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The Billionaire's Casino - The Complete Collection: Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 16

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Look at the camera,” he whispered in my ear. “And smile.”

  I smiled widely as the man took a picture of us, and Dean got the camera back. As we made our way through the Colosseum, I took my camera back.

  “You know, maybe we can use this later to take some more pictures.” I glanced at him just in time to see a blush rise to his cheeks. “I mean, I do have a couple new outfits I could model for you.” He grinned widely.

  “You tempt me.”

  “Just remember, I’m not wearing any panties right now.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, I haven’t stopped thinking about it.” He pulled me close to him as we walked. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about all the things I’m going to do to you as soon as we get back to that hotel room.”

  His words sent a shiver of heat down my spine. Suddenly, I wanted nothing more than to get back to the hotel room.

  “Maybe we should go.”

  “Nope, not yet. I planned a nice day for you, and you’re going to enjoy it.” His eyes sparkled. “And you’re going to think about every dirty thing I’m going to do to you in the meantime.”

  “You’re a tease,” I muttered, but I didn’t mean it. It was just going to be so much better when I finally got him inside me.

  I grinned widely, thankful that the only people around were security guards. It was kinda nice to have the whole place to ourselves.

  After we were done there, we headed back towards the hotel, but we got out of the cab a few blocks away in front of a pizza parlor. We each got a slice of pizza and slowly made our way back towards the hotel.

  “I have to ask you something.”

  “Alright.” My brow furrowed.

  “How’ve you been feeling these past couple of days?”

  “I’ve been fine—why? Oh … never mind.” It took me a couple seconds to realize what he was getting at, but I figured it out. “I’ve been fine, yea. I mean, I’m not going to lie; I still get freaked out.” Being out in public was a little hard, but for some reason in Italy, it was a hell of a lot easier on me. Maybe it was because we were somewhere else, or maybe it was just because I was having too much fun.

  “So bringing you away was the right thing to do?”

  “Yes, but I have to go back. I mean, I can’t avoid the casino forever.” I took a huge bite out of my pizza.

  Dean groaned. “Your ex’s girlfriend is over there, and it looks like she’s going to come over and say hi.”

  I mimicked his groan as I turned to see where he was talking about. Sure enough, she was coming over, and it looked like she was heading right for us.

  She carried a small bag with her, and I noticed her purse was fraying.

  I gave Dean a smile. “You don’t have to stick around if you don’t want.”

  “You sure you don’t mind?”

  “Oh, I’m sure; she doesn’t scare me.” I smiled placing a kiss on his lips. “You must have work stuff to get done.”

  “How’d you know?”

  “You never go a day without working, even when you manage to get a day off.” I laughed softly. “Don’t worry I get it, go.”

  “Thank you.” His lips touched mine quickly, his hand slipping into my pocket before he walked away heading towards the hotel. I thrust my hand into my pocket and my fingers touched something plastic. I pulled it out and stared wide-eyed at a black credit card.

  “You have got to be shitting me,” I muttered, but I didn’t have time to focus on it. My phone beeped, letting me know I had a text message.


  Was the only thing Dean included in his text. My jaw dropped. He had to be joking, but I knew he wasn’t.

  “Where is your boyfriend going?” Kirra asked.

  “Oh, he, um had some work stuff to get done.” I tucked my phone back into my pocket. “I’m guessing the same with Brad?”

  “Yea.” Her eyes narrowed for a fraction of a second.

  “Well, at least you get some time to yourself.” I smiled stepping forward, hoping she’d get the hint—of course, she didn’t. She followed me as we made our way towards the hotel.

  “He misses you, you know.”

  “Good for him.”

  “He tried to talk to your boyfriend earlier. Your boyfriend wasn’t very nice to him.”

  “Oh.” I didn’t care and just kept walking as she followed me.

  “He said some very rude things.”

  My brow furrowed. Really? What had he said? Would I have to get mad at Dean for whatever he said?

  “Mhm.” I wasn’t sure what to say.

  Her fingers grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a stop. I spun to face her, opening my mouth to say something. Without warning, she pulled me into her arms.

  “I’m so sorry for everything that happened. What we said about you was wrong, but you have to understand it was so long ago, and Molly was jealous of you. She was the one who turned everyone against you. And as soon as you left, I realized what a mistake I made. I missed you so much.”

  I stood there frozen, unsure of how to react. There was no way any of this was her being honest, was there? I swallowed dryly, patting her back awkwardly.

  “It’s … okay?” I offered weakly.

  She pulled away with a wide smile on her face. “I just want you to know how much Brad and I miss you. He knows how much he screwed up.” Oh, this had to be fake. There was no way Brad actually felt bad for anything he did to me. “He cried and cried.”

  “Mhm. And, how would you know that?”

  She stared at me wide-eyed. She’d dug herself into a hole because she either had to admit that she didn’t know, or that she’d been with him after we broke up. I knew what Brad was like. He hardly showed me his emotions, and we’d been together for almost six months.

  “I … I …”

  I bit my lip to avoid smiling and turned back towards the hotel. This conversation was over as far as I was concerned.

  “He cried in his office,” she said quickly.

  I laughed. Out loud. I knew I shouldn’t have, but we both knew it was the stupidest thing that could have come out of her mouth. I’d watched him find out his mom was dead and go on with his day. I stared at her and shook my head.

  “That’s a nice thing to say.” I smiled widely. “Thank you.” It wouldn’t kill me to pretend I thought she was actually trying to be nice, would it?

  “So … you’ll reconsider dinner?”

  Was this entire thing about getting Dean to dinner with Brad? Or was it about getting Brad and me together? Whose plan was this?

  I studied Kirra carefully. She’d seemed so mad that Brad had touched me, but she was manipulative, she could be in on it for God knows what reason.

  “We’re a little busy tonight—”

  “What about tomorrow?”

  “Oh, I don’t know; it’s our last day in Italy tomorrow. Dean might have something planned.” I shrugged. “I’ll be sure to let you know if we are free, though.”

  “If not, we can always get together when we’re back in Vegas.” Her eyes widened almost pleadingly.

  “I’ll mention it to Dean,” I lied. My stomach knotted as I thought about the idea of having to sit at a lunch table with them as he tried to sell Dean on something. “Anyway, I’d better get going.”

  “I thought Dean was working.” She actually sounded sad. “I mean if you’re not busy, I thought we could grab coffee.”

  I felt my heart drop into the pit of my stomach. I knew what she was feeling. I knew what Brad was like, and I knew she’d probably gotten evenings with him—if that—since they’d been here, and for a split second, I wanted to go out to coffee with her and let her know that she deserved better. Then I remembered how likely it was that she’d just tried to manipulative and con Dean and me into going to lunch with them.

  I still felt bad for her, but not as bad as I had seconds ago. “I’d love to, but I promised my mom I’d Skype with her.”

  “Oh … okay.”

  I turned and
took three steps towards the hotel before stopping and turning to face her.

  “Look,” I took a deep breath. “Honestly, I don’t know if this is some sort of act that you’re playing, but I do know that when I was dating Brad, he hardly ever gave me the time of the day, and I have no clue why I was actually with him other than the fact that I thought I loved him. I don’t know if you are some sort of tit for tat relationship or what, but I do know if he’s not making you happy, and he’s not being a good boyfriend, you’re better off without him.”

  Without another word, I turned and headed for the hotel.

  “But look at what he did to you.”

  I just barely heard her, and my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. Yes, Brad had fucked me up good; he’d made it really hard to trust men after that, and he’d made me feel like my life was destroyed; but I’d moved on, and if Kirra wanted to she could too. I found someone ten times better than Brad, and I couldn’t be happier. Sure, he’d hurt me a lot, but Brad was in my past, and I had no intention of letting him be part of my present or future.

  I smiled, stepping into the hotel feeling a weight off my shoulders as if I’d come out and told Brad he could go right to hell. I hoped that if Kirra were unhappy she would just drop him and move on with her life, but I couldn’t make her do anything, so I made my way up to my hotel room and was greeted by Dean standing by the window shirtless. I took a few seconds to stare at the muscles in his back as he spoke on the phone. I didn’t pay much attention to what he was talking about. Instead, I closed the door quietly and slipped out of my shirt, letting it fall to the ground. I slipped out of my jeans but kept my heels on, slowly making my way over to him as quietly as I could.

  Just as I was about to reach out and touch him, he turned to face me. His eyes roamed over my almost naked body and a grin spread over his face.

  “Yes, of course, we’d be happy to provide accommodations.” His full attention went back to the conversation he was having as I dropped to my knees in front of him and reached for the button on his jean. I saw him inhale deeply. His eyes sparkled as he watched me. He bit his lip, making a noise to let the person on the other end of the phone know he was listening as I reached up and hooked my thumbs around the waist of his jeans, pulling them down quickly. His cock sprang forward, already hard.

  My mouth opened, taking his head into my mouth.

  A deep breath escaped Dean as he thrust towards me. His eyes rolled back as I mouthed his cock.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke. Faster and faster, my mouth working quickly to suck him harder and harder, trying to get him to cum while he was still on the phone.

  I’d never given head or had sex while one of us was on the phone. It was actually kinda hot. My tongue ran over every inch of him that it could reach as he bit his lip, cracking his neck.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke. My mouth worked faster and faster.

  “Yes, that was I was thinking. Would the evening work for you ...? Of course, we’d be able to pick you up. I wouldn’t expect any less.” His fingers tangled in my hair as he guided my head forward and backward faster and faster. “Yes. Of course; I’ll speak to you as soon as I get things sorted out.”

  I pulled away from him, looking up with wide eyes. Was he almost done with his call? I didn’t wait to find out. I mouthed his cock again, taking in as much of him as I could.

  “Have a great day,” Dean said, letting out a soft breath before he pulled the phone away from his ear and hung up. He raised a finger, silently telling me not to say anything, placed his phone on the desk and looked down at me. “Well, aren’t you naughty?” He grinned widely.

  “You didn’t seem to mind,” I said after pulling his cock out of my mouth. His fingers detangled from my hair as he stepped away and pulled his shirt over his head. I took a deep breath, taking everything in. He looked perfect. His muscular chest flexed, but it was his abs I was really paying attention to. My eyes trailed a little lower and lower and lower.

  I swallowed dryly, wanting his cock back in my mouth.

  “I didn’t mind. I like when you’re dirty and blowing me while I’m on the phone with clients. Very dirty of you.”

  “Cum over here, and you can get me even dirtier.” I grinned, letting sexual innuendo seep through my voice.

  Chapter Six

  Dean closed the distance between us and pushed me down onto the floor gently. I let out a deep breath as his lips touched my belly, moving lower and lower. I spread my legs for him as his hands touched the back of my thigh, pushing my legs into the air as his tongue flicked over my pussy. I gasped, my eyes rolling back. I’d been thinking about this all day.

  “Oh, fuck me,” I muttered.

  “Not yet.” He pulled away from me with a grin. “I’m going to tease you, payback for teasing me all day.”

  Him? Me teasing him all day! I bit back a laugh as I stared at him.

  “But I want you so bad,” I pouted.

  “Well, that’s just too damn bad for you.” He grinned widely, reaching for my breast. I gasped as he grabbed my nipple, playing with it between his thumb and forefinger.

  He pulled away, his fingers tickling their way down my body. Lower and lower. Grabbing my hips, he pulled me towards him. The rough carpet burned my skin, but not enough for it to actually be painful. Actually, it was almost pleasurable. I swallowed dryly.

  Dean’s finger touched the innermost part of my thigh before brushing over my clit. Desire boiled in the pit of my stomach.

  My pussy itched to be touched, and I reached between my legs, but he stopped me.

  “If you’re not good, I’m going to make you wait even longer,” he said sternly.

  My heart skipped a beat as I nodded. He’d never been demanding in bed. I liked it. I swallowed dryly, waiting for him to keep touching me.

  His fingers traced down my thighs. No! I wanted him to touch my pussy—wanted him inside me. It took everything I had not to go touch myself. But I needed something to do with my hands.

  My hands massaged my breast gently. His eyes locked on me.

  “Am I allowed to do this?”

  “That is very much allowed.” He didn’t look away from my hands massaging my breast as his fingers made their way up my thigh again. A shiver ran down my spine as he touched my innermost thigh again.

  I gasped as his finger slipped into me quickly.

  “God, you’re almost dripping,” he cooed.

  “That’s because of how horny you make me.” I grinned. “Are you going to fuck me? I want to feel your hard cock inside me. Pounding me until I’m screaming so loud everyone on this floor can hear me.”

  I could see how much it affected him. His cock twitched, but it was the lust in his eyes that made me sure he was about to get up and grab a condom. I’d been on the pill for a couple days now, but we were still being safe.

  “You sure do have a way with words.” Grinning, he stood up and padded over to his bag. I watched as he pulled a condom from the bag. “Get on your hands and knees.”

  “You’re demanding today.” I smiled, rolling onto my knees. “I like it.”

  “I’ll be more demanding more often.” He came back to me, sat behind me, and I heard him tear into the condom. My heart was racing, and my pussy throbbed to have him inside me. It was all I could think about. I swallowed dryly.

  His hands touched my hips, pulling me closer to him. I felt his head against my lips. “Now, you said something about screaming so loud the whole floor could hear you?” I gasped as I felt his hand come down against my ass. “I expect to hear that.”

  A moan passed through my lips as his hands massaged the spot he’d just spanked me. He pushed into me gently and I gasped, my hips grinding against him as his fingers dug into my skin and pulled me closer to him.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  Soft and gentle at first, but that didn’t last long.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  Faster and harder. Faster, faster and faster. Dean’s hand traced over th
e curves of my body, and I moaned as he pressed me down towards the floor. My legs spread wider. I gasped, feeling him in a whole new way.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  Faster and faster.

  I moaned louder, my nails digging into the carpet as he thrust into me faster and faster.

  I rested on one elbow as my free hand reached between my legs and touched my clit. My eyes rolled back as my moans grew louder. My fingers circled my clit, massaging gently.

  “You’re not going to cum on me already, are you?”

  “I’m fucking close,” I admitted.

  His nails dug into me gently as he let out a deep breath.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke. Faster and faster. “

  “You’re not cumming yet.”

  My body shook as I nodded. I could feel myself so close to the edge as I massaged myself and Dean slammed into me faster and faster. Harder and harder. Dean pulled me closer to him, his hands soft against my skin as he let out a deep breath. I looked back just in time to see his body tense and grinned as I closed my eyes, letting my eyeballs roll back as everything went a hazy white.

  What can I say? I’m not good at taking orders.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  “Ohh, fuck me. I’m so close.”

  Despite the fact he said I couldn’t cum yet, Dean thrust into me faster and faster, harder and harder. He pulled me closer to him. A ripple of pleasure ripped through my body as I let out a scream. My hips buckled as I gasped for breath, grinding against him. I moaned louder, my fingers fumbling over my clit frantically as a wave of pleasure surged through my body, so intense that everything was still a fuzzy white as another rippled through my body. My toes curled.

  “Oh, oh, fuck yes,” I mumbled.

  Dean gasped behind me, letting out his own sound of pleasure as he thrust into me faster and faster, his fingers tightening into my skin as he let out something close to a growl of pleasure.

  Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

  Waves of pleasure ripped through me, going from ecstasy to softer and softer. Another passed through my body, this time so soft I hardly felt it. I forced my eyes open as Dean gasped for breath above me; his hand traced over the curves of my body gently, rubbing my back.


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