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Safe and Burning with Ecstasy [The Heroes of Silver Island 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Tonya Ramagos

  How could she not have noticed when he’d crawled onto the bed, too? He sat on his knees next to her and Blaze and she found herself only briefly able to meet his gaze before lust took over. She’d gotten only a glimpse of his corrugated abs and rock-hard chest when he’d yanked off his shirt as they’d stood by the doorway of the bedroom. She took a better look now, feasting on the tanned, hairless flesh of his torso and making her way down to his cock. For the second time tonight, she felt dizzy by the sight of a man’s dick. Unlike Blaze, he hadn’t yet taken the time to sheath his cock with a condom. He also apparently preferred a nearly hairless groin.

  She got a full, unobstructed view of the purpled head of his cock, the paler length of his shaft, and his balls hanging tantalizingly between his legs. Reflexively she licked her lips before drawing the bottom one between her teeth as her mouth watered.

  Kalvin’s hand gently fisted the hairs at her nape. “Do you know how often you do that?”

  She glanced up at him. “Do what?”

  “That thing you do with your bottom lip. It’s been driving me nuts since the moment I met you.”

  Conscious of it now, she popped her lip out and gave him what she hoped was an innocent stare.

  He grinned. “I’m not telling you that to make you stop. I think it’s wickedly sexy when you do it.” He dragged the pad of his thumb over her lips. “I’m telling you that because I want to watch your beautiful lips close around my cock while Blaze makes love to your pussy. Will you do that for me, Faith?”

  Faith. God, now more than ever she wished they would call her by her first name. Except, they couldn’t because they didn’t know Faith wasn’t the name she went by. They would know tomorrow, though, she reminded herself as she looked down at Blaze, a piece of her heart cracking at the emotions in his eyes. She turned her attention back to Kalvin and felt the crack widen. They’d gotten to her, made her start to fall in love with them, and they deserved to know the truth…even if it meant she would lose them in the end.

  Her taste buds zinging with the anticipation of tasting Kalvin, she nodded. Her belly fluttered, pressure building in her womb at the realization she’d soon have his cock in her mouth while Blaze’s was still in her pussy.

  Kalvin fisted his shaft in his hand and brought his hips closer to her. He traced the outline of her lips with the cockhead, urging them to part. She eagerly opened her mouth for him, closing her lips around the foreskin as he pushed his cock inside.

  Beneath her, Blaze used his hold on her hips to lift her body off his cock until the head remained inside her pussy. He held her there, drawing out the moment as she licked away the bead of pre-cum she found on the head of Kalvin’s cock. She delved her tongue in the narrow slit and felt his cock jump in her mouth as Blaze slowly brought her body down once more, filling her with his dick until the bases of their bodies met.

  Overwhelmed by the ecstasy of being pleasured by two cocks, she thrust her hips forward, grinding her pussy on Blaze’s dick as she took Kalvin’s cock deeper into her mouth. Kalvin’s cock didn’t seem as wide as Blaze’s, but if felt longer and she wondered if she would be able to take his full length in her mouth.

  Both men growled in animalistic passion as Blaze took slow control of her body while Kalvin assumed an equally slow control of her mouth. Both men held her firmly, Blaze’s hands on her hips and Kalvin’s fist in her hair, as they pumped their cocks in and out of her mouth and pussy.

  Kalvin’s cockhead bumped the back of her throat and gag reflex threatened to kick in. She forced her muscles to relax, wanting to take all of him as deeply and completely as she was able to take Blaze’s cock in her pussy.

  “Damn, baby, I knew you would have a wicked mouth.” Kalvin’s fingers in her hair tightened even more, tugging the strands until the feeling walked the thin line between pleasure and pain.

  “You should be inside her pussy.” Blaze’s voice was tight, as if he were struggling to hold onto his control.

  “I will be soon, but that’s not where I really want to take her and you know it,” Kalvin said, sounding as though he were gritting his teeth around the pleasure she was giving him with her mouth.

  Where did he really want to take her? Her mind tripped and stumbled over the question, but she couldn’t come up with an answer through the sexual fog in her head. Too engrossed in sucking Kalvin’s cock while Blaze made love to her pussy, she wasn’t about to stop either act to ask. She pushed the question aside and concentrated on the pressure building at a rapid pace in her pussy.

  Both men had settled into a mirroring rhythm that forced her to feel every glorious inch of their cocks. She feasted on Kalvin’s, moaning in pleasure as Blaze found her G-spot, and sent sensations ricocheting through her that destroyed her senses.

  “Christ,” Kalvin growled. “That’s it, baby. Suck it nice and hard.”

  She tightened her lips around his cock, billowing her cheeks and creating a suction that drew another low-throated growl from his lips.

  “Darlin’, your pussy is too tight.” Blaze moaned and reached between their bodies to find her pulsing clit with the pad of his thumb. “I can hold on much longer, sweet thing.”

  Their erotic words, coupled with the control of their touches, sent her body spiraling to the edge. Ecstasy surrounded her, thickened the air, and made it difficult to breathe. She couldn’t have fought off the fiery lace of sensations if she’d wanted to. Electricity sparked, exploded, and sizzled through her head with a dazzling display of color as pleasure tore through her system.

  “Come for us, Faith.” Blaze grunted. “I want to feel your cream run down my cock and cover my balls.” His fingers went wild on her clit as his thrusts into her pussy gained a modicum of momentum and strength that send her over the edge.

  Delilah came, her scream of pleasure muffled by Kalvin’s cock in her mouth, as the orgasm grew claws, tearing its way out of her until it took control of her very soul. Somewhere in the bliss of her release, she heard Blaze find his and tasted Kalvin’s as semen spurted from his cockhead and filled her mouth with the thick, hot juice of his pleasure.

  Chapter Six

  “Why aren’t you in bed?” Blaze kept his voice low as he walked into the living room, not wanting to wake Faith. He’d finally woken up with his woman in his bed and all had seemed right with the world. Except, as he’d laid there studying her sleeping-beauty face, he’d realized it was because Kalvin hadn’t been on her other side.

  “Couldn’t sleep.” Kalvin sat kicked back in his recliner with his laptop in his lap, looking for all the world as if he were relaxing with the cup of coffee sitting on the end table and the Web’s morning headlines. The concentrated expression on his face that bordered on angry spoiled the tranquil picture.

  “You should’ve woke me up.” Blaze stopped at the edge of the end table next to Kalvin’s recliner and crossed his arms over his chest. “I was thinkin’ we could wake up our woman the proper way, you know?”

  He’d nearly done it without Kalvin. He’d woken up with the monster of all hard-ons that intensified to painful levels when he’d turned his head and saw Faith sleeping in the crook of his arm. He didn’t know what time in the night they’d all drifted off. He only remembered she’d settled between him and Kalvin, her head resting on his chest, her back to Kalvin, one of Kalvin’s arms and legs draped over her. It had been perfect end to a night that should have carried into the light of an impeccable day.

  Kalvin made a noncommittal sound.

  “What are you doing?”

  Kalvin propped an elbow on the arm of the recliner and covered his forehead with his hand. “Something I swore to myself I wouldn’t do.”

  Blaze cocked a brow. “And that would be?”

  Kalvin lifted his head and finally met his gaze and Blaze couldn’t miss the guilt that filled his friend’s eyes. “Looking up information on Faith.”

  Blaze moved to his recliner sitting adjacent to Kalvin’s and sat on the edge. He leaned forward, resting his
forearms on his thighs as he studied his friend. “What time have we gotta take you to John’s office?”

  “I asked him to give me twelve hours.” Kalvin shrugged. “That was around eight-thirty last night. I don’t know how literal he’ll take that.”

  “We avoided the subject last night,” Blaze reminded him, though he knew he didn’t have to. Hell, a big part of him wanted to keep avoiding it for the rest of his life. He wanted to be blissfully happy with their woman, believing they knew everything about her from her real name to her shoe size, but he knew that wasn’t possible. “I’m assumin’ the sheriff ran the background check?”

  “Yeah, he didn’t pull up anything on our Faith Randal.”

  Blaze briefly bowed his head. “I’m not surprised.”

  “There’s not going to be any avoiding the subject today.”

  Blaze looked up just as Kalvin turned the laptop to face him, letting him see the webpage open on the screen. The image that stared back at him was one of a strikingly gorgeous, smiling, polished blonde with electric-blue eyes shining from an angelic face. He ran his tongue over his bottom teeth as he studied the photo of Faith.

  “I guess that answers the question about her natural hair color,” he drawled.

  “It answers a lot more than that.” Kalvin’s tone made it clear the man was wishing he didn’t have those answers now.

  Blaze had suspected that was why the man hadn’t wanted to talk about anything last night. He’d been afraid of the answers he might get. The anguish in his expression this morning told Blaze that fear had realized. But it was the anger he saw simmering in Kalvin’s eyes that set off his warning bells.

  “Such as?” he prodded.

  Kalvin let his head fall against the back of the recliner and stared, seemingly unseeing, at the ceiling. “She’s not running from an abusive ex, firefighter or otherwise, like we thought. We weren’t wrong about the department logo being the cause of the fear, but we were way off base about the rest.”

  “Then what’s she runnin’ from?” Blaze couldn’t think of anything else relating to the fire service that would put such fear in a woman and send her running.

  “Not what,” Kalvin corrected. “Who.” He took a deep breath and held Blaze’s gaze as he dropped the bomb. “The Chicago police, the fire investigation office…Hell, it looks like even the Montana authorities are after her now.”

  Blaze blinked at him. He couldn’t be serious. Their woman was running from the law? “What’s she bein’ charged with?”

  “Nothing yet, but they’re looking for her. She’s the prime suspect in several arson cases.”

  “No fucking way.” Sheer bafflement and disbelief made the words come out louder than he’d intended. He dropped his voice, not wanting Faith to hear him. “That woman in there wouldn’t set fire to a fuckin’ leaf, much less anything else.”

  “Try her jewelry-design store and her own house. Those fires apparently happened within the last couple of months. The fire in Montana occurred when she about nineteen. It was her parents’ house. Both of them perished in the fire. If that one turns out to be true, they’ll tack a double murder charge onto the arson.”

  “If that one turns out to be true,” Blaze slowly repeated, eyeing his best friend. “You can’t tell me you’re believin’ this shit?”

  Kalvin pushed a hard breath from his lungs. “I don’t know what the fuck to believe, Blaze. I fell for that woman in there as hard and as fast as you have. I don’t want to think she’s capable of anything like this, but the questions and the facts aren’t jiving.” He shook his head and his expression turned grim. “Then there’s the fire in her suite last night…We haven’t had shit on this island except the occasional grease fire or medical call since we signed on with the SIFD. She comes to the island and, a couple of days later, we’ve got an arson fire at the damn resort. A fire in her fucking suite.”

  “The questions and answers aren’t jivin’ ’cause you’ve pulled up information on the wrong woman.” That had to be it. It was the only answer that made sense.

  Kalvin stabbed a finger at the computer screen. “Does that look like the wrong woman to you? Blonde hair or black, there’s no denying that’s Faith, or rather Delilah Cassidy.”

  No, there wasn’t. Blaze would know those eyes and that angelic face no matter the color of the hair. “Where’d the name Faith come from?”

  “It’s my middle name.”

  Blaze jerked at the sound of her voice. He jumped to his feet and turned just as Kalvin spun in his recliner so fast he sent the laptop tumbling to the floor.

  Faith stood in the doorway of the short hall, her posture ram-rod straight and her hands fisted at her sides. She’d thrown on the T-shirt he’d started to give her last night. It hung on her like a potato sack, the short sleeves stretching beneath her elbows and the hem hitting her shapely legs just above her knees. Her hair was still mussed from sleep, but her eyes were clear, hard, and swirling with a combination of fear and fury.

  “Good mornin’, beautiful.” Blaze didn’t have to force the smile that stretched his lips. It came naturally every time he looked at her.

  Her gaze met his, but her lips didn’t budge in even a hint of a return smile. “It’s morning,” she said dryly, folding her arms beneath her breasts. “I’ve got a feeling it’s not shaping up to be a very good one, though.” Her attention shifted to Kalvin, darts of distrust, resentment, and anxiety shooting from her eyes. “I think you just broke your computer. I hope you got all the information you were looking for first.”

  “Not even close.” Kalvin slid out of the recliner and bent to pick up the laptop, not bothering to examine it as he slid it onto the coffee table.

  “Then I’ll tell you that Randal was my mother’s maiden name. I’m sure Google has already filled in the rest for you.” Her brows inched together as she stared at Kalvin. “I’m curious, though. If the background check the two of you had the sheriff run on me didn’t pull up anything, how did you know what to search for?”

  “The bill or letter or whatever it is in your purse addressed to Delilah’s Designs,” Kalvin confessed.

  Blaze glared at Kalvin wondering why the fuck he hadn’t said anything about any of this last night. The answer came to him soon enough, though. That wasn’t just anger in Kalvin’s carefully guarded expression. He was hurting. He’d known last night if he’d started to dig, he’d likely discover a truth he wasn’t ready for. That knowledge had rendered him unable to sleep, knowing he couldn’t ignore the facts forever.

  “You went through my purse before you brought it to me last night?” Though her tone sounded calm, icy shards of pain and anger hung from each word she spoke.

  “No. The main compartment was unzipped. The envelope fell out when I pulled the purse from the cabinet.”

  She made a sound that might have been a quiet laugh if it hadn’t been tainted by a truckload of derision. “I guess fate had a hand in that.” She averted her gaze, stared across the room, seemingly at nothing in particular for a long moment, and then looked back at Kalvin. “If you already knew that much, why go through the charade last night? Why not just let the sheriff ask all his questions and take me in?”

  “The only things I knew last night were what you’ve told me about yourself, which is next to absolutely nothing, and that a place called Delilah’s Designs apparently exists somewhere in Chicago,” Kalvin told her. “I asked the sheriff to hold off questioning you until this morning because you had been through enough for one night.”

  “And you wanted to make sure you got laid before you turned me over to the cops, right?”

  Kalvin rocked back on his heels as if she’d just plowed a fist to his gut. “Is that the kind of guy you honestly think I am?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know, Kalvin. Do you honestly think I’m the kind of woman that would set fire to everything she owns over and over again?”

  “I don’t know what kind of woman you are, Faith. Or is it Delilah? I don’t even kn
ow what to fucking call you because you won’t talk to me.”

  “All right,” Blaze drawled, stepping between them. He raked a hand down his face, not sure what the hell to say now that they’d both shut up. He’d never been any fucking good at mediating an argument. He was a hell of a lot better when he was the one doing the fighting.

  “First of all,” he said, turning a steely glare on Kalvin. “We’re gonna keep callin’ her Faith ’cause that’s who she is to us and, I don’t give a rat’s ass what facts or theories or any other bullshit you found on that computer, we know in our hearts what kind of woman she is.”


  He shifted his attention to her and cut her off. “I’m not finished yet, darlin’. We’re also gonna keep callin’ you Faith ’cause that’s what we’ve got in you. Faith.” He softened his tone as he walked to her and pulled her into his arms. Her body was still so stiff it was like holding onto a very skinny tree trunk. “But you’re gonna have to trust us. You’re gonna have to talk to us. Otherwise, it isn’t gonna matter how much faith we have in you, we aren’t gonna be able to help you.”

  Her eyes filled with tears she quickly attempted to blink away. “Do you have an extra belt?”

  “A…what?” Blaze asked her dumbly.

  The corner of her lips twitched in the smallest hint of a smile. “I’m certain neither of you have any pants or shorts that will fit me. I really don’t want to put the dress back on that I was wearing last night, so I thought put some kind of belt or tie around my waist so I didn’t look like I just crawled out of bed when we walk into the sheriff’s department.”

  “I’ve probably got something in my closet that will work,” Kalvin volunteered.

  Blaze sensed him as he walked closer and turned with Faith in his arms so Kalvin could see her, too. Though her body had softened the slightest bit in his embrace, the look she gave Kalvin remained hard and cold.


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