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Billionaire Flawed: A Bad Boy Billionaire Baby Romance

Page 101

by Tia Siren

  Her top came off, flung to the floor next to the bed, and then Martin was sucking on one of her brown nipples. It made her wet, and she was yearning for the man’s impressively long cock, so she pushed him to the side, onto his back, and then climbed atop him. He was nude, his shorts left by the door where she had sucked his cock, and she slid her bathing suit bottoms down and kicked them over to the top. With one hand she held his rigid member as she guided herself onto it.

  “Fuck,” Martin breathed. “You’re so tight,”

  She wondered if he was used to fucking Cindy. She seemed like she might be loose. Viola grinned, but she didn’t speak. She just rocked back and forth atop the man, up as she went forward, so his cock slid almost out of her, and then pushing down as she moved back, so it was buried deep within her tight snatch.

  His hands explored her body, sliding up and down her side, his fingertips light on her sensitive parts. He played with her tits, squeezing them, feeling her hard nipples pressing against his palms. Fingers rolled her nipples softly between them. Then his hands moved downward, to her hips, helping set a faster rhythm as she rocked on his cock. Then around to her ass, where his long fingers gripped into her skin.

  “I’m going to come,” Viola said, just moments before she did. She gasped as he shoved upward, grabbing her hips and burying his cock further into her than anyone had ever gone. Her walls squeezed his shaft as the orgasm tore through her body.

  Then it was his turn, and he was emboldened. Martin threw her to the side and then climbed atop and slid into her juicy pussy. He fucked her fast, but was still gentle, planting small kisses along the side of her neck, down over her collarbone, all around her nipple. When he came he didn’t announce it, he just grunted, and she felt his cock jump, and for the second night in a row, a billionaire blew his sticky white load into her brown pussy.


  Over the next couple of weeks, Viola went on dates with both of the men. It was a blast, a time that she knew she would never forget. James had called her after all, and a couple of weeks after their first date he took her to see the opera, which she had never done. Afterwards, they fucked in the limo, with her riding his cock as they rode around town.

  By the time she had gone on her second date with James, she had been on two more with Martin. He had taken her to a concert, where she got to see the show from the side of the stage and meet the group afterwards. That night she blew Martin since he got sidetracked by business, sucking him off and swallowing his cum as he spoke on his cell phone. He made it up to her by taking her to the zoo the next day, and afterwards, they went to his home just outside the city and made love all afternoon. It was soft and sweet, and he came inside of her again.

  In the next six months, she fucked and sucked both men, and though sometimes they each came on her, whether it be plastering her face with their sticky sperm, or splashing it on her tits, when they came inside her it was always without a condom. Neither man knew about the other, as far as Viola knew, and at the very least they didn’t ask her about any other men she might be dating.

  They both showered her with gifts while showing her a side of life she never thought she would experience. James spoke with a restaurant manager he knew, and Viola left Vine and went to work there, a place called Sharp. It was a big promotion, and Viola found herself in charge of the wait staff, and with enough of a raise to get a better apartment, downtown, close to where she worked.

  Martin bought her a new car, and while it wasn’t a sports car like his, it was expensive enough that Viola balked originally. She told the man over and over she couldn’t accept it, but he wouldn’t hear it. Eventually, she simply kept the car.

  In the eighth month of dating both men, Viola had a shock. She had been feeling nauseous for days at a time, and she had missed her last period, and still hadn’t had it a week and a half after she was supposed to. Alone at home one night, she took a test, and it came out positive. She was pregnant.

  The worst part was she didn’t know who the father was. It could only be Martin or James’. She sat and cried, all through the night. In the morning, she knew what she had to do, and she called James and asked him to meet her at her apartment. He was there after work, and she smiled softly.

  “I think we have to break up,” Viola said. The man looked shocked. His eyes went wide for a minute.

  “What? Why?” he asked.

  “I can’t tell you,” Viola said, instantly regretting it, she knew it sounded bad.

  “You cheated on me? I never knew we were official or anything,” James said. He tried to remain stoic, but he sounded hurt.

  “No, it’s nothing like that,” Viola said, but then she regretted it. “Well, I have been seeing someone else… but really… it’s not that.”

  “It’s not?” James asked.

  “I’ve been seeing him as long as I’ve been seeing you. It’s not new. It’s not why I want to break up. If anything, now, I really want to be with you. It’s you I want. Really. But I can’t. It’s not fair to you.”

  “I thought there was someone else,” James said, shaking his head softly. “I just didn’t know it would sting so badly when I found out.”

  Viola felt tears stinging her eyes, and she wiped them away with her fingertips as they spilled over her bottom eyelid and began to run down her cheeks.

  “Really, it’s not the other guy.”

  James just nodded. “It’s fine,” he said. “I understand.”

  And then, with sudden abruptness, he turned and left, and Viola didn’t know what to say to get him to come back.

  The next day, she had Martin come over, expecting much of the same, but he surprised her. When she told him she wanted to break up, he flew into a rage. He yelled, he screamed, he called her names, including the n- word. He swore he would get his car back, and Viola broke down into tears. She cried for days.

  She had good friends who helped her through the pregnancy, but it just wasn’t the same without the father there. And after Martin’s horrific outburst when she broke things off with him, she hoped and prayed the baby wasn’t his. She didn’t know what she was going to do. She didn’t want to know whose it was, just so it wouldn’t be Martin’s. She didn’t want to do a DNA test, she didn’t plan on trying to get any guy for his money. She would raise the baby herself, and she would move on with her life.

  As she grew closer to her due date, her mother flew in from Illinois, where Viola had been born and raised. It helped to have her mother there, but as the date grew nearer, Viola found herself in a state of depression.

  Three days before the baby was due, he decided to come out, and Viola and her mother rushed to the hospital. It was a grueling ten-hour ordeal, but when it was done and Viola was holding her little baby boy, with skin the color of chocolate milk and a head of dark hair already, Viola felt nothing but happiness. All her worries seemed to go away. She thought it might have had something to do with the baby's nose. It was crooked, just like James’. There was no doubt in Viola’s mind that James was the father.

  Viola named the baby Grady, after her grandfather, and she and her mother and the baby went home three days after he was born. The happiness of being a new mother couldn’t keep the crushing regret from coming back, though, and she found herself looking at the baby often and thinking of James. When it became too much, a month after Grady was born, she bundled him up and went to see James.

  She got into his office building by having security call up to him, and she found him waiting for her as soon as the elevator opened. He arched a brow at the baby she held in her arms, but didn’t say anything until he led her past rows of cubicles and into his private office. The walls were glass, but he pressed a button on a small remote control he kept on his desk, and they darkened.

  “Neat,” Viola said, smiling softly to James as she sat down across from him.

  “You have a baby,” James said.

  “I do.”


“Yes,” Viola said.

  “Is it mine?” James asked, not able to keep the question from springing forth from his lips.

  “I think so,” Viola said, and she shifted the baby so James could see its face.

  “He has my nose,” James said, and he smiled. “What’s his name?”

  “Grady?” Viola said. “Like my-”

  James cut her off. “Grandfather. I remember.”

  Viola didn’t even remember telling James about her grandfather, but she must have, and he had listened, and remembered. It touched her, and with her hormones all out of sorts, it hit her hard, and she felt tears coming. She let them roll down her cheeks, but took a tissue when James slid the box across the desk towards her.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I really messed up.”

  James sat silently for a moment. “If he’s mine, I want to help. He’s mine. I can tell.”

  “The nose,” Viola said with a laugh, and James grinned and nodded. “My father has it, so does my brother.”

  “I don’t know what I was thinking,” Viola said. “It was you. Always you.”

  “I said I want to help,” James said again.

  “I didn’t come here for that,” Viola said. “I don’t want your money.”

  James grinned and nodded. “I know,” he said, adding, “and that’s why I love you.”

  Viola couldn’t speak for a moment. He had told her he loved her. He had never done that. Martin had, and then when she broke up with him, he had yelled and screamed. James liked rough sex, and he had never said it, but now, that he did, she knew he meant it.

  “I love you too,” Viola said.

  “I want to help, and I mean that I want to be with you. I want to raise our child together. No one could fill the spot in my heart that you left behind.”

  Viola was crying more, the tears rushing down her face. She hadn’t known what to expect, but it wasn’t all of that. She had just wanted a man to know he was a father. They had talked about it once before, after sex one night in his apartment, wrapped up together in a bedsheet, naked bodies pressed together. He had told her he wanted kids, but he had never even been married, and he didn’t know if a woman would ever be alright with his lifestyle enough to settle down with him since he could never really settle down. There was always a meeting, always a dinner.

  James stood, and he pulled something out of a drawer in his desk before he walked around and knelt down beside Viola’s chair. He held up a small box.

  “I had bought this a month before you ended things with me,” he said as he opened the box to reveal the largest and most stunning engagement ring Viola had ever seen. “I think I should give it to you now. Will you marry me, Viola?”

  Viola nodded and broke into wild laughter. “Yes,” she said. “Yes of course.”

  James leaned forward and they were kissing. She had missed his lips, his taste, and she felt every old feeling come back to her. They broke the kiss, and James grinned at her.

  “Can I hold my son?” he asked, and Viola laughed and handed him over. She sat there, watching the billionaire holding her son. His son. He looked like a natural, and he stared down at the baby with wonder in his eyes.

  They were married less than a month later, and Viola and Grady moved into the massive apartment on the top floor of the sleek and shining skyscraper. She quit her job at the restaurant, and her days were filled with love. It was everything she had ever wanted, everything she was sure she would never get with Jerome. She thought back to him sometimes, and the gift he had given her. It had hurt that he was the one breaking up with her, but if he hadn’t, she would never have given herself over to her primal desires. She wouldn’t have gone to the club with James, she wouldn't have let him fuck her that night. She wouldn’t have met the love of her life, even though she took a roundabout way of getting to him. In a strange way, she owed her happiness to the unemployed loser who broke her heart. She thanked him on the days she thought of him, but as time went on, those were few and far between.



  The Russian’s Secret Love Child – Brandy’s Story

  A BWWM Billionnaire Romance

  I nervously toyed with the small porcelain mask I was given. The silver along the edge was starting to come loose from my handling it, and the plumage that jutted from the top was beginning to bend slightly. Still, I felt that nobody would notice the small wear and tear at the masquerade party.

  My driver wasn’t particularly chatty, which was probably for the best, as my Russian was still a little rusty. So, I took out my phone again and checked the time. It was just a little past eight in the evening. The night air slipping through the slightly-open window was crisp and refreshing, and it helped me clear my head a little.

  The car turned down a driveway, and we passed a pair of ornate iron gates. We came to a full stop, and a pair of well-dressed and muscular men approached the window.

  “Invitation,” they ordered.

  I pulled the glossy paper invitation from my clutch purse and held it up.

  The talkative of the two men snatched it and examined it for a moment before passing it back.

  “Enjoy your evening,” he said.

  I nervously rolled the window up and affixed the mask to my face. I really doubted that it would hide my real identity. My gown for the evening left little to the imagination, and the mask wouldn’t hide my dark skin.

  As we continued to drive, the estate came into view. It was possibly the largest house I’d ever laid eyes on. It may as well have been called a castle, as the brickwork alone made it appear to be so. Massive windows stared at anything that dared pass their gaze, and it felt like it wasn’t just the windows doing the staring. Lights erupted from the house as though a beacon, both warning and inviting travelers. Guests walked to and fro, drinks in hand and masks planted on their faces, making merry around the looming castle of a house.

  We came to a stop, and my door was tugged open by a well-dressed attendant whom also wore a mask. He provided me a hand and assisted me from the car. My heart began to beat a little harder as my nerves continued to surmount. I inhaled deeply and exhaled, pushing back the nerves for another moment. I had been in situations like this before and wasn’t about to lose my composure.

  I strolled up the red carpet leading into the manor with an aloof gaze and curious mind. I had been to gala’s and gallery openings, but this was something to behold.

  People danced and drank without a care, I couldn’t say I really recognized anyone, but that feeling was quite liberating. I wanted to commence my own drinking, but my situation held me back.

  “I see you’ve arrived fashionably late,” said a man’s voice from behind.

  I recognized the voice quite easily as Viktor’s, the man who was kind enough to send me the invite and the mask.

  “A girl needs to look her best for these sorts of things,” I replied. I began to turn but his arms caught me and held me in place.

  “You needn’t have worked so hard, knowing what’s under that dress would make any man weep with joy.”

  “Yes, but I find it best to wear clothing when I’m still easily recognized,” I replied.

  “I need to speak with you in private,” he said. “Follow me to my study.”

  I nodded. He released me and pushed his way through the opulent crowd while I followed. As we made our way, I couldn’t help but get the feeling that I was being watched. I looked about, and nothing seemed completely out of place, considering the party, except I noticed one person standing near the library with a drink in hand that tried his best not to make eye contact.

  I didn’t have much time to think about the stranger as I was being shoved into a small office room that opened beneath the entry stairs. Viktor closed the door and twisted the key.

  The room was surprisingly quiet and very cozy. A desk sat in the middle of the room with a high-backed leather chair protruding from behind. In front of the
desk stood two smaller leather chairs. The wood paneling adorned the walls, and rich green carpet stained the floor.

  Viktor dropped the key and bent down to kiss me deeply. I craned my neck to reach him, standing on my tip-toes as I did. His lean muscular arms grasped me tight as I melted into them.

  He massaged his arm down my bare-backed dress, but I stopped him before he could go any lower.

  “I’m here to talk, and it’s rather important,” I said.

  “I have much to say to you as well, have a seat.”

  I sat myself in the smaller of the chairs; Viktor walked to a nearby decanter and poured himself a glass of Cognac before sitting himself next to me.

  “I hope you like the party, it was the only way I could think to get you here without pretenses,” he started.

  “You are having this party because you couldn’t just invite me to come over?” I asked.

  “Yes. I have too many people watching my home right now, and it’s important that I speak with you as soon as possible.”

  I sighed, slumping into my chair and getting a little more comfortable. My nerves were back, and this time, it wasn’t about being the only dark-skinned woman at a party.

  “There are a lot of people that don’t like me,” he said, “and many of them would stop at nothing to get revenge in any way they can. I want you to know this. I cherish our time together, and I need to keep you safe.”

  “Viktor,” I said.

  “Yes?” he asked.

  “Before you continue, I need to tell you something …”

  I stood back up and began pacing near the door.

  “Last month, after you bought that painting from the gallery, we slept together.”

  He smiled, appearing to remember fondly the night we gave in to our passions.

  “Well, I visited a doctor, and I found out that I’m pregnant. You’re the only person I’ve been with in quite a long time, and I know you’re the only one who could be the father. I want to carry this baby to term.”

  Viktor’s smile faded, but only a little. I started shaking, fearing the worst was in store for me. I waited for him to yell and me, and throw me from the building, but it never came. Instead, he just took me by the hand until I stopped shaking before answering.


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