Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords

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Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords Page 15

by Diana Drakulich

  Then his dream oracle of losing the White Mare came back to him. What about Sorsha? Will I lose her because of this long journey? So soon the oracle is coming true. NAY – I won’t let it! I will never forget her!

  “Hahq, you will lead the advance scouting party to inform us of Darius’ movements after his army crosses over into Skythia. We need their numbers, horses, wagons, everything.” Then as a quiet aside Skopasis said, ”Come to my yurt tonight after the feast.”

  “I am your slave Sire.” Hahq made a slight bow, fist over heart. Good. I want to be in the thick of the action. Not wandering off across the Sea of Grass on another godforsaken mission with Sava, bowing and scraping before all these mad rulers.

  In my heart I bow before one man – Skopasis. I have one enemy who threatens all that I love – Darius.

  Chapter 27 – Desire Stirred

  The man was huge and beautiful

  Deep in her loins desire stirred

  Her breath quickened as she stared

  At this primordial Being –

  Epic of Gilgamesh, 1500 BC

  His mind swarming with thoughts, Sava returned and took his place next to Sorsha. Placing a warm hand on her thigh he spoke in her ear.

  “I must go away soon.”

  “When?” Her expressive dark eyes silently questioned.

  “Two days. Right after the war council.” His voice was a sigh.

  “So soon? Where are you going?”

  “Where I cannot say. But if I succeed it will help us win the war.”

  “Sava, you hold my heart in the palm of your hand and now you will leave me? Again? Can I go with you?”

  He shook his head and gave her thigh a warm squeeze. “Too dangerous. I am traveling far to the east across the Sea of Grass. You will be safer with Yagya.”

  “But Sava…” Her eyes filled with silent pleading as her dreams collapsed around her.

  At that moment Borna sauntered over and sat down on the other side of Sava.

  “Hey my friend - Where is your sister, Danae? I am panting to meet her.” He offered a white, wolfish grin.

  “Rest easy Borna, Danae will soon be here.” Sava patted his friend’s knee with a knowing smile, then pointed with his chin toward the fire circle.

  The kolo dancing had ended. Now the drums picked up the beat of a cantering horse. Out of the shadows a stunning horse came prancing. Its metallic coat gleamed like purest gold in the firelight. The stallion’s ornate bridle was inlaid with gold and glittering gems.

  At first sight Borna thought the golden horse was Zlatna, but this horse had a leaner build and a crooked lightning strike blaze down its face. It must be a son of Zlatna.

  His eyes focused on the rider, a statuesque young woman who rode like a regal queen. Streaming rivulets of mahogany hair, long and thick like a horse’s tail and glinting with highlights of dark red, gold and black trailed down her back. She wore a ruffled skirt topped by a white blouse under a colorful embroidered vest. Red leather boots covered her feet.

  The young stallion lifted his right front hoof high in the air, held it poised a moment then dropped it. Raising his left hoof high, he held it poised then dropped it, alternating from foot to foot in an elegant marching action.

  Tiny golden bells attached to fine chains tied around the animal’s fetlocks chimed to each step. The golden horse gradually increased his high stepping action in time to the drums while moving his back feet in shorter steps so that he was dance-marching to the beat.

  Horse and rider came on, prancing into the center. Proud neck arched, the golden stallion did a slow, collected canter around the fire ring. His canter circles became progressively smaller until the horse was pivoting around on his hindquarters. The crowd clapped and whistled in time to the beat.

  When the golden horse dance-marched out of the fire circle, Borna leaned over to Sava.

  “Who was that?”

  “That was Zargon, a son of Zlatna.”

  “Not the horse.” Borna cuffed Sava’s shoulder. “The rider!”

  “The rider?” Sava acted surprised. “Why, do you like her?”

  “Who would not like a woman like that?”

  “Don’t tell me you have your eye on her, Borna.”

  “Why? Is she married? Spoken for?”

  “I don’t know, you will have to ask her.”

  “But who is she?”

  “That was Danae.” Sava grinned, relishing his joke.

  “That was Danae?” Borna cuffed Sava’s shoulder again, harder. “Why didn’t you tell me? Where did she go?”

  “Over there.” Sava pointed vaguely into the darkness. “Our herd is pastured behind those hills. Go get Soma and ride him out there. Danae will love Soma. No one could train a horse like Soma and not be great. Go to her Borna. Let your horse speak for you.”

  “Sava it’s dark. How will I know which herd is yours? Sauromatian women are fierce. Danae might take me for a horse thief and shoot me with an arrow. Come on, introduce me to your sister.”

  “Aye, better not take a chance. Danae has not killed her first enemy yet. I would hate to see your head end up as her first trophy.” Sava shrugged and smiled. “You know, old Amazon custom, must have a kill before marriage.”

  Turning to Sorsha he placed his lips close to her ear so she could hear him over the noisy crowd. “Borna wants to go meet Danae. Will you come with us?”

  Sorsha nodded, relieved to get out of the crush and have more of Sava’s attention.

  “Good. Let’s go get the horses and ride out.”

  Brata rose to go with them. As they strode toward the horse pen Sava slung his arm across Brata’s shoulders and leaned in for a private word –

  “I will soon be leaving on a long trip across the Sea of Grass my friend.”

  Brata’s head jerked toward him, eyes questioning.

  “You can come with me if you wish. Although I know it will be hard for you to leave our noble queen Toxaris.”

  “Me – You – Brothers. Always.” Brata rasped, placing his warm palm over Sava’s beating heart.

  But Sava saw the pain of loss in the Black Cloak’s dark eyes.

  Later, as they rode to find Danae, Borna turned to Sava. “Don’t tell Danae that I am on the hunt for a wife.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I do not chase women like some horny satyr. No woman respects that. Danae must come to me panting with desire.”

  “So you think to make Danae chase you?”

  “I have my ways.”

  “Such as?”

  “We Neuri men are like that rare chunk of metal that falls from the sky and draws iron to it.” Borna offered his white wolfish grin.

  “Oh? Then I will watch you in action, so that I may learn from a master. But what about Koba? I heard he is besotted with Danae. I hope we don’t run into him out there…in the dark. Koba is hot tempered and jealous. But don’t worry, if he attacks you in a jealous rage Danae will save your sorry little ass. She is very protective of small helpless animals.”

  “Hah. Good. Danae is just the woman for me then.” Borna squared his broad bare shoulders, as the long furry tail of his wolf headdress swayed suggestively along the powerful twin muscles of his spine.

  Chapter 28 – Unarmed Combat

  As you can see

  I am well armed and ready

  For the merciless battle

  To which you challenge me

  A battle in which no herald can intervene

  To part the combatants.

  I have been standing to arms all day.

  My bow is strung so tight

  Something will snap

  If the Advance is not sounded soon…

  Apuleius, The Golden Ass

  “I am not worried about this - Koba,” Borna said as they rode along. “I am more than enough man for any physical contest, should it come to that. Which I hope it will not. I don’t want to hurt one of your kinsmen. We Neuri are a peaceful people as you know.”

; “So you say, but what happens at the full of the autumn moon? Isn’t that when the wolf spirit comes into you Vukari?”

  Borna’s face seemed to change imperceptibly in the moonlight. A wild glint mirrored his eyes.

  “Ah that is our little secret, eh my friend? So what if I feel compelled to howl at the full moon? Besides our wolf spirit is just legend. A story to keep outsiders away.”

  “Only a wild story eh? Somehow I can picture you out there with your pack, bounding across the plains in pursuit of prey.”

  “With Danae riding by my side.”

  Borna was silent for a time as they cantered along the dirt track towards the low dark hills, the full moon lighting their way. Sava sensed the chariot wheels turning in his friend’s head. The predator planning several moves in advance of confronting his prey.

  “Sava my good man,” Borna broke the silence. “You will tell Danae that we came out here so that you could show me Zargon and the rest of Zlatna’s offspring.”

  “You think she will believe that you came out to look at horses in the dark?”

  “Hmmh you are right about that.”

  Pause. Rhythmic hoof beats in the dirt.

  “How about this- Tell Danae that you came out to make sure she makes it safely back to camp. Then I will let her ride Soma back to camp. She will love him and that will be my first step into her heart.”

  “Hah. Danae is a woman. She will see that glint in your eyes and know that you are a wolf on the prowl. Anyway I doubt we will find her alone. Koba is never far from her side these days.”

  They trotted up a low hill and there below, grazing in a shallow valley was a large herd of horses, some dark-coated, others glowed, silver shadows in the moonlight.

  Sava waved his arm. “We brought 50 stallions and geldings with us to Royal Skythia. Many are sons and grandsons of Zlatna. Some we will trade, some will be raced to win prestige for our breeding stock. Others will be gifted to allies of Skopasis. We have over 2,000 top horses at home in Sauromatia.”

  As they approached, Sava called out: “Danae!”

  “Over here!” A feminine voice responded.

  They followed her voice to find Danae standing with Zargon. The young stallion stood with arched neck, nostrils wide, inhaling a myriad of provocative scents on the soft breeze. She reached up and removed the bridle, then slapped the horse’s rump.

  “Go on. Hah!”

  The stallion cantered off nickering for his special friends in the herd. Danae looked over to see Sava, Sorsha, Brata and Borna all smiling down on her from their horses.

  “Danae, this is my friend Prince Borna, brother to Queen Toxaris of Neuria. But don’t believe those crazy stories about the Neuri being sorcerers who read people’s minds and change into wolves on full moon nights. Those are just legends.” Sava offered a sly grin.

  Shooting Sava a dirty look, Borna shook his head. Don’t believe him - his luminous eyes flared a silent denial to Danae

  A moment passed as Borna and Danae assessed each other in the shadowed moonlight.

  “Borna was impressed with how well you trained Zargon to dance. He asked to meet you.” Sava went on, throwing all the Vukari’s pre-planning to the winds. “Borna has trained his Soma to fight in close contact battle. He has been helping me train Zlatna the same way. He wants you to ride Soma. See how you like him.”

  Of course Danae knew that Borna’s request for her to ride Soma was an excuse for an introduction. Still Danae beamed at the compliment and lifted glowing eyes to Borna.

  Sava knew his mark alright - Danae preferred to be recognized for her excellent horsemanship rather than for her beauty.

  Borna vaulted off Soma, feet arcing into the air. His lithe nearly seven foot frame did a virtual handstand off the horse’s withers before he dropped lightly to earth. The towering Vukari smiled into Danae’s eyes but did not approach. He just stood there, holding out the reins to her.

  Ah, here is Borna’s first move. Sava thought. He is using Soma to make Danae come to him. Will she take the bait?

  Danae stared up at the broad-shouldered agile giant whose eyes reflected an eerie luminous gleam in the moonlight. Her gaze flicked to the big-boned black horse standing balanced four square, long neck arched. Ears flicking, Soma’s intelligent, glimmering eyes stared out at the herd.

  “Amazing. I have never seen anything like him before.” Danae said. “I would like to ah… ride him.”

  And Sava was not sure that she meant the horse. Still Danae made no move to take the reins.

  “First let me say goodbye to Koba. Poor man, he is out here guarding the herd and missing the feast. Koba! I am leaving now I will send Gavril to take your place!”

  “I am coming, My Heart!” A voice piped up.

  Out of the darkness came a boy of about 12 summers. He rode a striking liver chestnut with a cream white mane and tail.

  Balanced on a perch built onto the front of his saddle crouched a huge golden eagle, feet tethered to the perch. The boy’s perceptive eyes gazed at them from under a mop of dark hair, then a smile lit his face.

  “Sava! You are back!”

  “Zandor looks good.” Sava looked over the chestnut with appreciative eyes. “You have been taking good care of him Koba.”

  “I will never forget you for gifting me such a great horse Sava.”

  “Where did you get that eagle? He is as big as you are.”

  The boy stroked the eagle’s proud, silky head and neck. “He is Batur. I caught him in a net and tamed him myself. I am teaching him to hunt rabbits and foxes for me.”

  The eagle blinked its golden eyes and spread its wings. The wingspan was huge, as wide as a tall man.

  “Mind that eagle does not fly away with you Koba.” Sorsha teased.

  “Aye someday Batur will take me on his back and we will fly around the world.” The boy smiled into her eyes.

  Sorsha felt an instant rapport with him. There will come a day when this boy is a man to be reckoned with.

  “This is Koba?” Disbelieving, Borna stared at the boy, then smirked at Sava.

  Sava nodded, trying to keep a straight face.

  “What do you mean, THIS is Koba?” The boy drew himself up in the saddle, hand on the akinake at his hip.

  Spreading its great wings, the eagle opened its sharp curved beak and hissed as if it too was insulted.

  “I am Koba and someday I will marry Danae! If she will wait for me.” He threw a beseeching glance at Danae.

  “Have no fear Koba. I will always hold you in high regard as my great friend.” Danae smiled at him. She turned to Borna. “Koba is our cousin.”

  “Someday I will be more than just a friend to you Danae. If you will just give me the chance.”

  Chapter 29 – Interlude with a Vukari Prince

  Eroticism is…a perception

  Of the divine state,

  Which is infinite delight –

  Kama Sutra 400 BC

  It took Borna only moments to realize that he would have to make the first move. Danae would not obey his subliminal command that she come to him. Reins in hand, he strode toward her, moving with predatory grace.

  Danae took one look into Borna’s eyes, gleaming like a wolf in the moon light and she knew. This Vukari prince is on the prowl and I am his prey.

  Though Danae knew Sava trusted the powerful Vukari, still she hesitated. At eighteen summers, Danae was a handsome young woman accustomed to getting long hungry looks from men, accompanied by heated bouts of flirtation.

  Her parents had received several offers for her hand in marriage. But Danae had turned them all down. So she was well aware of the games that can be played with vulnerable hearts.

  So when Borna held out the reins to her, Danae stood her ground and let him wait while she took his measure. And there was much to take in. The Vukari prince towered over her. He rode bare-chested but for a fur-lined cloak. Snugly fitted leather leggings encased his lean hips.

  She heard the Wolf Prince’s smold
ering magnetic call – Come here. Melt into me.

  The black stallion was equally tall and massive, long-legged and athletically built. The way Soma gave to the bit, arching his long elegant neck, made him appear a soft, sensitive ride. She couldn’t wait to vault onto the stallion’s back.

  But then she couldn’t deny the appeal of vaulting into Borna’s muscular arms either. Strange, this instant connection. The intense attraction.

  The stranger oozed an erotic sensuality coupled with a glimpse of ribald, teasing humor. Still, the Vukari prince had the distinctly predatory look of a dominant male. Danae was well acquainted with that type.

  How long before he returns to Neuria? A few days? She refused to become his plaything of the moment to be left behind with an aching heart.

  And so Danae held back, determined not to be an easy conquest. The Wolf Prince would have to establish his intentions first.

  As he stalked toward her, Borna pulsated with primal energy. Danae had to brace herself not to step back. Even Sava was surprised. A different Borna was emerging from the relaxed, jovial fellow he thought he knew.

  Gently taking her hand, Borna placed the reins across her fingers. The warm tactile connection of his long supple fingers was instant, exhilarating. Tingling tendrils of fire slithered through her veins.

  Ah. Sava smiled to himself. Thus the best laid plans fall prey to a woman’s innate sensibilities. Borna has given HER the symbolic reins to their relationship.

  “Please.” Borna gazed into Danae’s eyes with a sizzling smile. “I would like you to ride Soma and tell me what you think of him. You can ride him home.”

  It was the first time she had heard him speak. The rich mellow timbre of his voice was compelling. Seductive.

  “But what about you?” She protested, smiling glassy-eyed, trying to bolster her thoughts to defend against his mesmerizing will.

  “I can run along behind. We Vukari are swift of foot, like the wolf. It’s a full moon tonight”. He grinned, white teeth gleaming. “I feel like running.”


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