Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords

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Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords Page 23

by Diana Drakulich

  Drawing both ends of the sash toward him, he pulled her face, her lips to his. Slanting warm firm lips over hers, he kissed Danae with melting tenderness. Thrusting his tongue deep, letting her suck to absorb his essence. Loosening the sash around her neck, he let her head fall back slightly, breaking the kiss.

  “Did you know that wolves mate for life? The pack leader will have only one and no other.”


  “Aye it’s true.” Borna rumbled.

  Gently untying the long braid down her back, he drew his fingers through her wavy waist-length hair. Hmmm. He inhaled her mahogany tresses, crushing them as they flowed between his fingers until her hair hung in a shimmering curtain around her shoulders.

  Back and forth the Wolf Prince slid the mesmerizing sash along her neck, tickling, arousing her sensitive nerves. Using the sash to bring her mouth back to his warm searching lips and tongue.

  Letting the sash dangle from long fingers he slowly undid the upper loops of her kurta so that it fell completely open. Warm sensual fingers molded and caressed her breasts. Cupping and pressing them together he leaned down to lick, nip and suckle first one nipple then the other.

  “Ahh know that I adore these beauties Danae.”

  Hmmh, she hummed in his ear, soft as an evening breeze.

  “Sing to me Beauty. Your breasts are instruments of pleasure. With these I can play your body so that you sing with rapture. Your sighs and moans are music to my ears. Your beautiful breasts will nurture our children. The milk from these gorgeous breasts will make our babies fat and strong.”

  “Borna, Borna…” She breathed into his waiting ear. “You are a wonder, yet I fear you. Your kako mati eyes, your voice, your magic hands have beguiled my mind, my body. I cannot think straight.”

  “Truly? Then I rejoice. Because it is the same for me.” He flashed a glinting smile in the moonlight. “Do not fear me Beauty. Let these magic hands ward away all evil from your life and bring you only delight. It is not my powers that you feel. Arcing between our bodies is the power of the Spirit, the wonder of heaven and earth.”

  Borna released a groan of raw need as he opened his mouth to hers in a deep soul-stealing kiss. He leaned against a tree and slid a muscular thigh between her legs. Cupping her ass cheeks with his big warm hands he lifted her hips up his leg so that her groin was pressed against his.

  Slowly, sensually he began rocking his hips to grind his rigid, jutting manhood against her mound.

  “Ride me Danae.” He breathed into her ear.

  And ride him she did, undulating her hips to stimulate her throbbing pearl. He pushed his long thick tongue into her mouth with the same rhythm, slow and deep.

  Thrusting her away he grasped her hand to press it over his swollen phallus, still safely encased in his buckskin leggings.

  “Ye gods, I have heard of such things but…You are hung like a horse Adoni.”

  Borna’s laugh was a seductive rumble that vibrated her core. “Ah, still a maid and already you know how to please a man.” Borna kept her hand pressed against his bulge, squeezing his engorged manhood.

  “And do you know what this is called my Beauty?”

  “Tell me.” Her fingers still rubbing, squeezing his bulge.

  “This is my God-Cock.”

  Her lips twitched. “Your… God-Cock? You are divine then?”

  “Have a care Beauty for in your hand is a magic staff.” With a needy moan reminiscent of a low wolf howl, he drew her hand up and down his bulge, pressing, squeezing hard. “With my magic staff I can take you to a state of rapture such as you have never known. With my God-Cock I can create new life - in You.”

  “And what if your `magic staff’ fails to please me? What will you do then?”She said still rubbing. Squeezing.

  Borna shook his black mane, white teeth glinting.

  “I will worship you with my body until you beg on your knees for my God-Cock. Ahh oh aye…” He moaned deep in his throat. “On second thought I may be begging you. Hold it, squeeze it. Like that.” His voice a throaty purr. “Your touch sends waves of hot pleasure singing through my veins.”

  And Danae felt a deep tremor, an involuntary shudder go through his body. Borna’s expression was caught between intense pleasure and pain. And it came to her - This Vukari prince is keeping his wolf on a tight leash for me.

  She palmed Borna’s face and kissed his lips, reveling in the molten sensations of pure lust, of losing herself in Him. But then he broke off the kiss, gazing at her with those luminous wolf eyes. She saw an expression of sadness there. A fiery longing. Even a lonesome goodbye.

  “Danae…I want you, so much.” Cupping the back of her head with both hands like a precious vessel he sipped from her lips in a melting kiss, then pushed in deep, twining his tongue with hers, drinking of her essence.

  “Ever since your brother told me about you, I dreamed it would be like this between us. But things have changed, I find I must leave you now and it grieves me.” Borna said.

  “When are you leaving?”

  “Tomorrow morning, early.”

  “So soon?” She tried to steady the tremulous quaver in her voice.

  “Aye. We must leave right after the…ah, sacrifice.” He squeezed her close. “Danae…” His breath a warm sigh against her ear, “The Fates have allotted us so little time together. But do not give up hope My Heart.” His breath caressed her ear and neck between melting kisses. “Never give up hope. It pains my soul, but I have made my choice.”

  Why am I not your choice? She wanted to ask; but remained silent, questioning him with her eyes.

  Releasing a deep sigh Borna stepped away. His red cloak with the black wolf tamgas swirled around his long legs as he turned and strode into the darkness.

  Stunned, Danae stood there unmoving, watching him go, her senses still drugged, enthralled by his presence, his touch. She repressed a desperate urge to run after him, to stop him, to ask, to plead –

  WHY? Why must you leave so soon Borna? We barely got to know each other. And now you leave, taking my heart with you?

  But Danae was proud. She would never beg and so she stood and watched the Wolf Prince stride out of her life.

  Chapter 41 – Cup of Brotherhood

  We honor Orestes and Pylades

  (Greeks who came to Skythia)

  Because they excelled in the

  Skythian virtue of Loyalty,

  Which we place above all others

  It is for this that we bestowed

  On them the name of Coraci,

  Which in our language means

  The Spirits of Friendship –

  Lucian of Samosata – On Friendship

  Interview with Abaris

  Not long after Dragana departed, Borna and Brata appeared at the entrance to Sava’s yurt. After the guards checked his friends for weapons they were allowed entry.

  “My good friend Sava. We have come to you for a special ceremony.” Borna warmly embraced him, followed by Brata.


  Brata carried a rhyton and Borna held a pottery jar of what Sava hoped was the stunning Geloni rakia. He was ready to drink himself into stone cold oblivion on this dismal night.

  “We are here to drink the Cup of Brotherhood with you Sava. Will you accept us as your blood brothers?” Borna asked.

  Though both men were smiling, Sava thought he detected a shadowed pain in Borna’s hooded eyes. Is there something they are not telling me?

  In a world beset by constant raiding and war, a blood brother was the truest of friends, the deepest well of wealth, richer than gold and herds of cattle and horses. A blood brother would give up his own life to save yours.

  In Skythian tradition a man only ever had at most two blood brothers. Borna and Brata were offering their devoted friendship at a time when Sava needed it most. Two men whom his heart would always remember as Great.

  Shocked at this profound offer, Sava’s eyes glistened with emotion.

  The three men
sat in a tight circle, knees touching. Borna poured the rakia into the rhyton, the handle was carved into a man on horseback. Brata pulled out a small dagger he had secreted in his boot. Holding the shining blade aloft he croaked in his damaged, guttural voice the sacred oath:

  “I, who was Sargis of Melanchaenia - I who am now Brata of Sauromatia, I who was sent to die in the Dark House, but returned alive, thanks to my brother Sava, I swear by the Wind which is the Breath of Life and by the Sword which brings Death - I am Sava’s friend until death do us part. Even I will give my own life for his.”

  With those words Brata sliced across his fingers so the blood dripped freely into the rhyton. He passed the knife to Borna.

  “I, Borna of Neuria, brother to Queen Toxaris, I swear by Wind which is the Breath of Life and by the Sword which brings Death, that I am Sava’s true friend and will remain so until death do us part. Even I will give my own life for his.”

  Borna sliced his fingers so his blood dripped into the vessel, then passed the knife to Sava who repeated the sacred oath and cut his fingers. Using the knife, Sava mixed the blood and rakia. With both hands he lifted the vessel and kissed the edge saying:

  “I Sava of Sauromatia swear to the eternal Spirit of Coraci and to my great friends Brata and Borna - I swear never to forget you. Never to let you down, unto my dying day. I thank you for your sacred friendship on this my darkest night.”

  He drank a sip, wiped his burning blurred eyes, (they all did) and handed the vessel to Brata.

  His friend toasted the golden stallion in his rasping voice: “To Zlatna, I salute you! If not for your speed, courage and bravery, I would not be here today.”

  “And neither would I.” Sava shook his head with a wry smile.

  After they had passed the rhyton around and toasted several times, Sava picked up his duduk. He began to play and sing an ancient lament. The rich heartfelt timbre of his voice resonated, rising to the heavens.

  At times his voice cracked with emotion as he relived those epic adventures with the golden stallion. Now it was time to say goodbye.

  Brata and Borna joined in, their deep rumbling voices humming along and singing the chorus:

  Tonight I will saddle my horse

  My horse will carry me across the boundless lands

  We will walk across endless green meadows

  We will walk across endless green meadows

  My horse will carry me across the boundless lands

  For a dark and silent midnight ride

  We will walk alone across the land

  We will walk alone across the land

  The night sky will be full of stars

  Not another soul to be seen

  Through the dark night we will silently walk

  Through the dark night we will silently walk

  I will ride my horse - my noble friend

  He will carry me across the midnight lands

  Across the land which has no bounds

  Across the land which has no bounds

  Just once I would see that place

  Where the sun is born bright and gold

  Oh my beloved meadows and water springs

  Oh my beloved meadows and water springs

  We will walk alone me and my horse

  We walk across the boundless land

  My horse and I will walk under the midnight sky

  My horse and I will walk under the midnight sky

  Every note was a tribute to a great horse for service boldly given. For a life well done. And so the blood brothers sang and told nostalgic stories. Smiling and laughing as hot tears rolled down. Unashamed.

  In this way they passed much of the night. At last Brata and Borna rose. Each laid a compassionate hand on Sava’s shoulder. Their eyes speaking louder than words - We are with you brother.

  As his friends were about to leave, Sava grasped Brata’s shoulders. He kissed both cheeks and gazed into rich earthen eyes. Maybe for the last time.

  “Brata my good man, when Toxaris leaves, you should go with her to Neuria. She needs our protection. Zoltan threatened that she will die within a year. She insulted many nobles at the council and blasphemed theg god of war. As soon as Toxaris leaves Royal Skythia, her life will be in danger until she reaches Neuria.”

  Brata’s dark brows pulled together in a V of protest. Sava saw in the depths of his friend’s eyes that he was deeply torn between his love for Toxaris and his blood brother.

  “Toxaris is precious to us all. Stay in Neuria until I send for you. Just don’t marry her. Eh my friend?” Sava smiled wistfully and lightly shook Brata’s shoulders.

  What Sava did not say lest Brata refuse to leave, was that his friend was also a marked man. He had threatened Koldun’s life at the council. The Black Cloak sorcerer would not rest until Brata was returned to the Dark House and sacrificed to Ah-Gin.

  Turning to Borna, Sava kissed and embraced him saying: “I have a bad feeling - an ambush is planned for Toxaris on her way home.”

  Borna nodded. “I will go with Toxaris, but I will return to your side as soon as I can.”

  Sava shook his head. “Stay in Neuria my friend until I send for you. I leave for Sogdiana in a few days. It lies far to the east across the Sea of Grass. I trust you not to reveal this to anyone - I go there to learn the secret of steel.”

  “Steel?” Borna asked.

  “Aye, steel. A steel sword is so sharp it cuts through bone and bronze. Even it can pierce iron scale armor without bending or nicking.” Sava paused, then lifted his brows suggestively. “So Borna, what did you think of Danae?”

  “Danae…” The tall Vukari’s eyes took on a glazed look as if he were reliving sweet eternal moments. “She has captured my heart. But the fickle Winds of Fate that brought us together have seen fit to tear us apart already.”

  Sava nodded, thinking of Sorsha. “I will pray to Jivan that we all come together again in this life.”

  His friends departed, leaving Sava to face the coming dawn alone. During the remainder of that long night, he felt numb and rigid as if lying in a grave.

  To kill my horse after he served me so well. What a great betrayal of a true friend.

  And he was grateful for the warm body of Sinjin lying by his side.

  Chapter 42 – Koldun

  Should the shepherd be allowed

  To savage his own flock?

  Epic of Gilgamesh 1500 BC

  It was only a few hours before dawn when Brata and Borna left the yurt where Sava was imprisoned. The two split up. Borna headed for the Neuri yurts while Brata drifted away into the shadows with one thing was on his mind – Revenge.

  The Black Beast had sunk its talons deep into his mind. Brata’s strong fingers itched to coil themselves around the Black Cloak priest’s scrawny neck. And squeeze. Now we will see if `All Seeing’ Ah-Gin swoops down to save Koldun’s boney ass.

  The blood of all those innocents Koldun had poured out upon the altar screamed for justice. And Brata knew where to find him. Secure in the illusion of safety in numbers the priest slept in a nearby yurt.

  Strike first. Strike hard. Muscles coiled into heightened, predatory awareness, Brata slid through the murk to crouch behind the yurt where Koldun slept.

  The Black Cloak warriors sleeping there would be exhausted from long travel, feasting, drinking and drugs. Success depended on swift sure silence.

  Brata fingered the garrote that dangled from his belt, then drew his dagger. With slow precision he sliced a soundless slit down the back of the felt-walled yurt. An imperceptible shadow, he slid inside and crouched against the wall.

  A thin slice of moonlight filtered through the slit. Gradually his eyes adjusted. But only to the extent that he was able to make out prostrate shadows peacefully snoring. He could not tell which one was the high priest.

  Moments ticked by. Wrapped in their black cloaks the men snored placidly on, unaware that Death hovered close. Though exhausted, the warriors could be fully aroused in an instant.

sp; For a moment Brata considered giving up to bide his time for another chance at Koldun. Toxaris’ warm loving arms waited. She must be anxious. Knowing her, she has already guessed what I am about.

  One of the sleeping shadows groaned. Brata froze. Immobile.

  High priest Koldun dreamed...


  Koldun found himself in the Dark House. A feeling of utter devastation oppressed him. A dark, ominous cloud hung over everything. Everything was in ruins. His entire world was gone. Destroyed.

  Searching for some hint of life, Koldun stumbled on through darkness and devastation. He looked everywhere. Nothing but ruble, ruin and emptiness remained. Until he saw a human eyeball lying on the ground. One living eye.

  The eye sat upon its stalk of nerves and muscles. He knew this eye. FATHER…

  And then the Eye spoke. Not in words but in waves of agonized desolation.


  Koldun woke up panting, staring blindly into blackness. His heart pounding like a drum. An evil omen…

  Instead of slowing down his heart began pounding faster, as if it would burst. The priest could not subdue the blood freezing panic that hammered in his breast. As if Death crouched here – poised to strike…!!!

  Nay I am safe here. Safe with my people around me.

  Gradually the rhythmic breaths of the sleeping men around Koldun calmed his heart. Somewhat.

  His panic was followed by an overwhelming need to urinate. He didn’t want to get up. He didn’t want to leave the security of the yurt but he had no choice.

  He sat up and reached for his staff. It was imbued with power. The viper heads had been dipped in the fresh hot blood of many victims. His staff would protect him from malevolent entities who roamed the night. He rose and stumbled out.

  He did not see the wraith that flowed out of a slit in the back of the yurt. The black shadow that flowed around to the front, tracking him.

  Brata waited in shivering shadows, poised on a knife’s edge. A dark cloaked figure stood motionless, back turned, staring up at the full moon. The staff he held was crowned with two vipers, necks arched, facing a black sun. Sign of Velesh, Black Serpent of the Underworld.


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