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Love Under Two Prospectors [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 22

by Cara Covington

  * * * *

  There would be times in the future for seduction. There would be times when their coming together would be soft and reverent, as it had been, with them, from the beginning. And then there would be times like this.

  Brittany didn’t need seduction. She’d never been wetter, never wanted her lovers—her husbands—more than she did in that very moment. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she didn’t take long to undress. She left her prosthesis on the floor, out of the way. Sean and Noah had just cast aside their briefs and stood naked and hard before her.

  She raised her arms and surrendered herself to them.

  Sean lifted her and held her close. Brittany wrapped herself around him, clinging just as tightly as she could. His kiss held every bit of the passion she’d known he possessed. One of his hands was buried in her hair, his fingers splayed as he held her fast. His other arm wrapped around her bottom and pressed her against his hard cock.

  “I burn for you, baby girl. I want you so damn badly.” His blue eyes had never looked so fired. She felt the trembling and knew he’d spoken nothing but the truth. Sean turned and handed her over to Noah then reached for the bedside table drawer.

  He pulled out lube and a condom and seared her with his determined gaze. “Your ass is mine, woman.” He headed to the bathroom and returned with a hand towel that he set on the bed with the lube.

  Sean’s words, and his determined look, simply did it for her. Brittany moaned and clenched her inner muscles, so horny she didn’t know how she’d be able to wait any longer.

  Noah set her on the bed and nodded for her to head for the middle. He followed, and she laughed when he grabbed her up and brought her down on top of him.

  “I want to feel your hot, wet pussy sheathing my cock. I want to feel your heat and your juices, and I want to come deep, deep inside of you.”

  Noah’s words made her shiver, stoking her fires, making her even hotter. “I want to feel that, too. I want you to fuck me hard and fast and deep.” She slid a sly glance at Sean who’d just rolled a condom onto his cock. “I need that from both of you.”

  Noah lifted her, and she reached down, fisted his cock, and brought it right to where she needed it. Sliding onto him, taking his cock to the root, she closed her eyes and treasured the moment. She felt stretched and knew that wondrous sensation would only increase.

  “You feel so very good inside me, Noah.”

  “I love your pussy, sweetheart. Hot and wet, always so damn wet for me.”

  The bed dipped, and Sean knelt beside her. He fisted her hair, turned her face, and kissed her. His tongue dominated hers, a sliding, gliding dance of lust that brought her nipples to hard points. He lifted his head and nuzzled her neck. “Lie down on Noah and put that sexy ass of yours in the air so I can take it.”

  Brittany obeyed. A moan escaped her as the change in position sent Noah’s cock even deeper inside her. She met Noah’s gaze, and he looked so…happy.

  “I told you he’d come around, sweetheart.” Noah grinned and looked over her shoulder at his brother.

  “So you did.” She grinned at Noah then licked his lips.

  “I’m sorry it took me so long.” Sean must have opened the lube because she heard the sound of him coating his cock. Then he spread the cool ointment over her anus and pressed his fingers in, a solid, penetrating push. “I’ve dreamed of this.” He tented her and nipped her shoulder as he continued to stretch her rosette with strong, nearly forceful action. “I’ve dreamed of having my cock in your ass while Noah fucks your pussy. This will make you ours, baby. There’s no going back.”

  “I don’t want to go back.” She’d been theirs from the first moment they’d met. She knew that now. Stretching up just a little, she laid her lips on Noah’s.

  He took over the kiss. Spreading her lips with his, sliding his tongue into her mouth, Noah let her know how deeply he enjoyed her flavor, how much he enjoyed her. His hands anchored her waist, and he thrust up into her, a slow and languid drive that seemed counterpoint to the deep and purposeful way Sean’s fingers fucked her ass.

  Brittany shivered and worked her inner muscles so she grasped Noah’s cock. He weaned his lips from hers.

  “Sweetheart, you have got such a hot, delicious pussy. I love the way your cunt jacks my cock like that.”

  Brittany grinned and pushed down against Noah’s cock and then back, just slightly, against Sean’s fingers. That felt better than fine, creating a hot tendril of extra electricity that shot through her. She whimpered with disappointment when Sean pulled his fingers from her.

  He moved slightly then returned and set his cock so it rested on her back opening. His hands gripped her hips, his thumbs pulled her ass cheeks apart, and then he leaned forward and pressed his cock against her anus.

  The burn of her sphincter opening sent shivers and quivers all through her body. The burning morphed into pain, but a pain like no other she’d ever experienced. Brittany felt that pain grow as her tight muscle surrendered. She felt the moment Sean’s cockhead pushed inside her. Pain evolved to a liquid lava caress, and her arousal shot straight up to the stratosphere. She responded, trying to hurry things along by pushing back to take more of him.

  “Stop. Mine.” The command tickled her nipples and her clit at the same time, and her body obeyed before her mind could even reason what he’d demanded. The image of that paddle flashed through her mind. I am in such deep and delicious trouble.

  “Please!” She just barely suppressed the urge to say Sir. But, oh, could she see a moment in the future when that word, and more, would bubble eagerly from her lips. Yes, deep and delicious trouble.

  Sean gave her more of his cock, and she sucked in a breath. Beneath her, Noah stopped his thrusts. A moan of masculine pleasure vibrated beneath her, letting her know he liked how tight her pussy had become.

  “I love your ass.” Sean’s words sounded pained. His fingers flexed on her hips, and he pressed in a bit harder. Then he was there. His cock slid into her until she felt his balls flush against her, and the sensations were so huge she fought for breath.

  “Yes!” She whimpered as everything inside her lit up, a glorious electrical kind of tingling that pebbled her flesh and made her clit tingle. “Fuck me. Please, fuck me hard!”

  “Fuck, yeah!” Noah thrust up into her as Sean eased out.

  They took her, together, and in tandem, and Brittany couldn’t hold still. She gave, she took, the pain of their double penetration the most magnificent pain she’d ever felt. It fed her arousal, driving her higher, and she wondered if there was another state of arrival beyond orgasm. It grew, it thrilled, it lifted her to the heavens. This became everything and all and took her over, cutting off thought and reason until only sensation, only feeding this sexual starvation remained.

  The heat, the sweat, the scent of her lovers as they fucked her created a craving within her, a dark and dangerous craving demanding satiation. She absorbed her men into herself, and they became a part of her, so that they truly were one. And the rapturous symphony of flesh slapping flesh, the grunts and groans and cries of nearly there built to the most awesome crescendo.

  “I’m coming!” Brittany’s desperation exploded as both men swore, as they shouted in ecstasy, as they lost control and pounded inside her before they held fast, their cocks tight within her, each throbbing pulse filling her with their love, their devotion, and their seed.

  Brittany savored being pressed between her men, their heat, the earthy scent of them, as she, with them, struggled to breathe.

  Sean eased his weight from her then kissed her shoulder. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Nuh.” It was the best she could do. A shiver wracked her, and she grinned a grin that felt goofy as hell.

  Sean’s deep rumble of laughter against her back let her know he had his answer. Then he kissed her shoulder. “Stay put.” He eased his cock from her ass, and she felt that loss keenly.

  “Like I’m going anywhere soon.”

chuckled and ran his hand over her back, soothing her as he kissed her forehead. Moments later, Sean returned with a warm, damp cloth and gently cleaned the lube from her. He pressed the heated cloth to her anus for a moment then put a loud smacking kiss on her right ass cheek.

  He left them again, and she heard the shower come on. He was back a few minutes later. He crawled onto the mattress then lifted Brittany off Noah.

  She settled in the middle of the bed on her back and sighed as Sean snuggled close on her left side. When Noah turned, when he lay flush against her right side, she sighed again.

  This is what heaven is like. This is bliss.

  “Better?” Sean asked.

  She heard the smile in his voice. “Yeah.” She knew they heard the purr of contentment in hers. “Thank you for bringing me here. Thank you for Lusty.” She could never have imagined a place like this one.

  “You’re welcome.” Sean kissed her lightly. “Bringing you here was instinctive, for both of us.”

  “We knew that if we needed to heal—and, apparently we did—this would be the place we’d need to do it.”

  Brittany knew she still had healing of her own left to do. But she could see it happening now, could see herself becoming stronger. She no longer thought those words, “getting back to normal.” Instead, she understood she would become a new, wiser, and stronger version of herself. She would become the best Brittany she could be.

  “We want to marry you as soon as possible,” Noah said.

  “I want that, too.” She reached up and stroked their faces. “I love you so much. Do you know what? When we were making love just now, I forgot all about being an amputee. I was simply your woman, and you were my men, and together, we were one, and I felt infinitely precious and wondrously invincible.”

  “You are infinitely precious,” Sean said. He propped himself up on his side then lowered his head. His kiss was reverent, sweet and gentle, with the flavor of passion she’d come to recognize as Sean.

  “You’re all of that,” Noah said. He, too, propped himself up so he could look down on her. “And together, we are invincible.” His kiss, full of fun and joy and pure love, tasted of the second half of the secret elixir she knew she would need to drink from for the rest of her life.

  “A few short months ago, I was convinced my life was over. Now I know, in my heart, that it’s really only just beginning.”

  The smiles her men gave her conveyed not only their love but their pride—their pride in her.

  “We are only just beginning,” Sean said, his look tender. “A lifetime of loving and laughing and living.”

  “I can hardly wait to see what happens next.” Noah’s smile, when he met her gaze, made her heart tremble.

  Brittany knew she’d be spending the rest of her life making love under two prospectors—but she wouldn’t be hunting for treasure, because the treasure was already hers.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Angela supposed that if there’d been no tornado, if their plans had all worked out as they’d envisioned, then at this moment she might be nervous, possibly second-guessing her decision as she heard brides sometimes did. But as she stood waiting for the moment when she would join her beloved Ricoh to give him her vows and receive his, she felt only joy and a soul-deep determination.

  She had a few moments before it was time to make her entrance and so let her thoughts wander as she waited in the private dressing room inside the Community Center. Her gaze took in her reflection in the full-length mirror. Her eyes widened because there, right there in that glass, was an older version of the young, head-over-heels in love woman she’d been in that other lifetime. That lifetime when she had joyfully given Ricoh her virginity and she’d believed them to be on their way to their very own happy-ever-after. Angela had missed that woman. How profound to have found her again, at last.

  For this most important of days, her blonde hair had been styled in a fussy chignon, with baby’s breath and tiny red rosebuds woven in, and she had Abigail Benedict to thank for that. Her wedding dress was reminiscent of a time when haciendas would throw lavish fiestas to celebrate the rite of holy matrimony. The ivory and gold of the garment blended beautifully with the bodice, a crisscross design that hugged her breasts, drawn up in an almost casual way to cover each shoulder. The skirt below the gold satin belt flowed out, traditional ivory-colored Mexican lace over an underskirt of ivory taffeta. The skirt had just the right amount of billowiness when she walked. Angela had fallen in love with this dress on sight and had purchased it instead of the cornflower blue skirt suit she’d originally visualized for her wedding.

  The sleeveless dress wasn’t, however, backless. The bounty of exposed flesh on her front wasn’t matched on her back. Only Ricoh, and her doctor, had seen that part of her.

  The first time she’d seen Robert Jessop, that good man had tamped down the rage that had flared in his eyes—a rage he’d replaced, moments later, with compassion and respect.

  Ricoh had kissed every single inch of the scars rippling her flesh, scars that were souvenirs of her father and her late first husband. Ricoh’s reverence showed her that, in his eyes, she was beautiful everywhere.

  Laying on the table beside her, ready for her to pick up, was a bouquet of Texas wildflowers—Indian blankets, Mexican hats, and white prickly poppies—a bouquet chosen by them both and one that symbolized their lives, and their love, perfectly. There was nothing fancy or pretentious about either of them. Ricoh was a handsome man of quiet dignity and a steely determination. She was a plain and stalwart woman, and she had endured. They had endured, just like these perennial wildflowers. It was the most beautiful bouquet she’d ever beheld.

  On paper, this would be Angela’s second marriage. In her heart, this was her one, this was her only. Just as that handsome vaquero who stood in the next room, waiting for her, his best friend, Julián Alvarez, at his side, was her one.

  Her only.

  The door opened, and Laci Benedict, her matron of honor, came in, her pretty multi-jeweled-toned sheath making her look luminous. Laci’s smile beamed wide and sweet. This woman, younger than her own fifty years, had become a close friend—the second woman, in recent years, that Angela had let into her heart.

  Kate Benedict had been the first, of course. She’d spent the night last night at the Big House and stayed up late with Kate, sipping wine and simply sharing the kind of girlfriend time she’d been denied for the first few decades of her life.

  It had been Kate who’d lured her here to Lusty and a business opportunity too good to pass up. Somehow, Kate had known about Ricoh, about their star-crossed history, and had believed they really were meant for each other. That was only one of the many reasons Kate was sitting in the front row, in the traditional place of the bride’s mother. Angela’s mother had died when she’d been a young girl. Kate Benedict was her friend and, in a real sense, the mother she’d never had.

  For a woman for whom much of her adult years had been nothing less than tortured servitude, Angela Monroe, about to become Angela Stone, rejoiced that things, in the end, had turned out brilliantly.

  Angela figured she had an edge on most soon-to-be brides, too. She wasn’t looking for rainbows or unicorns. She wasn’t perfect, and neither was Ricoh. She wouldn’t wish them to be any other way than the way they were.

  Because they were perfect—for each other.

  “Are you ready, Angela?”

  She met Laci’s gaze in the mirror. “Oh, yes. I am so ready. Let’s do this.”

  Music began to play as Laci stepped out of the room and stepped around the corner to walk toward the arbor that had been decorated, just for this day. Angela took a deep breath and counted to three and then began to make her way, unaccompanied, her choice, her will, moving forward, toward her future, toward the man who held her heart. Toward the man who had always held her heart.

  His gaze was on her, and in that moment, everyone else in the world disappeared. This moment wouldn’t change anything between them beca
use they already were forever-one, mated to their very souls. This moment simply let the world know that what had always been was now to be celebrated before the world and would forevermore be steadfast and unshakeable.

  They’d already proven their mettle. Human villainy couldn’t end them. Mother Nature’s fury couldn’t end them. They were, and had always been, eternal. She smiled at him, a smile so wide it almost hurt. He smiled right back at her and offered his hand.

  Angela placed her hand in his. He brought it to his lips and kissed it.

  “Hola, mi Ángel.”

  “Hola, mi esposo.”

  They turned to face the Magistrate of Lusty, Samantha Kendall, the official they’d chosen to perform this service.

  “Beloved, we are gathered here together, before this gathering of friends, to join this man and this woman in marriage…”

  * * * *

  Inside Lusty Appetites, music played and people laughed, talked, and ate. It touched Brittany that the people of this town—her town—wanted to host a celebration of their engagement. She recalled that day just a few short weeks ago when she’d told her men, the first time she stepped inside this restaurant, that she wasn’t family. Now she understood what they’d meant. Sean and Noah—and yes, she herself—they were family, and family celebrated family.

  The party had been a surprise in and of itself and, as the evening progressed, proved to be a party full of surprises. The first surprise came about a half-hour into the gathering. She’d known her parents were going to be there, of course. But the man who accompanied them through the door brought a smile to her face and tears to her eyes.


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