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Christmas with Boss Brothers

Page 61

by Amy Brent

  Twenty minutes later he welcomed Braden into the room. He had been a loyal employee for over 6 years, and Landon knew he would know just about everything he needed to find out to put the plan he had been formulating into action. They spent the next couple of hours going over everything that needed to be addressed and for the first time in his life Landon left the meeting feeling less stress than before. He was different somehow, different because of her.

  She didn’t even know how beautiful she was, but yet she carried herself with such confidence it came as a surprise even to him. Maybe she needed a little more convincing. He grabbed his jacket and left the building. Something in him knew he was doing something crazy, but he smiled to himself as he moved his car out and into the evening air.

  Finding her apartment building had been easy. On more than one occasion she had talked about being able to see it from his windows, and how nice it was to have the lake nearby. She had commented on being on the third floor being both a blessing and a curse. He found the building and made his way up the stairs until he was faced with four doors. He quickly eliminated two of them. There was a mat outside one that had a giant cat on it, smoke was reeking out of the other. That left him with two. Facing them, he noticed that one of them faced the city, and the other faced the trees. She loved looking at it enough didn’t she? He shrugged and knocked on the door.

  She swung it open, the music pouring out into the hall. She froze in her tracks and he watched her scramble to regain her composure.

  “Landon, what are you doing here?” She glanced behind him, and did her best to cover up herself.

  “Nice outfit.” He couldn’t help it. She was clearly uncomfortable in her spandex attire, and she looked as though she had been working out. The best part was her top, which did its very best to contain all of her assets, poorly.

  “Shut up, come in.” She turned on her heel and walked into her apartment. She was neat and tidy, nothing that surprised him at all. “Help yourself to a drink. I’m going to change I’ll be back in a sec.”

  He watched her go, for the first time he was unsure why he was really here. He knew he wanted to talk about Jackson, something he had never done before, but he also wanted to be near her. Moments later she came back out in a simple sundress. Her hair was a wild mess of fire flowing down her shoulders.

  She moved into the kitchen across from him. “Ok Landon, spill it.” She didn’t glance at him as she poured herself some water.

  He let his gaze travel up the length of her, resting only a moment before he moved to stand behind her. He felt her stiffen up as he moved his hand around her waist, pulling her back into him.

  “Landon… we can’t.” She whispered it, but he felt her body relax as he ran his finger down her arm, then moved her hair so that he could gently kiss her neck.

  “Why Dahlia, why can’t we?” He didn’t wait for her response, instead he pulled the dress down until it fell to the floor leaving her naked in front of him.

  He moved his hands up her hips and around to cup her breasts in each hand, loving the feel of the her as she leaned back into him even more. He pushed himself against her, knowing she could feel the hardness pressing into her there.

  She turned then, facing him and he crushed his mouth to hers, the fire that had begun burning suddenly engulfed them both as she pulled off his clothes as well. He moved then pulling her with him into her bedroom, and he smiled at her as he moved to lay on the bed.

  “Come to me Dahlia.” He demanded it, and he watched her resolve fade as she did as he asked. She carefully climbed the bed, crossing until she was on her knees beside him. “Ride me.”

  He knew she hesitated for a second, carefully taking in his words. “Now Dahlia.”

  She moved then, obeying his words and she put her knees on either side of him. He felt the hot tight heat of her as she slid down on the length of him. He hissed in pleasure as he filled her. She arched her back, her breasts jutting forward as he grabbed her hips in his hands pulling her even deeper onto him. It was almost too good feeling the weight of her on him. He moved her then, setting a rhythm that she soon found on her own. She rocked on him slowly at first, leaning back on her hands, he feasted his eyes on her as they swayed and rocked with the motion of her pace.

  Before long she shifted again, this time he moved her faster and faster, she leaned forward now, over him. The luscious globes in his face now as he feasted on first one and then the other as he thrust upwards and into her over and over again. He heard her moans as she crested that peak. Her body shuddering over his in ecstasy. She whispered his name and it was his undoing, and he found the same release in her.

  She rolled off of him, lying in the bed beside him, both lost in their own thoughts. She felt him shift as he rolled over to face her. She blushed as she looked up at him.

  “I can’t gather my clothes and run this time Landon, we are in my apartment.” She scrunched up her face and he felt his heart skip a beat.

  “I planned it that way.” He smiled at her running a finger over her chin. “I want you because you’re a sweet and beautiful woman Dahlia, don’t ever doubt that you're beautiful.”

  Her face turned red. “Did you come here to seduce me Mr. Meyers?”

  “No, in fact, I wasn’t sure what I was thinking as I drove here. I want to tell you something. Something about me, you can use for the story.”

  She sat up quickly, grabbing a notepad by the bed, suddenly in journalist mode. He looked at her there, wrapped in a sheet and he knew then he was done for. There would be time for that later, time to tell her how he felt about her. For now, he would tell her about Jackson.


  Her body was aching in places that it hadn’t in a very long time. She smiled to herself before she even opened her eyes. He was gone, that much she knew. She had felt him leave much earlier in the morning than she was used to. She rolled over in the sheets, smelling his scent once more. I had been a long night, one that she had never imagined possible. Today she would tighten up the story and submit it Monday. By then it would be perfect.

  Understanding his life and about his brother Jackson made her understand his need to keep going. Jackson had been the playful one always running around with friends. He always struggled with drugs and fighting until his “fun” had gotten him killed in an accident. The biggest thing they shared was racing their bikes, but after Jackson had gotten so careless, he had stopped showing up to meet Landon at the track. Since then Landon had vowed to be strong and steady, for his mother’s sake, and he had given up racing. If he kept things going strong, they wouldn’t worry about accidents. His father had died when he was older, but Jackson had always been a memory he couldn’t seem to shake. He had promised his father, he would watch over him, and he had failed. She would incorporate that into the story, somehow making him more human without giving the world all of his secrets.

  She sat up quickly setting about her normal routine. It was Friday, but for her it was a day to get all of her writing done, and run her errands so that she could relax for the weekend. It had been a chore to write his story and now everything she knew about him made perfect sense. She hadn’t expected to fall for him, that had been a bonus. But the truth was she wasn’t sure where they stood at all.

  It had been three weeks since they had made love the first time and now, things between them was almost effortless. He had been over regularly since his first surprise visit. Now they had a routine, though neither of them wanted to bring up status, or relationship. Everything was exactly as it should be, and for the first time in a long time she was content with where they were.

  Part of her was concerned that she was getting in too deep. He had made no commitment to her, but then she never broached the subject. She may just be a way to simply pass the time. One thing was certain, his mother had plenty to say about it. There was no doubt she would have much more to say when Dahlia told her the news. She was just wrapping up the article slipping it into the envelope for the office when
she heard the knock on the door, knowing that she was right on time.

  “Dahlia, dear.” Judy came into the room in her usual flash of color. She hugged her tightly.

  “Hello Judy, I am so glad you called. I needed a break from here for a little while.”

  “I bet you do.” Judy gave her a knowing look. “Let’s go then.”

  They soon found themselves settled into a bistro on the corner. Chatting happily about the gala later that evening. Judy went over her dress, and the preparation involved.

  “Apparently Landon has something spectacular planned. Though he is being quiet about it.”

  She blinked twice. “Landon goes to the gala?”

  “Oh yes dear, though he is typically just on the arm of some fluffy piece of work. Rarely does he say or do anything in regards to the event.” She waved down the waiter tapping on her glass for a refill.

  “I didn’t realize that.” Dahlia sipped her water lightly.

  “I assumed he would have told you about it for the article, but then who knows with that one. I do know he has been almost painfully happy lately, though I had thought it was because of you. I hate to bring it up, but what happened there? Did he break your heart or simply disappear altogether?”

  She almost choked. “I ah... I am not sure I know what you mean?”

  “Well, I know you two had a “thing” for a moment. Now that he is back with that awful Rebecca Livingston, I knew something was wrong. I know you said you wanted to tell me something I assumed it was about that.”

  Dahlia felt the floor move, and she took a deep breath to steady herself. It was obvious to her now why they never talked about plans or status, he had gone back to his world, simply visiting hers to fulfill some need they had found in the other. She managed to skirt the question and get through lunch, though her countenance gave confirmation to Judy’s ideas that things had indeed, gone badly between them. Part of her wanted to call him, or confront him, but it would do no good to be told exactly what she already knew.

  As she got home, she packed a bag, dropping off her finished article as she made her way out of town and to her mothers. What she needed was a little break from everything. Maybe there she could tell her mother about the baby she was carrying, and together they could start preparing for it. She had hoped to tell Landon, but it was obvious she didn’t fit into his plan.

  Once home, she and her mother laughed and talked her mother was over the moon about the baby, and as she settled into get some sleep, she felt at peace about her future, though her heart was still broken.


  “You told her what?” He paced the floor, his mind racing over what Dahlia must be feeling right now.

  “In all fairness son, how was I supposed to know you had some agreement with Livingston. I just knew she was telling the world you were back in her life.”

  “I love her mother.” He whispered it, his heart hurting.

  “How could you love that selfish...”

  “Dahlia mother, not Rebecca for goodness sakes.” He searched frantically for his keys.

  “Oh well, now that is good news, son.” She fairly clapped her hands together.

  “Not really mother, not if she thinks I have just been coming over to see her almost every night and yet the whole time I’ve been back with Rebecca.”

  Judy thought over his words, and over her conversation with Dahlia earlier that day. “Oh yes, I see what you mean. What are you going to do, dear?”

  “I’m going after her, of course mother. I will need you to take my place at the gala, Braden knows the drill, but you will need to stand in for me, tell them I’m sick or something.” He kissed her on the cheek quickly.

  “Ok son I can do that, you go get our girl” She almost cheered it to him as he shut the door and moved into the night and into his car. And then something told him, he should ride his bike again!

  And there he was…on his bike, racing as hard as he could…once again…for Dahlia!

  She wasn’t home, but then he had a feeling she wouldn’t be. The problem was he had no idea where to find her. He was about to leave when the cat neighbor opened the door to peer out.

  “Hello there, do you happen to know where Dahlia is?” He asked her quietly.

  “I know you you’re the boyfriend she is always talking about.” The old lady moved out into the landing holding one of what could only be, many cats.

  “Yes, I am her boyfriend. She left before me, and I am not sure where she went. I have to find her soon, it’s very important.” It wasn’t completely a lie.

  “Oh well then, she went to her mother’s I bet. She took a bag with her and she rarely goes any place else. Want me to get the address for you, dear.” She gave him a smile, batting her eyes at him and he smiled back at her.

  “I would very much appreciate that my dear.” He did his best to be as charming as possible.

  She returned with a scrap of paper and an address scribbled on it. He took it from her, planting a kiss right on her mouth. He smiled as she lit up and blushed.

  “You are a life saver.” He ran back to his Harley Davidson and set off for her mothers.


  There really was no place like being at home. She sat up, letting a few tears slip down her face. She should have known better than to fall for some pompous playboy anyway. She knew she would have to tell him sooner or later, but not until she healed and got stronger. No, when she faced him again, it would be on her own terms. She heard the rap on the door as she poured herself some water.

  She frowned. Her mother was already in bed. She opened the door and came face to face with him. As always he was almost painfully beautiful to look at only this time, he wore his tux, for the gala no doubt.

  “What do you want Landon, and how the hell did you find me?” She was angry and she felt it burning through her. Did he just come to rub her face in it?

  He ran a hand through his dark hair. “I came here to find you, why would you run off like that Dahlia, you had me scared half to death? Then the cat lady next door came out and told me to come look for you here.”

  “Don’t you have some gala to attend with your girlfriend Landon, what did you come here for, to make me feel worse?” She heard her voice break and she hated herself for the fresh tears that came with it. She stomped out of the house onto the porch. The last thing she needed to do was wake up her mother.

  “Yes, I was going to the gala tonight. I had something planned, because of you…” He trailed off. “Don’t do that Dahlia, don’t cry baby please.” He pulled her to him, and for a moment she let him comfort her, finally she pulled away slowly.

  “You should have told me about Rebecca Landon. We may have just been a good time for you, but I still had a right to know you two had gotten back together.” She wiped furiously at her face.

  “We aren’t back together Dahlia, that’s something my lovely mother assumed because she knew I was taking Rebecca to the gala. I promised to escort her there, and I planned to honor that request, but not because we are together.”

  “I see.” She managed to get the words out, doing her best to stomp out the tiny flame of hope rising in her chest.

  “No, I don’t think you do see.” He spun her around to face him. “I am in love with you Dahlia, until tonight I don’t even know if I knew how much. I thought you were gone for good or something and all I could think about was finding you.”

  “Really?” She felt his mouth on hers in a kiss, one full of love and tenderness.

  “Don’t ever leave me again Dahlia. You inspired me to do something new, to change business. I donated to the gala tonight in your honor. Not only that, but I’ve revamped the business in helping people keep the businesses they can’t afford, letting them run it, even if I own it. It’s not perfect, but it’s a start. But that’s not all, come outside with me.”

  She moved to follow him out the front door to see a bike.

  “Come ride with me Dahlia, it’s been so long, since Jackson�
�” He trailed off. “I want to show you another part of me, a part of why I am who I am.

  “We love you Landon.” She whispered it, waiting, hesitating only a moment.

  He frowned, watching her until she cupped her stomach lovingly. “Seriously, Dahlia… I mean are you sure?”

  “I am sure. From the first time we were together.”

  He howled loudly, his mouth finding hers once more. “I love you Dahlia.”

  She moved towards the bike.

  “Whoa whoa, no… no way, I’m not taking any chances of hurting the baby.” He put his hands on his hips watching as she ignored him.

  “Come on daddy, lets ride, this baby needs to get a feel for how life will be with you. I’ll be careful.”

  He frowned but he helped her climb on with him. As they moved she felt his body move with the bike. All of the tension seemed to escape him as she clung to him, feeling the air on her face. Life was good, very good indeed.


  “If you want it,” he said as he stood towering over me, “then you're going to have to give me what I want.”

  “That's disgusting,” I said, trembling. “It's not right. It's not fair!”

  He laughed and shook his head, his eyes roaming my scantily-clad body. I'd dressed this way for him, at his request. My short plaid skirt didn't even come down low enough to cover my panties, my tight white top was unbuttoned, and a thin red necktie hung down between my breasts. It was the sort of outfit some people didn't think a big girl could pull off, but he seemed to like the way it hugged my generous curves. I tried to pull the top closer to hide my near-nakedness, but it strained so much against my breasts that I couldn't even close it all the way.

  “Life isn't fair, Anne,” he said. He reached out to run his fingers through my hair. His hands were dirty and greasy. No doubt he'd been out playing mechanic again, fixing up one of his bikes. “But this is just the way it is. My father left everything to me, and only to me. If you want your share, you're going to have to...” He looked down at my body again, biting his lip. “...share.”


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