan believed the enemy needed convincing to attack tonight instead of the following night. If they waited until tomorrow night, the enemy would have someone else in town to help them, and even Aaron Drake seemed nervous about fighting him.

  Aaron’s people worried the bad guys would think it was a trap since she used one of her pen names to rent the cabin after she’d been in hiding, but it had been the only way to set her up as bait. Ranger had said he thought the enemy would wait until the second night no matter what, but had agreed the charade was necessary to try to keep them from bringing an army instead of just a few people to take Nickie out.

  The Jeep had been rented at the Knoxville airport, but whoever researched them would have a hard time figuring out where she and Nathan had flown in — because they hadn’t.

  The plan was to give the appearance of a getaway weekend with her two boyfriends, one of whom she hadn’t seen in a while.

  “I’ve had her for the better part of a week,” Nathan told Bud as they carried suitcases inside. “Why don’t the two of you christen the bed while I get the X-Box set up?”

  Nickie squealed as the room turned upside down and she found herself bent over Bud’s shoulder. “Put the baked potatoes on!” she yelled to Nathan. “They take longest to cook!”

  “Yes ma’am!”

  “Has he kept you sore?” Bud asked as he dumped her on the bed. Nickie unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans while Bud took her sneakers off, and then he grabbed the hem of her jeans and pulled them off in one motion.

  “I like these panties! Please don’t rip them off!”

  “Then I suggest you get them out of my way.”

  The Mexican authorities knew Bud as Buxton Jones of Augusta, Georgia, and there was a good chance the traffickers had accessed his information through the local police report. She’d be able to call Bud by his real name, but Nathan wanted to be called Matt.

  She planned to use both names as little as possible to keep down the possibility of fucking it up.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” Bud told her as he reached between her legs and spread her lips. “Has Matt kept you sore with that huge cock of his?”

  “Fuck, yes,” she gasped. Damn, the man could make her want him with a single touch. “I’m a crazy woman for wanting two sex fiends as boyfriends!”

  “Love it when you’re so sore you beg for relief,” Bud told her as he stood and donned a condom. “Bend over the bed. Gonna take you from behind to start.”

  “So bossy.” She slid her legs over the side and turned as her feet touched the floor. “God, I’ve missed you.”

  He groaned as he sank into her, and Nickie grabbed a fistful of fabric to try to find an anchor. Her butt went higher in the air and her spine arched down. She knew he’d go in slow and make sure she was ready before he pounded her, but she needed him to take her.

  “I’m good, Sir.” She’d told them she might call them both Sir or some variant to keep from using names, and they’d given the okay. “Fuck, Sir. Need you. Please!”

  “You have me, Nickie. Right here.”

  Her insides squeezed around him as he pulled out and pressed back in. Sometimes she was sure he was so big around he’d split her in two, other days she could handle him. Today he felt huge, and her entire body shuddered at the friction though he wasn’t even close to pounding her yet.

  “You sure? I can barely tell you’re there! Did you shrink while we were apart?”

  He slammed in harder and she grunted, but she wanted more. “Did you work out too hard and get sore so you can’t pound me? Or is something else wrong?”

  “Careful, Brat.”

  Nickie had worried about anyone obtaining video of her having sex. She had a thing for exhibitionism, but no way did she want to end up on the internet in flagrante delicto. She’d expressed her concerns to the men, and they’d worked out a solution. She was situated so the enemy’s camera wouldn’t get a recognizable view of her face during the act. She still had her shirt on, and she’d let her hair fall over her face so they wouldn’t even get her profile on camera while Bud fucked her — but they’d get a view of his cock going into her, probably as good as any porn. Apparently, letting them see the actual sex now would make them believe they were hearing it later, once Nickie put her purse in front of their camera in the bedroom.

  The bad guys had replaced one of the cabins’ original lamps with theirs. The lens would look like a small dot and she wasn’t supposed to look for it when she placed her bag. If she didn’t get it in the right spot, Ranger would let her know and she could get something out of her bag later and readjust when she put it back.

  Nickie’d had sex in BDSM clubs with people watching, and she’d been with more than one person plenty of times. Bud had asked if the camera would knock her off her game and she’d assured him she’d be fine. Five minutes in, he seemed to understand that either the camera or Nathan’s pres
ence in the other room added to her arousal, and her insides heated when he pulled out and she heard him strip the belt from his jeans.

  “Have you been a good girl?”

  “I have, Sir.”

  “Do you think you deserve a good girl spanking? Or should I give you a bad girl punishment?”

  “I’ve been good, Sir. Honest!”

  Bud hadn’t considered the fact she might have exhibitionist tendencies, but it was clear the knowledge she was on camera was working for her. Or, perhaps it was Nathan’s presence.

  He didn’t mind fucking the club sluts in front of people, but never someone he cared for. He wanted to pound her ass for getting off on it, and yet knowing she liked it made his dick harder.

  He growled at Nathan when he stepped into the room, but nodded when Nathan leaned against the chest with the camera, blocking the view. Bud took a breath, found his center, pushed his wolf down a little, and took aim at Nickie’s ass.

  He struck her once and stopped. “Good girls get good-girl spankings. Is that what you want?”

  “Please, Sir!”

  He swung again and breathed in the battling scents of pain and lust.

  “Ask for another.”

  “Is that the best you can do?”

  He swung as hard as he dared hit a human, and Nickie stopped breathing a few seconds before the scent of lust and sweet, sweet pain hit the room so hard his cock throbbed.

  “Careful of the next words out of your mouth, Brat.”

  “Please, sir. Can I have more?”

  Nathan walked to her so he’d shield her face from the camera but her ass would show again. He rested his hand on her back and said, “So naughty. Put your hands at the small of your back so I can hold you in place for him. You neglected to tell him you didn’t work out yesterday.”

  There were no rules about working out, but she went with it. “I needed to get ahead on my writing! You said it was okay!”

  “No, I said it was your decision. I didn’t say there wouldn’t be consequences.”

  Bud wasn’t sure if the two had decided to say that or if it were spontaneous, but he followed their lead. They’d come up with a few scenarios for including Nathan without her actually having any kind of sex with him — oral, anal, or vaginal — but they’d only discussed possibilities and hadn’t gone into specifics. Nathan said it would come off as more natural if they made it up as they went.

  “Ten bad-girl strikes. You work out every day unless we agree you’re sick and it isn’t in your best interest to stress your body.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir! Please don’t! I’ll work out twice today!”

  “Yeah, you will, but you’ll still get the consequences for missing yesterday.”

  Bud’s pulse rocketed and his cock jerked at Nickie’s scream. He was certain Aaron’s people were probably having to keep the FBI from coming to her rescue, but Aaron and Nathan had told them the enemy would be more likely to believe this was real if they had actual sex, and a spanking would seal the deal for them. No one would do this just to prove they were undercover.

  The wolf didn’t give a fuck why they were doing it. The wolf wanted his dick in her ass, and soon. Bud gave Nickie time to recover after each of the first five strokes, but warned before he gave the sixth. “Hold her down, Matt. She’s gettin’ the last five all at once.”

  Nathan pressed her arms into her back with one hand and rested his other hand on the back of her neck. “It’ll be over soon, babe.”

  The last five strokes were hell, but Nathan held Nickie so she couldn’t move, and she’d always loved being restrained and hurt. His hands were warm and comforting, despite the fact they held her for punishment.

  Bud tossed the belt to the side after he delivered the final stroke, and he sank into Nickie’s ass with no warning and only the lube on the condom. She screamed and yelped, but Nathan still held her.

  “You’re fine.” He released the back of her neck and caressed her back above her restrained arms. “Relax and let him in. Let him claim you again.”

  “Need to come. Fuck, I need to come!”

  “Then come,” said Bud from behind her. “I’m not of a mind to turn this into a marathon session, so you don’t have forever.”

  Bud’s cock in her ass. Nathan holding her arms with one hand while he caressed her with the other, and the pressure of the mattress just right on her clit… Nickie came unglued the instant Bud gave permission. Her insides shuddered and her world went technicolor as she came apart. God, she loved being taken care of by two men — usually one was Dom and the other submissive, but it was clear both these men were all Dom, and the submissive in her was in full-on bliss.

  No sooner than her orgasm waned, Bud pulled out, removed the condom, and came all over her back, but Nickie refrained from bitching at him. Honestly, it felt as if he were marking her since Nathan was here, but no way was she going to make that accusation.

  Nathan let go of her with an extra caress to her arm as Bud rubbed his cum into her back.

  “I’ll go get the steaks started,” said Nathan, “while the two of you get some cuddle time.”

  Nickie was used to being undercover when investigating the bad guys for a story, but the evening was surreal. Somehow, they made it through dinner, through playing video games, and then through wine and the hot tub. Nickie did her part to get drunk too fast and fall asleep. She was surprised when Bud let Nathan carry her to bed and tuck her in, but figured they were trying to make it look like a true poly thing, and not like her and Bud together with Nathan on the outside.

  She’d put her purse in front of the camera on the chest, but the enemy could still hear their conversation. It helped though, knowing at least they couldn’t be seen in most of the bedroom anymore.

  “She crashed?” Bud asked Nathan when they met in the kitchen to put the wine and snacks away.

  “Yeah. One of us’ll need to get in bed with her if she stirs, but I think it’s safe for us to turn the X-Box back on for a bit.”

  Eventually, Nickie managed to ignore the sounds of them talking while they played video games enough she could meditate. She’d long ago learned to still her mind and be aware for hours at a time while staking out a location.

  However, when Bud came to bed while Nathan continued to play, Nickie’s meditation went out the window. His warm arms, his soothing touch. She intended to stay awake all night so she’d be ready to fight when attacked, but she fell asleep in Bud’s embrace.


  Bud awoke to sunlight streaming through the windows, and Nathan on the other side of the large, king-sized bed. Nathan had gone to sleep an hour before dawn, but Bud had waited for the sun before he’d finally allowed sleep to take him.

  He smelled Nickie in the living room and heard her heartbeat, but he still needed to see her. It was nearly eleven, so he’d managed five hours of sleep. More than enough.

  “Sorry I crashed on you last night,” Nickie said when Bud came into the great room.

  “Wine and a hot tub. It happens. Did you sleep well?”

  “I did. How late did ya’ll stay up?”

  “It’s possible we got carried away with the X-Box. Should we wake the sleepyhead and go find breakfast? What do you want to do today?”

  Today they’d have to keep convincing the enemy they were just a wolf, a lion, and a human in a poly group. No big deal, just three people getting away from people who knew them so they could be themselves as a threesome. They’d find a place to talk while out, but otherwise they’d have to keep up the charade.

  “I’ll make breakfast. The smell of bacon will get him out of bed,” Nickie answered. “I want to hike to some waterfalls today if ya’ll are up to it.”

  Smart thinking. Even if they were followed, no one would be able to hear them if they did their talking right at the falls.

  Nickie was stretched out on the sofa with her laptop in her lap, so Bud said, “I’ll get started on breakfast. You look like you’re in the middle of something.” />
  “No, it’s okay. I’m editing, not writing. It’s easier to break away from edits.”

  The floor creaked and Nathan appeared in the doorway, his hair a mess but his eyes alert. “Dressed. Other people cook. Shower. Now.”

  He turned and went back into the bedroom, and Nickie closed her laptop. “Guess we’re going out to breakfast. I showered and washed my hair in the other bathroom when I woke up, and only need to put my shoes on. I’ll make our bed and straighten up while the two of you get ready.”

  Ten minutes later they were walking out the door. Nathan did his manbun with his hair wet, and Bud with no hair and no beard meant he only needed to shower, brush his teeth, and get dressed.

  Bud smelled vampire and hyena as they neared the vehicle, but he went straight to the passenger side and opened the door for Nickie. Nathan walked around the vehicle once before sliding into the driver’s seat, but neither man mentioned anything. The scent was faint and most shapeshifters wouldn’t have picked up on it — they’d done something to mask the smell. Everyone at the supernaturals’ meeting had been sure the enemy wouldn’t send the hyenas or lions into the cabin to snoop, for fear the lion and wolf might smell them. If they broke in and saw their weapons and ammo, the whole weekend would like be a bust.

  “I take it you already know where we’re going, Matt?” Bud asked from the backseat, and hoped Nickie would take the hint they couldn’t speak freely.

  “Little mom-n-pop place. Not too far. We can decide which waterfalls to take in while we eat. Rainbow falls is a long trek but worth it. Dry Falls is some stairs with a handrail, also worth it but not a hike. Lots of stuff in between.”

  “There’s a go-kart track and an arcade,” said Nickie. “Oh, and a movie theater. We have reservations at a fancy place for dinner. I won’t drink anything this evening so I can be sure I won’t crash on ya’ll again.”


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