Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords

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Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords Page 13

by Diana Drakulich

  “Your words are my heart’s desire, Adoni. She leaned close, breathing in his ear.

  Then they found themselves surrounded by the two tribal groups. There were smiles and introductions all around. Skopasis presented the gift horse Bandar to Yagya. The Tauri king eyed the tall, leggy bay stallion.

  Bandar moved with sinuous, effortless grace. He had his sire’s signature size, bone and athletic conformation. Here was an animal bred to go for miles and miles without breaking a sweat.

  For the Tauri the gift of a superior stallion like Bandar was worth more than his weight in gold. Bandar would sire thousands of horses with his stamp. A horse like Bandar meant survival for the Tauri.

  Without a word, Yagya dismounted his horse and mounted Bandar. He urged the horse into a rocking canter around the group.

  “So smooth.” The Tauri king’s usually cryptic expression creased into a delighted smile. “I can barely feel when his feet touch the ground. And He has Zlatna’s mind. Calm. Easy. Exactly what we need to improve our bloodstock. You were right Sava, with these stallions the Tauri will breed horses that are the envy of all Skythia!”

  Dazed, Sorsha listened from a world away, her eyes never leaving Sava, absorbing his presence. His calm demeanor. A light, a radiance projected from his face. She watched the expressions flitting across His visage as he listened and responded to the others. In her eyes Sava was a born diplomat, a sensitive who could bring the tribes together.

  The normally tense, vigilant Tauri warriors were smiling, relaxing their guard. Yagya seemed struck by the honor the powerful Sauromatian voivode and his son were paying him. Sorsha sighed with relief, so far all was going better than expected.

  The generous gift of two such outstanding stallions showed that the Sauromatae were a people of their word. In her heart she felt that she and Sava were off to a great start. But then the inevitable crossed her mind -

  Does Sava already have a woman? Is he betrothed? He must be. Marriage between powerful families like his are alliances planned from childhood. And I have no dowry, no wealth, nothing to offer but myself.

  But if he is already betrothed, would he be so happy to see me? Why would he gift me this marvelous stallion…?

  She focused back into the conversation to hear Skopasis announce that they would be his honored guests. Special yurts had been erected near the voivode’s own. At that she caught Sava’s eye. He gave her a brilliant smile. It was like staring into the sun.

  Turning to Yagya, Sava gestured toward Marich – “With your permission sire, I have selected this son of Zlatna for Sorsha.”

  “Ah, he is perfect for her.”

  Sava held out Marich’s reins. “Go ahead, ride him Sorsha.”

  She dismounted and handed off her horse to one of the Tauri. Tossing Marich’s reins over his head, she stood at the stallion’s left shoulder, gazing into vibrant golden brown eyes.

  Of themselves her fingers traced and scratched the sensitive joining of the stallion’s jaw with his long arching neck. Then her fingers scratched and stroked down to the joining of his neck with that long sloping shoulder.

  To his credit Marich did not move, despite all the commotion and strange horses around him. The young stallion dropped his head slightly, lower lip quivering, demonstrating his pleasure at her touch.

  Gazing into her eyes, Marich lifted his velvety black muzzle to her nose. The horse inhaled her breath and scent deeply as she inhaled his.

  Ahhh – the pure, intoxicating scent of Horse – green grass and deep fertile earth – at once peaceful yet exhilarating – the most wonderful scent in this good green earth.

  With his exchange of breaths, Marich had given her a rare invitation - to vault upon his back and to ride. Sorsha stood back, gauging the stallion’s height, then vaulted into the saddle. Instead of moving off immediately, the stallion arched his neck, prancing in place.

  Amazed she glanced at Sava - “He awaits my command.”

  Shifting her weight back in the saddle, Sorsha eased back on the reins and took gentle contact with the horse’s sensitive mouth. With an arched neck, the young stallion dropped his weight back on his quarters and crouched in an easy half rear. She was awestruck.

  “He is so balanced. Sava you have gifted me a horse with the soul of an Immortal.”

  “My sister Danae trained Marich. Vayu trained Bandar.” He nodded at his two sisters who beamed.

  Sorsha gazed at Danae, taking her measure, as a Being in her own right. She noted a hint of sadness, even envy in Danae’s expression and realized that Marich was prized by the whole family.

  Danae must have poured her soul into training this wonderful horse. She must wonder why Sava is giving Marich to me, a stranger. Unless – Sava intends to marry me and Marich is my wedding gift?

  But it was too soon yet to hope. Too soon to think such bold thoughts and she brushed it away. In fact Sava had initially promised both stallions to Yagya. It was Yagya who had generously gifted one of the stallions to her as his wedding gift.

  Sorsha sensed the need to assuage Danae’s feelings for the loss of such a prize as Marich. The last thing she wanted was jealousy from Sava’s sister.

  “Danae you have done such a wonderful work training this horse. You taught Marich gentle obedience but kept his free spirit. For this I give you my heartfelt thanks. I will always think of you whenever I ride him.”

  Danae smiled and bowed her head at such praise. More than praise it was an invitation to friendship. Danae nodded toward Dragana –

  “My mother taught me.”

  Clear blue eyes met Sorsha’s gaze and smiled. Dragana sat her bay gelding with supreme ease. Dressed in decorated buckskin leggings, a long-sleeved blouse, embroidered vest and boots, the woman literally dripped gold and gems, as befitted the wife of the great voivode. A proud woman but not arrogant. Sorsha thought she glimpsed shadows of sadness in those glimmering blue eyes.

  Sava turned to Yagya. “If it pleases you lord, I would like to take Sorsha for a ride.”

  Yagya nodded and flicked his hand at the boundless green horizon. “Go ahead.”

  They started off at a cadenced canter along a trail leading southwest.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You will see.”

  Within a few hoof beats their canter had already accelerated into a gallop. Marich’s gait was so smooth, so effortless, he flew over the ground. Yet even at full gallop the stallion’s ears flicked back and forth, still listening, still responsive, telling her she could rein him in merely by sitting back in the saddle.

  So much power was intoxicating. Zlatna is a great champion, still in his prime. Why not test Marich against the best? Sorsha leaned over the buckskin’s neck and gave him full rein.

  With the wind blurring her vision she let out a wild whoop - “Come on boy! Yah! Yah!”

  Chapter 24 - Love and Feasting

  I think that if I become

  A horseman

  I shall be a man on wings –

  Xenophon, Greek General, On Horsemanship c. 430 BC

  Ooompah, Ooompah - The deep panting breath of the racing stallions. The all consuming vibratory power. The earth-shaking cadenced thunder of pounding hooves.

  “Come-on boy! Hah-Hah!” Eyes alight, laughing silently, Sorsha gloried in Marich’s effortless speed and power. She glanced over at Sava.

  Completely balanced and at ease, he was leaning over Zlatna’s outstretched, vibrating neck. Sensing her gaze, Sava shot her a look. A look that became a radiant tunnel of light bridging the turbulent space between them. And Sorsha was caught, suspended in his gaze for one eternal, terrifying, never to be forgotten moment.

  And for that moment she was back in Taurica, racing Yagya’s silver mare against the Sauromatian stranger on his golden stallion. They had outdistanced all the other horses. The bystanders were shrieking with excitement. Both horses reached the last obstacle and launched in perfect unison. And in that flash of a moment when they were suspended in air, Sava h
ad glanced over and transfixed her with those swirling blue-green eyes…And they were forever connected.

  Now back in the present moment, Sorsha glimpsed on the horizon a vast shimmering dark blue lit with sparkling gems. The Euxine Sea.

  Laughing, they pulled up at the crest of a high bluff overlooking the lapping, eternally rolling deep. A Greek merchant ship sailed slowly by, heading west, its billowing sail bore the bull’s head emblem.

  “They say the last Amazons came ashore here, in ships they stole from Greek slavers.” Sava pointed to a sandy blue cove below. “The Amazons joined up with a band of Royal Skythian warriors. Then they moved up to Lake Maeotis and started their own tribe. That was how we Sauromatae came to be.”

  Sitting her blowing prancing horse and gazing out over the endless rolling blue, a happiness Sorsha had rarely known infused her soul. No words, just the silent, unspoken joy in being with Him.

  “So who won the race?” He asked after a time.

  “I say it was a tie. It was not possible to win unless we went over the cliff together.”

  “Hah. And see who hit bottom first. Are you pleased with Marich?”

  “Marich is like riding on air. They will try to buy him from me when I go back to Taurica, but I will never let Marich go. Never. He is my horse of a lifetime.”

  “Are you sure?” Sava asked, eyes hooded, his expression serious.

  “I have never been so sure, Adoni.”

  “Good but don’t be so sure you are going back to Taurica.”

  Sava side-stepped Zlatna close to Marich and dropped the reins. Reaching over, he placed a warm callused palm on Sorsha’s cheek. As he gazed full into her shining dark eyes, he pressed sensuous lips over hers and tasted her in a soft, luxurious kiss.

  “Come here.”

  Sliding muscular arms around her slim waist, he lifted her slender long-legged body off Marich sideways onto his lap in one smooth move. Arms twined around his neck, she relaxed against his broad chest, lips nibbling his earlobe.

  His intoxicating, musky male scent combined with the aromatic scent of horse filled Sorsha’s nostrils. She gazed up into blue-green eyes that made her want to dive into their cool, luminous depths. To know His mind as I know my own.

  Warm lips descended over hers and she was immersed in a dark world of the senses ruled by a blind, but oh so vivid awareness. Enfolded and squeezed by strong arms, sensuously pressing her close to a lithe body.

  Opening her lips, she invited him in. His long thick tongue probed deep into hot velvet wetness. Entwining her tongue with his, she sucked on it. The pleasure was intoxicating. His hand caressed her breast, found the sensitive nipple under her vest and tweaked it.

  “Is this what you like Sorsha? Hmmh? Tell me that I may give you pleasure.” His lips breathed against hers.

  Twisting her long pony tail in his hand so that her neck arched back in graceful submission, he poured out his soul to her in a devastating kiss. She sucked deeply on his thick, silky tongue. His flexible fingers swept down from her breast to find that sensitive spot between her legs, caressing and rubbing her cleft with thumb and forefinger.

  “Do you like this? Hmmh?” He rumbled low in his throat.

  As if there was no better place than kissing on the back of a horse, Sava rubbed and massaged that sweet ache between her thighs until it became a throbbing need.

  With a low growl he grasped her right leg and lifted it over his head so that she faced him, her thighs splayed over his. He cupped his hands under her rounded ass cheeks and lifted her to rub her core in a slow grind against his rigid erection.

  “Aaah…Hmmh…This is what I like.” His voice husky, humming low in his throat.

  She palmed his face, sucking his tongue as he ground her throbbing yoni against his rampant arousal. The soft buckskins of their leggings enhancing the sensory stimulation.

  “Ever since the wedding ritual in Taurica I have burned for you Sorsha.” His lips brushed her ear, then kissed down her neck.

  Unperturbed, Zlatna saw this as an opportunity to graze. The stallion dropped his head and began cropping grass, as did Marich, whose reins dragged unnoticed on the ground. Sava tore himself away from the drugging sweetness of Sorsha’s embrace.

  “Come my noble White Mare, darkness will soon be upon us. Tomorrow the war council begins. I foresee it will be done in the usual Skythian style - endless talking, arguments and fights. But there will be jokes and laughter too. The tribes have come together at last. Tonight we will gather under the stars to feast, to dance and to embrace…” His voice, husky with desire, trailed off as Sorsha slid off Zlatna and remounted Marich.

  At the feast that night a great crowd sat around the fire hearths where mutton and beef roasted on sizzling spits. With a mind to future trade, the Geloni had brought along two wagonloads of their potent rakia to share during the celebration. Used to the mildly alcoholic koumiss, the nomads were enraptured with the rakia.

  Everyone seemed to be laughing and hugging each other as long lost brothers and sisters - friends until death do us part. At least until the war council tomorrow.

  From where she sat, Sorsha’s eyes followed Sava as he mingled with the crowd. Many wanted to chat with him, for he had gone on to rally the tribes of the Sons of Herakles. Hahq was there too, circulating like the political animal he was. The Skythian nobles had traveled far and all must be given recognition and respect.

  Sava spent much time introducing tribal leaders, conversing and building rapport. Good will was crucial. But his eyes always found time to search out Sorsha and flash her that special look – I will soon return to your side.

  Sava’s family was seated across the fire circle from Sorsha. She noticed that another family sat next to them and appeared to be on very intimate terms with his family. They had a lovely daughter.

  With a sinking heart, Sorsha watched as Sava affectionately kissed the girl on both cheeks. Ah. So there SHE is. I knew it.

  Without being told, Sorsha knew this was the girl Sava’s parents had chosen for him. So here was the competition for His favor. At the sight, Sorsha’s interior love light faded. Her bold spirit withered.

  Mentally, emotionally, she tried to gird herself for the coming rivalry. It could be insidious, even fierce.

  But then her mind played back his words: `Don’t let fear take your mind. Fear will only weaken you. Horses sense fear’.

  Fear of being left all alone – of losing her loved ones as she had lost her parents - Sorsha’s deepest fear raised its ugly insidious head. I left my mother, my father. I ran away and they died. I should have died fighting with them. I am not worthy of a man like Sava.

  The old self hatred. So deeply embedded. Just moments ago she was immersed in the thrill of seeing Him again, of holding Him, loving Him, of Marich, his gift to her. Now that hateful demon Fear was back, whispering in her ear – I am weak. Worthless. I have nothing…

  Lifting her eyes, Sorsha squared her shoulders and tried to pull herself together.

  Goddess - don’t let me ruin what we have before it has even begun. I will bury these weak thoughts. I will strike them from my heart.

  Then her gaze fell on the contingent of Androphagi. She stiffened. The Man Eaters were bedecked in human trophies - varicolored scalps worn as necklets, even capes. They wore leggings and boots made from glossy white skin.

  Her heart lurched as a jet black scalp, one of several dangling from a warrior’s neck caught her eye. That looks like my father’s hair! Nay it can’t be. Gods don’t do this to me!

  Immersed in anguish she folded in on herself. Forcing her gaze away from the cannibals, Sorsha stared at the fiery spits turning the impaled bodies of cattle and sheep. For a moment she saw the roasting bodies of her mother and father. Agonizing. Flesh blackening.

  She looked down at the platter of broiled meat before her and saw instead a half raw bleeding steak cut from her mother’s body. An old rage flared red hot, burning in her heart -

  How dare those Man Eat
ers come to the war council and play at being bold warriors?! They are nothing but scavengers, raiding small camps by night. Vultures who rush to loot battlefields and consume the dead!

  But she forced herself to stay calm. To rationalize the cannibal atrocities in some way. Most of the tribes take heads and scalps, including the Tauri. At least we don’t EAT our enemies. But we do drink the blood of fallen enemies. That too is cannibalism.

  After a time Sava returned to Sorsha’s side and she breathed a deep sigh of relief. He publically demonstrated his favor by feeding her tidbits of meat from his own hand. She nibbled on his fingertips, licking and sucking lightly. His other hand rested on her upper thigh, causing her yoni to heat and throb with anticipation.

  She placed her hand on his thigh as well, (and sometimes in the darkness a little more). Thighs pressed together, they were literally joined at the hip. Sorsha sensed envious looks from the other Sauromatian girl, curious as to who this stranger was and why Sava so favored her.

  Chapter 25 – Back to Back

  Remember me

  You who have walked beside me

  Steadfast through so many dangers

  Never forget what I have endured –

  Epic of Gilgamesh 1500 BC

  After the feasting ended, Dragana rose. A married priestess of the Sauromatae, she held aloft a silver plated oracle mirror. It flashed over the seated crowd, reflecting the beneficial rays of the full moon over all. She threw handfuls of sacred hemp buds on the fire. An intensely aromatic smoke wafted into the air.

  “Skythians! Sauromatae!” Dragana called out. “Honored Ones - Tonight we are one people! Back to Back! Let the whole world come down on us - We will prevail! All hail mighty Herakles and Mata Drakaina! Wind of Life! Sword of Death! We invoke thee! Protect your people always!”

  At her words, eight Black Cloak warriors and two drummers, dance-marched into the central fire circle. They came two by two, kicking and high stepping in perfect cadenced rhythm. They wore black and silver headdresses with chain mail flaps down to the shoulder, snug leggings and soft black boots to the knee.


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