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Billionaire Flawed: A Bad Boy Billionaire Baby Romance

Page 126

by Tia Siren

  “The wine,” Anthony Conner said, and they both laughed. “Really, though, you can’t go wrong with anything. Do you like seafood? They have a great pasta with shellfish. I always add an order of crab cakes as well.”

  Aisha nodded. “I’ll have whatever you recommend,” she said, and her boss nodded and ended up ordering for both of them. Each dish had a complicated Italian name, and Aisha found herself wondering if her boss was saving her a bit of embarrassment. Soon after ordering their waitress, who was a thin white blonde girl with a massive chest and an even bigger butt, clad in a crisp white shirt and tight black pants, brought a bottle of wine which Aisha was pretty sure cost more than she made in a month.

  “Bring another, will you?” Mr. Connor said with a smile, and the waitress nodded.

  “That woman must be a Hell of a client,” Aisha said wryly.

  “She’s a Hell of a pain in the ass, I’ll tell you that much,” Anthony said, as he poured two glasses of wine.

  Lunch wore on, for an hour, and then another, and Aisha and her boss slowly got drunk. When they left the restaurant, there was a cab waiting for them. Anthony had called and asked for one twenty minutes before they had left.

  “I’ll come back after work for my car. Hopefully I’ll be sober by then.”

  Aisha was drunk as well, and she felt light headed, and she stumbled a bit as she made her way to the cab, so that her boss had to catch her and steady her.

  “I didn’t think you could get drunk at work,” she said after they were both in the backseat.

  “Hey, we aren’t at work,” Anthony said, which made Aisha giggle. “And I’m the boss, so what I say goes.”

  The cab driver pulled into the busy traffic, and Aisha closed her eyes for a moment, fighting to sober up before they got back to work. When she opened her soft brown eyes, she was surprised to see her boss was looking at her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You have beautiful eyes,” he said, and Aisha felt warmth flood her cheeks.

  “Thank you,” she said. “You’re drunk.”

  “You’re beautiful,” her boss added, and this time, she didn’t say anything. Instead, she leaned towards the man and kissed him. She pressed her full, pouty lips to his, and their lips parted, and their tongues danced together. He tasted of the wine, and the mint he had after. She pulled away.

  “I’m sorry. I’m drunk,” she said, and once again, they both laughed.

  When Aisha and her boss returned to the office, they both managed to get through the long walk to the back of the floor, where her desk was, and his office sat, the door closed, without stumbling or looking drunk. People watched them pass of course, but they were trying to find any sign of sexual dalliances, not the fact that they had polished off two bottles of wine. But despite the kiss, there was no sign of romance. No clothes on backward, no lipstick marks on his collar and Aisha’s co-workers were disappointed, and went about their jobs.

  An hour after returning, the phone on Aisha’s desk beeped, indicating a call from Mr. Conner. She lifted the receiver to her ear.

  “Yes sir?” she asked.

  “Can you work late tonight?” he asked.

  “Sure,” she said.

  “Good, come in here.”

  Aisha stood and went into her boss’ office. He sat behind his desk, rubbing his temples with the pads of his fingers. “Wine at lunch was a bad idea.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Tommy Wilson just got arrested for drunk driving,” Mr. Conner said. Tommy Wilson was a football running back, one of Anthony Conner’s more famous, and infamous clients. He was also a lot of trouble.

  “Alright, let’s spin,” Aisha said, nodding. Mr. Conner smiled to her, and they got to work. It was a long day, trying to track Wilson down first, and then speaking with him on the phone, and then emailing his lawyer. A statement had to be drafted, and then Mr. Conner sent it to ESPN, and the NFL Network, and other appropriate outlets. The long day slowly turned into a long night.

  Finally, with an empty and dark office space beyond Mr. Conner’s door, and a black sky that was starless due to the light pollution from New York City, Aisha’s boss let her off the hook.

  “Go get some sleep,” he said. Come in an hour late tomorrow.”

  Aisha looked at the handsome man. “What about you?” she asked.

  “I’ll be fine,” he said, waving her off. “I’m going to wrap a few things up.”

  Aisha was sitting at his desk, but across from Anthony. They had been like that for hours. Now she stood, and something was taking a hold of her. The day had turned out to be stressful, but she was working so closely with the man who was considered one of the best, at exactly what she yearned to do, and it had injected her with adrenalin. The work was writing, and talking, and sending emails, but somehow it had been exciting. And Anthony Conner had known Aisha was up for it. He told her to do something, and she did it. He didn’t check up on her; he trusted her.

  Her attraction for the man, and admiration for him had grown in the hours since she had sat across from him and gotten to work. Now she stood and moved around the desk. She sat there, perching her round ass on the edge of his desk, crossing one dark skinned leg over the other. He looked at her legs. “I’m not drunk now,” she said, looking at him. He glanced up at her.

  Aisha didn’t know why she was doing it, but she knew she wasn’t going to stop herself. He might stop her; he might know it wasn’t appropriate, but she almost always got what she wanted, especially when it came to men. Anthony Conner didn’t disappoint.

  He reached up, placed his hands on her legs, her thighs, and he stood. She uncrossed her legs, spread them, and he stepped over and forward, positioning himself in between them.

  “Miss Davis,” Anthony said, using her last name. “You’re being rather forward.”

  Aisha grinned. “I just told you I wasn’t drunk. You came up here.”

  “I did.”

  “For what?”

  “To kiss you.”

  “Is that a good idea?” Aisha asked. Her boss grinned.

  “Let’s find out,” he said, and then he leaned forward, and they kissed. It was long, sensual. Finally, he pulled away, and they both opened their eyes.

  “It’s a good idea,” Aisha said, and then they were kissing again.

  His hands went down to her legs once more, strong fingers on her thighs, his hands riding up, taking her skirt up with them. He leaned forward, and she slipped her arms around him, her hands on the back of his expensive shirt. Their kissing was hot and heavy, their tongues exploring each other’s mouth. Anthony moved his hands up from her legs, pushing up and over her hips, and then along her ribcage on either side.

  Soon his hands were at her breasts, where he groped her from outside of her shirt. Her nipples were hard, pushing against the material of her bra, and suddenly she could think of nothing other than him touching her there, so she slid her own hands between their bodies and began unbuttoning her shirt.

  Mr. Conner wasn’t a patient man, however. He pushed her hands away and then ripped her shirt open, sending two buttons flying off to clatter against the wall behind the desk before falling to the floor. Aisha sucked in a lungful of air, shocked by the man's actions. Of course, buying new clothing was nothing for him, but she was just out of college, and while Anthony Conner paid well, he didn’t pay that well. She thought for a moment about it, wondering if it was his way of dominating her. If he knew that ruining a shirt like that meant something to her, meant a little extra money where she didn’t have much extra. But then his hands were at her breasts again, feeling her through the bra, and her mind could go nowhere else but that office, and his body.

  His lips tore from hers, and then planted themselves on her jawline before moving down, trailing tiny kisses and nips down her neck, and then across her collarbone. Strong fingers hooked into the cups of her bra and pulled them down, freeing her heaving tits with her brown ar
eolas, hard and eager for his mouth. He didn’t disappoint, taking each nipple into his mouth in turn, and sucking on them softly. He nipped with his teeth, and Aisha moaned aloud.

  She reached down with one hand and gripped her boss’ hard cock through his pants. He throbbed in her fist, and she teased him a bit, gripping and sliding her hand along his member, but making no effort to free it from his pants. She should have known that he wouldn’t wait for her, being a take charge kind of guy. He stepped back and undid his fly, letting his pants fall to his ankles. His cock was big and thick, and a small drop of precum shone in the light of his office on the end of his dick.

  “Suck it,” he said to her, gripping himself at the base of his cock. She opened her mouth to argue, but he was reaching forward, gripping her short and straight black hair behind her head, forcing her forward off of the edge of the desk. Then she was going to her knees, half on her own power, and half because he was directing her, and she found herself just inches from his penis, and she saw how it twitched and throbbed, waiting for her, and she decided Mr. Conner wasn’t a man you wanted to keep waiting.

  Aisha opened her lips and took Anthony’s dick into her mouth. There was no teasing, no sensual swirls of the tip of her tongue on the tip of his cock, she just parted her lips, and he thrust forward, burying his cock in her mouth until his swollen head hit the back of her throat.

  “Fuck,” Anthony said, tilting his head back. His hand remained at the back of her head, gripping her hair, and his hips stayed in motion, pulling back, so his cock almost slipped out of her mouth, and then pushing back in.

  Aisha had sucked cock before, had always been told how well she did it, but the men she had been with had always seemed content to let her do the heavy lifting so to speak. They would lay back, hands behind their head, and she would bob on their dick, sucking and licking, until they shot their hot, sticky loads down her throat. Her boss was not like that. He was actively fucking her, using her mouth like other men used her pussy, and she found she was enjoying it immensely. He choked her, gagged her with his massive member, and tears formed at her eyes, but she wouldn’t tell him to stop, she didn’t want to let him down. He was using her, but that was alright, she knew she would use him in that office when she got the chance.

  Her pussy was wet, soaking her panties, and as her boss rocked back and forth, his swollen cock sliding in and out of her mouth, she reached down between her legs and slid the crotch of her panties to the side, so she could slide two fingers into herself.

  She was nearing orgasm when her boss pulled his erect dick fully from her mouth and let go of her hair.

  “Stand up,” he demanded.

  “Shut up and sit down,” Aisha said, pulling her fingers from her own pussy and standing before the powerful man. He looked surprised, but he did what she said, stepping back in an awkward shuffle due to his pants still being around his ankles, and then sitting in his office chair. Aisha held her fingers to his lips, the sheen of her own juices catching the light from overhead. He sucked on her fingers, tasting her.

  Then Aisha turned away from him, and slowly she reached down, taking the hem of her short skirt, and pulled it up. She teased him, knowing his eyes were on her full figured ass, making him wait as slowly the bottom of her cheeks appeared, and then the material of the red boy shorts she was wearing. Then her skirt was up over her hips, and she felt his fingers grabbing the waistband of her panties and tugging them down. She stepped over them, careful to keep her heels on; she would need the added height to make the position work.

  She bent a bit, reaching down between her legs to grip Anthony’s cock, and then she sat, letting his dick slide up into her hot, wet pussy. “Shit,” she breathed, taken by just how big his cock was. She had only been with black men, and most of them had been well endowed, but no one had been able to match Anthony Conner. The man really had everything.

  As she slid all the way down, taking his cock completely into her tight pussy, he put his hands on her hips. She went up and down, her fat ass cheeks slapping against his lap. Soon she was coming, an orgasm rushing from the core of her loins to spread throughout her body, helped along by the time she spent fingering herself while her boss had fucked her face. She leaned forward further as she came, putting her hands on the carpeted floor behind Anthony’s desk. He moved his hands from her hips to her ass, squeezing her cheeks as she moaned aloud.

  “Come,” he said simply, saying it over and over as she did. Her pussy tightened on his cock as the last of the orgasm took her, and then it was his turn.

  He wasn’t far behind. Aisha set the pace, keeping her hands on the floor. He put his hands on her hips again, and as she rocked down each time, he would pull her down, so she slammed down with his cock deep inside of her.

  “I’m coming,” Anthony said, and it occurred to Aisha that he hadn’t ever put a condom on, so she lifted off of his cock and spun quickly, putting a hand at the base of his penis as she sucked on the head just as it jumped and exploded in her mouth. His cum was hot, and strand after strand filled her mouth until some was leaking out past the corner of her lips and running back down his member.

  Aisha leaned back and swallowed what she could, and then laughed. “I didn’t think working late would be that fun,” she said.


  Over the next week, Aisha and her boss fucked in his office twice more after everyone else had gone home, and then once on a lunch break where they never actually made it to a restaurant. Their relationship was hot and heavy, and very physical. But as the first week stretched into the next, and the one after that, it became something else altogether. They still fucked like rabbits, but there were the lunches too, and the small gifts, given secretly at the office.

  Aisha opened a small box one Thursday to find a beautiful bracelet that she was sure cost more than her yearly salary. They stood in Anthony’s office. She didn’t think of him as Mr. Conner anymore though she still called him that at work. He watched her put it on and smiled.

  “You like it?” he asked.

  “I love it,” she said truthfully, but something must have shown in her face because he reached out and put a hand on hers.

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t want people to think I make it in this business because I’m fucking you,” Aisha said, truthfully and bluntly.

  “Is that what this is? Fucking?”

  Aisha sighed and shook her head. “Not to me Anthony, but to them,” she said, motioning towards the closed door which led to the rest of the office.

  Her boss and lover nodded. “Forget them,” he said. “No one even knows.”

  “And what if they find out? If they find out, and I get promoted, it’s just going to take it away from me. Take my accomplishments away.”

  “Do you want to stop? Stop this? Break up?” Anthony asked her, his voice even, his eyes serious.

  “No,” Aisha said.

  “Want me to fire you?”

  The young woman laughed. “Definitely not.”

  “Alright then. Hey, I was thinking, you should come over for dinner tonight.”

  “To your place?”


  It was a big deal. In almost three weeks, Aisha hadn’t been to his place yet. They had been to her small apartment, but he had yet to invite her to his. She had to imagine his home was a bit more spacious and luxurious than hers.

  “Alright,” she said, and he smiled and swept her up in his arms, and they kissed.

  That evening Aisha left work before her boss, and she took a cab home and showered and changed. She didn’t know what to wear, but she settled on a dress, a deep blood red color with a slit to her thigh, despite the cold weather. She could stand to be cold if it knocked Anthony off his feet. Red heels and makeup went on after, and then she was going down to the street to catch a cab, but she was surprised by a limousine waiting by the sidewalk. The driver stood by the rear passenger door.

  “Aisha?” he asked, a
nd the young woman nodded.

  “Mr. Conner is anxious to see you,” the driver added as he opened the door and the way his eyes swept up and down her body rather blatantly let Aisha know she had indeed chosen the right dress. She got into the limousine and couldn’t help but smile when she saw a dozen roses waiting for her. She took the bouquet in her hands and sniffed it. Then she saw the bottle of champagne in an ice bucket and poured herself a glass.

  The limo moved slowly through the city and finally pulled into an underground parking garage under a massive and sleek looking skyscraper. The driver opened her door and offered his hand. She took it and got out.

  “Right into there,” the man said, pointing to an elevator that sat across from a bank of them. “The code is five, three, two, three.”

  Aisha didn’t have any idea what he was talking about, and she didn’t have any idea why there was a single elevator across from the rest of them. There was a sign next to it which said private, and as she stepped inside, she wondered if Anthony was so rich he really owned his own elevator. There was just one button inside the elevator, and she pressed it. When she did so, a small screen above the button woke, shining a soft blue. It was a touch screen, and it showed a set of numbers, zero through nine. She typed in the code the driver had told her, and the door shut, and the elevator moved up.

  It rose for a long while, and Aisha found herself wondering what floor her boss lived on. Finally, the elevator stopped, and with a ding the door opened. Aisha found herself in a long hallway, lit by lights that ran down either side of the hall. At the end of the hall was a door, and as Aisha made her way towards it, it opened, and she saw Anthony standing in the doorway.

  “Wow,” he said, and she would have said the same. He was dressed in a tailored suit, which wasn’t rare for him, but there was just something about him, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

  When she reached him they embraced and kissed, and then he gave her a tour.

  His apartment was massive, mostly open space. One corner had a kitchen, one corner was a walled off bath, with a stone shower with glass walls and a hot tub caddy corner to it. In the middle of the floor space was a living room and in another corner his bedroom. She could have fit four of her apartments in his, and maybe with some space left over.


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