Captivated by the Soldier (BWWM Interracial Romance)

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Captivated by the Soldier (BWWM Interracial Romance) Page 6

by Dez Burke

  Then there was the other part of the picture, involving his ex-lover Jessica and her son, Jamie. She knew they were an element of Blade’s life and she’d never dream of questioning or getting jealous of that. She respected the fact that he saw Jamie as his even after what Jessica had done in trying to trick him.

  Makayla knew he spent quite a bit of time over there with the boy, and she tried hard not to feel insecure of Blade being around Jessica. For all Makayla knew, Jessica had a boyfriend or was even married so there was no chance of Jessica trying to get Blade back, was there?

  Although it was beginning to get annoying the way Jessica always seemed to be calling about some emergency whenever Blade was with Makayla. She wasn’t sure how Jessica did it, but the woman seemed to have perfect timing; always interrupting Blade and Makayla just at certain moments that made her want to scream.

  But so far Makayla had never complained. It almost killed her, but she kept her opinion to herself each time Blade apologized to say he had to rush over to Jessica’s after one well-timed emergency call or the other. Makayla was a woman and she begin to realize exactly what Jessica was up to; she only wished Blade could see it too.

  A part of her feared that Jessica had a more powerful hold over Blade and if Makayla didn’t do something soon and put her foot down, she’d be losing out on the best thing that had ever come into her life. But if she pushed too far, she took the chance of losing Blade forever…

  Chapter Eighteen

  Jessica hid her smirk when she opened the front door and saw Blade standing there with a worried frown on his face. “Where is he?” was all he asked.

  She jerked her head back. “In his room.”

  Without another word, Blade shouldered past her into the small hallway before making his way down to the end and turning right to Jamie’s bedroom.

  She followed and soon saw Blade standing over the sleeping form of the pajama-clad child. Jessica watched as Blade very gently brushed back the dark blonde hair off the boy’s forehead. Jamie’s breathing was soft and steady, and there was only a slight pallor beneath the flush of his cheeks to indicate he was nothing other than a healthy, sleeping young child.

  Just as quietly as he’d entered, Blade left the dim bedroom and headed for the living room.

  Biting on her bottom lip, Jessica joined him, asking lightly, “Would you like a beer or something?”

  He let out a harsh breath and she became all too aware of the tension in his tall, muscled frame. Jessica had to bite down the pang of regret she felt every time she looked at him. Even after so long, it still felt like she was being showered by shrapnel every time she thought of what they’d once shared.

  It had been nothing but a few months of passion but Jessica had convinced herself that they might have stood a chance if she’d worked harder at keeping him.

  And she didn’t think it was too late to try again.

  “No, I don’t want a beer,” he enunciated with clipped words. “Jessica, its two fucking a.m. You called me saying Jamie was having a crisis again.”

  “Well, you should have seen him five minutes ago,” Jessica said defensively, stalking to the kitchen. She needed to stall so she started to clatter with the tea things, trying to get hot water on. She yelped in surprise when Blade’s fingers closed around her upper arm and yanked her round to face him.

  “Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing.”

  “What?” she snapped, eyes wide with innocence. “You said you’d always be around when I needed you. Well, I needed you. But then he stabilized before you got here so I put him to bed.”

  He let her go with a disgusted sigh, turning with his back to her and his hands on his hips.

  Jessica smiled smugly to herself, saying aloud, “Being there for Jamie is more than putting a check in the mail or looking in once in a while. You know Jamie sees you as a father and since Thomas isn’t here...”

  “Don’t you fucking mention his name,” Blade said through gritted teeth as he spun round and shoved his face into hers. Jessica gulped.

  “Thomas was my friend. He was a damned good soldier, a man of honor. And you fucked up that memory when you told me what happened between you two. But I never blamed him because you and I were not even together anymore and I know you practically threw yourself at him. But you keep him out of this conversation.”

  “Why? Because you think I’m the devil’s incarnate and he was some saint?” Jessica asked with equal fury. “I know I seduced him but he didn’t have to go along with it if he hadn’t wanted to. Thomas had a choice, Blade. And he took what he wanted because he’d wanted it before. He’d always wanted it.”

  “What the hell are you talking about now?”

  Jessica exhaled sharply. “That night we met. When you were with your guys from the Teams and I was with my girls at that bar. Hank saw and approached me first. He was all over me but then I caught sight of you and I decided you were the one I wanted. He backed down gamely but I knew he never stopped desiring me.”

  “Oh, fuck.” Blade turned away again, shoving his hand through his hair and then clutching the short strands like he wanted to pull them out.

  “I know you don’t want to hear this about your best friend, but maybe he wasn’t all that reluctant when the time came to claim what I offered so temptingly,” Jessica said with a shrug. “I mean, he didn’t have to drive me home, but he did. He could have just put me in a cab or something. He didn’t have to come up into my front door either. He probably knew I was using him after you dumped me but he didn’t seem to care. Not until the broad light of day when he suddenly decided he was messing with fire for sleeping with me. Because he figured you’d hate him if you found out.”

  “Why are you telling me this now?” Blade said, speaking through teeth so tightly ground she could see the muscles hardening in his jaw.

  Jessica hugged her arms around her, viewing him with softened eyes. “Jamie needs a family, Blade. He’s growing up so fast…and with all he’s been through almost since the day he was born, I can’t help but wish I could give him a better life. With parents who love him and will stick around.”

  Blade laughed, surprising her by the sound. It was light and not too loud but jarring enough to make her purse her lips.

  “What’s so damn funny?” she spat, her fists clenching at her sides.

  “You are.” Blade suddenly sobered, his laughter wiped off his face as he regarded her.

  “You’ve always been manipulative, Jessica. Right from the start. You tried to manipulate me when we were dating because you were so sure you could convince me to take things deeper. And when I left you, you tried to manipulate me by sleeping with my best friend. But worst of all was when you tried to trick me into thinking I was Jamie’s real father. If that isn’t unbelievably manipulative then I don’t know what the hell is.”

  His lips curled derisively. “The only reason I’m standing here right now is because of that little boy sleeping back there. I love him as much as I did when I thought he was mine. You didn’t even tell me about him until Thomas was killed in the helicopter crash. When you sent me that letter telling me I had a son, you caught me right where you wanted-in your web of deceit.”

  “I’m not like that,” Jessica breathed, staring at him with shimmering eyes. “You always make me feel like a piece of trash.”

  Blade shrugged. “If the shoe fits…”

  Jessica’s eyes hardened. “It’s because of her, isn’t it?” she suddenly sneered. “That uppity new black girlfriend of yours who’s got you wrapped around her little finger. I can see you two have a lot in common – you both act like you’re better than everyone else.”

  Blade turned away impatiently, and Jessica couldn’t help shoving at his steel-cased arm in anger. “What is so special about her anyway? What’s a black girl got that I don’t?”

  “Please.” Blade’s voice was tired. “Let’s keep Makayla out of this.”

  “Yes, why don’t we?” Jessica asked fumingly,
almost forgetting to keep her voice down so as not to wake up Jamie. “Before she came along you had your whole life mapped around Jamie. You left the Army and moved all the way down here to be close to him. Through everything, you’ve never turned your back on Jamie or me. But then you met that black piece of ass and suddenly you hardly seem to have the time for your ‘son’. As for me…I was never good enough except as someone to warm your bed, right? You never wanted a real relationship with me. Oh, no. The first chance you got, you dumped me like I meant nothing.”

  “You knew the score, Jessica,” Blade snarled, fury etched on every line of his face. “When we met, I told you I wasn’t ready for anything serious. I was hardly ever home thanks to my duty as a soldier. You told me you were cool with whatever we could share.”

  “Well, I lied!” she cried out suddenly, and then paused, breathing in heavily as she tried to get her composure back. Forcing a smile, she reached out a hand to cup his rigid jaw. “I never wanted to let you go, Blade. But I couldn’t tie you down. I wished everyday that Jamie was yours so that I’d have a reason to keep you with me.” She drew closer, pulling her slender frame up against the hardness of his.

  “You wanted that once, remember?” she asked softly, her eyes pinned to his lips as she linked her arms around his neck. “You were ready to make us into one big, happy family.”

  “And you said no,” Blade replied in a cool, mocking tone. “Remember?”

  Jessica sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. But then she pillowed her full breasts against his chest and moaned at the contact. She’d worn her thinnest t-shirt that reached barely past her thighs – and nothing else. Her wavy dark brown hair was done up in a becoming ponytail and she’d splashed on a gentle scent before he’d arrived – probably straight out of that bitch’s bed, thought the fuming Jessica. Schooling her features, she looked up into his eyes seductively.

  “I was angry; I wanted to punish you because I knew all you really wanted was Jamie even after you found out he wasn’t your son. I’m sorry, Blade. I’m sorry for every hurtful thing I ever did to you. I want to make up for it. Just tell me how,” she whispered, inching up on her tip toes so she could bring her lips just a breath away from his. But before she could kiss him, he gripped the sides of her face and held her off.

  “I’ll tell you how,” he said calmly, right before he reached behind his neck and wrenched her wrists away. “For starters, you can keep your claws – and your scheming – away from me.”

  As he spoke, he pulled back, before swiveling round and heading for the kitchen door. Pausing in the open frame, he twisted round to add with gritted teeth, “And don’t ever use Jamie as some kind of tactic to get my attention. He’s not a bargaining chip. I’ll do anything for him but if you keep pushing, then you’ll make me do something I really don’t want to do.”

  “Like what?” scoffed Jessica, shaking with rage at being rejected – again. “Like turn your back on Jamie? You could never do that. You’re too much of a man of honor.” She said the word with a sneer in her lips which turned to derisive laughter as he spun around without another word and left.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Makayla felt Blade slip in quietly beside her. Resting on her side with her back to him, she tried not to stiffen when she felt his lips upon her shoulder. His kiss was soft as his hand travelled up her bare arm.

  “I know you’re awake,” he said, voice low and thickened with desire that made her bite on her lip in helpless response. She didn’t want to be turned on. Damn! She wanted to stay angry at him. He’d dashed out two hours earlier after a phone call from that annoying woman and now he wanted her.

  Makayla sighed and felt furious with herself for being so selfish. What if Jamie had needed help? No matter how many times or whatever time Jessica called, Makayla couldn’t begrudge the episodes when Blade had to leave to make sure everything was okay. So long as he always came back home to her.

  She turned over on her back and even in the dimness of the bedroom could see the blue gleaming fires in his eyes. Since he’d moved into his new place she’d been spending a lot of nights there, especially on weekends such as this one.

  His gaze travelled downwards as he viewed her bulky nightshirt, and his eyebrow lifted.

  “I thought the rule was - no clothes in bed?”

  His voice was a silken cascade of heat and she squirmed deep in her belly. Well, she had been mad earlier when he’d left right in the middle of their lovemaking thanks to Jessica’s unexpected call. So she’d grumpily dressed in her most un-sexy sleepwear hoping to send a message when he returned – if he returned that night – that she was no longer in the mood.

  So much for that, she thought with an inner laugh as she pulled off the offending item. “An oversight soon fixed. See?” she purred.

  “Oh, I see,” Blade growled, eyes locked to her breasts, plump and firm, swaying gently as she leaned up on her elbows. He cupped the right mound and squeezed possessively, his eyes burning a laser beam unto her flesh as he watched her nipple swell and stiffen beneath his flicking thumb.

  “Jamie’s okay though?” Makayla asked with concern, gasping underneath her breath as he teased her hungry little tit.

  “He’s fine,” Blade said, a flash of anger suddenly crossing his face. “I wish…”

  “What?” she asked softly, not happy to see him in such a mood.

  He shook his head quickly. “Never mind. Everything’s fine. I just hope it can stay that way for a long time. For one night at least so I can make sweet love to my sexy woman.”

  “So I’m your woman, huh?” Makayla said, suddenly twisting and getting him on his back so she could straddle him.

  “Yeah,” he said, letting her take his hands and guide them up her sides to her breasts. They spilled eagerly in his palms and he fondled them, his touch roughly passionate.

  “And you’re my man?” she asked, reaching behind her to grasp his thick cock which was already stiff and throbbing. She stroked it as her hips undulated and she ground her sex over his washboard abs, stimulating herself with the motion. They both groaned.

  “All yours, angel,” Blade replied, his face creasing in a grimace of pleasure as she lifted herself unto his straining cap, making it slick with the juices from her peeking folds. Keeping just the tip against her slit, she tightened her hold on the base of his cock and stroked herself with his broad crown.

  “I hope so. Because…” Because I don’t like to share, Makayla almost said but wasn’t sure how that would sound. It was in no way a reference to Jessica and certainly not Jamie. She loved her man and didn’t want another woman out there tugging him this way and that when it suited her. To change tack, she bent low and caught his lips in a moist, fiery kiss, delighted when he groaned deep in his throat with pleasure.

  Blade bucked his hips between her parted thighs, edging in past her pussy folds and making her gasp. Not yet ready to let him take charge, she contracted her strong pussy muscles and just managed to keep his thick crown from going further.

  Blade let out a deep, feral groan.

  “That’s a neat party trick,” he noted hoarsely, his fingers twisting her nipples hard and making them bead into rock-hard currants.

  “I’m glad you approve,” purred Makayla, senses swimming from the pleasure of his fierce touch.

  “I don’t think there’s anything about you of which I don’t approve,” Blade told her with his eyes blazing over her naked, writhing body. “Ever since that first night you stripped off in the living room and invited me into your bed…I’ve been enraptured by you, my sexy angel.”

  Thinking this earned him a bit of a reward, Makayla bit on her bottom lip sensually and slid a few more inches down on his cock, enveloping his half of thickness inside her slippery-soft cove. Blade tossed his head back and groaned ‘yes’.

  Makayla smiled, and then gasped as his organ pulsated strongly within her. Oh heavens, that felt good. He filled her up so well, so easily. And he wasn’t even all the way in
yet. Each time he stroked into her sheathed velvet, it felt like it was a brand new experience.

  “And ever since I found you sleeping in my bed, I started to have a thing for my hunky unexpected guest,” Makayla confessed in turn, her hands roaming all over his broad, smooth chest, her fingernails raking on his nipples.

  “I liked sleeping in your bed,” Blade said agreeably, sliding his errant hands from her tits to scoop her ass. He squeezed the firm rounded globes tight, his touch urging her to take him deeper.

  “Hopefully, sleeping isn’t all you liked to do…,” Makayla joked and then stiffened, gasping in sensuous surprise when she felt his wicked fingers rim close to her tiny secret hole right in the crack of her bottom. It was a tingling caress that felt sweetly carnal and unexpected, and she found she liked the sensation. She met his steamy look and knew she couldn’t tease them both any longer.

  Bracing her hands against his rock-hard abs, Makayla sank down on his turgid staff with excruciating slowness. It made her start panting through wide open lips as he felt like he was splitting her in two from below. She stared into his face and saw her fevered agony mirrored there in equal measure. He gripped harder on her ass and shoved her more strongly down till she felt the slamming together of their bodies. Fused as one, Makayla started to grind over him, seeking the perfect angle for his cock to pierce her like never before.

  His hips rose to meet hers as they picked up a restless rhythm. She knew he loved the way she bounced on him, using her waist, hips and thighs to send him exactly where he wanted to go, and that was deep. Deep enough to make her let out a high-pitched cry each time he slammed some hidden, magical spot within her molten depths.

  “You intoxicate me,” Blade said, turning her on even more just by looking deep into her eyes the way that made her heart – and pussy – sing. He had the most mesmerizing, hypnotically beautiful eyes. Like a tempest-tossed sea at midnight. His handsome face was an image of enticement and Makayla couldn’t think of making love to anyone else ever again. Unless they could clone themselves into exact replicas of her gorgeous lover, then she wasn’t biting.


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