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Christmas with Boss Brothers

Page 87

by Amy Brent

  I had a feeling that those boys would be arriving around 6:00 PM. It gave me enough time to shower. There was a moment that I thought I was going to take matters into my own hands. I stopped myself because I had other ideas that were just too delicious to pass up.

  I prepared the ravioli from scratch and it was the way that my grandmother taught me from the moment that I was old enough to pick up a spoon in the kitchen. I had her recipe and it was something that was passed down from one generation to the next.

  The pasta was cooking, the sauce was simmering and I had a medley of fresh vegetables ready to join the rest of the meal. I even made a Caesar salad, but I didn’t take them for the kinds of guys that would be interested in a salad.

  I went through my closet. I picked up the black dress and relived every single moment of last night. I smelled their manly aroma on the fabric and I stuck out my tongue to lick the stained material to bring back the memory of what they tasted like. Remarkably, they all had similar qualities and I had to believe that came from the same kind of diet that they had followed strictly. I still couldn’t believe that they lived together.

  I decided to make them my bitches and the best way to do that was to catch them off guard with something that was going to make them realize just what kind of trouble they were in. 4 inch red high heels accentuated my long legs that had been shaved to a smooth and baby bare texture. The red dress had a plunging neckline and underneath was a black widow outfit that was going to come in handy to make their tongues fall to the floor. I heard the doorbell and I knew that the night was young and things were going to get interesting in a hurry.

  Chapter four

  I wasn’t prepared for what greeted my eyes upon opening the door. They were all dressed impeccably in black suits and the only difference between the three was that Billy was wearing a blue shirt, John was wearing a white shirt and Sean was wearing a red shirt. It was the same color that I was wearing and that was not lost on him, as he took in the sight and gave me an appraising wink to tell me that he approved.

  “As promised, we brought the wine and I do hope that a Red Bordeaux will go with the meal.” It was obvious that John was more sophisticated and worldly. I think that I was going to have to grill him on his past and to find out more about these guys. I didn’t want to treat them like they were a piece of meat, although I’m sure that they wouldn’t mind. “Let me open it for you” Before he could walk past me, I took the initiative and jumped into his arms with my petite frame wrapped around him like a boa constrictor.

  I left John stunned with my lipstick smeared across his mouth, as I swayed my hips from side to side to show them that tonight was going to be something extraordinary.

  They were ravenous at supper and I was playfully sucking my fingers of the sauce from my plate. All three of them were squirming in their seats. I had definitely started something that I was going to have to finish.

  “I hope that you have all left room for dessert.” Upon those words, I took a deep breath and steeled myself for what I was about to do. Taking a long swallow of the wine, I put it down and then I climbed up onto the table with my knees on either side of my forgotten plate. I slithered towards them with all three of them not able to blink or take their eyes off me for a single second. “I see somebody that didn’t get enough to eat.” I had zeroed my sights on John at the head of the table. I was soon positioned so that he would see that I wasn’t wearing any panties. He took a big breath and he most likely got the aroma of strawberries. I had taken the liberty of using a strawberry scented lube to get me ready for the festivities.

  He tried to move forward and grab my thighs, but I stopped him with my foot up against his chest. The stiletto heel was digging in to make my point. I had placed a black bag on the table and I knew that they were wondering what was inside, but nobody had the guts to ask. Had they even broached the topic, I would have changed the subject and let them believe that it was my business and none of theirs.

  I lifted my leg over the other and I pushed my hips out so that he was face deep in my ass. His tongue snapped forward, but I wasn’t going to allow him to turn me into a pile of jelly. I stood up, put my hand on his face, reached out, and did the same thing to Billy. “You boys are in for quite a treat and I’m feeling particularly nasty tonight.” I produced different colored scarves and neither one of them stopped me, as I tied them to the chair with knots that I had learned from sailing. If they tried to get away, those knots would only get tighter and cut off their circulation.

  Sitting back down on John’s lap, I ripped open his shirt and bit his nipples to hear him cry out with surprise. “You really do know how to make an interesting impression, Michelle.” I slapped him across the face. He looked at me and smiled. “I think I like this side of you.” I placed my finger on his mouth and I made him suck it back and forth to mimic what I had done to other guys in the past.

  “You’ll find that last night was the catalyst to how I’m feeling today. I plan to make the most out of my freedom. You took what you wanted last night and tonight it's my time. Not one of you is going to ruin it.” I made sure to rub up against him through his pants to get him bulging obscenely. He looked completely out of it and I don’t think that he liked that I got up and went to do the exact same thing to Billy. I ran my hands through his short-cropped hair and I kissed his mouth with my hand around his throat to let him know that I meant business.

  I ripped open his shirt and then I moved on to Sean who was trying to be the big man by breaking free of his bonds. He was making that chair bounce up and down in his eagerness to take me by any means necessary. “What’s the matter? Don’t you like being on the receiving end?” I sat on the table in front of him teasing him mercilessly and then producing a silver vibrator. “Don’t you wish that this was your cock?” I moved it back and forth in front of his eyes and then I stuck it in my mouth and let my spirit drool down the sides.

  I spread my legs and raised that dress, until he could see the garters and the painted lips of my pussy. I turned on the mechanism and it came to life with Sean grinding his teeth together in an obvious need to get off. “I’m going to tear you…” I stopped him by stuffing a blue scarf in his mouth and gagging him so that I didn’t hear his inflammatory comments.

  The buzzing of that toy gave me encouragement and I ran it up and down my slit to leave behind a wet trail all the way to my aching hole. “You are a bit of a chauvinist. This first orgasm is going to be by my hand and all of you are going to witness what a girl does in the privacy of her own bedroom.” I didn’t just slam it forward like they did the other night. I took my time and made myself into a private sex show for all of them.

  “This is cruel and unusual punishment, but I have to say that I like it.” John was being very calm, but I couldn’t help to notice that his cock was actually throbbing inside his pants. Having them a captive audience was making it easier to do things that were riskier.

  “Oh yeah…having all of you here and touching myself with this vibrator is driving me insane.” I used one hand to handle the toy and the other hand to manipulate my clit into complete submission. It wasn’t long before I was screaming and pounding my stiletto heels into the chest of Sean. Watching him uncomfortable was like an aphrodisiac that I couldn’t get enough of. “Yes…I’m cumming… I’m coming for all of you.” They could’ve taken that two ways and I meant it in both.

  I gave one final jerk against the toy before I pulled it out and moved the fragrance of my sex under Sean’s nose. I got a giddy thrill when he stuck out his tongue to taste me and to lap off my juices like that of a kitten.

  “I can’t believe that you just made me do that.” I smiled and placed the toy on the table before pushing Sean away from the table with the chair legs scraping across the wood floor. I looked back one time to see that I did draw the blinds. I didn’t want to give the old lady a heart attack. It was kinda fun knowing that nobody had any idea what was going on inside this house.

  “I wouldn�
�t worry about your masculinity, Sean.” I circled John, grabbing a fistful of his hair and hearing him gasp with his mouth wide open. It gave me more than enough incentive to climb up onto the legs of his chair. I was teetering on the edge and one wrong move could be fatal, but it was that risk of doing something wrong that made it feel right.

  “I know what you want and I don’t see any reason not to give it to you.” John was soon using his tongue once again. He was showing his expertise in this field. I had to hold on to his shoulders and it was a wonder that I didn’t collapse underneath my own impending climax. I stopped him before he could go too far. I landed heavily in his lap. I fished in between us to release him from his prison. He was still my prisoner, but his cock was released for good behavior. I threw my legs over the arms of the chair and then lowered myself very slowly with my hand wrapped around his neck.

  “I want you to beg me for it. I want you to plead and make me believe that this is what you want. If I don’t feel that you’re being truthful, then I will just leave you here with a case of blue balls.” I could see that he was contemplating showing weakness in front of his brothers. I had a feeling that the sexual pleasure was going to win in the end.

  “I want you to sit on my cock. I want you to slip that nice little pussy of yours down over me. I’m begging you for that sweet release that only you can give me. Please…don’t make me wait any longer and you’ve already driven me crazy. I don’t know what I will do if you leave me in this condition.” It was a good start. I wanted to show him that it was not always the girls that had to be submissive.

  I felt his knob begin to kiss my lips. I was already quite excited and I showed him by how easily he penetrated those first couple of inches. The head was bigger than the rest of his shaft, but after it was fully imbedded, it was easier to take that ride all the way down to the bottom. All the breath in my body came out of my lungs at the same time and I was literally on cloud nine. I used his shoulders to lower and rise with my eyes looking into his to see how hard it was for him to hold back.

  “Neither one of you are allowed to cum until I tell you to. If for any reason you do, then you are done for the evening. Trust me; you want to be a part of this.” I left him with the vein pronounced and the rest of his cock looking like it was going to take launch. “I have to wonder which one of you will fall victim first.”

  I did the same thing to Billy. He was a little bigger than his brothers were, but that didn’t stop me from bringing him to the brink and then stopping right there on the edge. He looked slightly stunned when I jumped off and left him with his mouth wide open. I was having the time of my life. Sean was going to be the biggest holdout. He didn’t like having a woman tell him what to do and it was about time that he found out what his victims had felt every single time that they found themselves underneath him in whatever position he wanted them.

  I turned my back on him so that he could see my hard ass converging on the object of my desire. I reached back and took out his cock. Without giving him warning, I took every single inch in one long drawn out moan. I stayed buried and moved in a circle so that he was hitting all of those special spots.

  I went back and forth from each one and I had to admit the idea of getting them all off at the same time was quite a thought that I couldn’t get rid of. I just didn’t know how I was going to make it work. They looked like they were beside themselves and especially Sean was giving me this evil glare. It was primarily him that I was trying to teach a lesson, but I think it was lost on him. The sentiment that I was trying to get across was that women should not be treated as objects of sexual desire. I was treating him like he treated every other woman, but I think he liked it.

  “You all have done amazingly well, but I wonder what you would do if I were to pull out all the stops.” I got down on my knees and I moved under the table where they couldn’t see me with the tablecloth obscuring their vision. “I see all of these cocks and I’m not sure which one should have the honor of getting my mouth. Each one of you will cum tonight and in different holes.” I think that my intention got the best of them and their cocks were leaking quite profusely. “That’s right; one of you will fuck my ass and fill it with cream. It’s just a matter of which one. I haven’t decided that yet and I guess only time will tell.”

  I turned my attention towards Sean and I slapped his legs with enough force to hear him grimace in pain. I raked my long clip-on nails down his thighs. I scratched through the material like a tiger after its prey. He was kicking out his legs and then I surrounded his knob with my mouth for a moment before popping clean. I crawled over to John and did the same thing and then Billy got the same treatment.

  “None of us were expecting this, Michelle. I can’t speak for John or Sean, but I’m really enjoying being at the center of attention.” I had them all practically begging to cum. It wasn’t until I got to Sean that he finally succumbed. His balls erupted and maybe he didn’t mean to, but it was like he had no choice. He grunted and I could tell that he was ashamed of himself. I drank down every single drop and left him depleted.

  I emerged from under the table with my finger waving back and forth in front of Sean’s face. “It looks like you’re not going to have my ass, after all, Sean. You might want to consider what a girl feels like when you go off prematurely like that. Just because you get your jollies, doesn’t mean that she does. I think that what you need is a woman like me to teach you the finer arts of abstaining for as long as possible.” He was nodding his head and if I got anything from this tonight, it was showing him that a woman needed more than just a man’s cock to feel satisfied.

  I dropped onto John’s cock with my feet on the floor planted firmly. I bounced up and down for 10 very quick thrusts of my hips. I stopped right there and I went over to Billy and did the same thing. His face had turned maroon and his eyes looked completely transfixed on the moment that he was experiencing here and now.

  I don’t know how they were able to keep it up for this long and it took another 20 minutes of 10 thrusts apiece before John finally gave me a supply of his jizz.

  “Fuck…fuck… I don’t want to do this…but I have to.” The feel of his member going off was sublime. It left Billy with the spoils of war. I siphoned every fucking drop out of John, before pulling free with a lot of his stuff now collecting down the length of his own cock. I bent over and I cleaned him while he thrashed like a fish being caught on a line.

  I kissed him, letting him taste himself and then I prepared my dainty little asshole for something that was a lot larger than a finger. Billy was smiling and I could tell that he really wasn’t expecting to win out in the end. “I can’t believe that this is happening and I’ve ever done this before.” The fact that I was giving him his first ass was almost too much for me to handle. “I thought for sure that John was going to beat me, but I was able to hold back for just a little bit longer.”

  “I am a woman of my word and trust me, you haven’t felt anything yet.” I dropped the dress at my feet and his eyes and his mouth went wide with seeing me in something that I probably wouldn’t be comfortable at any other time. “I’m going to take my time and I don’t want you to do anything.” I reached into that same black bag and got some necessary numbing lube. I drove my fingers into my ass, clenching tightly and closing my eyes to the initial pain. It soon turned into pleasure and this was when I was numb enough that I was ready to take something of his size.

  I sat there facing him and I was watching his reaction, as each inch slowly made its way into the one hole that had never been touched by a man. This was a journey of self-discovery for both Billy and me. It was about 10 minutes before I was taking it all. “I hope that you’re ready for this and I’m not going to make it easy on you.” I started to bounce up and down with my breasts hitting his face. I would squeeze a little bit tighter to hear his exclamation of pleasure.

  “I don’t know why I haven’t done this…before now.” I was finding that I was more connected to one of them than any
one else. I was glad that Billy was fortunate to win this little battle of wills. I got a little bit quicker and I was using my finger to get off at the same time.

  “This is where I get… OFFFFFFF.” My body went into hysterics, grinding on top of him and taking what was rightfully mine. The rippling motion of my ass drew out his seed. I took all that he could give me. I sat there on the table. I looked back and forth from each of them and I knew that I had found the other half of my heart.

  John and Sean left shortly after and I think they knew that their time with me was limited. I grabbed Billy before he could leave and I think that we shared a knowing glance that was followed by the closing of the door. He was mine, but I had this feeling I was going to crave for all four of us to be together again. I just felt like I had a lot more in common with Billy. His gentle nature was exactly what I was looking for. I’m sure that I would want something wild and I had a feeling that I wouldn’t have to twist their arms.

  I wasn’t sure if I was in love with Billy, but I was willing to at least give it a shot. It was kind of interesting that I had found the man that was going to make me happy, but I had to do it by sleeping with his two brothers. I would do it again, and again, and again. They were definitely three of kind and I was the joker that was wild.


  Alisha Reyes had only three things on her wish list for her twenty-first birthday: 1) a car, 2) tequilas at the Blue Diamond, and 3) a real, honest-to-God, orgasm. She already knew that the car was out of the question, and that her friends would be taking her for tequilas, but the matter of achieving the Big O was neither impossible nor possible. It should have been possible—she’d been dating Calvin Harris for six months, now, but they still hadn’t gotten busy. For some reason, she liked the way he kissed and she didn’t mind his eyes falling on her naked body, but his touch repulsed her—there was something about the way his fingers moved on her body that made her skin crawl and made her want to join a convent.


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