Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords

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Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords Page 14

by Diana Drakulich

  Their fitted black kurtas were diagonally slashed with silver and tied with silver sashes. On their backs was the Black Cloak tamgas – the silver serpent, head raised to strike.

  As they dance-marched in a sinuous line, the warriors’ movements were so perfectly in sync, they appeared as one being - a powerful drakon, intent on tracking down and killing its prey.

  Hoh! The warriors shouted, joining hands in a circle. Heads bent to the center, the dancers spun like the spokes of a wheel, kicking outward, butter soft boots silent as cats’ feet.

  The circle broke apart to line up one behind the other, each man bent over like stair steps. Then the last man ran up the backs of the others to stand on the front man’s shoulders. Crouching, he arced his hand over his eyes in the traditional gesture of spying out the enemy, then leapt to the ground. With that, four more Black Cloaks bounded into the arena wielding swords and shields emblazoned with the striking serpent.

  Swords clanging, the warriors leapt, dodged and struck. Hard. Fast. Arms raised in victory, they broke into huge airy leaps and back flips. The crowd whooped, clapping and whistling their appreciation.

  Wearing a black scarf that revealed only his gleaming dark eyes and aquiline nose, Brata watched the performance with rapt attention. So near and yet so far. He could barely restrain the urge to call out. To throw off his scarf and embrace his brethren.

  Brata wanted to stand up and shout – Tell my Mother, my Father – Grieve no more! Your son is ALIVE. He has returned from the Dark House!

  But Brata forced himself to remain silent. Both he and Sava’s lives depended on it. As the Black Cloaks dance-marched out of the fire circle, a new rhythm began. Drums, cymbals, balalaikas and goatskin bagpipes vibrated the air. A deep, compelling male singer’s voice lifted the people’s hearts.

  It was time to dance kolo. Sava took Sorsha’s hand and pulled her into the dance line. Holding hands and keeping step to the faster and faster beat forced Sorsha to concentrate. To be in the moment. She was able to suppress her fear of losing Sava. Of being rejected by him. For now.

  After circulating among the tribal nobility awhile, Hahq stood in the outer shadows observing the human panorama. He watched with surprised alacrity as Sava brazenly humiliated Bari and her family with his new Tauri woman. Hahq could sense Bari’s shame and fury.

  Foolish man. So oblivious to the pain you are causing. He is playing right into my hands with his open courting of this stranger. Does he even care that he hurts Bari?

  Hahq gave himself a mental slap. What Sava does to Bari is no worse than how I hurt Yeva. Except Yeva has no one, no family to support and protect her.

  The image of Yeva and the little slave girl Anahit riding off with Voron, headed for Sauromatia flickered through his mind.

  Voron will take good care of Yeva. I wonder what those two are doing now? He imagined long nights around the campfire… Yeva’s eyes dancing in the firelight… Voron’s lustful eyes gazing back at her… Damn his eyes.

  Hahq’s body clenched at the memory of Yeva’s warm supple body, her tender lips… She was Mine. For a little while.

  More than that, he missed her presence. He could always speak his mind to the Black Cloak priestess. She understood him perfectly and could expand on his thoughts. What bride price can you put on that?

  He could tell Yeva everything - Except his doubts about taking Bari to wife. What’s done is done. By sending them off together I have placed Yeva in Voron’s arms.

  The thought drove him crazy. But not enough to let go of his plans, ruthless, ambitious bastard that he was.

  Watching Bari from the shadows, Hahq admired her beauty. Her pleasing manner. Her family’s wealth. His dream of marrying into rank and power was falling right into his lap.

  He smiled, a hungry wolf about to feast. Sava has found another woman. Good. This opens the door for me to marry Bari. I will be happy with her. I hope.

  The kolo dancing began and Bari rose to join the line. Hahq followed and cut in next to her. Placing his large warm hand over hers, he gazed down at her. Saw the relief in her eyes. Sava may have snubbed her but she still had Hahq, the unrecognized bastard son. Am I now playing second best to that weak stick Sava?

  Suddenly Hahq realized that Sava’s status had gone from barely tolerated misfit to recognized spokesmen for the Sauromatae. In other words, way way up. And Sava had done it alone. He had developed friendly relations with the rulers of five of the seven tribes.

  Whereas Hahq was on very dubious terms with the Man Eaters and the Black Cloaks. In fact the powerful Black Cloak king Vartan openly despised him. So far Hahq’s record as a diplomatic emissary was not winning any accolades.

  It’s all Sava’s fault. He stole from the Black Cloak kurgan. Then I walked into that hornet’s nest and King Vartan decided to vent his anger on me.

  So far King Vartan had not complained to Skopasis about Sava’s theft from their kurgan. Most likely Vartan was saving it for the war council tomorrow, when everyone was in a sober, judgmental and hung over state of mind. Sava’s scandalous act was sure to create an uproar.

  The Black Cloaks will rightfully demand the death penalty for Sava. How will he slither out of this one? Poor Sava. My star will rise and his will plummet. In the meantime I have work to do charming Bari.

  As they skipped and danced to the rhythm of drums and pipes, Hahq honored Bari with his gleaming gold-flecked eyes and proven seductive white smile. She smiled in response, but he saw the pain behind her eyes.

  Damn you Sava for hurting Bari’s pride! But isn’t this what we wanted? The betrothal is broken. Now I don’t have to kidnap Bari. I can win her on my own merits.

  He squeezed Bari’s cold hand and she squeezed back, her hand coming warm, alive. When they had danced to the far end of the circle, out of her mother’s sight, Hahq pulled Bari into the shadows between two kibitkas. She leaned against a wagon as he caged her with an arm on each side.

  He decided to cut right to the chase. “You are a beautiful woman Bari. Why do you worry about that weak stick Sava? We can all see that he is not worried about you.”

  She gazed up at him through long dark lashes. “You are right Hahq. I need a real man. A warrior. One who can set my heart on fire.”

  But somehow it had all turned hollow. An act. Now that Sava was out of the picture, Hahq had no one to steal Bari away from. He leaned over and gently kissed her lips. She coiled her arms around his neck.

  Hmmm. Hahq deepened the kiss, slowly twining and thrusting his tongue with hers. But Bari’s lips and tongue were cool. Somehow not as succulent, not as thrilling and giving as Yeva’s. Bari’s honey is not so sweet.

  Quiet idiot. He mentally slapped himself.

  His hands drifted down to palm Bari’s ass. He rocked his loins against her hips and kissed her again. Cold thin lips. I may as well be kissing my horse. Nay kissing Zar would be better.

  Her body feels stiff. Maybe it’s the shock of seeing Sava with another woman. Bari always secretly looked down on Sava. Took him for granted. Now he has thrown her over.

  My heart just isn’t in this. Yeva has ruined me! If I marry Bari will I always secretly long for Yeva?

  He knew he would. Hahq had planned to speak with Bari tonight about their future. Somehow the words would not come. Too soon. I need to sweeten her up first. Ease her mind.

  “Bari” – He palmed her cheek, “Are you jealous of Sava’s new woman? Disappointed he has found someone else?”

  She gazed up at him with coy fluttering eyes. “Nay Hahq. The door is open now for us to walk through into a bright future.”

  “Your pride is hurt. Don’t deny it.”

  She gave Hahq a pained smile that was more of a grimace and pulled away. “I will get over it.”

  “You never really wanted Sava. It’s just your hurt pride. The way he humiliated you in public.”

  “Did he have to do it like that? Display his new woman in front of the whole world – Without even coming to me to break it off
first? I curse his name! I won’t even speak it!” Bari hissed.

  A Voice whispered to Hahq – Why should I waste myself on a woman who does not truly want me body and soul? I want the life and death devotion of a woman like…Yeva. Yeva would do anything for me. Anything…and oh how I love her body…

  Shut up Fool. Hahq gave himself another mental slap. The door to my future as voivode of Sauromatia is open. Just massage Bari’s pride a little. She always wanted me over Sava anyway.

  Taking her hand Hahq drew her back into the kolo line, but his heart was no longer in it. He realized he had made a serious error in judgment. I tried to use Yeva as my plaything. But now she has spoiled me for Bari. By getting involved with Yeva I have ruined everything I could have had with Bari.

  Damn you Yeva and your silky skin, your sensuous serpent body that draws me like a mystical siren. What have you done to me?!

  The dance went on, Hahq’s feet automatically skipping out the rhythm. Mentally he shrugged, throwing off his doubts. Ever the dogged fatalist. Bari will come around. She is a realist. It is finished between Sava and Bari. If it ever was.

  Now to see what happens at the war council tomorrow.

  Just then he felt a familiar tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Dobrich behind him.

  “Skopasis wants to see you.”


  Dobrich nodded.

  As they strolled through camp together Hahq asked – “What is this about?”

  Dobrich shrugged. “You will see.”

  After Sava and Sorsha returned from dancing to their place at the fire circle, an attractive middle-aged woman bearing a distinct resemblance to Sava came up. He rose and warmly embraced her. With his arm around the woman’s back, he turned to Sorsha.

  “Sorsha, this is Raya, elder sister to my mother. Raya has been a great influence on me. It was she who taught me how to please a woman.” Sava flashed that magnetic white grin.

  “Aye, when Sava was a youth of sixteen, I had the pleasure of taking him under my wing, so to speak. For we Sauromatae it is accepted that a widow past child bearing age can teach a young man how to pleasure a woman. Not just in bed, but outside it too. How to please her, tease her and make her happy. He was a most willing and apt student, eh Sava?”

  Raya gave him a salacious little smile. Her arm snaked around his waist and she shook his hips lightly.

  “No boy could hope for a better teacher than you Raya.” He smiled and bussed her cheek.

  At first Sorsha could only stare. Her heart dropped. Her black brows winged together.

  She repressed the urge to do some shaking herself, on this woman who dared place her hands on Sava’s body with such familiarity. No wonder he is so free around women. So confident. No wonder he always seems to know what I want, what to do.

  Then she found her tongue – “We Tauri do not share this custom, but I can see what a good thing it can be. Sava has truly ensorcelled me. The very air he breathes is my air, his every look is what I see. And his touch is my world.”

  The two women stared at each other, then cast admiring eyes on Sava. He fairly rippled with pleasure at the radiant affection in their gazes.

  But a deep tremor shook Sorsha’s world. Now she was beset by another threat to her security in this new world. Sava’s world. An influential aunt who was yet another competitor for his attentions. Raya had made her prior claim clear - Sava was welcome at her wagon, anytime. Sorsha’s heart clenched in spite of her pasted on smile.

  “I came to get you.” Raya lightly pulled Sava’s wrist. “Your father bids you come. Right now. He wants to show you something.”

  When Sava hesitated, looking at Sorsha, Raya was insistent. “He said it is very important. For your eyes only.”

  “Don’t worry Sorsha, I will soon return.” He squeezed her shoulder and was gone.

  Watching Sava walk away, the ground swayed under Sorsha’ feet. She closed her eyes against the thought of losing Him.

  Mata Drakaina, I beg you, do not let me fall into this snake pit of self doubt. I could prove my own worst enemy and ruin my dreams.

  Chapter 26 – The Shakya

  Young (Skythian) men,

  Trained from earliest childhood

  To ride horses,

  Think it beneath them to walk.

  They are all trained by careful discipline

  To become skillful warriors

  And this is the reason why the Persians

  Who are originally of Skythian extraction,

  Are very skillful in war -

  Ammanius Marcellinus, Roman Officer, Res Getae

  Raya escorted Sava to King Idanthrysus’ yurt. The entrance was guarded and Raya stayed outside. Upon entering, Sava saw Skopasis, King Raymaxos, King Idanthrysus and his voivode Taxakis, also Hahq and Dobrich. They were speaking in low tones with two strangers.

  By their dress the strangers were not of the nine tribes around the Euxine Sea. They appeared to be Skythian relations from across the Sea of Grass far to the east. One of the strangers was showing them a gleaming sword of strange, silver blue metal.

  Sava’s eyes flickered over to the fresh carcass of a sheep hanging from a yurt pole and a suit of iron scale mail hanging from a cross piece. An iron-plated shield leaned against another yurt pole.

  “Sava come here” – his father beckoned. “Watch this.”

  He did obeisance to the two kings, bowing with palm over heart, then turned to study the strangers. The two men returned Sava’s gaze, their dark expressive eyes snapping with vibrant energy.

  “This is Ranveer and Casmir.” Skopasis said. “They are brothers, Shakya from the Kingdom of Sogdiana. They have traveled far and at great risk to show us a secret weapon. A weapon that can help us win the war, if we can get it in time.”

  The Shakya brothers bore themselves regally. Their dark, shoulder length hair was held back by jeweled headbands. Set just above between their brilliant dark eyes was the sign of the rising sun, identifying them as scions of the Solar Race.

  Cloaks woven of softest black goat hair draped their broad bare shoulders. Their loose trousers over slim hips were secured with jeweled gold belts and tucked into soft leather boots.

  “We have come at the behest of our Uncle, Prince Thorax of Sogdiana.” Casmir gave him a friendly but calculating smile. “Prince Thorax wants to aid you against Persia.”

  “Why?” Sava asked.

  “If Darius conquers Skythia and Sauromatia, he will then turn east to conquer Sogdiana, because it controls the Silk Road.”

  “The Shakya are our Skythian cousins.” Skopasis said. “They have traveled from the farthest reaches of the Sea of Grass to show us a secret weapon.”

  Ranveer drew his sword from its jeweled sheath. “This sword is made from the hardest, sharpest metal in the world.”

  The metal shone with an eerie blue luster, the edge sharper, finer than any iron sword Sava had ever seen. Sword in hand, Casmir paced over to the iron-plated shield propped against the yurt post.

  HAH! With one stab the sword pierced the iron plated shield like a knife through butter.

  Ranveer walked to the sheep carcass. In five swift, powerful swings the body came apart in five pieces, cutting cleanly through flesh and bone. He wiped off the sword and showed them the edge.

  “See how the blade cut through the bone, but did not bend. The edge is still sharp with no nicks.”

  “Watch this.” Casmir strode up to the iron scale armor tunic and drew his sword.

  HAH! The blue blade pierced the scale armor. Casimir showed them the sword point, still perfectly straight with no dents or nicks.

  Sava marveled. Truly this new weapon is a gift from the gods.

  But grisly images also rose in his mind. Images of arms and legs sheared off. Of men cut in half. The carnage of war would be even more terrible than it already was with their easily bent and nicked iron swords.

  But there was no help for it. Their survival depended on using every possible advantag
e. And this new metal was a death dealer sent by the gods.

  “What is this metal? How did you discover it?” He asked in an awed, hoarse voice. We must have it.

  “This is steel. We learned the secret of steel from our brothers the Sakae in Khotan. Bring your smiths to Sogdiana and we will teach them the secret of making steel.” Ranveer answered.

  “Where is Sogdiana?”

  “Sogdiana lies far to the East along the Silk Road.” Ranveer replied. “It controls all trade from Khotan in the Mountains of Kush and the Kingdom of the Zhou across the Sea of Grass to the Euxine Sea. Silk is the most beautiful and expensive cloth in the world. The silk trade is what Sogdiana is known for, but steel is our secret. Our most sought after weapon.”

  “Sava we want you and Dobrich to go to Sogdiana with Ranveer and Casmir. You will take 25 men including our best blacksmiths. We will give you gold to pay Prince Thorax well for this knowledge. Will you do that for us Sava?” King Raymaxos asked.

  “How far away is Sogdiana?”

  “About 30 suns ride, each way.”

  “So two moons. Is there enough time before the Persians get here?” Sava was skeptical.

  “My scouts say that at the rate Darius’ army is moving it will take about two moons before the Persians reach the River Ister and finish the bridge. But this war could go on for years. The secret of steel could give us the edge we need.” King Idanthrysus replied.

  “Even the Persians do not have this metal yet.” Skopasis said. “With steel our arrows will pierce Persian shields and armor.”

  The trip to Sogdiana struck Sava as a chance to help his people, at the same time to keep traveling and learning. Smiling, he bowed, palm over heart.

  “Your request honors me. I will go.”

  “You and Dobrich be ready to leave for Sogdiana in two days.”

  Sava thought he heard a hint of pride in Skopasis’ voice. A pride Sava had longed for all his life. Aye he would travel across the Sea of Grass to Sogdiana, the richest city on the Silk Road. I will bring back the secret of steel. Or die trying.


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