Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords

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Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords Page 22

by Diana Drakulich

  Finally an agreement was hammered out. In exchange for keeping his son’s head on his shoulders, Skopasis agreed to pay the Black Cloaks a large chest of gold jewelry and 100 head of prime cattle.

  As part of the deal the Black Cloaks agreed to let Brata stay under Skopasis’ protection. This with the proviso that Brata and Sava were dead men should they ever show their faces in Melanchaenia again.

  However the Black Cloak sorcerer Koldun and the other ennerei were furious that Brata was allowed to go free. This was a naked affront to the sorcerers’ sacred power over life and death.

  All had heard Brata’s threat – that his throat would be the last that Koldun would ever cut. Koldun was deathly afraid that no matter how long it took, Brata would eventually track him down and kill him.

  To appease the Androphagi for Sava’s trespass on their sacred kurgan land, Skopasis gave them fifty head of cattle. But high sorcerer Zoltan had his way – the golden stallion would be sacrificed at dawn tomorrow.

  The Sword in the Stone must have his fresh hot blood. The people refused to turn their faces from Ah-Gin. The God of War held their fates on the blade of his omnipotent sword.

  Chapter 39 – The Gods Move Slowly

  Finally the priest kindles the fire

  He sets the victim bodily thereon

  Unfleeced, unflayed.

  A godly steam,

  Fit for godly nostrils,

  Rises heavenwards and

  Drifts to each quarter of the sky -

  Lucian of Samosata – On Sacrifice

  “Zlatna will be sacrificed at dawn tomorrow.”

  At King Idanthrysus’ final words to sacrifice the golden stallion, Sava’s first furious impulse was to ride away on Zlatna and disappear into the Sea of Grass. Forever. But he was immediately surrounded by King Idanthrysus’ warriors.

  “Just consider yourself fortunate Sava that your throat will not be cut along with your horse.” Idanthrysus added, seeing his slit-eyed scowl.

  As the guards walked him out they passed near where Sorsha sat with Yagya. A desperate, powerless speaking-look passed between them. Then Sava was taken to a yurt on the outskirts of camp where a close guard was set on him.

  In truth he knew this isolation was for the best. If he were to attend the sacrifice, he doubted he would be able to withstand the pain of such a great betrayal.

  He saw himself going mad with rage. Saw himself charging up the kurgan, sword drawn. Saw himself killing those vampir priests. Worthless bloodsuckers!

  But then I will just end up dying with my horse and Zoltan’s victory will be complete. That Other Voice in his head said. Nay, I must wait. I will choose the time and place of my revenge.

  As darkness fell, his mother came, bringing the puppy Sinjin for company. Sava had to smile at the dog’s wriggling delight to see him. Dragana handed him his duduk.

  “To help you pass the time. It will be a long night. Your father is very angry. You should have told him the truth about Brata from the start. You were to be your father’s eyes and ears. Yet you lied to him. Look what your rash actions have cost us. It nearly destroyed the war council.”

  “Forgive me Mother.” Sava sank to his knees before her. Head bowed, he touched her feet with both hands. “Tell Father that my heart is sick with remorse. But I could not risk Brata being returned to the Black Cloaks, not until the vote was taken at the war council.”

  “Sava your theft from that kurgan gave the tribes an excuse to turn their backs on the alliance. Worse yet, we have incurred the enmity of the Black Cloaks and the Man Eaters. King Vartan will not soon forget your theft - for which you and Brata both escaped punishment. On top of all that we had to forfeit so much wealth. Gold and cattle that could have been used for our warriors. All because of your decision to save one man.”

  With a sigh Dragana shook her head. She placed a comforting palm on her son’s cheek and lifted his head. Blue eyes gazed into blue-green orbs, swirling with apprehension.

  “Your actions nearly turned the war council into a riot. But in the end I salute you, My Son. You risked your life to save an innocent man.”

  “Does Father still trust me to go to Sogdiana for him?”

  “We have not spoken of it. You will know tomorrow after the …sacrifice.”

  The very word sacrifice sent a cold tremor up Sava’s spine. Stroking Sinjin’s soft, silky ears, he fought to control his rage against Zoltan. Now is the time to ask the questions which have lain so much on my mind -

  “Why does Zoltan hate me?”

  “Zoltan fears you my son.”

  “Fears me? Why?”

  “In Zoltan’s guilty mind, when he looks at you, he sees Sarpedon. He hears Sarpedon screaming that curse as the flames blackened his flesh. Zoltan sees you as Sarpedon’s agent of revenge. He fears you as Sarpedon reborn.”

  “Was Sarpedon so powerful that Zoltan should fear him, even after death?”

  “If it is possible for the dead to communicate with the living, Sarpedon would be the One. He could bend people to his will through his thoughts. Before his execution Sarpedon was apprenticed to the last Magi in Skythia.”

  “A Magi?”

  “Aye. The Magi dwell in Medea and are the most powerful sorcerers in the world. They say the Magi received knowledge passed down from the Sons of Man. It was the Magi who bred the Nisean Horse and imbued it with such a wonderful mind and powers of strength and speed.”

  “Some 100 summers ago, when Persia was weak and divided, Idanthrysus’ grandfather, Madius decided the time was ripe to conquer Medea. Royal Skythia ruled Medea just 28 years before they were forced out. But King Madius returned to Skythia with two of Medea’s greatest treasures – three Magi sorcerers and a large herd of the finest Nisean horses. Because we Sauromatae have always been loyal to Royal Skythia, we were given leave to buy Nisean stallions to improve our herds. Your Zlatna is descended from that original breeding stock.” Dragana said.

  “Of the three Magi who came to Royal Skythia; all were advanced in age. Finally only one, who was called Megis, was left alive. Sarpedon was a seer in King Raymaxos’ court then. Sarpedon asked Megis to instruct him and the Magi agreed. This Megis was very selective as to whom he would reveal his crafts. He refused to accept Zoltan or any other ennarei as students. He called them unworthy. This infuriated Zoltan.” Dragana shook her head.

  “In time, Sarpedon’s oracles became so accurate and wise that Idanthrysus asked him to be high sorcerer for Royal Skythia. This made Zoltan and his accomplices intensely jealous because they were Royal Skythian, whereas Sarpedon was Sauromatian. Zoltan and Xobash conspired with ten other priests to accuse Sarpedon of making false prophecies. But Zoltan never learned the old Magi’s secrets. Megis’ heart failed when he witnessed Sarpedon burning to death. My heart nearly died that day as well.” Dragana’s eyes turned inward at the excruciating image.

  “If that vampir Zoltan sacrifices Zlatna, he is right to fear me.” Sava’s expression hardened to granite, his eyes chips of blue-green stone. “I WILL kill him. Or die trying. But tell me the truth Mother - Who is my real father?”

  “Beware that you drink from poisoned wells my son. You are the true son of Skopasis.

  “But people say that I look like Sarpedon, what about that?”

  “Oh Sava, that is only their guilty minds speaking because they believed Zoltan’s lies and did not lift a finger to help Sarpedon. In truth you look more like my father, your grandfather, who died when you were small.”

  But Sava was far from convinced. He sensed that even his own mother was confused.

  “Did your father have blue-green eyes?”

  Dragana shook her head. “Nay, his eyes were blue like mine. Your eyes are the same color as Sarpedon’s. And that is why people whisper. But you were conceived four full moons after Sarpedon died. I remember well that beautiful sickle moon night when Skopasis came to my kibitka.”

  “So soon after Sarpedon’s death?”

  Her eyes looked aw
ay. “I needed a protector. I feared for my own life. And your father is…compelling. From early youth we had eyes for each other. Skopasis is more than enough man for any woman; but there was one moment that night...” A troubled expression washed over Dragana’s face and she shook her head, closing her eyes against the memory.

  “What happened? Tell me.”

  “At the moment of climax when Skopasis’ hot seed rushed into my womb…” Dragana paused. Her eyes dropped, hesitating.

  “What happened?”

  “I have never spoken of this before - A bright light flashed over my head. I looked up and...”

  “What did you see?”

  I saw not Skopasis, but Sarpedon’s face. I saw Sarpedon’s eyes hovering over me, staring into my soul.”

  Sava flinched in shock as the truth of his mother’s words dawned on him. Dread coiled icy tentacles around his heart and squeezed. The pythia at the nekromanteion was right –

  I have TWO sires. This is why I am so different from Skopasis. So different from them ALL. Skopasis sired my BODY, but Sarpedon gave me his MIND. To avenge Sarpedon - For this was I born.

  “Looking back, I think my vision of Sarpedon’s face may have been an illusion, a trick of the mind. The mind can do strange things. Sarpedon was my first husband after all… I cared deeply for him…Maybe that is why I saw his face at the moment of climax. But the most amazing thing was …” Choking with emotion her voice trailed off.

  “What? Tell me?”

  “His face. Sarpedon was horribly burnt. His noble visage was reduced to a withered black husk. Yet that night he appeared to me in the flower of his manhood. His face - His FACE was so alive. So radiant.” Dragana shook her head, eyes squeezed shut. “I have never seen anything like it. And I will never forget it as long as I live.”

  “Can you remember anything else?”

  “His eyes…his eyes were stunning. Terrifying. They were the eyes of an eternally dying animal. The eyes of an Immortal.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “His eyes swirled over me. I was looking up, into a whirlpool in a deep blue-green lake. His eyes pulled me in…dragged me down…. Into pools of agonizing torment, like the huge glassy eyes of a dying deer. And yet…”

  “What did you see? Don’t stop now. I need to know. Everything.”

  “It’s difficult to explain, my son. His eyes glistened, like stars in a midnight sky. And all that I thought, all that I was, my dreams and hopes, my pain all of it poured into His eyes like a rushing river.”

  Dragana grasped his forearm, fingers white. “Sarpedon still LIVES Sava. Deep down I don’t believe I could have simply imagined all that I saw. His face was more alive, more radiant even than I had ever seen him in real Life. As if he had come into his true powers. All that he was meant to be.”

  “But my son you must never tell anyone of my vision that night. Even Skopasis does not know of it. All sons of `lying diviners’ are burnt. If word of this gets out, people will claim that you were sired by Sarpedon’s strigoi. They will shun you. Even demand you be put to death.”

  And Sava thought – It is said the eyes are the window to the soul. When Zoltan looks into my eyes, he sees Sarpedon - waiting to kill him.

  Chapter 40 – I am now a Slave

  My head swam.

  It was as if the apple boughs

  Of love had bent down over me

  I was gorging myself on the fruit.

  I am now a slave

  To your sparkling eyes,

  Your rosy cheeks

  Your shining hair,

  Your fragrant breasts

  And those kisses

  You give me with parted lips -

  Apuleius, The Golden Ass

  It was dusk, one of Danae’s favorite times of the day, the other being the crack of dawn, when the world was revealed once again, pure and fresh. The time of new beginnings. But tomorrow’s dawn will bring only pain.

  A sick thud crushed her heart every time she thought of what would come. She was standing in the dusty horse pen, grooming Zlatna for the sacrifice. The very act of lifting the brush to groom the stallion’s gleaming hide took all her will.

  As a mark of their extreme displeasure, Voivode Skopasis and Dragana refused to attend the sacrifice tomorrow. Danae’s younger sister Vayu and little brother Gavril had conveniently disappeared, wanting no part in preparing the golden stallion for his death. As chief trainer after Sava it was left to Danae to groom and present Zlatna at the horse sacrifice.

  Sweeping the boar bristle brush along the stallion’s sleek golden sides, she admired his magnificent conformation for the last time. So alive. So vibrant. And so mercifully unaware of the gruesome betrayal that awaited him.

  Danae mourned the imminent death of the great horse as she brushed. Then she began combing and elaborately braiding his thick silver mane and tail.

  Because the sacrifice would take place at dawn she had to braid this evening. Then in the early light of dawn she would administer a light brushing and tack up the horse with a beautiful gold- inlaid ceremonial saddle and bridle.

  All to be wasted. Burned. This whole thing is such a cursed WASTE. Danae shook her head in frustration. Why? Why must we torture these poor mute animals in the name of `the gods’?

  When she finished, Danae took time to scratch Zlatna’s sensitive spots and rub his belly. To watch his fat lower lip tremble, his neck arch with pleasure. This majestic being, so trusting. So ignorant of the horrific death which would carve its sharp talons into his sleek, golden hide. At that moment a powerful conviction descended upon her –

  I WILL NOT let them kill you Zlatna!

  Right away Danae began devising a plan of escape. Tonight. Deep in the night she would steal the stallion and high tail it back to Sauromatia. There she could hide out with her uncle, Koba’s father. The only problem was that Sauromatia was several days ride away and she was not exactly sure of the way.

  Still it was better than just standing by and watching, nay participating in this great injustice. Sava was helpless. It was up to her to save Zlatna and she was damned well determined to do it.

  The golden stallion lifted his head, nostrils flared, ears pricked. Something had captured his attention. Danae sensed a presence. Following Zlatna’s gaze she caught sight of a black outline standing in the dark shadows of a grove of trees next to the corral.

  The black shade was too still, too silent, yet charged with potent energy. A predator lurked. She blinked her eyes. Am I seeing things?

  The full moon came out from behind passing dark clouds. She gasped. Light-reflective eyes were watching her with total focus, as if to engrave them upon his very being. Borna.

  Caught by those luminous eyes, she experienced a unique sensation – as if an invisible force was descending and the rest of the world was falling away to oblivion.

  “Danae… Don’t do it”. His voice was barely more than a thought. A low rumble of compelling sound. He opened his arms. “Come here.”

  Without a word she left the horse pen and walked into the tall Vukari sorcerer’s arms. For a sorcerer he must be, since he could read her mind and had so beguiled her senses.

  Bare-chested, he wore a red fox fur-lined cloak to keep off the evening chill. Snaking his arms around her waist, he enclosed her needy body and soul in a warm dark cocoon of smooth hard, reassuring flesh and silky fur. Already she wanted to kiss and lick him all over…

  “Who are you?” Danae gazed up with rapt eyes. “Are you a man, or some divine being that you can read my thoughts?”

  His laugh was a low rumble. “Don’t you know?”

  She shook her head.

  “We Neuri are Vukari, Wolf Men. The beast in us has no need for words. And let me warn you, this is mating season.” His laughter rumbled as muscular arms tightened around her body, drawing her close against his vibrant chest.

  “Hmmh.” She hummed. “You are a tempting wolf, I will give you that.”

  Feeling strangely at ease,
Danae wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his shoulder, listening to the strong reassuring drum of Borna’s heart. Without words, she silently poured out the injustice burning in her own heart.

  “Promise me Danae - you will not try to run away with Zlatna.” Borna turned serious. “You will only die out there. You and the horse. You will be tracked by bloodthirsty raiders, by packs of hungry wolves and steppe lions. A thousand miles will not be far enough for you to run. Trackers from Royal Skythia will follow you until you can go no more. In the end your protest against this sacrifice may only accomplish your death and that of the horse.”

  “But I cannot let them kill Zlatna. I will not.”

  Borna squeezed her close, infusing her soul with his potent life force. She leaned back, looking up to him for hope, for guidance.

  “You must do your duty Danae. Your family is depending on you to see this through.”

  “Curse my duty!”

  Lifting her chin with his finger he gazed into her eyes. “Swear to me that you will not interfere in this. Vow to me on your sacred honor that you will let fate take its course tomorrow.”

  Danae let her head drop against his broad shoulder. Closing her eyes she released a deep shuddering sigh of acquiescence.

  Palming her face with both hands, Borna pressed warm sensual lips over hers. And she welcomed him in, sucking his tongue into her hot wetness, anxious to forget tomorrow’s pain. If only for a few precious moments.

  Bona’s caged beast growled, wanting her. Needing Her. With a low groan he held her away. She moaned softly, missing the life-giving comfort of his arms.

  Moving deliberately, methodically, Borna untied the sash holding her kurta closed at the waist. Slipping the sash behind her neck so that it slid against bare skin, he tickled the sensitive nerve endings of her neck with it. She arched her neck, enjoying the sensation.

  “Come here Beauty.”


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