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Page 15

by Ann M Pratley

  "Yes, I must get up and spend some more time with your mother, learning."

  He climbed out of bed and started to dress, while looking at her.

  "Well don't overdo it, my love. Mother does not expect you to be doing a lot right now."

  Alessandra got up and began to dress also, enjoying having Edward help her in doing so, but saw his look of surprise on his face when he tried to secure the back of her dress.

  "My love, you need some new clothes to get you through coming months. Has Mother talked to you about that?" he asked and she shook her head.

  "No, I didn't want to ask."

  "I shall mention it at breakfast. Don't you worry, you do not need to ask, but you cannot wear clothes this tight. It won't be good for you or the baby."

  They headed down to breakfast, where Edward was true to his word.

  "Father, Mother, Alessandra needs looser garments to wear as she is getting larger with child…"

  "Oh Alessandra, I am so sorry! I did not even think. Yes, let us organise that today. What a good idea, Edward," his mother said, making Alessandra sigh in relief. She understood why all of her family's money had been given to this family, but there were times when she felt awkward in having to rely on them for money.

  "Thank you," she said shyly and gave her husband a grateful smile, only to receive one of his smiles of high amusement at her shyness.

  Chapter Forty One

  Edward and his father rode around the estate throughout the whole day, visiting every tenant on the large property. Over and over they told the same story, of a man who might venture onto the estate with the intention of causing harm, and every tenant was asked to be vigilant and report to the main house details of anyone they had not seen before.

  "Do you think he will venture this far, Father? It is a long way from where he lives, I believe."

  "Hopefully not, Edward, but I won't have my family threatened. And we must do what we can to help Alessandra remain calm and relaxed, although I think she shall carry to full term now, given how far along she is."

  Edward did not talk to his father anymore on the journey home. In his mind he was letting himself think of different scenarios of things that could happen or go wrong, and had to make a conscious effort to stop his mind from venturing into those spaces.

  * * * * *

  Back in the manor, Alessandra was fitted for new day to day outfits of varying sizes to get her through to the birth.

  "These will be ready no earlier than next week, however I brought with me a gown that was ordered but then cancelled, by a young lady who is of a similar size and stage. I would not normally suggest you wear something made for someone else but your mother-in-law has said you have no clothes that are loose enough. If you would like to try it on, I have it here, and it can be yours. The person it was made for paid for it but just did not want it in the end," the dressmaker said quietly to Alessandra, not wanting to offend in any way but wanting to help the young woman to be more comfortable while she waited for her new clothing to be prepared.

  "Thank you, I should like to try it, if you think it might be of a close size," Alessandra said shyly, and the dressmaker pulled out a gown of luxury. "Oh! This isn't a dress for wearing at home, I do not think," she said, running her hands over the beautiful item in her arms. "Oh but it is so beautiful!"

  "Let's try it on and see if it fits you, and then you can decide if you would like me to leave it here for you."

  Alessandra allowed herself to be fitted into the gown, and instantly felt the difference in the looseness of the garment compared to her own clothes.

  "Oh Miss! It fits you perfectly. And the colour becomes you greatly. What do you think?"

  Alessandra was quiet as she felt for the first time what it felt like to wear such an item. It was of the calibre that she had seen the women wear in Bath, and she felt like she imagined a queen must feel like each and every day.

  "I don't know what to say."

  "Do you like it?"

  "Oh yes, it is beautiful, and it feels so luxurious … too luxurious for me…"

  "Oh Miss, no! You look like the beautiful woman that you are."

  Alessandra looked the dressmaker in the eye, needing some kind of reassurance of what was acceptable and what wasn't.

  "Will I cause any offence to anyone by accepting a gown that was made and paid for by someone else? I do not know what is right."

  The dressmaker smiled warmly at the young woman before her, having already sensed that she was from a lesser class than she was presently living, but now realising that she wasn't a woman who had purposely aimed so high. She seemed to have fallen into the place she was in, and had no arrogance about her at all, or any desire to cause upset in anyone.

  "What if I go and bring your mother-in-law up here, and the two of you can discuss it privately before you make a decision?"

  Alessandra was uncertain about that - her mother-in-law was the exact person she didn't want to offend - but consented, and the dressmaker returned shortly with Edward's mother beside her.

  "Oh, Alessandra! You look so beautiful. What a lovely gown, and that colour on you shows your Italian colouring so well."

  The dressmaker took a moment to explain to Edward's mother the situation so Alessandra could see how the situation presented looked to her.

  "Oh I see. But Alessandra, your own dresses will not be ready for a while yet. Why should you not be comfortable in the meantime? I think it is a very generous offer being made," Edward's mother said quietly, appreciating the modesty and frugal nature of her new daughter, which could only be good for the estate when it passed hands to the younger generation. "And I have no doubt at all that Edward will love to see you in this," she added on with a look of knowing in her eye as she looked at Alessandra, who smiled shyly in return.

  "Alright, if you are sure, then I shall be very happy to accept this gown from you. Thank you so much," she said to the dressmaker who looked pleased, knowing she had secured a young woman who in years to come would require a great many dresses.

  The dressmaker excused herself and Edward's mother moved toward the door also.

  "Keep it on, Alessandra, and wear it to dinner. You deserve it," she said before closing the door.

  * * * * *

  As Edward and his father came into the house and walked toward the drawing room, expecting both women to be there, Edward heard his mother's voice calling out down the staircase.

  "Go and see your wife, Edward," she said simply, with a look that he had not seen on his mother before. "She is in your bed chamber."

  Edward initially looked alarmed, worried something had happened.

  "She is fine, but I am sure she would like to see you immediately."

  Edward raced up the stairs, not being able to let go of his concern, and entered the bed chamber. But when he did so, the sight before him stopped him. Alessandra was standing at the window, looking out as if deep in thought, and she turned to him as she heard him come in. She gave no thought to the gown she had on - all she could focus on was seeing Edward - so she did not know why he was looking so strangely at her.

  He came forward to her, awestruck at the sight of his wife. He touched the rich fabric and looked at how the colour made her eyes look. And with the neckline being so low, he could not stop himself from leaning in and kissing her on the neck, and then followed the line of the neckline, delivering small kisses everywhere, making her want to melt.

  When he had covered every piece of skin revealed to him, he kissed her deeply on the mouth and heard her moan.

  "You look so beautiful, Alessandra. I did not think you could look any more beautiful."

  She looked at him with her unique blend of shyness and desire, and Edward felt himself heavily aroused.

  "Do you like it?"

  "Yes, but Alessandra, seeing you in this fuels me greatly."

  "Undress me," she replied, feeling her arousal too great now.

  It had been too long since they had joined, they
both found themselves thinking in the comfort of their own minds, and in each other's eyes they knew it was what they both wanted more than anything.

  Edward took his time, removing the gown as slowly as he could, kissing every new piece of skin that became visible, and soon his wife was standing naked before him. He guided her to the bed and then undressed himself before kissing her everywhere. No area of her body did he neglect this time, and took his time teasing her before encouraging her to climax.

  He held her and kissed her, uncertain whether he could join with her still or not, but she knew what she wanted and she did not allow him to have doubt.

  She pushed him down on the bed so that he was lying down, and positioned herself above him, but before she took him in, he held her back and looked at her closely.

  "Are you sure this is still alright?"

  "Yes, let me move slowly so I can feel if anything is uncomfortable," she said and he nodded, kissed her fully, and felt her edge her way down onto him.

  Edward closed his eyes, feeling the sensation. It was extraordinary, and her determination to move slowly brought about new feelings in him that overwhelmed him greatly. He could hear his wife enjoying the sensations being cast on her also, and when he opened his eyes and saw her face, he knew he would not last much longer.

  She stopped, suddenly, and leaned forward to kiss him deeply again, momentarily stopping his increased level of excitement, before moving again, looking into his eyes.

  "Oh, Alessandra … I … ohh …" Alessandra heard him try to say, before she felt him convulse inside of her.

  He lay still with his eyes closed, enjoying fully the waves of pleasure flowing over him, before he opened his eyes again and saw her hovering over him, her face covered in a beaming smile.

  Edward smiled back at her and pulled her down for further kisses before remembering her state of pregnancy.

  "Are you sure you are alright?" he asked, showing his concern.

  "I am. I just … needed you so much," Alessandra replied as she rested down on him fully.

  "Oh my darling, how I do love you."

  Chapter Forty Two

  Two weeks later, with the weather starting to really warm up, Edward suggested once again that he take Alessandra for a slow walk to the waterfall.

  "Only if you feel up to it," he said as they sat with his parents at breakfast.

  "Really?" she asked, hiding no part of her excitement as Edward's mother and father both looked at the interaction between the two young people and remembered how it had been for them when they were in their first year of marriage.

  Edward smiled indulgently at his wife.

  "Yes! We shall set out immediately after breakfast so that we do not need to rush, and we can walk as slowly as you wish to."

  Alessandra laughed loudly.

  "Oh Edward, I can still walk!"

  * * * * *

  A short time later they were making their way through the gardens and the forest slowly, and then once again reached the quiet and sunny grassed area where they lay down the blanket and sat down, listening to the waterfall.

  "Thank you for this, Edward."

  He looked closely at her.

  "Time with you means everything to me," he said before lifting her hand to his lips.

  This day they sat and lay down together, talking and laughing and eating, and felt true joy at just being able to spend so much time together for the whole day without either of them having to rush off to do something else.

  "Edward, do you think we would be being too presumptive to start assuming that our child will be born healthy?" Alessandra asked, surprising Edward with the question.

  "Oh, my love, why do you ask that?"

  "I find myself wondering about names," she said and he breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Ahh. And what are your thoughts?"

  "Do you have any preferences?"

  "No, I only wish for you to remain healthy and happy," Edward said and kissed her softly.

  Suddenly both of them heard a crackling from the forest behind them and they looked up, frozen and silent as if to check if there was anyone there, but hearing nothing more, relaxed once again.

  "The weather is warmer now," Alessandra said, out of context with the conversation they were having, making Edward laugh at her.

  "Warmer than when, my love?" he teased her, knowing exactly what she was thinking.

  "Than when we were last here," she responded, openly smiling and teasing him back in knowing that he knew what she was thinking.

  He laughed openly at her and tried to control the level of arousal she was inducing in him so easily.

  "My beautiful wife, there is nothing more that I would like right now than to make love to you, but…"

  Alessandra put her lips on his, stopping him from continuing his sentence. She kissed him passionately, pushing him to forget his argument, and over the next while coaxed him until they were both naked. And she was lying on top of him, now both aware of a small person lying between them.

  Edward looked up at his wife, taken away in the vision of her moving on him, sitting more upright now due to her belly being larger, and he felt like he could not live a moment without her - he would never want to live a moment without her.

  Meanwhile, Alessandra revelled in the feelings, taking her time to concentrate on her own body and ensure all was well.

  Once again it did not occur to either of them that they could be being watched from a distance.

  * * * * *

  Tom remained still as he watched the scene before him. He had seen them walking, and sitting, talking and laughing. And when he had seen them moving toward marital relations, he had wanted to run in and stop it to keep Edward's hands off his Alessandra. What they did together - the way they moved together - was something he craved, and he could not stop thinking about her, and the joy she could bring to him if he could just get her to consent to be his wife. He had forgotten his own wife - he had had no qualms whatsoever about walking out the door of his home on either that first occasion or this one, knowing she did not care where he was going or what he would be doing.

  He felt a mix of excitement, greed and hatred as he watched Alessandra on top of her husband. But seeing her naked body, as much as it fuelled his desire, also reminded him that she was noticeably with child, and what he considered to be love for her prevented him from the possibility of startling her in this condition. As much as he wanted to run in there and break the two of them apart, and beg her to come away with him, he found he was not so heartless that he would risk causing her pain by losing her child.

  With the realisation that he could not seduce her while she was with child, or even approach her, he decided he could not watch any more of their love making, and slowly turned and started to walk through the forest, to head toward his home.

  * * * * *

  Edward watched his wife moving on top of him - her body and her facial expression - and listened to her moaning in her pleasure as he also caressed her in the spot she loved to be touched. When she climaxed on him he followed immediately after, not being able to hold back any more, and the two of them were silent for minutes, together engulfed in the feeling of release.

  She pulled off him and lay down beside him as he repositioned and turned to face her, loving the smile she had on her face, and kissing her softly.

  "What were we saying about baby names?" she asked, making him heavily laugh out loud.

  "Oh how I do love you, Alessandra!"

  Chapter Forty Three

  "Oh!" Edward heard his wife say as they sat at breakfast, and immediately he jumped up in concern, seeing her hands go to her belly.

  "Alessandra, what is it?" his mother asked, also moving closer to her.

  "Oh … it's like … fluttering," Alessandra replied, showing her face to be in her scholar mode as she tried to find the right words to explain the new feeling she was experiencing.

  Edward saw his mother smile at his wife.

  "You are
not in pain?" she asked and Alessandra shook her head.

  "No! It feels … odd … but nice."

  Edward's mother asked for permission to touch Alessandra's belly and after receiving it, placed her hand on her daughter-in-law.

  "Your baby is moving, Alessandra … inside of you. Edward, come and feel your child," she said and Edward rushed around the table to put his hand on the belly of his wife.

  "Oh, Alessandra, how wonderful," he said as he knelt beside her, and after she adjusted her chair slightly, he held himself against her, his emotions overwhelming him. On his face she could see that he was feeling the same wonder that she was, and she leaned down to kiss him, which he accepted eagerly.

  Edward's mother and father exchanged a knowing look, both happy to see their son enjoying his largely-arranged marriage so much. And with their daughter-in-law now more than halfway through her term, they held much hope that this pregnancy would follow through to the successful delivery of a child - the first child that had been in their home since Edward was born.

  * * * * *

  Later that day Edward's father received a letter from Alessandra's father, which, concerned about why her father might possibly be writing to him directly, he put aside until he could be alone to read it.

  Once in the steward's room, he opened the letter and was stunned by its content.

  "I write to you with urgency after having been informed that a known acquaintance of Alessandra's, Mr Tom Missinger, who I understand has been trying to secure her affection for some time, has been reported as missing for the past two weeks. Please be vigilant in case he has travelled to your location, and keep my daughter and our grandchild safe."

  Edward's father sat alone for some time, thinking about the situation. He had not laid eyes on Missinger so would not even be able to identify him if he did see him, and yet he could not sit and do nothing either.


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