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by Ann M Pratley

  "Isabella?" Alessandra saw her father ask wistfully. "You named her after your mother? Oh my daughter, that is … oh, thank you," he said, pulling his daughter into his arms and feeling tears come to his eyes as he kissed the top of her head.

  Alessandra waited for her father to relax and regain his composure - something that she knew was always important to him - and let him move away from her as he was ready.

  Greetings were expressed and they made their way indoors as Alessandra looked at Edward, seeing on his face the broad grin of amusement that she knew too well.

  "You kept that secret hidden well, Husband. I can see that I will have to better hone my methods of interrogating you," she whispered to him when they were out of earshot of the older generation, in a suggestive manner that produced a deep laugh in him, and a slight blush on his face.

  * * * * *

  "How long shall you stay, Father? A long while, I hope," Alessandra queried her father as the two of them walked through the gardens together alone.

  "It is that which I wish to speak to you about, my child. Edward's parents have invited me to live here…" he started and heard her exclaim a sound of pleasant surprise before he continued. "I am in a mind to accept their offer, as I don't mind admitting to you, Alessandra, that I am lonely without your mother. I miss her considerably, every single day."

  "It is not too late to re-marry…"

  "Oh no! I am not… no, that is not something I desire at my age."

  "Then what is it that you seem uncertain about?" Alessandra asked, confused.

  Her father looked closely at her, uncertain how she would take the news that he wished to convey to her.

  "Alessandra you are well set up now, with this land of Edward's family, plus the estate of Tom's…" he started and she nodded. "Nicholas is not so fortunate and I believe things are very difficult for him in supporting his family, given the rent they pay where they are living. So I would like to give them our family home, Alessandra - completely."

  Alessandra listened and wondered when the news that he wanted to tell her would come. When she did not say anything, he could see that he would have to ask her a question outright for her to comprehend what he was saying.

  "How will you feel if you do not inherit any part of our family home? Would this upset you?"

  Finally understanding, Alessandra felt her eyes go wide.

  "Oh Father, no! Of course not! No, of course giving Nicholas that house is a wonderful idea, and will help Nicholas and Victoria greatly, although do you think that the house is big enough for all seven of them?"

  She saw her father consider the prospect of the family of his son, which indeed did look like it was unending in producing more offspring.

  "Perhaps I can suggest a better solution, Father? Do you particularly want that house to stay in our family? For sentimental purposes?" she asked and her father shook his head.

  "No, it is not an ancestral home. It has no import for passing through the family line. What are you thinking, Alessandra?"

  "What if I invited Nicholas and his family to live at Missinger Estate, and you sold your home and gave him the money from the sale? I have not been able to bring myself to find tenants for the estate as Edward and I do love going there to stay, so Nicholas would be doing me a great favour by keeping it maintained and allowing us to have our own rooms in the home there. And the money from the sale of your house would keep them well provided for."

  As they continued walking, Alessandra could see her father considering her idea and so she kept quiet, knowing he would do what he considered was right for everyone.

  "I think it is a good idea, but you need to talk to Edward about it first, Alessandra. I know the estate is yours outright, and no part of it belongs to him, but speak to him and make sure it will not cause any disharmony between you. We get so little time with our loved ones in this world, do not let small things build up."

  Alessandra nodded and they returned to the house to once again merge into conversation with everyone else.

  * * * * *

  "What do you think, Edward?" she asked that night in the privacy of their bed chamber.

  "I think it is a good solution for your father and your brother, and you are right, it would give some reassurance to know someone is living in it who will appreciate it and keep it maintained. And it is large enough that we can keep our own rooms - enough for all of us who live here," he replied, talking to her seriously about her idea, as he always did. "I know that Mother and Father are both eager for your father to live here with us, and it will be good for him to have so much family around."

  "Shall I arrange to speak to my brother about it, then, to see what he thinks?" she asked and Edward could see the excitement on her face.

  "Yes, my beautiful, generous wife. Let me know what you need me or my father to do, and we will move forward with that plan if your brother agrees."

  They lay together contentedly, each in their own thoughts, before Alessandra spoke, breaking the silence.

  "Edward?" she asked and he prompted her to continue. "Will you take me to the waterfall tomorrow?"

  Edward looked at her and saw the arousal on her face at the thought, which fuelled him to tease her.

  "Oh! And what will we do when we get to the waterfall, my love?" he asked as he pushed her gently onto her back and began to kiss the parts of her body that he knew were her pleasure points.

  Alessandra lay back and focused on the feelings he was producing in her, and forgot what she had been saying altogether.

  Chapter Sixty Four

  "What do you think of this idea, Nicholas? Speak plainly and honestly please - do not say what you think I wish to hear," Alessandra said sternly to her brother, seeing the overwhelming surprise on his face. "Father also offered to let you live in the house we grew up in, so you have that option also."

  Nicholas stared at his sister, wondering why there were not more people in the world like her. Already she had done so much, letting his family stay at Missinger Estate when their mother had been in her last days, and now Nicholas and his family were staying at Chisholm Manor to spend time with their father.

  "Alessandra, are you sure? It seems like a very generous gesture…"

  "You are my brother, and your children are my nieces and nephews. It is important to me that Edward and I, and our children, and our parents, all have rooms established in the home there, but that will leave plenty of rooms for you and Victoria to set up for you and your children, so you will not be without plenty of space. And I would like for any of us to be able to come and stay in the house when we wish to, as if it were our own home…"

  "It is your own home."

  "Yes but I am handing it to you to live in."

  "But how will I repay you for this? You could be earning rent off the estate."

  "Well you will be doing me a great service by keeping the estate running exactly as it does now, without changing anything. And by identifying any maintenance that needs to be done. And quite simply, by keeping it lived in."

  Nicholas was in shock and what was being offered to him.

  "I will think about it, Alessandra, but I do thank you as it is a wonderful offer. I do have to consider what Father has offered also though, as that would provide me with something to leave my children, and I do need to think about that."

  "Yes, although you could invest the funds from the sale of the house…" Alessandra responded thoughtfully, whilst not wanting to put pressure on her brother.

  "I am hesitant about accepting our family home from Father. I know it was his idea but all those memories it holds for him, with Mother."

  Alessandra thought about that before answering.

  "Yes, but he will still have those memories, and I do not think he has offered to do it just as a token to you. I do believe he is quite lonely, and will enjoy living around people. Perhaps he may spend his time divided between my home and yours."

  The siblings walked further without having to speak any more, b
oth having so much in their heads that they had to think about and consider.

  * * * * *

  Watching Alessandra and her family in their household, Edward's parents enjoyed the vitality it brought their home. They both found her father to be communicative and a welcome addition to their household, having empathy for where he was at also, since Alessandra's mother had died. And the combination of their own two grandchildren, combined with the five that Nicholas had brought, resulted in Edward's mother in particular feeling like this was how the manor had always meant to be - full of people.

  When it was time for Nicholas and his family to leave again, it was emotional for everyone, especially his father who seemed particularly distressed.

  "Father," Alessandra saw her brother say, in a rare moment of expression of his love. "What is it? We shall see you again soon…"

  "I am proud of you, my son," his father said, causing concern in Nicholas and Alessandra as they heard the words. "You are a fine father, and a fine son. Thank you," he continued, moving closer to his son and pulling him into an embrace - something that Nicholas had rarely had in his lifetime from his father.

  Alessandra saw Nicholas give her a look of fear at the action, wondering what it meant, to have his father act in such a way.

  "Father, you are welcome to come with us if you wish to…" he started to say but his father pulled away, with a small tear in his eye, and shook his head.

  "No, Nicholas, I am fine. It has been a very happy time, all of us being together. And I know that it meant so much to your mother when you and your sister were with her … when … before…"

  All of a sudden, in front of them all, Alessandra saw her father break down in a deep flow of tears. Giving thought to how his father might not want to be seen in such a way, Nicholas immediately flung his arms around his father once more and held him tight. It was not a usual thing for the two of them to do, but finally Nicholas felt that they, as father and son, had reached a time when it was not only acceptable, but desperately overdue and simply … needed.

  Edward saw his parents move away respectfully and enter the house, and after a brief look of acknowledgement to his wife he followed also, leaving only Alessandra, her father and her brother's family there to see the demonstration of love.

  "Oh my children, I miss her so much … every single day. But it makes me very pleased to see both of you settled so well, and with good people beside you. Edward … and Victoria … both such honest, generous and loving people. And getting to spend time with all of my grandchildren - that is a great gift that you have both given to me - and your mother, who I am sure is looking down on all of us, with a great smile on her face," he said and paused before going on. "I don't know how much longer I shall have in this lifetime, so please both always remember how happy you both made your mother and I. We never wished for more children as we both loved both of you so much…"

  "Father," Alessandra said more forcefully than she expected, due to becoming more and more alarmed with each word that was leaving her father's mouth. "Father, why are you talking like this?"

  "Because these things need to be said, Alessandra! Your mother's passing has made me realise that I, too, may not have too long to live, and we need to say things to the people we love … while we can. And I give that advice to you also, my children. Make sure that you tell the people in your lives how much they mean to you - tell them each and every day if you can, so that on that one day when they are suddenly not there, you know that they felt your love right until the very end."

  Alessandra caught her brother's eyes once again and both of them suspected that something was seriously wrong, either in their father's body or his mind, but said nothing.

  "Go now, Nicholas. Your beautiful wife and all of these wonderful children are waiting for you. I shall see you soon, I believe?" he asked, pointing the question at Alessandra, who nodded in return.

  "Yes, Father, you will travel with Edward and I when we go up to Missinger Estate, and we shall settle in to welcome Nicholas and Victoria when they move there."

  "Very well then. Go safe on your journey, my son."

  And with that Nicholas knew he was dismissed so climbed into the carriage with the rest of his family and Alessandra and her father watched them slowly and quietly disappear from sight.

  * * * * *

  "I worry about him, Edward. He is despondent, as if he is giving up on life," Alessandra said as they lay in bed that night, holding each other tightly.

  Edward nodded in response.

  "Yes, I can see it also, Alessandra. I suppose it is understandable, given how much he loved your mother - certainly I cannot imagine how I would be if anything happened to you - but what do we do about it?"

  "I don't know."

  "I will talk to Mother and Father about it when I can do so alone. Perhaps tomorrow you could take your father out for a walk after breakfast, to get him out of the house."

  "Yes I will do that, and then you and your parents can have some time alone together also," Alessandra continued, suddenly aware that her family must sometimes seem like such an imposition on his family.

  "Oh, no, my beautiful wife. Not for that reason. But I shall see what their input is to how he is feeling."

  Edward looked closely at her and saw her tears beginning.

  "Thank you, Edward. I am so fortunate to have you…" she started to say and he pulled her even closer to him and no more was said.

  * * * * *

  "I do not know, Edward," his father said to him when he brought up the subject the next morning. "I agree, he is very unhappy, but what can we do?"

  All three were quiet as they thought about options.

  "Could a change of scenery not perhaps help?" Edward heard his mother say quietly. "A trip to Bath - has he visited there before? Seeing something new might reinvigorate his mind."

  "Yes. It is worth suggesting I suppose. Certainly, making the suggestion could not hurt. I will talk to Alessandra when they come back from their walk.

  As if sensing the discussion between Edward and his parents had ended, Alessandra and her father walked in then, making the conversation flow naturally.

  "Ahh there you are," Edward's father said, smiling at both. "We were just discussing how lovely Bath is at this time of year. How would you like it if we were all to go to visit, to look at some of the sights there, and visit the baths? They are very good for one's body, you know." He worded the question to everyone, but directed the question most particularly at Alessandra's father, who looked up with just a twinge of interest on his face.

  "Bath! Do you know, I have always wanted to visit there. My physician has mentioned the waters on many occasion as therapy for one complaint or another."

  Edward's mother smiled at him, pleased her suggestion may have been a good one.

  "Shall we all go, then? We could arrange for a house to rent for a few nights, that will fit all of us in. Alessandra, will the children be pleased to visit Bath also, do you think?" she asked her daughter-in-law to divert the conversation.

  "They will. Oh, it is a wonderful idea!"

  And so it was arranged.

  Chapter Sixty Five

  After settling into what would be their home for the following week, Alessandra and Edward immediately ventured into the central part of Bath, while their parents moved off toward the Roman Baths.

  In a moment of sadness, Alessandra thought back to the last time she had been here - when Tom had approached her again, and the first time she had met his wife, Katherine. Edward looked at his wife and immediately understood why she was quiet. When she sensed him looking at her, she turned to him and smiled, in an effort to try to at least temporarily forget the man from her past who had changed her life so much.

  "Do not feel bad for thinking about him, Alessandra. He made an impact on you, and now with you being able to provide a home to your brother at Missinger Estate, Tom will always be in our memory," Edward said softly to her, holding her gaze even as they moved forw
ard. "And certainly I cannot fault the man for wanting you to love him. He did not act with decorum or sense, but I certainly can understand why he loved you so."

  Alessandra felt a tear come to her eye, thinking about her young friend dying so early on in his life.

  "I do not think that he did really love me, Edward. I believe he just got lost in his thinking somehow. But you are right - we cannot forget him. And it would be disrespectful to do so. However there are other aspects of our being in Bath before that did not involve him, and I would much prefer to think of those while we are here," she said with the suggestive tone that he knew so well by now. Watching his face as they continued to walk - seeing him also remember the entire day they had spent completely alone in their room - she saw that he too could visualise the joy of having had that time together.

  He looked deeply at her and blushed - something that did not happen often, but on occasion she took delight in encouraging in him.

  "My beautiful wife, you are once again trying to make it so that I have no choice but to stop right here," he said, holding her arm firmly and halting them in their walking. "Put my arms around you and hold you close so that other people cannot see what you are doing to me," he continued, smiling at her in humour. "Now I am going to kiss you," he said and did so. "And hold you … and I am not at all going to think about you and I doing such things," he continued light heartedly whilst attempting to sound stern.

  Alessandra, however, could feel against her, proof that although he was making light of the conversation, he only seemed to become more aroused, the more he spoke, which made her start to giggle excessively. Edward looked into the face of his wife and knew how fortunate he was in his mother's choice of wife for him. Seeing Alessandra like this - giggling and carefree - fuelled him but he determined to concentrate on anything else, and eventually felt his body relax and able to begin walking again, but not before giving her another stern word, spoken in fondness.


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