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The Reluctant Alpha

Page 12

by A. K. Michaels

  Cam breathed in deeply, scenting the other Wolves who’d been present. Snarling as each one imprinted inside him. “They didn’t even try and shield their scents this time,” he muttered as he stared at the carnage before him.

  A few moments passed then Cam turned, “Jinx, go and get some branches, we’ll try and put something together so we can take him back. Rory, go back to camp and get a cover of some sort and meet us at the edge of the Camp. Do not talk to anyone, I’ll tell them myself. Try to get in and out without anyone seeing you. Go.”

  Rory’s reddish brown Wolf turned, running across the ground and disappearing into the trees. Jinx and Jacob morphing to go in search of whatever they could find to fashion some kind of transportation for the remains as Mac and Logan’s Wolves took up guard posts, their beasts prowling in anger and despair.

  Cam shivered, his heart heavy as he thought on the Highland Wolf Clan Pack that was now without an Alpha. Fergie couldn’t take over and their Beta wasn’t really their Beta. Shit! The Pack was ripe for the taking by someone like Philippe Dupont! “I can’t let that fucker get his dirty hands on the Pack!” Cam thought again and again as he paced naked before his uncle.

  Jacob touched his shoulder, causing him to jump. “We’ve managed to put together a litter that will carry the remains. We can each take a turn in pulling it.”

  Cam shook his head. “No, I’ll take him back. I should’ve made sure he was safe.”

  Jacob patted Cam’s shoulder. “You couldn’t know he’d go off like he did. None of us could envisage that he’d do this and you did warn him not to go looking for this bastard.”

  “I’ll still take him back. It’s my duty.” Cam dreaded seeing the heartbreak he knew would be in Marie and Fergie’s eyes, his stomach roiling just thinking about it. “Jacob, get those meets arranged as soon as you can. I want this fuck and I’m gonna take everything I can before I take his head!”

  Jacob stared at Cam, their eyes locking. “I’ll set them up for later today. I’d already got Quincy’s for tomorrow but I’ll change it. We’re meeting at the Hungry Bear, in Deeming. I’ll let you know ‘bout Pascall as soon as I can.”

  Cam only nodded as Jacob placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Cam. I should’ve brought more sensors and set them all around.”

  “It’s not your fault, Jacob.” Cam felt Jinx at his back.

  “We’re all set,” his best friend said in a voice Cam had never heard before. Sadness invading every syllable as Cam noticed for the first time that the remains were now lying on the makeshift litter.

  “Okay, let’s get him home.” Cam transformed before going over to the remains, maneuvering his large Wolf so that his jaws could pick up and hold the front bar and walking on. His paws and heart as heavy as they’d ever been in his life.

  His Wolves fell in all around, guarding him and his uncle on the lonely trek home. Cam’s anger brewed the entire time, with every step his Wolf took his anger grew, and he knew there would come a day when he would face Dupont, Wolf to Wolf.

  First they had to return the Alpha to his Pack and give him the burial required for the leader of a Pack. Cam’s heart ached at the thought of his failure to keep the Pack’s Alpha safe. He felt as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders as he strained to carry the remains back to the Camp.

  Jinx’s Wolf stayed at his side, whining several times and Cam knew he wanted to take the load from him, even if for a short while. Cam refused, his beast refused, trudging on with sorrow eating away at his insides. Vowing time and again he’d make Dupont pay in the worst way he could.

  His mind must’ve wandered because Jinx suddenly gave him a little shove and Cam saw Rory standing before them, dressed and with a large blanket in his hands. Cam let his jaws open, dropping the litter and moving to the side to morph.

  Rory already covering the remains quickly and pointing to a pile of clothes. “I brought you all something to put on.”

  Cam nodded as he found his own set, noting it was the clothing he’d peeled off and left lying on the floor of the cabin earlier. “Did anyone see you?”

  Rory looked sheepish. “Yeah, Charlie did. I didn’t say anything but I think she knows something is wrong. She told me she could sense it from me but I shook my head and walked away.”

  “Good,” Cam looked around, scrubbing his face with a hand and taking several deep breaths. “Give me five minutes to go ahead and tell Marie and Fergie, then bring the Alpha to his cabin.”

  Jinx stepped forward. “I’ll come with you.”

  “No,” Cam said placing a hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “I need to do this, Jinx. Alone.”

  “Okay,” Jinx acquiesced, “if you’re sure.”

  “I am.” Cam turned, his feet dragging as he made his way to the Alpha’s cabin.

  He dreaded the moment he would shatter their peace, their love, their lives, having to force his feet to keep moving. Going over and over in his mind if he could’ve stopped this.

  As the cabin came into view he steeled himself for what was to come. Knowing that his actions and words would tear apart the life his cousin and aunt knew. “How do you get over this kind of loss?” he thought as he trudged up the stairs and opened the door.

  The warmth of the blazing fire hit him as he walked in, Fergie flying from the kitchen as Marie and Angel ran behind him. Cam found it almost impossible to look them in the eye but he straightened his back and spoke the words he knew they were desperate not to hear.

  “I’m sorry, we found him but he’s, he’s gone. I’m so sorry.”

  Marie screamed, one hand covering her mouth, the other grasped her chest. Her face chalk white as her knees buckled. Cam moved with lightning speed, catching her before her head hit the hard wooden floor. Angel there to help him place his aunt on one of the sofas.

  “I’ll go get the Healer.” Angel ran for the door, her feet slapping against the wood as she disappeared.

  Fergie stared at his mother lying prone and then up at Cam, his eyes filled with emotion so raw it was painful to see. “I’m sorry, Fergie. He was gone by the time we got there. I couldn’t do anything for him.”

  He watched as Fergie shook his head in denial, his voice barely a whisper, “No, he can’t be dead. He’s Alpha, he can’t be dead, Cameron! He just can’t!”

  Cam knelt down beside Fergie and enveloped him in his arms. “He’s gone but you have to be strong for your mother. She’s going to need you, Fergie, and we need to organize the burial ceremony. I’ll do whatever you need me to do but you need to keep it together until after the funeral. Okay?”

  He saw the moment his words hit Fergie’s consciousness, his cousin straightening his back and the look on his face changing from devastation to a mask of steel. Cam felt proud as Fergie nodded once, wheeling himself over to his mother’s side and stroking her face.

  “I’m not sure she’ll get over this, Cam. He was her world.”

  “You’ll get her through, we’ll all help and I’m sure the Pack will be behind her. She’ll feel their support. I’m sure of it.”

  “Where is he? I want to see him.” Fergie murmured, looking up into Cam’s face.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Cam dreaded the thought of his cousin seeing his father in the state they’d found him. Nothing would prepare his cousin for the sight of his shredded body.

  “I have to,” Fergie’s tone was cold as ice and Cam tried again to dissuade him.

  “Fergie, it wasn’t pretty. There were multiple Wolves involved. I can’t stress enough how much I think you shouldn’t do this. Please.”

  Fergie’s shoulders straightened, his eyes boring into Cam’s. “I need to see my father.”

  “Okay, come with me but steel yourself, Fergie.”

  Cam could already hear his men outside and with the loud murmuring that was growing louder and louder he surmised the Pack was massing outside. As he opened the door he saw he was right, his Wolves in a semi-circle around the litter carryi
ng his uncle, guarding it, whilst the Pack congregated a little ways behind. Fergie rumbled down the ramp to the left of the door and swung around, coming to a stop before the tangle of branches that made up the make-shift litter.

  Jinx stepped forward, looking to Cam for confirmation before gently lifting the blanket. Fergie’s eyes widened as he saw the full devastation done to his father and his roar of pain started a chain reaction within the Pack. More and more bellows joined Fergie’s as they realized their Alpha was dead. Taken from them by lethal force by an enemy with designs on all of them.

  Cam could feel the outpouring of misery and also uncertainty and fear churning through the Pack. He knew panic would set in soon if something wasn’t done to halt it. Striding to the top of the stairs in front of the cabin he held up his hands, “Can I have your attention!” he raised his voice, silence following immediately.

  He took a deep breath, knowing that Fergie should be doing this but also aware that his cousin couldn’t. No matter the rights or wrongs, a Wolf in a wheelchair just couldn’t lead a Pack.

  “Your Alpha is gone! Killed by those that would take over your Pack. Fearghas fought bravely but he was outnumbered and attacked whilst alone.” Cam stopped as outrage ran through the Pack. “I tell you now, I will not allow that. I will not allow them to come here and enslave you. I will not allow them to take over this Pack. I will not allow them to succeed and I will wreak vengeance on those responsible. I will make them pay for what they’ve done and I will keep each and every one of you safe.”

  Jinx gave him a small smile as the crowd fell silent once again. Cam pointed to his uncle’s remains. “Fearghas will be avenged, but we must prepare the funeral for the Alpha. The ceremony will be tomorrow and I’m sure each of you knows what’s necessary. Marie and Fergie are going to need you, each and every one of you, to get through this despicable loss. So, Highland Clan Pack, go in peace and carry out your duties for the funeral. We’ll meet here tomorrow at dusk to lay your Alpha to rest.”

  Cam waited, hoping his words held sway with the Pack, knowing he was only a guest and held no right to be ordering the Pack to do anything. However, the Pack started to break up, sobs and crying clearly heard as they went about their duties. He saw Marie standing to the side with an older woman and he hoped it was the Healer. Cam suspected Marie was going to be in need of some of the Healer’s magic to get her through the coming days.

  Angel walked over to Fergie, hugging him tightly as tears ran down her face. The sight so profound Cam had to turn away. A hand on his arm making him jump, looking down to see the Healer smiling sadly up at him.

  “Show me where Marie is,” The woman spoke in a hushed tone as Cam nodded, ushering her inside the Cabin.

  ~Chapter 11 ~

  The Elders took charge of the remains as the women started to arrive with meal after meal at the Alpha’s house. Soon the kitchen was filled with every dish imaginable as Angel sought to find places to store them for the Pack dinner they would hold before the funeral. Afterwards they hunted together as a Pack to help bond them together after a loss.

  Marie was like a ghost of herself, sitting in an armchair next to the fire in the lounge. No amount of talking or cajoling from anyone got her to leave her place. Fergie’s face filled with worry and anguish as he tried to fill in the gaping hole his father’s death had caused.

  Cam didn’t see Jacob for a couple of hours and then only a fleeting meeting as his PI said he was going to meet with Pascall and Quincy. Cam wanted to rip both of them apart, knowing they most likely had been there when Fearghas was attacked. However, he needed to get their percentage of the land so he’d wait and bide his time. If either of them got away then Cam would hunt them down, one way or another, he’d get them.

  Angel pulled Cam to the side, worry clear in her eyes. “Cam, I’m worried for the Pack. We need someone to lead them at the funeral tomorrow. Fergie won’t be able to do it and we know that’s just the way it is within a Pack, so, would you do it?”

  Cam shook his head and responded, “No, I can’t. I’m not their leader.”

  Angel’s eyes held his as she spoke, “You’re the nearest thing we’ve got. You have to do this.”

  She frowned up at him, her dark eyes pleading. Cam felt his heart stutter in his chest as he realized she was right. “Fine,” was all he managed to say before he turned and marched away.

  He needed fresh air and solitude to clear his mind so he walked over to the trees and sat down on the ground. His back rested on the large oak behind him as he worried for the Pack. A Pack wasn’t a Pack without its leader and he felt panic at the thought of leaving the Clan in such a vulnerable position. “What the hell am I going to do?” he thought, over and over.

  That’s where Jacob found him several hours later. “You okay?”

  Cam didn’t know, “Am I?” “No idea, lots running through my head right now. What’s your news?”

  Jacob smirked, sliding down the tree to sit beside Cam. “Got both of them. Paperwork is in the cabin and Quincy got nabbed by Matthieu as he left the restaurant. I met Pascall at the Nooksack River Casino of all places and he jumped at the chance of the money. He did let slip that he wouldn’t be going back to his Pack as he was scared what Philippe would do when he found out he’d sold his share of the land. But, he also said he’d be visiting his sister’s Pack near Colorado so we can get him there.”

  Jacob looked pointedly at Cam and asked, “I take it we are going to get him?”

  Cam snarled, “Hell yes, he’s not getting off with what he’s had a hand in, but he’ll be for another day. Get someone to keep an eye on him in case he moves on again. I want to know where he is at all times.”

  “Thought you’d say that,” Jacob said. “Already done. I have someone that’ll pick him up at his sister’s Pack and keep tabs on him.”

  Cam sighed, “One less thing to think about for the time being. Now, Jacob, tell me what the hell I say at an Alpha’s funeral ceremony? I have no fucking clue.”

  Cam’s head was all over the place, too many things invading his brain to focus on just one. It wasn’t something he was used to and he felt very uncomfortable and ill at ease. He was always in control, always in charge, so to feel the way he was, which was downright confused, well that was alien to him.

  Jacob was quiet for a few moments and then he sighed too, “I have no idea, Cam. I guess you have to say what a good Alpha he was but also let the Pack know they are safe and secure.”

  “That’s the point.” Cam turned to look at his friend. “How can I tell them that? They have no Alpha and they have nobody who is suitable to be Alpha. I can’t lie to them but how do I tell them the truth.”

  “It’s a problem, for sure, but it’s something you need to figure out, Cam. You’re the only leader here at the moment and they’re all looking to you for confirmation everything’ll be fine.”

  Jacob patted Cam’s shoulder. “You’ll do okay. Fuck, you’ve held meetings with the most powerful people on earth and come out ahead so I’m sure you can manage a funeral ceremony.”

  “That’s different, that’s business. Business I can deal with, this I’m not so sure.”

  The sound of a car approaching had both of them getting up, alert in case of trouble. When Cam saw the sleek black BMW with its private plate, WTCHY, he knew who it was. Smiling he walked forward. “It’s okay, Jacob, it’s Rebecca.”

  Jacob grinned, “I’ve only met her once and I sure did hope to meet her again.”

  Cam smirked, “I did notice the attraction between you two but she’s more than a little aloof so it’ll take all your charm to woo her, my friend.”

  The large PI grinned wider, “Well, I’m sure I’m up to the challenge.”

  As the car parked in front of the Alpha’s cabin they watched as Rebecca opened the door, swinging her long legs out and getting up gracefully. Dressed in a green satin dress she looked as if she were going out on a dinner date rather than coming to a Wolf Pack Camp.

bsp; “Rebecca, I’m glad you got here so quickly.”

  Cam held his hand out and took hers, pulling her in for a slight hug before letting her go. “This is Jacob, you’ve met before.”

  Rebecca’s eyes moved over to Jacob, scrutinizing him from top to bottom before nodding her head and putting her hand out, a coy smile on her face. “Yes, I remember you.”

  Jacob took her hand, raising it to place a kiss on the back. “Hello again, Rebecca. I’m happy you could come and join us.”

  Cam almost sniggered as he heard Jinx’s voice muttering, “I bet you are.”

  His best friend stood at the door, his face flitting between sorrow and anger but when he’d seen the Witch he’d smiled, shouting down, “Hi, Rebecca.”

  “Hello, Jinx, hope you’re well?” she asked, raising an eyebrow as Jacob still kept hold of her hand.

  “Yeah, sort of, what with the Alpha being murdered ‘n all, I’m not in the best of moods.”

  Rebecca pulled her hand from Jacob’s grip, swirling around to face Cam. “The Alpha is dead?”

  Cam frowned. “Yes, we found him this morning. The funeral will be tomorrow but we need to keep the Pack together and safe until we get this Dupont guy sorted. I’ve already got plans in place to get a majority holding of his land and if I can, I’ll buy up every business he’s associated with. I’m going to destroy him financially and then I suspect he and I will have a personal meeting. Wolf to Wolf.”

  She moved towards him and gave him a hug. “I’m so sorry, Cameron. Really I am. I’ll get to work placing wards and alert spells and I’ll stay for as long as you need me.”

  “Thank you.” Cam turned back to Jacob and asked, “Can you help Rebecca? Get her bags taken to our cabin, there’s plenty of room for her there.”

  Jacob’s smile was bright as the sun as he looked back at Rebecca. “Yeah, I surely can help our little Witch.”

  “Good.” Cam was just about to ask Jinx how Marie and Fergie were when his phone buzzed with a message. Pulling it out he saw it was from Chastity so he opened it and started to read. She was still supposed to be locked up but something had happened in their Camp and she had no guards so she was going to try and sneak out and meet him where they’d met previously.


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