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Fighting for a Chance

Page 4

by Erin Trejo

  We saunter through the front doors like we own the place after we parked the bikes.

  “Think she’ll be surprised to see me?” I ask as we ride the elevator up to the fourth floor.

  “She’ll be somethin’,” Micah grumbles under his breath. We step out when the doors open. I follow behind Micah, since he knows where he’s going. I glance around trying to catch a glimpse of Laura, but I don’t see her anywhere.

  “Why did you bring him!” I hear Aubrie yell before I turn with a smile on my face. She isn’t mad, I can see it in her eyes.

  “He’s like that stray dog you can’t run away from,” Micah says before pulling her into his arms.

  “She’s in a room. Last one at the end of the hall. Don’t go in though.” Nodding my head at her, I make my way down the hall. Aub’s knew why I was here.

  I stop outside the last room and lean against the wall when I hear her voice.

  “The next time I come in here and you haven’t been doing what they ask you, I will kick your ass myself.” Her voice is firm and it makes me smile.

  “I know, Miss Laura. You know I don’t like those other bitches though.” The other voice sounds young.

  “Mijo, I warned you about that mouth!” she yells once more. The door opens next to me, and I watch as Laura slowly backs out making some kind of face at the person inside before sticking her tongue out.

  “That tongue has better uses,” I say, scaring the shit out of her.

  Chapter 20


  “Ay Dios Mio!” I yell as I spin to face Dax. He just stands there with that sexy as ever grin on his face.

  “You scared the shit out of me!” Slapping his hard chest was a mistake. God, I can remember all of this man’s body, and the way I traced it all with my tongue. “What are you doing here?”

  I stand here staring into those gorgeous eyes when he reaches for me.

  Pulling me into his chest, I let him. I don’t know why... but I do.

  “Is that any way to greet the man that fucked you raw last night?” I glance around to see if anyone heard that.

  “Could you say that any louder? I don’t think the whole floor heard it,” I tell him. Dax pulls back a little, looking like he may just yell when I stop him.

  “Why are you here?” I snap this time.

  “I wanted to take you to lunch and I owe you…,” he says with a smile that could stop hearts. Damn, this man is good looking.

  “You don’t owe me and I already have plans for lunch,” I tell him as I slip out of his grasp. I head toward the nurse’s desk knowing he’s right behind me when I hear him groan.

  I stop walking, and spin around quickly to see him adjusting his dick.

  “You are in a hospital!” I squeal softly as he grins.

  “I didn’t realize seein’ you in a uniform would get me that hard,” he says with a shrug of his shoulders. I know my face is turning red. I can feel that shit heating up.

  “You’re crazy,” I point out before heading back where I was originally going.

  Dax stays closely behind me. I set my clipboard on the counter when my lunch date appears.

  “Laura, you ready to head to lunch?” Dr. HotStuff smiles at me making my heart leap just a little.

  “Yeah, I am,” I say. Dax growls behind me and Doc heard it. His eyes move from me to Dax, and stays there. The look is protective, which is really sweet.

  “She has to cancel,” Dax growls as Mitchel, aka Dr. Sexy, glares at him.

  “I don’t have to cancel. Dax showed up unannounced,” I say, looking around for Aubrie for help.

  “Aubrie already went to lunch with Micah.” Dax’s voice is closer than it was before. I grab my purse before turning to Dax.

  “I told you I have plans.” He doesn’t seem to care either way.

  “Why don’t you join us, Dax, is it? I’m Mitchel Jonas.” Dr. Sexy extends his hand as Dax grins.

  “Gladly. This should be fun.”

  Oh, for the love of all things holy. How am I going to sit at lunch with these two, sexy as hell, men?

  My life is over. It’s ending.

  Chapter 21


  This has to be a sight to see. Me and Doctor fuck-nut, sitting in this little café. I don’t give a shit that we’re getting looks either. I know I’m the outcast here.

  “So, Dax, what is it you do?” Preppy boy asks me. I don’t like him. He’s a pussy, I can see it already.

  I lean my elbows on the table in front of me before looking him in the eye and saying, “Well, I dabble in it all, Doc. There isn’t much I haven’t done.” I glance at Laura, giving her a wink. Her face reddens instantly. I love that!

  “Don’t you have something to do, Dax?” Look at my little blue eyes, trying to get rid of me. Not a chance in hell.

  “Just you, sweetheart—but instead—we’re on a date with Dr. Penny Loafers.” Jerking my head toward Mitchel, Laura’s mouth falls open. As I suspected… the Doc doesn’t say anything.

  I hear a commotion behind me before anyone can say anything further.

  Laura’s eyes widen and the look of fear etches into those beautiful blues. I turn my head to see what she’s so afraid of when I see a mob of guys moving toward us.

  “What’s going on?” Mitchel asks as one of the men shoots him a death glare. He shuts right up, just like I knew the little fuck would.

  “What are you doing here?” Laura asks in a shaky tone. I don’t fucking like it either.

  I shove out of my chair and move toward her when one of the guys places his hand on my chest. I look at his hand and slowly drag my eyes up to meet his.

  “You know who it is you’re puttin’ your hands on?” I ask with a growl in my voice. Before anyone can say anything, Laura is on her feet next to me.

  “What do you want? Why are you here?” she asks them once more.

  “Hector know you’re with them?” That name pisses me off more and more every time I hear it.

  “Hector doesn’t need to know shit,” I growl, reaching up and moving the man’s hand off my chest. I grip it tightly, twisting it in one motion before he howls in pain.

  “Don’t ever put your hands on me again.” I lean in closely when I hear Laura yelp. Turning my head to the side, I almost snap.

  I release the punk that touched me and move in on the one that has Laura by the hair.

  “You’re makin’ a huge mistake right now,” I warn him. He just grins at me. Fucking idiot.

  “No, I think you are. Do you know who we are?” he asks with amusement in his voice.

  “Don’t give a shit who you are. You have about three seconds to get your hands off her before you lose them.” He looks me in the eye as I take a step toward them. He must notice the death glare in my eyes because he slowly releases Laura. She quickly slams into me. I wrap my arm around her as I make the other idiots a promise.

  “You ever put a finger on her—I will kill your family slowly, while you watch. Tell Hector—I’ll see him soon.” Laura cries into my shirt as I watch the idiots walk away.

  I hold Laura tightly, letting her cry. She needs to get this out and I know she’s afraid. With me around, she doesn’t need to be, though.

  Chapter 22


  “I don’t give a fuck! Take it outta my cut! I want a prospect runnin’ through that house and on guard at all fuckin’ times!” Dax screams. He wouldn’t let me go back to work and Micah was so freaked out that Aubrie would get in the middle of shit, that he made her leave work early also.

  Mitchel said he would take care of it, and there was nothing to worry about, that our jobs would still be there when things calmed down.

  The guys made us come back to the clubhouse... which was the last place I wanted to be.

  “He didn’t have to get involved,” I mumble as Aubrie holds me. I know what’s going to happen. Hector is going to lose his shit. He is going to kill me this time—I know it. And if it isn’t me? He will go after Dax.
br />   “It’s kinda what he does.… He doesn’t like men hurting women,” Aub’s reassures me.

  “You need anything?” I look up at the man that asked the question. He’s cute in his own, grungy way.

  “We’re fine, Stryker. Thanks, though,” Aubrie answers for me. He gives me a sad smile before walking away.

  “What am I going to do, Aubrie? He will show up at the house. I know he will,” I tell her.

  “He won’t if he’s smart.” I close my eyes when I hear Dax speaking behind me.

  “You don’t have to do this. You don’t know him or me for that matter.” I don’t even turn to look at him. I don’t need to.

  “Give us a minute, Aub’s,” he says. Aubrie kisses my cheek before shoving off the couch. Dax leans over my shoulder, his breath tickling my skin.

  “Come with me.” Why my body betrays me is something I will never understand, but I follow his orders. I stand and walk behind him as he leads me down the hallway. I know where this is going. Straight to his room.

  Just like I thought, Dax holds the door open, ushering me inside.

  I quickly sit on the edge of the bed as he closes the door and runs a hand through his hair.

  “I need to know what I’m up against,” he says. I watch him for a second. The way he moves, the way his muscles are corded so tightly, they may snap.

  “Why do this for me?” I ask as he paces. When he finally stops and turns to me, I can see the longing in his eyes.

  “My sister was in an abusive relationship. She was a lot older than me. I was around eleven when she met that prick. He beat her. Raped her. You name it, she took it. It killed me piece by piece to watch her go through that. I couldn’t do shit since I was only a kid. I knew once I got older though—that any motherfucker that hit a female and I knew about it—I’d fuckin’ kill them.” He looks so sad, and lost.

  “What happened to her?” His eyes darken when he looks at me.

  “He killed her.”

  Chapter 23


  Sharing secrets of the past isn’t really the way I wanted to go… but Laura is hard headed. She wouldn’t give in that easily.

  “I’m so sorry, Dax.” She shoves off the bed and straight into my arms, comforting me. Me, of all people.

  “I know he hurts you, Laura.” She pulls back quickly, wiping the tears in her eyes.

  “You don’t know that,” she says. Yeah, I do. She can lie all she wants, but I know what he does to her.

  I reach for her shirt, damn near ripping it off her body. I run my eyes over her delicate skin before I see the bite mark. I suck in a breath before I grab her shoulder and spin her around. Angry bruises mark her back.

  “I saw it in her…. The same look in her eyes, that I see in yours,” I tell her as my fingers graze over the marks.

  “I hated it. I couldn’t save her, though. I regret not doin’ somethin’, every day of my life.” Laura spins to face me, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “I’m not her... and you can’t fix me, Dax. I’m sorry,” she says, reaching for her shirt. I think about letting her… but I don’t.

  Instead, I pull her against me, kissing her with a passion I’ve never felt in my life.

  I don’t know what it is about her that I want a part of.

  My hands wrap around her waist, my fingers trailing over her skin. Laura doesn’t fight me. In fact, she gives in to what she wants. She gives in to temptation. To me.

  Her fingers work to get under my shirt, her nails traveling over my stomach. The air is sucked from my lungs by her hungry kisses.

  I break us apart, only long enough to finish getting her naked, then I’m right back on her, laying her on the bed.

  Trailing kisses down her stomach, she trembles beneath me. I love watching a woman shake and shudder, but there’s something magical about watching Laura.

  “You gonna tell me to stop?” I ask breathlessly as I climb back up her body. My dick screams for a piece of her.

  “No. I don’t want you to stop, Dax. I need to feel like I’m special. Like I’m really wanted.” Her words gut me. I don’t know what kind of asshole I’m dealing with just yet, but I will find out.

  I slide inside of her slowly, letting her take what she needs from me. I’m not usually this slow with any woman—but with her, right now—she needs it and fucking help me—I’m willing to give it.

  Laura digs her nails into my back as I slowly rock into her. Her pussy squeezes me, making me close my eyes. She feels too goddamn perfect.

  “You keep doin’ that and I won’t last long,” I tell her. Laura giggles, clenching tighter.

  “You’re a bad girl, Laura.” Kissing my way up her neck, I lick at her jaw.

  Slow, deliberate strokes, have her cumming in a wave of pleasure. Her eyes close as her head tips back. Her pouty lips, parting.

  “Don’t get comfortable. I ain’t done yet.” I thrust into her rougher.

  Chapter 24


  I spent the last few months at the clubhouse, hanging out with Aubrie when we haven’t been working. I’ve also been fucking Dax every chance I can get. He’s different, though. He isn’t as cocky with me… and I don’t think I like it. He’s going soft for me and that’s not what I liked about him.

  He’s changed over the last few weeks, into something that resembles caring. I don’t need that either. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. I don’t want a man. I need to focus on my life or what’s left of it.

  Hector has kept his distance after the altercation at the diner. Just like Dax said, there has been a prospect on my ass since the day he took me home.

  The kid seems sweet enough. I’m sure it has to be a pain in the ass to sit outside my house and follow me around, but he does it without a word. Dax made sure the house was clear before he took me home. I don’t know where Hector is... and that’s the part that’s bothering me. If he isn’t at my house, he could be anywhere. Watching, waiting. I’m not naive enough to think he just walked away from me. In fact, I know better.

  “Will you stop bouncing your leg like that!” Aubrie laughs as she slaps her hand down on my knee.

  “I’m sorry! I hate these meetings. I always feel like my ass is on the firing line,” I tell her. Monthly meetings are not uncommon, but that is also when they fire people. I do a damn good job so I don’t know why I get so worried about it.

  “As you know, we have new machines and equipment coming in. We have hand selected the best of you to go to Northern California for the training sessions. You will spend a week there learning the protocols. Those of you that have been selected, stay after this meeting and I will get you the information you need. Sylvia, Heather, Nick, Aubrie, Shannon, and Laura.” I listen to the director call my name and my jaw hits the floor. He picked me! I have waited for this day! I never thought he would choose me to go, but I’m so excited he did.

  “We’re going!” Aubrie squeals next to me.

  “Ay Dios Mio! I never thought I’d make the cut.” Aubrie pulls me into a hug.

  “Shut up. You’re an amazing nurse, Laura. Let’s go see what we need to do.” Aubrie grins as she pulls me up next to her. We head to the front with the others when I hear Mitchel’s voice.

  “Laura. Congratulations.” I turn slowly to face him. We haven’t talked since that day at the café.

  “Thank you, Doctor Jonas.” Is the only reply I give him. Dax was right about him. When those guys came up to us at the café, Mitchel slunk away like a little schoolgirl.

  Chapter 25


  My fist connects with this guy’s cheekbone. I hear the crack, and it makes me smile.

  “You ever fuckin’ try to short change us again, I’ll kill your mother!” Roaring at him, I kick him in the side once more for good measure. He grunts on the ground as blood pours from his lip.

  “Your fight not enough, Dax? Takin’ out some rage there?” Stryker nods to the idiot on the ground.

  “Hell, no. T
hat was just a warnin’,” I wink at him. Stryker shakes his head before walking off.

  I have to admit that my mood has been off lately. The club is running smoothly. Drops have been perfect. Other than the occasional dumb ass like Flick here, we haven’t had many problems. Maybe that’s what’s bothering me.

  “You know Bomber has you on that ride this weekend,” Link says as he walks up to me. I nod my head, knowing all about it.

  “Yeah, I’m ready. Any intel?” I ask. As though I needed to. Link is a goddamn genius.

  “Dirty Dust have three spots up north. Their main one is the clubhouse. They keep that motherfucker sealed up like a goddamn tomb. The bar is open, though. I suppose they will meet you there. Nothin’ else looks off to me,” he finishes up as we walk out of the warehouse.

  I pull my gun, placing it to the guy’s head that Kane has smashed up against the wall.

  “Next time I come in this motherfucker to collect, you better have everything. I don’t mind blowin’ your ass straight back to hell.” The growl rips out of me as the idiot nods his head.

  “Did you piss your pants?” I ask, glancing down at the puddle forming at his feet. Kane jumps back when he sees it.

  “What the fuck?” he hollers.

  “You almost got that on my new boots.” I look down making sure he didn’t. Nasty fucker.

  “Clean that up. You can’t just leave that there,” I say as I point at the piss. The guy looks at me before looking at the ground.

  “Go on…. Clean it up.” I knock the back of his head before he falls into his own puddle of piss.

  “What the hell has your nuts all bunched up?” Bomber says as he looks at me and then the asshole on the ground.

  “I don’t know, Bomber. My dick’s out of joint,” I huff as I walk away.

  I don’t know what the hell has gotten into me, but I don’t like it. This isn’t me. I’m not like this.

  I’m always one step ahead, one remark ahead. Whatever the fuck it is, I hope this next run sets it straight.


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