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Ultimatum: Graham Pack Mates, Book 3

Page 9

by Annmarie McKenna

  Glowing eyes turned his way. A normal man would have been freaked. Derek was used to it, though, having seen it in both Caelan’s and Eli’s eyes a time or two, give or take a few hundred. His soon-to-be quasi brother-in-law didn’t scare him with his voodoo stuff. Made him a little jealous from time to time, but scared? No.

  “What the hell are you doing?” The glow faded to reveal the darker brown color more normal to human hues.

  Derek moved closer. “Just announcing my arrival. Didn’t want to be the recipient of those teeth.”

  “Trust me, you aren’t something I would ever sink my teeth into.”

  With a snort Derek knelt next to Caelan and wondered what he’d found. Looked pretty much like a bunch of rotting leaves on the forest floor to him.

  “You just missed her,” Caelan said, shifting the leaves as if they were made of spun glass instead of…leaf.



  “Yeah? I thought she was safely ensconced at work.” He didn’t like hearing she was out in the open while a potential stalker had her in his sight. He scoffed. What the hell was he thinking? She’d been here with Caelan. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

  “Turns out the woman attacked here last night was a girlfriend of one her coworkers.” Caelan stopped poking around and sighed. “She thought she might find something out here.”

  “Why the hell did she do a fool thing like that?” Fuck. His stomach twisted in acknowledgment of what could have happened to her. The asshole who’d attacked the woman could have been hanging around still. She could have been in the same predicament as the other woman, only this time Derek didn’t think the shithead would have made the mistake of leaving a witness. Especially not when he discovered he was dealing with another shifter who could ID him.

  Damn fool little wolf. He’d have to have a word with her tonight about how unsafe it was for her to be out wandering around, not only alone but in the same place another woman had been raped.

  Tonight? When had he decided he’d see her tonight?

  About five seconds after she left your bed.

  Of course, making her feel like a stupid little girl who couldn’t take care of herself probably wouldn’t win him any points. Derek mentally thumped his chest. Me, caveman. You, woman with no brain. Must look after you.

  Caelan grunted. “I did try to make her see the insanity of coming alone.”

  “And did she?”

  “I think so. I expect Matthews will be calling in any minute to tell me she isn’t at the office.”

  “Maybe I should start this job now.” He had a very nice idea of how to keep her otherwise occupied so she wouldn’t be endangering her sweet backside. The one he hadn’t really had the chance to explore to his fullest desire yet. His plans involved a bed and her body, naked and slick with sweat after he made her come four or five times.

  One of Caelan’s eyebrows rose. “And why is that, Der?”

  Derek covered his heart with a hand and acted affronted. “I’m sure we had this conversation already this morning. And since you already know, o wise swami, I don’t need to elaborate.”

  “I do know. I’m just waiting for one of you two hardheads to tell me outright. You’ve both dodged around it, making me pry it out.”

  “So are you mad that we didn’t come to you after our one…er…date, or that it’s me and her instead of her and whoever?”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Hey, I may not be able to pick out my mate for life in a room full of women—you know, that whole mate shit woo-woo thing you got going on—but I can tell a hot woman when I see one. And Paige is one fine woman. It was all completely consensual.” Very consensual. He wanted to get consensual again very soon too.

  “Oh yeah?”


  Caelan shrugged and returned to his study of the ground. “I guess I wouldn’t know if she was hot or not. Paige is my cousin.”

  “Damn,” Derek mock groaned. It figured she wouldn’t be just one of the pack. “Is this your way of saying, ‘Back the hell off, she’s not your type’?”

  “You don’t have a problem with her being a shifter?”

  “Hey. I think you know I have no prejudices against other species. Especially when they look like your cousin.”

  Caelan stood and brushed his hands on his jeans. Derek was sure the gesture was meant to intimidate, but he laughed and stood himself, matching his friend’s height.

  “And to think. I was going to introduce you to her before all this shit started anyway.”

  That threw him. “You were?” Derek followed Caelan as he tracked whatever it was he’d found on the ground and waited for him to divulge.

  “Remember, I said she’s the one you’re walking down the aisle? You would have met sooner or later.”

  Derek stopped. “No, you never said that. You said she’d be at the rehearsal dinner, that I would meet her there. You never said I’d be her escort. Sweet.” He’d get to touch her again. He could definitely handle having his hands on her. Maybe the whole wedding deal wouldn’t be such a drag after all. “Tell me more about her. She have any weird habits I should know about?”

  “You mean you don’t know all?” Caelan gasped. “I can smell her all over you and you all over her. Seems to me you’ve gotten past the ‘I wonder if she’s weird’ stage.”

  “We didn’t get around to talking too much, if you know what I mean. I think the only thing I can safely say is she’s got no aversion to sex. Other than that…”

  Caelan gave him a calculated look. “She turns into a werewolf after fucking her lesbian lovers. Weird enough?”

  Derek clapped his hands. “Only the lesbian ones? Perfect. We should get along fabulously.”

  “Do you ever think about anything else?”

  “Yep. I’m still wondering what my little wolf techno geek thought she could do at a crime scene.”

  “I’m sure calling Paige your little wolf techno geek will charm her right out of her clothes.”

  Derek grinned. “Don’t worry, I had no problem in that department.”

  “You’ve been without a woman too long, I think. You hurt Paige and I’ll kill you.”

  Offended, Derek turned serious. “I’ve never hurt a woman in my life.” Especially with what had happened to Nikki not so long ago. First she’d been nearly raped by a group of thugs; then, after she escaped, they’d run her down and forced her off the road, almost killing her. “You’re one of the last people I would have thought would question my integrity when it comes to treating a woman with the utmost respect.”

  “I’m not talking about physically hurting her, you dumb shit. I know your track record with women. You’re a love ’em and leave ’em kind of guy. Somehow I don’t think Paige is into that sort of thing.”

  “You were too at one point.”

  “Touché.” Caelan trekked off, his voice trailing after him. “Just don’t forget about the whole mate woo-woo shit.”

  What the hell did that mean? Derek wasn’t under any delusions. He understood Paige would someday find her mate, and when she did, he’d be a thing of the past really damn quick. He popped his neck to release the sudden tension taking over there.

  Shit. He didn’t want her to drop him like a bad habit. He hadn’t nearly had his fill of the little wolf.

  And suddenly he couldn’t imagine his future without her.

  Damnable woo-woo.

  Caelan interrupted his train of thought. “I’ve followed his trail to here and lost it. Must be where he shifted, but I’ve got nothing scent-wise. It’s like he didn’t have one.” He shoved his fingers through his hair. “Somehow we’re going to have to talk to the victim. And I think I know someone who might be able to help.”



“Which brings us back to my question of why she was here.”

  Caelan extracted his keys from a front pocket. “I told you. She works with the victim’s boyfriend. She had some harebrained idea to come and snoop around, you know, try and find something for herself. I guess she was a wee bit excited about the hunt—completely in her nature, so I can’t really fault her. But anyway, Chase over at the station had already called me this morning, so I knew about it before she contacted me. Damn good thing I knew too, because when I got here she was so lost in her own head, she didn’t even realize I was here.”

  “Sounds like she needs a keeper,” he muttered. Or a mate. Damn. He wanted the job. Pick me, pick me.

  “I think she’d create another hole in your ass if she heard you say that.”

  “Hmm. Interesting.”

  Caelan snorted. “I got nothing here.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ll talk to Paige later today. Maybe she can get me in to see the vic somehow.”

  “Where do you want me?”

  “Do I look like I have a death wish?”

  Derek eyed him up and down, sizing him up. “Nope.”

  “I don’t. If I give you another assignment right now, Nikki’ll have my head on a platter. She doesn’t seem to give a damn that her soon-to-be brother-in-law is the leader of a pack of shape-shifting wolves.” He gave a mock shudder. “She scares me.”

  “Aw, she’s all fluff. Give her some chocolate and she’ll be eating from the palm of your hand.” He turned when Caelan did and headed back toward the parking lot. “So, about Paige.”

  Caelan’s head dropped back. “Matthews is watching her today. Isn’t tomorrow early enough for you to see her again? Hell, you’ll even get to touch her.” He stopped walking. “On second thought, maybe you shouldn’t touch her. A church isn’t the best place for you and your libido to be together, and if the smell emanating from the both of you is anything to go by, there should be no touching involved. In fact, maybe you should go see her tonight. Right now would be better. Get your hormones in check before the church so you two aren’t slobbering all over each other the entire time and ruining things for your sister. Tell Matthews you’re taking over for him.”

  “Good idea.” He winked. “Wouldn’t want to face Nik’s wrath. I think I’ll try and talk Paige into dinner tonight.” Then perhaps they could talk about his new job.


  Chapter Five

  “Please God, tell me those aren’t the dresses we’re wearing for the wedding,” Paige muttered to herself and gaped at the frilly, ruffly, froo-froo, very pink dresses hanging near the fitting rooms. If they were, she might have to decline being a fill-in for Nikki’s original choice of bridesmaid. Looking at the yards of bubblegum-colored taffeta, she decided the girlfriend had most likely broken her leg on purpose. Paige would have. Anything to get out of wearing one of the hideous concoctions.

  “Yay, you’re here.” Paige spun around at the sound of Nikki’s voice and plastered a look of pure joy on her face. Nikki gave her a bear hug, squeezing her tight enough to break her ribs. Paige grunted from the force and hugged her friend back.

  They hadn’t known each other for long, but Paige had instantly liked the human woman and still did. They’d become fast friends.

  Paige lifted her chin from Nikki’s shoulder to see Eli standing by—always on guard, protecting his mate—scratching his head like he’d rather be anywhere but in a dress shop. With good reason. This was no place for a man. Hell, it was no place for her either.

  She turned just enough to see the dresses out of the corner of her eye and sighed. Especially when one had to be so close to those things. She would rather walk down the aisle naked than be stuffed into one of those. At least no one would laugh at her, since most of the guests would be shifters and already knew what she looked like in her birthday suit. In all her glory.

  She much preferred the way Derek thought of her. Wet panties, here I come.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.” Nikki released Paige from her death grip and stepped back.

  “Good Lord, tell me those aren’t the dresses you picked out, woman.” Caelan stepped into the fray, crowding the quickly shrinking space, but mirroring Paige’s sentiments exactly. Thank God he’d been the one to say out loud what she’d been thinking. Tieran slapped his arm and shouldered her way past him to stand next to Nikki.

  They both stared at the wall the same way Paige had done. Nikki crossed her arms and shifted her weight to one foot.

  “What’s wrong with them?” Nikki said dejectedly, and Paige’s heart sank with the hurt she heard in her tone.

  Shit. Shit, shit, shit. This could not be happening. But sure enough, when she looked up, Nikki’s chin wobbled and her eyes were glassy. Damn. Now she really thanked God she hadn’t been the one to say anything out loud. She could pretend to love the damn dress even if it killed her.

  She turned with dread again and hoped they somehow looked more appealing this time around.

  Not even if you squinted.

  Tieran snorted, then laughed outright. Paige swung around to see her bent at the waist, hands on hips, laughing uncontrollably. Nikki’s face fell next. Her mock sadness broke into a shit-eating grin and then she too was laughing. The scene was infectious and Paige found herself not only sighing in big, fat, huge relief, but smiling with them.

  So she’d been had. Eli pressed his front to Nikki’s back and massaged her shoulders. His lips traveled from her ear down her neck and into the crook of her shoulder. He teased the area where he’d marked her as his mate. Paige couldn’t stop watching. It made her tummy flop over with warmth and her skin tingle.

  She’d done that too; marked her mate with her teeth. Now she had to do so with her words. He was hers, damn it. And the sooner he knew it, the better.

  “Nikki-Raine,” Eli murmured, “if those had been your dresses, I would have left you standing at the altar.”

  Nikki gasped and rounded on him, swinging her fist at his chest. He chuckled and grasped her fist in his hand, pulled it to his lips and kissed along her knuckles.

  Paige felt like a voyeur, but she couldn’t turn away. She wanted what they had. A mate who would cherish her above all else and leave her with the same dreamy look Nikki had right now. God, please let Derek understand.

  Tieran cleared her throat. “Either go in one of the fitting rooms or wait till you get home, would ya?”

  Nikki jerked away from her fiancé. “Damn. You make me crazy. Go away.” She shooed both men away with her hand. “We’ll be fine right here.”

  Neither twin looked happy to be leaving their mates, but they did so, obviously reluctantly.

  “It’s not like we can go anywhere,” Tieran called after them. She faced Paige. “What do they think we’re gonna do? Sneak out a back door and go have ourselves a girls’ night out?”

  Nikki cocked her head and glanced thoughtfully at the ceiling. “Sounds good to me. You think we could pull it off?”

  “Probably for about five minutes,” Paige grumbled. With the way werewolves could track a scent, they’d be lucky to make it out to the corner before the boys caught up, growling and snarling when they got there.

  Nikki deflated. “I guess you’re right. But it sounded like a good idea at the time.”

  Normally it would sound like an excellent idea. But spending the night in bed with Derek sounded way better. Paige fisted her hands and forced herself to stay put instead of running out and hunting the man down. Lord, she hoped she hadn’t ruined things between them by taking off like a scared little ninny last night.

  “Here we go, ladies.” An older, tired-looking woman bustled in, a stack of blue fabric in her arms. She stood on tiptoes to reach the hook beside the pink fluff and hung them up.

  Yards of shiny, iridescent, navy-blue material cascaded to the floor in two elegant sheaths. Paige couldn’t help b
ut to reach out and touch one, to feel for herself the slippery soft…whatever it was. Silk? It would shimmer around her bare skin like silk even if it wasn’t. They were beautiful.

  And looked a mile long. She groaned. There was no way the dress would fit her. Not having originally been meant for someone about four inches taller than her own five-six.

  “These are beautiful, Nikki.”

  “You like?” Nikki grinned and pulled one of them down from the hook to hold up in front of Paige.

  “They look absolutely stunning on. Wait till you see,” Tieran commented.

  “Yeah, maybe if I were taller.” Paige took hold of the dress and twirled the skirt. Nikki held it at her shoulders, and the dress trailed on the ground for what seemed like forever. She’d trip and break her neck. Not even her shifter healing properties would fix a broken neck.

  “Nope, you’ll look fantastic. Especially with all that long blonde hair curtaining over your back. Ooh, or maybe in an up-do with little curls hanging down, and with those blue eyes of yours…” Nikki agreed with Tieran. “Besides, Marissa promised she could take some of the length off. It’ll be perfect.”

  “Yes, yes, no problem. I’ll have you pinned up and get it fixed by tomorrow,” the woman, Marissa, insisted.

  Paige wondered how much she’d have to pay for the alterations on top of the dress itself. She could afford it, but to do this late of an alteration must cost a fortune. But it was for a good cause. She smiled. Besides, Derek could help her take it off afterward…

  Oh sheesh, she had it bad.

  “They show a perfect amount of skin too, Paige, and this dark color will look fabulous with your creamy skin,” Tieran added.

  “Don’t know who you’re trying to convince. The dress is beautiful. Let’s get started.” She glanced out the door where the men had retreated. Hopefully someday Derek would be standing out there waiting on her.

  “Then take off your clothes, woman.” Tieran slipped her shirt up and over her head and toed off her shoes. “We won’t get far with you standing there deep in thought.” She tucked herself into one of the three cubicles.


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