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The Reluctant Alpha

Page 15

by A. K. Michaels

  Cam’s shoulders slumped, defeat in his body and Jinx pounced. “Good, I see you finally agree. I’ll let Fergie know and we’ll get your stuff moved into the Alpha’s cabin.”

  Cam’s head shot up. “Not alone. Chastity comes too and so do you. I’m not staying there on my own.”

  Jinx was already at the door. “Okay, I’ll make sure she’s moved too. I presume you want her near your room?”

  “Next to it and I don’t want the master bedroom either. I’m not sleeping in my uncle’s bed. Tell Marie she’s welcome to stay. I don’t want to put her out of her home. In fact, insist she stays to take care of the new Alpha or some such nonsense.”

  Jinx smiled, “Good idea, I’ll do that. There’s also something else you need to decide on.”

  Cam couldn’t help but snarl, “What? You want to know if I want new drapes? New Sofa?”

  “Hey, cut it out, Sin!” Jinx spat back, “Dupont’s Pack needs some leadership until it’s been decided what to do with it. So, firstly we need to send at least a couple of our guys to go keep an eye on them and we didn’t find the Witch who was helping him so we need them to find whoever it was.”

  “Fuck, I forgot about that.” Cam ran a hand through his hair, frustrated that he’d not thought of this. “Okay, I think Mac and Logan should go. What’s your thoughts?”

  “Good choice.” Jinx grinned, “I don’t think you’d get Rory to go anywhere at the minute. He’s totally smitten with Charlotte and Mac and Logan both have cool heads. I’ll tell them to leave tomorrow morning.”

  “Okay, now, are you finished?” Cam snapped.

  Jinx opened the door shouting over his shoulder, “Yup, for the time being. Remember we’ll be coming to move Chastity soon, so don’t get angry when we show up. Oh yeah, I assume I now hold the position of Beta?”

  Picking up a boot, Cam threw it after Jinx’s disappearing head. His friends voice shouting, “I’ll take that as a yes!”

  Cam padded back to Chastity’s room, finding her in a soft white nightdress, all traces of blood gone from her and the bed. Now she lay on crisp white sheets, her damp hair lying around her like a blonde halo. He ran a strand of her locks through his fingers as he sat down next to the bed.

  Moving the chair slightly so he could stretch his legs out and place his feet on the side of the bed, crossing his arms and letting his head fall back. Cam’s eyes slid closed and sleep overtook him.

  He was rudely awakened when his feet were pushed from the bed, his eyes flying open as a snarl tore from his throat.

  “It’s only us.” Jinx held his hands out. “We’ve moved your things and we’re here to get Chastity.”

  “I’ll do it.” Cam stood up, gathering the prone body up into his arms, covers included and following his friend on the trek to the Alpha’s cabin.

  He knew, without a doubt, that his life was going to change dramatically and he wasn’t sure about any of it. It was the last thing on the Goddess’ good green earth he’d ever wanted. To be Alpha of a Wolf Pack.

  Cam pushed the thought from his head as he carried Chastity the short distance to the Alpha cabin. Fergie sat in his wheelchair on the porch, his cousin nodding to him as he arrived. “Evening, Alpha,” Fergie said quietly, emotion thick in his voice.

  “Evening, Fergie,” Cam replied just as quietly before heading inside to find where he was going to be staying for the foreseeable future.

  Passing by the lounge he caught sight of Marie, her eyes red and her face pale, sympathy welling in his heart for his aunt’s pain. He hoped she could get through the loss of her mate. Some Wolves didn’t, almost as if they wasted away from the loss of their love. Possibly, with Fergie’s help, she’d get through it and out the other side of her grief.

  Angel was waiting for him, at the bottom of the staircase. “I’ll show you where to put her and we’ve put you in the room next door. It’s on the opposite side of the cabin from the master bedroom.”

  “Good,” Cam said and inclined his head towards Marie. “How’s she doing?”

  “Not so good, but we’re hoping after the funeral tomorrow that she’ll pick up.”

  “Understandable,” Cam spoke quietly, not wanting his aunt to hear him. “It’s the worst possible loss, the loss of a mate. Or so I’ve heard.”

  Angel led him along the hallway, stopping at a room and ushering him inside. “I know, but I’ve never come across it before so I’m not sure what to do for her. I guess just be here in case she needs us.”

  “Yes, I presume so.”

  “This is all set up for Chastity. The Healer will be in daily to check on her. She did say if Chastity didn’t waken soon she’d need an IV line to keep her hydrated and fed but that’s not something that needs to be done today.”

  Cam felt his heart tighten in his chest at the thought of the She-Wolf in his arms not waking soon. It wasn’t something he was prepared to think deeper about at this moment. Far better to believe she was going to sleep tonight and wake up as normal in the morning.

  Angel moved the bedding and he placed Chastity on the bed, covering her back up. Cam moved the armchair from the corner to beside the bed and sat down.

  “Your room is right next door and if you need anything at all just let me know.” Angel backed out of the room, closing the door behind her.

  Cam settled down, making himself as comfortable as he could, because he had no plans on leaving the room or Chastity. He was staying right there until Chastity regained consciousness.


  Shelly stared at the two powerful Wolves addressing the Pack. The Wild Ranch Pack, a name she hated with a vengeance. One that that abomination, Philippe Dupont, had insisted the Pack be called. Her heart had soared when she’d heard the unmistakable sounds of a full on fight the day before. Peeking from behind her curtains to see large Wolves attacking Dupont’s guards.

  She’d watched every second she could, a glimmer of hope starting to glow deep inside her. As she saw the midnight black Wolf decimate everything in its path and run inside she clapped her hands together in glee. Hoping and praying it would be strong enough to annihilate their despicable Alpha.

  An Alpha that beat and tortured his own sister. After all, she and the entire Pack had been listening to him doing it for what seemed like hours. The blood-curdling screams torn from Chastity still ringing in her ears. Could these alien Wolves be their saviors? She’d hoped so with all her heart as she continued to watch the battle.

  When it was over she and everyone else slowly emerged, desperate to ensure Dupont and his thugs were dead. As it became obvious they were she, along with every other Pack member, started to hope that their futures weren’t as grim as they’d been only hours before.

  They worked together and gathered all the bodies, including their now-dead Alpha, and piled them up. The Pack then collected dried branches, logs and anything else that would burn, placing them around and over the bodies. Almost all of them then lit matches and set the pyre alight.

  Burning the evil Wolves and denying them the peace and dignity of a Pack funeral.

  Now two of the Wolves had returned, telling them they were there to look after the Pack until something more permanent could be arranged. Telling them they had nothing to fear from them and to come and talk to them about any concerns they may have.

  Shelly’s eyes were drawn, time and again, to one of them, her inner beast yipping loudly in her head. “Be quiet!” she told it time and again as she began to think her life may be going to get better.

  Anything was better than what she’d endured these past years. Dupont allowing his men to do whatever the hell they wanted, to whoever the hell they wanted. She’d withstood unspeakable acts carried out on her by his men, especially Silas, Quincy and Pascall. Those three were devils incarnate and she hoped wherever they were that they were being punished for all their evil deeds.

  She jumped as the other one raised his voice; loud noises scaring the shit out of her nowadays. Her friend, Tina, placed a hand o
n her arm, “It’s okay, Shell, they’re the good guys. Or I think so anyway.”

  Shelly nodded and answered, “I hope so, Tink.”

  “Me too,” Tina whispered, touching the fading bruises on her face that Dupont’s men had put there just the night before.

  ~Chapter 14 ~

  Rebecca sat reading on one of the sofas in front of the fire, her legs pulled up underneath her as she tried to escape inside the words of the book. She was finding it a little difficult and thought it was, perhaps, the reading material. Definitely not her usual read but one of her friends had pushed it into her hands and told her she just had to read it.

  She usually preferred Sci-Fi or sometimes a good romance but this was rather different to either of those. The scene she was reading was hot, no mistaking that, but she couldn’t make up her mind whether she liked it or hated it.

  A low rumble of laughter making her jump, her head turning to see Jacob standing behind her. His eyes on the book in front, obviously reading over her shoulder. She couldn’t stop the blush that appeared on her face, snapping the book shut quickly. “You always sneak up on people like that?”

  Jacob smirked, “Nope, no sneaking was involved but you were immersed in your story.”

  Rebecca snapped, embarrassed at being caught reading the book. “I wasn’t, I was just flicking through it to see what all the hype’s about.”

  Jacob walked around and stopped in front of the blazing fire. “I see. So what’s your opinion?”

  She placed the book back into her bag, hiding it from view. “Not decided yet. Can’t make up my mind about it at all.”

  “So you’re not in love with Mr. Grey?” Jacob cocked his head to the side, his eyes seeming to penetrate her soul.

  “No, definitely not,” Rebecca spoke quickly, the large Wolf’s eyes twinkling as he responded to her.

  “You’re in the minority then.” Jacob kept staring, a slight smile on his face. “From what I hear, women have been mad for this book for quite a few years. You’re late to the party, Rebecca.”

  She felt herself squirming under his gaze. “A friend gave me it. It’s not my normal kinda book.”

  Jacob grinned, his eyes burning into hers and she couldn’t break the connection. “So you don’t yearn for what’s done in that?” he nodded toward her bag where she’d hidden the book.

  “Never tried it. Why? Do you?” Rebecca’s hand flew to her mouth. Shit! Why did I just say that!

  Soft laughter rumbled from Jacob as he fingered the black tie he wore beneath his smart suit. “I’m open to most things, Rebecca. However, I am no Mr. Grey. I’m better. Perhaps you’ll find that out.”

  Rebecca gasped at his brazenness, his absolute confidence in his bedroom abilities. “Perhaps, perhaps not.”

  “I would prefer the first.” Jacob walked forward, stretching out his hand to her. “Are you ready?”

  Rebecca took his hand as he pulled her up to stand very close to his hard body. “What?” she exclaimed, as he gazed down into her upturned face.

  “Don’t panic, Rebecca.” One of his fingers ran down the side of her face causing her to shiver, “I’m talking about the funeral. It’s due to start. I came to get you and escort you to the ceremony.”

  She knew she was flustered, this Wolf apparently affecting her in ways she had no control over and her heart sped up dramatically as she fought to get words out. Finally her brain and mouth worked together, though her words were breathless as she murmured, “Oh, yes, sorry. I’m ready and you’re looking smart in your suit. I didn’t know Wolves did the whole suit thing for funerals.”

  Jacob raised an eyebrow as he moved them towards the door, his hand at the base of her back causing her skin to tingle, even though they weren’t touching her. “We may be Wolves but we’re not Neanderthals, Becca.”

  Her own eyebrow raised. “My name is Rebecca.”

  “I think I prefer my own name for you. Just between the two of us.” Jacob led her down the stairs and around the back of the cabin. “It’s more relaxed and friendly. Don’t you think, Becca?”

  She couldn’t answer, not a word passed her lips as his other arm snaked across his body to take her hand in his. Such a large, powerful hand holding her tiny, green painted nails, hand. His thumb was moving in soft little circles over her skin and she thought, for just a moment, he was using some kind of magic on her because she absolutely never reacted to men like this. What the hell was going on?

  “Are you okay?” he whispered into her ear, leaning down so his breath caressed the skin on her neck.

  She only just managed to get out one word, “Fine.”

  “Yes, you are. Mighty fine,” Jacob chuckled as they arrived at a clearing in the forest where the entire Pack were assembled.

  Rebecca saw Cam at the front, standing before a freshly dug grave with the wrapped body of Fearghas to the side. She stared at the new Alpha, seeing the tension in every muscle of his taut body and the lines at the sides of his eyes. She was certain she’d never seen him like this.

  He was always so calm and in control, nothing fazing him, the epitome of cool, calm, and collected. Not so today. His power was still on show. Clear for everyone present to feel as he coughed, clearing his throat before raising his arms to quieten the Pack.

  Jacob’s hands stayed glued to her, making it difficult to concentrate at first. However, as soon as Cam’s powerful voice rang out in the clearing, appearing to be reverberated back at them from the trees around them. It wasn’t long until she felt tears in her eyes as she listened to his impassioned declaration.

  “You’ve lost your Alpha. An Alpha that was good, strong, just and true.” Cam took a deep breath, raising his voice, “An Alpha that would do anything, anything at all, to protect each and every one of you. An Alpha that worked tirelessly to ensure the Pack was successful in its endeavors. An Alpha that lay down his very life for each and every one of you!”

  Rebecca could feel the sorrow and grief in the air surrounding them, Marie’s sobs rending the silence. She reached for Jacob’s hand, holding it tight as she fought the tears that threatened to break free. “I don’t cry!” she thought as she imagined her mascara streaking down her face. Definitely not a good look.

  Jacob apparently had abilities she wasn’t aware of…mind reading… as he whispered. “It’s a funeral, Becca, it’s perfectly acceptable to cry.”

  She shook her head and said, “I don’t do tears.”

  “A woman who doesn’t cry?” Jacob asked, his tone a little surprised. “You intrigue me more and more, Witch.”

  Cam’s voice broke her attention from Jacob, her heart again speeding up at the Wolf’s lustful look.

  “We unite in our grief with Marie. Her anguish and sorrow is our anguish and sorrow. We unite in our pledge to help her through this torturous time. We, as the Highland Clan Pack, will help and support Marie and Fergie as they grieve for a much loved mate and father. There will be united love for them and we will get them through this.”

  The roar of affirmation from the Pack brought even more tears to her eyes. Jacob pressing a clean, crisp white hankie into her hand. She took it gratefully, dabbing gently at her eyes.

  Cam’s voice continued, “The Pack gives me great honor by accepting me as Alpha. I promise I will do my best for all of you. With your help we will make the Highland Clan Pack the strongest Pack known within the Wolf community. We will grow strong together, we will prosper together, and we will become the best damn Pack that we’ll be turning other Wolves away as they clamber to join us. Together we will survive!”

  Even Jacob roared this time, Rebecca looking up to see the strong Wolf beside her. His large frame filled with muscular strength and beauty as he joined in with the Pack. Her eyes widened as she looked at him, not usually going for the large musclebound type. Jacob was different though, but, she had no idea why. All she did know was he affected her in ways no other man ever had. Her mind wandering to ponder how his lips would feel against hers, her tongue lick
ing her lips at the thought.

  His eyes snapped to hers, the look almost feral as he looked at her lips before rising to lock onto her eyes. “You and I will be spending some time together later, Rebecca. After the hunt, I’ll be looking for you.”

  His words weren’t a suggestion, weren’t a question. They were a statement of fact and her thighs clenched together of their own volition. What the hell! Why did he affect her so?

  Cam started to strip off his bespoke suit, “As we lay to rest your Alpha, we will honor him in the only way we can. As Wolves!”

  Rebecca watched as three men lowered the body into the grave and started to fill it in as the Pack started to take their clothes off. Her eyes slid to the side, watching as Jacob took his jacket off and held it out to her.

  “I don’t want to get this dirty.” He grinned and asked, “Would you take my clothes back to the cabin?”

  Taking the jacket from him she nodded, her eyes widening as the tie and shirt were soon in her arms. Damn, but he was one fine specimen of maleness! As his pants lowered, together with his underwear, she fought to keep her eyes north of that area.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Jacob asked, “You’re looking a little flushed, Becca. Are you running a temperature?”

  Rebecca tried hard to keep her composure but thought she’d failed miserably as Jacob chuckled. His voice whispering, “I’ll see you soon, Becca.”

  With that she heard the unmistakable sound of thousands of bones breaking, reshaping and realigning as the Pack morphed. Even Marie taking part in the hunt to honor Fearghas. Jacob’s beast was far larger than most, its silver grey fur rippling as it shook itself from head to tail. The knowledgeable eyes turning to look up at her before nudging her gently with its head. Reaching down she gently ran her fingers through the silky fur, feeling the beast quiver at her touch.

  As Jacob’s Wolf moved from beneath her fingers she saw she was surrounded by massive beasts of all shapes, sizes and colors, only a few of the elders not changing or going on the hunt. Fergie was urging Angel to go but she steadfastly shook her head. Rebecca looked closely at Cam’s cousin, wondering if she could help him. She would ask Cam or Jinx about it tomorrow.


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