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Still Falling (Falling Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Lucia Grace

  She moans. “Told you that you were the sweetest fucking thing. Sweet as fucking candy.”

  Rising to my knees, I push my basketball shorts down my hips before kicking them from my legs. Revealing my rock-hard cock.

  Ace whimpers. Actually fucking whimpers as she stares at my dick. I start to stroke it, giving her a show.

  “You still on the pill, sweetheart?”

  “Never went off of it.”

  “That’s really fucking good. Because I’ve thought of nothing else but my bare dick in the snug heat of your pussy since that one night.”

  I cover her body with mine and rub the head along the slightly swollen lips of her pussy. Wanting nothing more than to thrust right into her, but not wanting to hurt her.

  “Just me?” I ask as I line myself up at her entrance. I don’t need to say any more, she knows what I’m asking.

  “Only ever you,” she whispers. Shattering my resolve.

  “Damn fucking straight,” I grunt as I slowly push in. Her pussy so tight it fights my invasion. I drop a thumb to her clit and slowly circle the slick bundle of nerves.

  Her body relaxes. I pull out just to the head then move in until I bottom out.


  “Jesus fucking Christ, Ace.”

  “Hmmm…” she moans as I thrust.

  Heaven. This has got to be what heaven feels like.

  I slide my hands down her arms before I grab her hands and bring them above her head. Pinning them there, leaving her exposed. “Don’t move them, not once.”

  Her eyes widen slightly but flare with curiosity and need.

  Letting go of her hands, I drag mine down her arms. Goose bumps erupting along her skin in their wake. Once I reach her thighs I grasp them tightly—my fingers dented into her skin—so I can pull her back as I surge forward.

  A stuttered gasp leaves her lips as I groan at how deep I am.

  “Fucking hell, sweetheart. I have never felt anything as a-fucking-mazing as you. Not once. Not ever.”

  I thrust forward again. And again and again. Then I’m pounding into her, and before I know it I feel her nails scraping down my broad shoulders, to my back, to my ass. Where she grabs on and pushes me deeper still.

  “You want more, sweetheart? Is that what has you breaking the rules?” I punctuate my questions with a deep thrust. Hitting her sweet spot with force.

  “God, yes.”

  My balls start to draw up, but I bottom out and stay there. Waiting on her eyes. When her eyelids flutter open and her glazed eyes hit mine, I demand, “My name only.”

  She breathes heavily, her jerky nod causing her full tits to bounce. I lean forward, taking her puckered flesh into my mouth. Biting down as I thrust. Hard.

  “Damon,” she shouts as she explodes. I smile around her nipple as her pussy convulses around my dick.

  Sitting up, I brace my knees wide, pulling her legs open as wide as they will go. I clasp my hands behind each of her knees then push them forward so her thighs almost touch her chest. Never once stopping my thrusts.

  My new angle causes another orgasm to rip through her, triggering mine.

  I thrust and thrust as I continue to release into her. Her body quivers and shakes below me.

  Spent, I collapse next to Ace on the floor. Pulling her onto my chest and rubbing her back.

  “You good, sweetheart?” I ask, still breathing heavy.

  “Mmm…more than,” she breathes out through panting breaths.

  “Mine.” I pull her in tighter.

  “Yours.” She melts into me.

  I smile then sit up. “Wrap your arms and legs around me, baby. Hold on tight.” Then, without warning I stand up, taking Ace with me.

  She squeaks, but holds on. “Where are we going?”

  “Round two.”

  I leave our clothes behind since we won’t be needing them.

  “I’ll be fine, I promise. Now go.” I shoo Cora away from the counter toward the front door.

  Her unsure gray eyes stare up at me as she shuffles away. “But what about Damon?”

  “It’s less than ten minutes. So please…and you let me worry about him.” I smile to ease her worry about having to leave earlier than planned.

  It’s been over a week since Damon finally claimed me as his and gave me a piece of him that I’ve been waiting what seems a lifetime for. He told me that he was mine, but that he couldn’t give up his heart. That he was giving me as much as he could give me. I told him that would be enough. Because I love him enough for the both of us—although I didn’t say that out loud—but I’m hoping somewhere along the way, I can change his mind since he’s owned mine since I was seven years old.

  In the week since we’ve been together, we’ve more often than not fallen asleep together, in his bed or mine, unless he has duty overnight. But even then he either crawls into bed with me, if he comes home during the early hours of the morning, or if he leaves late he’ll carry me into his bed so he knows that I’m surrounded by his sheets, dreaming of him.

  Like that would ever be an issue.

  This last week has been amazing. But it’s also been enlightening. Learning Damon’s quirks and what makes him tick. Finding out he could sing and play guitar nearly knocked me on my butt, I had no idea. His voice is like molten chocolate cake. Rich and dark and so damn good. He has completely swept me off my feet.

  I’ve also found out how much more protective and possessive he could be. I thought he was demanding before. It was nothing compared to now.

  To ease his worries about me being in the coffee shop at night, I told Damon I wouldn’t let Cora leave before he showed up, and I meant it. But when she told me that she had sudden plans that she couldn’t get out of, I ended up letting her go. I love that he cares and wants to keep me safe, more than I probably should, but Teddy hasn’t given me any problems and it’s been a little over two weeks since he’s been out of jail. So letting Cora leave a few minutes before Damon’s supposed to pick me up isn’t a big deal. Plus, there’s no way Teddy could be stupid enough to come after me twice.

  “I promise, Cora. He’ll be fine and I’ll be fine. Just go so you aren’t late, remember?”

  She nods her head, says good-bye, then tells me to stay inside for what has to be the fifth time before she walks out the door.

  I finish up closing procedures before following her out less than five minutes later. Leaving me to wait only another five minutes or so and get some much needed fresh air.

  Everyone thought it would be hard for me to come back to the café after what happened, and to be honest I thought it would be, too. But once I stepped foot back inside it was as if I had never left and nothing had happened.

  Of course my first day back didn’t last long, since Damon went all caveman and hauled me out. But I’ve been back a couple of times in the almost two weeks since that happened, after having my doctor prove that I was fine to work, and promising that I wouldn’t ever work or close by myself again. But what Damon doesn’t know won’t hurt him. I should be able to distract him with a kiss or two, or at least help ease his anger.

  I shake my head, still finding it hard to believe Damon is mine to kiss whenever I want.

  I’m waiting outside on the sidewalk right outside of the café, cell phone in hand, when my skin prickles with goose bumps. I’m not that stupid that I’d wander off, knowing I’ll already be hearing it from Damon since nothing gets by him.

  Downside of dating a cop.

  The light breeze has me rubbing my arms before reaching down at my feet for my thick sweater. The weather has been so weird lately that I never know how to dress. The south is known for unpredictable weather, but this season takes the cake. One minute it’s sunny and seventy-five and then the next it’s hovering around freezing.

  As I’m sliding my sweater over my head, a scream rips from my throat when I’m grabbed from the side. A vice-like grip turns my left arm behind my back and pushes my face against the brick wall of the Coffee P

  “Miss me?”

  Oh no. Teddy.

  His alcohol-laden breath hits me in the side of the face as he brings my arm even tighter around my back. The pain in my shoulder has me biting back another scream. I won’t give this asshole the satisfaction of hearing my pain and fear. Not again.

  “I knew if I waited long enough I’d be able to get to you again, darlin’.”

  I gag as he places his lips to my cheek. Before I can tell him to get off of me, I hear a vicious roar from behind us.

  “You no good sorry son of a bitch,” Damon snarls as he comes up behind Teddy and rips him from my back. My body sagging in relief of being freed from the pain of the pressure on my arm and shoulder.

  I turn around to see Damon wrapping his arms around Teddy’s head to put him in a headlock before dropping them into a chokehold. Teddy’s face turns bright red almost instantly.

  I jump back, hand to my chest, my back hitting the brick behind me as Teddy struggles to break free from Damon’s hold. But in Damon’s fury, Teddy doesn’t stand a chance.

  “Ace, call the station. NOW!” Damon yells over Teddy’s sputtered cursing.

  With trembling hands, I dial and connect with the operator, Betty. “Pleasant Beach PD, what’s your emergency?”

  “Betty, it’s Tracey Cole.”

  “What’s wrong, honey?” Worry coats her tone.

  “I need you to send someone. Teddy Wilkes broke his restraining order and attacked me. Damon has him apprehended, but—”

  “Say no more, hon. I’ve dispatched the officer on patrol. He’s five minutes out. Stay on the phone with me though.”

  “Okay.” I swallow over the lump in my throat. Her concerned yet calming tone easing some of my frazzled nerves.

  “Let me—the fuck—go,” Teddy grits between clenched teeth. His hands trying to pry Damon’s arms from the hold he has on him.

  “Not a chance in fucking hell, you stupid cunt. I told you if you ever came near her again I’d make you fucking pay. That you wouldn’t be able to touch her ever again. Didn’t I?”

  When Teddy remains silent, except for his labored breathing and grunts of resistance, Damon tightens his hold and gives him a shake. “Answer me, douche bag. I told you, didn’t I?”

  Instead of speaking his response to Damon, Teddy gives a jerky nod and a grunt.

  “That’s fucking right.” Then quicker than lightning, Damon executes a move that would put a UFC fighter to shame. Twisting his body sideways, he pulls his arms from Teddy’s neck, but somehow gets Teddy’s arms wrapped up and behind his back. A loud pop and crack explodes around us before Teddy’s scream of agony follows.

  I gasp audibly at the vicious act, causing Damon to look over Teddy’s head at me. Just as he goes to say something, a police car with its sirens blaring comes to a screeching halt along the sidewalk next to us.

  I hear Betty say my name and then tell me she’s hanging up since she heard the officer arrive on scene. I thank her before putting my phone in my purse.

  Officer Silas Thompson rushes from his cruiser, gun in hand, aiming at a screaming Teddy and a calm Damon. “Miles, step back. And you, douche bag, arms where I can see them.”

  I watch a sinister smirk slide across Damon’s full lips. “He may have an issue there,” he replies, stepping back, causing Teddy to crumple to the ground in agony.

  “Christ, Miles,” Silas grits out. “What the fuck did you do, man? Captain is going to have your ass.”

  I start to panic, thinking Damon could lose his job or at the very least be reprimanded, but Damon squashes that thought.

  “He told me I’d be in trouble if I pulled shit while in uniform, he said nothing about protecting my girl when she’s being fucking attacked. So stop your bitching and just cuff the bastard.”

  Silas gives a curt nod and takes out his cuffs. Slapping them on Teddy, who’s still writhing in pain on the ground.

  Damon notices my labored breathing and frantic look, then rushes over. “Fuck, sweetheart. I’m sorry. Shhh, Ace. It’s okay. I’ve got you.” His strong arms and soothing tone instantly have comfort washing over me.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.” I manage to get out between my chattering teeth, caused by both the cold wind and shock. I can’t seem to control it.

  When he pulls me in tighter, I wince slightly and he notices. He eases up on his hold but keeps his arms around my back, biting back a curse as he whispers in my ear, “Where did he hurt you, sweetheart?” I can tell by his tone he is trying exceptionally hard to remain calm.

  “I’m okay. I swear I’m okay.” I swallow past the lump of fear that’s quickly diminishing with Damon holding me. “He mostly caught me by surprise. And you made it in time before he could really do anything.”

  He steps back from me, taking his warmth with him, so he can look into my eyes. My rambling not getting by him.

  “My shoulder,” I say softly. “He had my arm at a weird angle, so it’s my shoulder.”

  “Let’s get you to the hospital.” Grabbing my hand, he doesn’t give me a chance to speak. He walks me over to the cab of his truck, opens the passenger door to lift me in and buckle me up, then places a soft, lingering kiss to my lips. Breathing in deep as if he’s breathing me in to stay calm.

  Once he pulls away, and pecks my lips once more, he slams the door, walks over to Silas and another officer—Brinley, I think—and talks with them for less than a minute.

  The hard, angry set of his jaw and eyes don’t let up even as he turns away, jumps into the truck, and drives off.

  He doesn’t seem to calm down until he’s had me checked over in the emergency room. The doctor prescribes me with a mild painkiller and instructs me to ice then heat my shoulder for the next few days.

  Once I’m discharged, Damon drives me straight home, strips me from my clothes before sliding one of his too-big tees over my head, then tucks me into bed, his bed, and curls me up against his big, hard body.

  As the quiet, dark surrounds us, I feel Damon shift, then I’m moved to my back. I can just barely make out the hazel of his eyes in the dim moonlight.

  “I’ve only ever been that scared one other time in my life, Ace.” His whispered words like a dagger to my heart.

  My head starts spinning, thinking he’s finally going to open up to me and reveal some of the dark past he speaks of. But then he twists the dagger further with his next whispered words.

  “Both times involved you, baby.” My eyelids slide closed as tears build behind them. I never knew that my attack affected him so much. That seeing me like that pained him so deeply. “Fuck. You have no idea how fucking scared I was to roll up and see that fucker on you. Pinning you up to the wall. It took everything in me not to grab my gun and blow his fucking head off right then.”

  His breathing turns hard as he relives what happened tonight. And probably what he saw that night last month.

  I lift both hands to his stubbly cheeks. Bringing his head down so he’s forced to look at me and so I can see him better through the dark.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, before placing a gentle kiss to his cheek.

  “But I’m okay.” Another kiss to his nose and forehead.

  “I’m right here.” Then another to his other cheek.

  “And I’m not going anywhere.” Before I can place my lips to his, he’s growling and dropping his head to claim the kiss I was about to give him.

  Hungry and heated and comforting. We kiss and we kiss. Nothing more. But nothing else is needed.

  After minutes that could have been hours, Damon releases my kiss-swollen lips. Both of us panting into the quiet night.

  After placing one more kiss to my lips then my forehead, Damon tucks me back into his side. My head against his chest. His arms wound tight around me, careful of my aching shoulder. And we just hold each other.

  As my mind and body start to relax from the chaos of today, and the passion of that kiss, all I can think is how relieved I am to finally p
ut this all behind us so we can move forward.


  Cora was frantic when she realized what happened after she left the Coffee Press the other night. Tears filled her sad eyes. Going as far as blaming herself because she didn’t insist harder on staying with me. I quickly squashed any guilt she was feeling because it was absolutely, positively not her fault. I should have listened to Damon and took the threat of Teddy to heart. It was my own foolish stubbornness and pride that put me at risk.

  But I can put that whole fiasco behind me now for good because Teddy is sure to leave me alone. Behind bars for the time being for breaking his restraining order, with another one in place. Along with probation and his daddy’s word that his son will leave me alone—he’s now well aware of what will happen to him if he tries again. Because Damon will surely kill him this time.

  And because of all of that I’m not worried one bit. I know it’s all put to rest and behind us now.

  I just thank God that Damon was there this time.

  He saved me.

  Gosh, do I love that man.

  I haven’t told him yet. I’ve come so close so many times. But I’m afraid what that will do to our relationship if I do. I’ve just got him; I can’t risk losing him already. And I know telling him I love him would be the biggest risk I could take.

  I shake my head of my thoughts as we leave one store to head into another. The girls and I are Christmas shopping at a mall in the city. Trying to get our last minute shopping done since there are only a few weeks left until Christmas.

  When I look up I see we made it to Victoria’s Secret so Ember can check off a gift or two for Kayson. Walking around the store, I stop next to the girls who are looking at a rack of nighties.

  Sam looks over at me, waggling her eyebrows as she fingers the delicate lace of a black one. It’s sheer, short, and barely would cover anything. “Now this would drive Officer Dimples wild!” she exclaims. Causing heads to turn our way to witness the blush I can feel creeping over my cheeks and neck.

  “Would you keep it down please?” I hear Ember, Cora, and Amber giggling over my embarrassment.


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