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Still Falling (Falling Series Book 2)

Page 15

by Lucia Grace

  “You like this, sweetheart? Huh? You like me fucking you like a wild animal?”

  She nods her head, then looks over her right shoulder. Watching my large form behind her. Reaching forward, I grab a fistful of her long, wildly messy hair and give it a tug. Bringing her up on her knees so I can kiss her full mouth.

  My rhythm never stops. Not when I’m kissing her. Not when I’m pushing her back down, left cheek to the pillow.

  When I’m close again, and Ace is almost there, I lean over her back and bring two of my fingers to her mouth. “Suck,” I command and she listens. Sucking my pointer and middle fingers into the warmth of her wet mouth. When my fingers are good and wet I pull them from her mouth and drag them down between her tits, over the softness of her stomach, and down to her clit. Circling slowly.

  “Oh God,” she moans out long and loud.

  “Not ‘God’, sweetheart. Use my name.”


  “That’s—fucking—right.” I push out between my teeth. My balls starting to draw up while the base of my spine starts to tingle.

  Her pussy starts to flutter lightly around my dick and I know she’s about to lose it and bring me over with her.

  Before she has the chance to explode, I slow my pace and bring my fingers, covered in her juices, to the crack of her ass. Lubing her up.

  “Wh—what—” she starts to ask when my middle finger circles her forbidden area.

  I cut her off. “Trust me, Ace.” She nods her head even though I didn’t ask her a question.

  When I feel her body relax again, I start my pounding rhythm and slowly insert my finger into the tight ring of her ass.

  She tenses slightly, but then I drop my left hand to her pussy, circling her clit in small, tight movements, causing her to relax all over again.

  I keep pushing forward until I hit my middle knuckle then start moving it in and out, going deeper with each push. My finger quickly gaining the same bruising momentum as my dick in her pussy.

  After three more strokes, I roughly hit her sweet spot at the same time as my finger bottoms out, and she detonates. Screaming through her orgasm, taking me right along with her.

  My dick pulses as I release into her. Her pussy convulsing around my shaft, prolonging my release.

  We’re a tangled mess of panting breaths and pounding hearts when we collapse into a heap on the mattress. As soon as I land on Ace’s back I roll off onto mine and drag her across my chest. Her bare tits hot against my skin.

  “That was…”

  “I know,” I pant before licking my lips. “Merry fucking Christmas.”

  She snorts a laugh as I chuckle, pulling her tighter against me. My arms wrapped tight around the greatest gift I’ll ever be given.

  Now I just need to figure out how I’m going to keep her without fucking up.

  I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy in all of my life. What started as a terrifying time in my life, turned into the greatest thing to ever happen to me. Because it brought Damon and I together. And ever since I was a little girl, that’s all I’ve ever wanted.

  Now we’re living together. Spending all of our time together. It feels like we’re making a future together. Despite Damon’s reluctance to have a relationship, and his refusal to offer up his love, I’ve never been happier. I have enough love for the both of us, and even though that may not be the healthiest outlook to have, it’s the truth.

  It’s now the first week of January. We spent the night of New Year’s Eve ringing in the new year with our friends at Ember and Kayson’s house where he gave me a delicious kiss. Then we went home and spent the morning exploring each other. From head to toe.

  Now it’s the evening of my last follow-up doctor’s appointment and that’s where I find us now. And yes, us, because Damon wouldn’t let me come alone. Something about wanting to make sure I didn’t leave anything out. Both when talking to the doctor about my recovery and when reiterating everything back to him after the appointment. I just rolled me eyes, told him he was absurd and that I was fine, but my tummy fluttered at his kindness all the same.

  He was really taking this relationship business seriously.

  “Her headaches are minimal now. She doesn’t limp anymore. Her arm isn’t sore anymore. And all her bumps and bruises have healed finally.” Damon ticks off on his fingers.

  “I can talk you know.” I glare at Damon. Who just looks at me like well then, start talking.

  Dr. Rask chuckles. “Well, that’s good to hear, Tracey. I’m glad to know your recovery has gone smoothly. I know the first couple of weeks were hard on you and your body, and that the latest setback earlier in the month didn’t help things.” A knowing look crossing his face.

  He’s referring to Teddy’s second attack, when he sprained my shoulder.

  I nod at his assessment. “But I’m fine now.” I stress the word as I turn to glare at Damon. “So please tell this big fella that he doesn’t need to baby me anymore.”

  Dr. Rask chuckles. “Well, let’s get this exam underway so I can make a valid case on your behalf.”

  “Thank you,” I respond and punctuate with a nod.

  Damon just shakes his head.

  Dr. Rask starts by asking questions about my headaches, which I confirm are few and far between. He then moves on to check my shoulder and ribs, having me twist and turn about, before moving down to my healed ankle. To which I assure him that even after almost three full months of recovery I’m still taking breaks at work and not overdoing it. Per his orders.

  Once he’s checked me over he nods in satisfaction. “Well, all does seem to check out, Tracey. Your ribs are all healed. No more bruising there. Your ankle looks great. Full mobility and no swelling at all. Your headaches, being so minimal and not so frequent, aren’t much of a concern anymore either. And your shoulder is completely fine. So all in all, I say you’re back in working order.” His eyes crinkle at the sides. His gray hair shining bright under the fluorescent lights, highlighting the bright blue of his still youthful eyes.

  I smile in return. “Thank you, Dr. Rask.”

  He’s still smiling as he responds. “No problem, Tracey. Glad to see you’re healing and doing well. And that you’ve got a great caregiver.” Now he’s smirking as he glances over at Damon.

  My face heats. But a smile stretches wide across my lips. “Yeah,” I breathe. Damon sure does know how to treat me right, that’s for sure.

  Damon smirks, both dimples denting his cheeks, and in an instant I’m ready to go home and let him do all the dirty things his heated gaze promises.

  Home. The longer I stay with Damon, the more I feel like his place, with him, is exactly that.

  I just hope he feels the same way.

  Dr. Rask bids his farewell as Damon stands by the open door the doctor just exited. “Ready, sweetheart?”

  I stand and start walking toward his outstretched hand, my heart beating double time at the look on his face, but before I make it to him we’re interrupted.

  I should have known things were too good to be true.

  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Officer Miles in the flesh. I must say, out of uniform you look just as good as in it.” The blonde smirks, ignoring my presence altogether. Eyes locked on Damon who’s looking right through her as if he doesn’t know who she is.

  That doesn’t deter her. And doesn’t save me.

  “My favorite though would have to be of you in nothing at all.” She waggles her eyebrows as her tongue snakes out to lick her overly glossed, Botox-injected lips.

  Damon casts a quick glance down at me at his side, trying to snatch my hand, but I keep mine clasped together in front of me.

  “Whoa. Do I know you?” He scratches his head. It would be almost comical if my stomach wasn’t churning at what this little run-in means. She’s slept with him. And now she’s going to rub it in my face.

  “I think you know me pretty damn well, big boy.” Her eyes scan him from head to toe, lingering on his groin.<
br />
  Who is this woman? And at work? Talking like this, where anyone can hear her. I look around the hallway behind her to make sure no one is in earshot.

  My blood starts to boil and embarrassment has heat flaring from my neck up into my cheeks.

  “Look, I’m not sure who you are—”

  “Who I am?” She interrupts what Damon was saying, sounding incredulous that he actually wouldn’t remember her. “I’m Marci. From Smoke. We slept together about four months ago. You said it was the best sex of your life.”

  Bile starts to rise at her comment but I swallow it down. I’m itching to leave. To push pass them and walk out, but for some reason I can’t make my feet move.

  “Now that’s fucking bullshit,” Damon scoffs. Not caring that we’re in the middle of my doctor’s office judging by his tone. “Even if I had remembered you, I would never have told you that you were the best sex of my life. And since I can’t figure out who the fuck you are, I can safely say it definitely wasn’t.”

  Damon looks to me, apologizing with his eyes. The look doing nothing to repair my battered heart.

  “Who the hell are you? His latest flavor of the week?” Marci’s angry tone has me looking from Damon to her. “You know, he fucks and dumps. That’s it. One night and then you’re gone. So don’t feel special just because he’s carting your ass around. He won’t be sticking around after he’s had what you have to offer.”

  I cannot believe this is happening right now. A good day ruined.

  “Hey, watch your fucking tone with my girl,” Damon growls out. “You have a problem with me, fine. But she’s done nothing to you, so leave her the fuck alone.”

  “I should have known you’d be a prick,” she hisses.

  “Yeah, well apparently, my dick didn’t care that you’re a bitch.”

  I scoff out in disgust and Damon shuts his mouth, realizing his mistake too late.

  My feet finally decide to move as I push past Marci. Needing to get as far away from her and this situation as possible.

  I hear Damon tell her that she better stay the hell away from us before his heavy footsteps pound after me.

  “Ace, sweetheart…” He tries to grab my arm but I wrench it away.

  “Don’t touch me,” I whisper through clenched teeth as I walk up to the receptionist’s desk to check out. Damon raises his hands in surrender and steps back, giving me space.

  As soon as I’ve paid my co-pay, I spin from the receptionist, push past Damon, and head for the door. Once outside, I take a much-needed breath of the cool evening air. I had one of the last appointments of the day, so it’s almost nightfall now. I shake my head, still not believing what just happened.

  “Tracey, look at me.” Snapping me from my thoughts, I open my eyes to see Damon standing in front of me.

  I lift my eyes to his, trying my hardest to hide my disgust and how upset I am. She was from his past, I know I have no right to be so upset, but damn it, I am. Anyone would be if a random from their partner’s past was thrown in their face.

  “Will you please fucking talk to me?” He looks almost desperate, panicked.

  I plaster on a smile, not wanting to do this here. To cause another scene. “I’m fine.” I breathe out a deep breath, trying to believe it, then walk around him and head the few steps to his truck.

  Stopping at the passenger side, he spins me to him then asks, “You’re sure?” He’s skeptical. As he should be, because I’m not fine at all.

  “Yup,” I simply reply. “Let’s just get back.”

  Not even able to use the word home without it leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

  The car ride is silent. Damon tried to place his hand to my thigh like he always does when he’s driving, but I couldn’t stand his touch. Not after that woman had to put that vision of her and Damon together in my head. Logically, I know it isn’t his fault, that he can’t help what other people do, but damn it, if the bastard didn’t sleep with all of Pleasant Beach then this wouldn’t have happened.

  The nerve of that woman, in her workplace no less, to say the things she said. In front of me.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts when Damon pulls into the driveway at his house. Funny how just a few moments ago I was thinking of his house as my home and one altercation can change that feeling in an instant.

  He puts his truck in park and turns to me like he’s going to say something. But he’s too late because I’m already unbuckled and jumping down from the cab.

  “Ace…goddamn it.” I barely hear from behind me. His deep voice muffled by the door and distance separating us.

  I shake my head. Stomping up the stairs to get away from him as quickly as possible. Furious at him and myself.

  Him for being such a manwhore.

  And me for being in love with said manwhore. Damn it.

  “Would you just fucking wait a second,” he growls out. Hot on my tail.

  I rip my keys from my purse and unlock the front door. Trying to slam it behind me, but I don’t even get the satisfaction because he caught up to me before it could close.

  But he slams it loud enough for the both of us.

  “Would you care to explain what the hell is the matter with you?” He asks so matter-of-factly that I’m afraid my head is going to explode, I’m so mad.

  “Would you care to explain what the hell is the matter with you,” I mock back. Not giving a rat’s ass that I sound like I’m five and not almost twenty-two years old.

  “Real mature,” he deadpans. Holding his position by the door while I pace the living room.

  “Fuck maturity.” I stop long enough to glare at him before stomping into the kitchen. I barely make it to grab a bottle of water before I’m spinning around, stomping back, and jabbing my finger in his direction.

  “You know you have a lot of fucking nerve to ask me what’s wrong when it should be clear as fucking day to you. Especially considering you’re a goddamn police officer.”

  Seeming to have had enough, he heaves a breath before exploding. “Well, sorry I’m not Sherlock fucking Holmes. But did you or did you not tell me you were fine when we left the doctor’s office? You did. So what the fuck is your problem?”

  “I don’t want to be reminded of every girl you’ve ever screwed whenever we go out. That’s my problem!”

  He tries to take a step toward me, understanding clear as day covering his features, but I hold up my hand to ward off his approach. I don’t want his hands on me right now. “Jesus Christ,” he bites out between clenched teeth as he stops in his tracks. “Ace…I’m sorry that fucking happened today. Okay? I am. But you know I have a past…”

  I snort at his lame attempt at an apology and explanation. “I understand you’ve slept with a lot of women, Damon. I’m not ignorant to that. I’ve had a front row seat to your promiscuity my entire damn life. But I don’t appreciate it being thrown in my face. They may not have come right out and called you out, but I see the looks and stares every time we’re out in public together. Their leering and smug looks because they’ve had you first.”

  He huffs a breath then throws his arms out to his sides. “I can’t help what other people do, Ace. Just as much as I can’t help what I did in the past. But it’s exactly that, the past.”

  “How would you feel if some random guy came up to us and made comments like that slutty little nurse did back there? Huh?” I stand my ground and cross my arms over my chest.

  His mouth snaps shut. Jaw clenching tight. He knows where I’m going with this line of questioning.

  “That’s what I thought. It would kill you, despite how casual you want to make out what’s going on between you and me. It would still fucking kill you to get a visual of me and someone else together.”

  “Stop.” He’s breathing hard now. Chest heaving.

  “Not a pleasant thought, is it? Now imagine that being my everyday life. At work. Grocery shopping. When I’m with you. When I’m not. The looks and whispers never stop. Neither does the highlight reel of you
sleeping with each and every one of them.”

  “What the fuck do you want me to do? I can’t change my past just as much as I can’t control other people’s actions.”

  “Do you regret it? Any of it?” I’m hoping he’ll tell me he wishes he could go back in time and change his manwhoring ways. But he’s never once said that or seemed to even regret how many women he’s slept with.

  He just looks at me. Eyes taking on a faraway look before he really sees me. “Regret what?” he rasps.

  “All of the girls and women. Sleeping with so many of them. Do you regret it?”

  He gives a rough shake of his head and looks away from me. His jaw pulsing under the stubble on his cheeks.

  “You don’t, do you?” I shake my head in disappointment. “Here I am, waiting for you to tell me that if you could you’d go back in time and erase at least most of those women. Maybe not all, but most. Hoping you’d give me a reason or some insight. But you can’t. Or won’t. Because you don’t regret it.”

  Tears threaten to spill, but I hold them back.

  “I can’t.” I think I hear him say. He clears his throat. “But I am sorry about what happened today. That bitch had no right making a scene and coming at you like that. And I’m sorry for all the other bullshit, too. You should never be made to feel anything less than the perfection you are.” Sadness covers his face. Along with something that looks a lot like…shame? “But I can’t regret those years.”


  His eyes are still on me. But they’ve lost some of their softness at my question.

  “Why can’t you regret it? After we’ve finally had some time together, you must see how right we are. Don’t you? So how can’t you regret all of those other women that separate me from you? Why?”

  I didn’t understand it when it was happening. I knew in my six-year-old brain that it wasn’t right, but I never knew why, and I never knew how to stop it.

  He told me not to tell. That no one would believe me even if I did. He told me this only happened to bad little boys. Dirty little boys. That I was asking for it. So I tried to be good, tried to stay clean, but it kept happening anyway. After a while his gentle touches became rough demands. If I cried it spurred him on. If I was quiet he demanded more.


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