Captivated by the Soldier (BWWM Interracial Romance)

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Captivated by the Soldier (BWWM Interracial Romance) Page 7

by Dez Burke

  “And you make everything switch on inside me,” Makayla said breathlessly, moving with faster and tighter dips and rolls of her hips.

  “Makayla…fuck,” Blade groaned, raising himself off the pillows and seizing her lips roughly, groaning with each thrust of his tongue against hers. Using his powerful arms, he maneuvered into a sitting position as they remained face-to-face, tongues never unlacing, cock still wedged to pussy. He brought her legs to lock around his waist and now Makayla knew she had to keep up the pace and take control over how fast or slow she brought them to the peak.

  Head flung back, she glided smoothly up and down his thighs, losing herself in that dark, stirring place that radiated with fierce hunger. She filled herself to the brim with Blade’s throbbing maleness, feeding on his powerful passion. She heard him growl as his hands kneaded her breasts before guiding them to his mouth, sucking hard on them one by one.

  Blade and Makayla romped with the familiarity of age-old lovers, bodies merging till it felt like they were made of one heart, one single nerve cell that pounded in expectation of that impeding mutual eruption. As ever, their orgasms were conjoined; Makayla bucking helplessly as Blade now finally ramped upwards to meet her bouncing hips. To her pleasure, Blade sought her gaze as he too, gave in to his spectacular release, sharing the moment with her as their slippery bodies glided together in a seamed dance of destiny.

  Chapter Twenty

  Blade walked into the noisy bar and at once took notice of a familiar face. He quickly made his way through the press of people to the tall, broad-shouldered man sitting on a bar stool nursing a beer. The man promptly ordered another one and had it waiting by the time Blade was standing next to him.

  “Hey, Drake,” Blade said, as both men shook hands firmly.

  “I was wondering if you’d show up,” the man said. Drake Hopper was darkly handsome, an eye-catching figure even next to Blade. They’d served in the same elite Special Ops team and were also close friends. Drake however was a few years older, and had the same kind of ‘don’t mess with me’ aura that Blade carried around. One look at them both, with their short hair style, muscle t-shirts and commanding persona and anyone would back away.

  “I said I’d show up, so I did,” Blade said with a shrug, accepting the beer with thanks before taking a grateful sip. “Where are the other guys?”

  “Tommy got delayed but he’ll be here soon. And Chad just called that he’s on his way,” Drake said, his piercing gray eyes viewing Blade shrewdly. “You okay?”

  Blade glanced at his friend, seeing the concern on his face. “Yeah, I’m fine. Better, in fact.”

  Blade knew what Drake was talking about. They’d fought the same battles and gone on the same assignments. Their friendship spanned as many years as the one Blade had shared with Thomas. And being a close pal meant that Drake knew about how the stress from warfare had affected Blade like it had many of the other guys coming home from service.

  It was true that many of them returned to the everyday world and put whatever had happened behind them. They got on with their normal lives. Blade liked to think he’d moved on pretty well compared to a few other guys he knew of. And yet, in the past he hadn’t been able to hide from Drake the fact that sometimes, he did get those pangs of conscience or whatever anyone liked to call it. But in the last few months since he got back, Blade had been seeing a counselor and on top of that, he had Makayla.

  Meeting her had turned his life around and she had no idea how good she’d been for him. Her acceptance and affection was absolute and just being with her had brought on a healing faster than anything else he’d tried.

  “Well, you look great,” Drake said approvingly, and Blade nodded his thanks. He knew about Drake being a volunteer helping out with veterans who suffered severe anxiety disorders or other forms of PTSD, from being participants or witnesses in traumatic events whether in Afghanistan, Iraq or any other troubled zone they’d served in.

  Drake had certainly been a great friend and confidant to Blade, helping him out with his own issues by giving him a listening ear when Blade needed one. It was always great to talk to someone who’d actually been there and experienced similar events, and wasn’t just some psychiatrist who just couldn’t get it like a fellow special ops ex-member could.

  Another great thing about serving in the Army was the brotherhood they’d all forged with their fellow team mates, many of whom had, after several tough assignments, owed their lives to each other.

  “So have you made up your mind about the offer?” Drake asked, signaling the bar tender to refresh their drinks.

  Blade paused before replying. Drake had been on him for months to join the security outfit Drake had set up with a couple other guys.

  “I’m not sure, man,” Blade muttered, shagging his fingers through his hair. “I never pictured myself as the babysitter type. Especially not to some self-obsessed A-lister or over-demanding rock star.”

  “Those wouldn’t be the only kind of clients. There’ll be business moguls, political figures, and even health aid personnel working in big charity organizations. It’s not going to be all about ‘babysitting’ rich folk,” Drake said with a grin.

  “You’re saying that because you’d be the one dealing with gathering the intelligence and all other administrative aspects, while the rest of us get to be handlers,” Blade retorted, though he was grinning too.

  Drake smirked. “Yeah; let’s just say I get pissed off with self-centered rich people too. But the pay is great. I want you in, Blade. Only the best on my team, as always,” he added seriously.

  Blade couldn’t deny he’d been seriously considering it. Before he’d moved here, it had been great to think he’d have a job waiting which was right beside his former brothers in arms. But then he’d been worried about taking up another high-risk occupation especially when he planned on being there for Jessica and Jamie. But after Jessica had thrown his offer of marriage back in his face, he’d been telling himself that working in the security business might not be so bad after all. Besides, how risky could it be protecting one moneybag or another?

  He certainly needed to get his head on screwed straight, especially now that he was about to propose to Makayla.

  That was another thing that was helping to make up his mind. With a steady job he knew he could show her he was more than ready to provide a solid environment for a marriage to thrive. He wanted to make sure he kept her in his life – for good. She didn’t have a clue yet just what an impact she’d made on him since they’d met and he wasn’t about to give that up, ever.

  “Well?” Drake pressed, his eyebrow cocking.

  Breaking out of his wandering thoughts, Blade turned to Drake, about to answer when something caught his eye just over Drake’s shoulder.

  Jessica had walked in, escorted by a tall man with sandy brown hair. He was bulky without looking fat and was good-looking in a mean kind of way. Blade couldn’t help scowling especially when he remembered how Jessica had been acting ever since that night two weeks ago. She’d stopped taking his calls and whenever he came by the house to see Jamie, she was either out or inside pretending not to be home.

  He watched as she settled down at a table with her date who quickly ordered drinks. She glanced around idly and then noticed Blade. She froze, eyes widening in shock before it was replaced with consternation. Suddenly, she mumbled something to her date who looked surprised when she immediately rose and exited the bar.

  “I’ll be right back,” Blade said to the puzzled Drake, who nodded and watched Blade leave quickly through the front entrance.

  Blade caught up with Jessica as she stalked outside, smoking furiously on a cigarette.

  He called out her name and she spun around, her eyes flashing when they met his. “What do you want?” she spat.

  “Why have you been avoiding me? And who was that guy you were with in there?” was his angry reply. When she huffed and turned away, he took her by the wrist to yank her back to face him when she yelp
ed in pain.

  Blade frowned in confusion; he hadn’t grabbed her that hard. The sleeve of her dress fell back from her raised hand, revealing the bruises only barely faded from her slender flesh.

  “What the…,” Blade growled in anger, lifting his eyes to hers. “Who did this? Is it that guy in the bar? If it’s him I’m going to fuck him up right now.”

  Jessica grabbed his arm as he made to swivel round to return to the interior of the bar. “No! Wait, please. He’s my boyfriend. Don’t touch him. And he didn’t really mean it. We were just…we argued a bit last night…”

  “And did that give him the right to wring your arm and give you all these bruises? You call that a boyfriend? Please don’t tell me you allow that piece of scum anywhere near Jamie.”

  “Don’t call Vince a piece of scum!” Jessica cried out furiously. “At least he’s there for me. Not like you, so preoccupied with your princess girlfriend ‘Makayla’.” She said the name with a sneering roll of her head.

  “I have been there for you, Jessica. Even though Jamie’s not mine I promised myself I’d do what I can for him because of Thomas. Also because the boy’s innocent and…”

  “And I’m not, right?” Jessica said bitterly. “I’m scum just like Vince. That’s why you’d never dream of being with me for real. I’m not your precious Makayla.”

  “Why do you keep bringing her up? What has she got to do with this?”

  “Because if it wasn’t for her, you’d be with me!” Jessica cried out, her body leaning forward as she all but screeched in his face. “And Jamie would be able to have a real family, a real father. But you don’t care about that anymore, do you? You don’t really care what happens to Jamie. If you did, you’d…” She shook her head, not bothering to finish, her eyes filled with loathing as she viewed Blade. “Just keep your self-righteous concern away from me and my son. We don’t need you.” And with one last glare at him, she stubbed out her cigarette and went back into the bar.

  Blade let out a furious sigh, shoving his hands through his hair as he tried to stay calm. He was almost shaking with the need to go back in there and bash that guy Vince to the ground for what he’d done to Jessica. Just thinking that she was with someone like that, and possibly letting Jamie witness domestic violence crap was enough to make Blade see red.

  He was in a shitty dilemma and didn’t know what the hell to do because he was scared. Scared of losing Makayla and scared he’d fail in his mission to keep Jamie safe. Like he’d told Jessica, Jamie was the innocent party in all this and Blade would never turn his back on the boy. And Makayla…he could tell she was getting more and more worried about his interaction with Jessica and how it troubled him especially when Jessica had started her new tactic of ignoring and avoiding him.

  This is just so fucked up, Blade thought, as he balanced his clenched fists on his hips, standing there on the moon-lit pavement in front of the bar. Now he remembered why he preferred staying out of serious relationships. He’d been wary of having to face something like this. Having to choose. Needing to work out the balance between his self-induced duty to Jamie, and his growing feelings for Makayla. Good god, he adored her. And he loved Jamie. What the heck was he going to do?

  He forced himself to return to the present, knowing Drake would be getting worried. Blade was reluctant to go back inside, unsure what he might do if he caught sight of that bastard Vince or whatever his name was. The guy was obviously abusing Jessica in some way even if it was just bullying or using his superior strength unfairly against her if those bruises were anything to go by. How could Jessica put up with that?

  Afraid of what he might do, he called Drake on his mobile phone to apologize that he had to go and would talk to him later.

  “Is everything okay?” Drake asked worriedly on the line. “The guys will be here any minute. Why’d you go off like that?”

  “Something came up,” Blade said, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes tightly for a second. “I can’t talk now but I’ll be fine. And about that offer we discussed…I’ll give you my answer next time, you have my word. It was good seeing you, Drake.”

  “You too, brother,” Drake said deeply. “Take it easy.”

  Blade thanked him and hung up though he wondered how the hell he was going to be taking anything easy what with the quandary he had on his hands.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It had taken a lot for Makayla to come to a final decision.

  She checked her reflection in the mirror one more time, regarding the way the ruffles fell beautifully on her snug-fitting dress. She didn’t feel particularly beautiful, though she knew that the outfit, her hair and make-up was stunning. Blade was coming to pick her up to go somewhere fancy for dinner. She hadn’t seen him for two days thanks to her trip to London on business.

  She’d accompanied her boss to close a major investment deal with their UK partners. Dave had been really impressed with her contribution and had dropped hints about the company considering her for another promotion. His offer had a catch though and Makayla felt torn but that wasn’t the main reason why she was in such low spirits.

  Seeing Blade again was always enough to put the wind to her sails no matter how her day or week had been. But tonight the dinner date was one she’d been dreading ever since he’d called her that morning to remind her.

  Suddenly, she heard his truck pull up in front of her apartment. Her roommate, Gina was on night duty at the hospital, so when Blade came in through the unlocked door he wasted no time before tugging her into his arms and kissing her senseless.

  Makayla lost herself in his taste and feel and for those few moments, life was magical. She breathed him in like oxygen and held it there, in her heart. She never wanted to exhale. But seconds later he was drawing back gently, forcing Makayla to return to the here and now as she opened her eyes slowly, almost unwilling to break from the spell of his kiss.

  “God, you can’t possibly look more beautiful than the last time I saw you,” Blade rumbled, his words thick with arousal as he gazed down at her in the silky white dress with its cut-out pattern at the waist, arms and the hem ending in seductive ruffles down her hips. She’d wanted to look extra-special tonight, wanted Blade to keep a wonderful image of her after she…

  “Thank you,” she returned with a ready smile even as her heart cracked within. “You look ever so dashing if I must say.” He did, too. Whenever he took the effort to be in a suit and tie he looked like a freaking sex magnet. She felt like she would dissolve into a gooey mess just looking at him with his baby-blue dress shirt setting off his dark blue eyes, his jacket fitting him like it was made for him, his shoulders as hard-packed and broad as his waist and hips were lean and tapered. His dark blonde hair was growing out and now had waves which were slicked neatly back.

  “You mustn’t, but it’s appreciated all the same,” Blade said, grinning before leaning forward to kiss her forehead as he added huskily, “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too,” Makayla said on a sigh, clutching at his lapels for one desperate moment. But before he could notice any inner turmoil, she pulled back and looked up at him with a cheeky grin. “Well, since you’ve refused to let me cook any dinner for you in return for all the fabulous meals you keep whipping up for us, let’s go have our fancy night out then.”

  Blade chuckled, placing his arm in the small of her back as they headed for the door. “Angel, even you wouldn’t eat your own cooking. You’re adorable, Makayla but you can’t cook.”

  She made a pouty lip which ended up getting plucked in a quick kiss that stole her breath. Blade drew back, eyes gleaming dangerously. “We definitely better leave now before I give in to the urge to rip into you here and now, sexy. Besides, tonight’s extra special and that’s why I planned this “fancy night out”. Now come on.”

  He was smiling warmly as he led her outside, and Makayla forced a bright smile on her face even though she balked inwardly. What did he have in store for them, she wondered?
Whatever it was, she couldn’t help thinking that her own plans were going to conflict in the worst way and this made her dread the whole evening all the more.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Blade wasn’t dumb and he knew Makayla far too well not to tell that something was bothering her. Their meal arrived and she barely picked at it, confirming his suspicions. Blade told himself he knew exactly what had her in such a mood and he felt sure he also knew just what to make that smile on her face turn from phony to heart-felt.


  Her head jerked up guiltily when he said her name softly. He took her hand over the table cloth, eyes pinned to hers. “You’re troubled, I can tell.”

  Her ensuing laugh was shaky. “I’m maybe a little nervous tonight, I guess.”

  “That’s funny because so am I. But more than a little.” He was grinning when she frowned in puzzlement even as she smiled.

  “I’d never have imagined you being nervous about anything,” she said in a low tone.

  “You’d be surprised,” he murmured, taking a sip of wine to wet his suddenly parched throat. He hadn’t been joking – he was worried as hell. What if she said no? What if he wasn’t convincing enough? What if…

  “So what’s making you nervous?” he asked, cutting off those worrying thoughts and perking his eyebrow at her. “Is it about your last trip to London?”

  “Uh…something like that. But, you first. Why could you possibly be nervous?” Makayla asked quickly, obviously buying more time.

  A smile tilted the corner of his lips, his hold on her slender fingers tightening warmly. “Maybe you already guessed. I’ve not exactly been too subtle about it. I mean here we are, having a romantic dinner in a classy Italian restaurant.”

  Blade broke off, snagging a breath. Damn! He’d staked out loads of life-threatening missions on his own; faced the barrel of a weapon face to face more than once, and spent the last ten years living the life that the toughest guys out there only dreamed about but couldn’t survive in. So he should be the last person getting nerves right now. And yet, this wasn’t combat, this was his heart on the line this time. And the woman before him could shatter it to smithereens with just one word.


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